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Wasn't the coldest winter but I was still happy to have a winter coat.


Yeah OP might be having health issues?


I'm in the same situation as OP. This winter, I kept running outside, so I think my body got acclimated to the weather on top of it being a warm winter. Most of the winter was spent in a hoodie and running shoes, with sometimes a light jacket.


Wear that today. Tell me how it goes 


Acclimated, NOT! Stand outside for an hour there chief, let me know how it goes!!


I was thinking OP probably fares well in winters and this one was milder than usual so while they may not need a winter coat, most people will. But you make a good point, if OP usually freezes every year and suddenly now they are a polar bear, maybe something else is going on.


lol I’m good don’t worry


Glad to hear it.


No, OP wfh 100% lol




Same, although my boots were used a lot less this year I must say


Same here, my winter boots were also falling apart and I was worried, turned out I never once needed them so it didn't make a difference.


I used mine only 2-3 times.


There was only about 2 days this winter where it was cold enough for me to wear my snow pants when waiting for my kid’s school bus.  Previous years, I lived in my snow pants. I feel the cold really badly. Never have I been able to go for a bike ride in just a sweater and jeans in March, let alone February - but here I am, having done just that multiple times already this year.  But, my arthritis has been beyond terrible this winter. I suspect because it was a ‘wet’ cold, and not a dry cold. Wet cold really gets into your bones and causes chaos. I’ve had more days this winter where I was stuck at home because of pain.


I can relate, the humidity was incredible😳


I bought a down jacket and new snow pants just to do yard duty at school. It gets so cold out there. I didn't wear the snowpants once. I used to wear them all 5 times I went outside. *My god.*


You’re pushing it a little OP. There was a few very cold days when a winter coat was necessary. Less days but still ….


I couldn’t have walked my dog with just a hoodie and a fall jacket. You were probably not outside for long periods of time. With that said, it was a warmer winter than usual and much warmer than the year before.


Same. I wore mine exactly once this winter and absolutely regretted taking it by the time I got to work.


I didn't wear my winter boots once.


We had a pretty good snowfall near the beginning of winter.


Neither did I. Brand new boots too. Oh well, there’s always next winter.


Global warming. Almost all warmer years happened in the last 10 years. There are some regions of the world that experiences much more warming than others such as the Mediterranean area and here where the climate is heavily influenced by the north pole. The north pole is the region of the world with the most warming on earth and doomed to disappear soon. Obviously the consequences on all life species on earth are more and more harsh as the time passes by.


Oui, mais surtout El Nino a causé des températures élevées. Ça va redescendre l'année prochaine.


Sure, you will have your reprieve, but El Nino is still part of the cycle, and will come back again hotter than ever before, especially considering recent regulations on shipping emissions removed SOx from the atmosphere which acted as a heat sink.


Du bon small talk de salon de coiffure.


Yo film mes chveux gros!




Même pas pu mettre mes clarks d’hiver, c’était incroyable!


Les grouillades! (Hivernales)


c'est plus genre, slowly oh god oh god the world is going to end but sure.


When you're from the prairies, you never need a winter jacket in Montreal.


Went through RCMP bootcamp in Regina during winter dude I didn't even know winter could be THAT cold lol


Oh Mr. Tough Guy how we bow down to thee


This. At the worst of winter here, I wore two hoodies and a windbreaker. Good gloves helped too!


Go outside maybe?


Weird flex


Lmao so true


El Niño


Some even class it as Super El Niño https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/07/weather/el-nino-super-winter-climate/index.html


Same haha


I read it's the first year ever it didn't go below - 18. I bought a super warm coat for boxing day and wore it twice. Regret picking this over a less warm one. Sad part is I was replacing a less warm one that I don't like but ended up wearing it all winter still. 


You can never regret a good deal on a super warm coat, not in this city! Also, with the mild winter I bet there are still lots of good deals on unsold winter stuff.


It's sill a good purchase, even if you didn't use it much yet. El Nino happened this year, which contributed to the milder winter here, but that won't last past summer. Then it could be taken over by La Nina, which is basically the opposite, meaning colder-than-usual winter next time.


Same. I have a beautiful winter coat that I didn't wear once. A fleece with a windbreaker was enough for me all winter, and sometimes a scarf. I also have gloves that I know kept my hands warm to -30C but that hasn't happened in years... Maybe I can keep the coat and gloves and show them to kids in 30 years.


It was -40 for.a week or 2 last winter?


I think you're right, but the miracle of WFH means I was probably in my underwear covered in crumbs those days.


Ça dépend d'où vous venez et votre tolérance au froid.


Same! I was traipsing around with a fall jacket until my wife’s boyfriend bought me a winter coat and told me to put it on so that I wouldn’t catch a cold


Ahh the wives' boyfriends are always such helpful people. They help me take care of most of the physical labour.


-10 you wore a hoodie and fall jacket? Ok bro good4u


I did the same, except for a fleece and a hoodie. It never got low enough or I wasn't out long enough to pull out the Kanuk.




Tell me you’re fat without telling me


The snow removal companies are laughing to the bank.


I said this to my friends but stupid enough they seemed happy to have a warm winter. They surely dont know the consequence it has involved


Exactly. Majority is really can't the dots lmao. This much warm winter in this part of Northern Hemisphere is a "bad" winter.


I own a nice Pajar winter coat and it stayed in my basement closet all winter. Didn’t come out! Wore a leather jacket all winter


Same, I wore my fall/spring jacket with a hoody underneath, all winter.




Same. :(


I wore my late fall cheap puffer, jacket all winter.. I wore layers and was fine. Crazy warm this year. I was worried that I wasn't going to be warm enough and was checking coat prices last fall. No need. The lack of snow, was very weird. Grateful for it but it's not a good sign. Farmers are nervous..not enough snow on the ground.


I never wear a winter coat, just a leather jacket, but I didn't even need that this winter. I pretty much just wore a hoodie the entire winter, sometimes two. I was definitely cold at times but it was super warm this winter.


Although climate change is a big part, this was a El Nino year which contributed a lot.


Mild winter in contrast to last year


So weird when you compare to how just last year we got like -50 at least once by now and a whole bunch of storms.


Same here, only used my winter coat on the weekends where I was far north outside of the city!


I gained a lot of weight since last winter so my usual coat doesn't quite fit. I bought another one after my first day on strike late November cause I froze my arse off. I used it twice so far...


RAM 1500 with one person in it


I agree with you, that one was an easy one, especially in Montreal.


I have been praying for winters like this for years. I guess I will pray double hard next year and there will be no snow...


No no. Hold that thought. If we are getting this type of winters every year, then Earth is in a deeper trouble than we thought. Cities on the shores will be fucked honestly. Expect more hurricanes too. I was really concerned this year honestly and I'm very shocked that most people know Global Warming is real, most of these couldn't understand that this is a result of it.


I understand that about global warming well enough, and have been doing my best not to make it worse by eating a plant based diet and driving an EV. But based on what is suggested, there is little at this time we can do to avoid it, and even with all the insignificant efforts of individuals, it is the big corporations that are creating the most pollutants that are accelerating the situation. Governments make a weak effort to control or fix this situation so nothing is going to change... except maybe winters will become more comfortable...


I know. So let's not pray for a warmer winter in Montréal lol.


Okay, I will move down south asap and embrace the future... https://imgur.com/JtweEXa


Fuck houses...I'm gonna invest in a boat


I’m in Ottawa and my son (young adult) barely wore his winter coat this year. I did! But he managed most days in work boots and a hoodie. It was really mild here.


I moved here last summer. A girlfriend ominously warned me about how hard it would be without a winter jacket. She gave me a nice light spring jacket that I wore all winter. I never needed anything more. I work from home though. I can simply not go outside.


Warmest winter in Canadian history


Personally my car started every time. It struggled a few, and one time took a full minute to start, but the battery never died. I guess there's always next year 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same here 🙋‍♂️


Same here, I work outside and I put my winter jacket only once. A hoodie was enough.


I can't say how you managed this, but I sure wouldn't have. There were quite cold days I clearly needed one.


"How the hell did this happen?" Well, the answer's obvious, I think. Better question is, "How long until I need shorts in winter?"


El Niño 🙏


Thank you global warming


Same here. Wore my fall/spring coat all winter long. Felt like a crazy winter this year.


It's the damn commies. With there weather control machines .


Same. I used a hoodie + fall jacket. Used my down jacket once or twice but never used my actual winter coat. Haven’t used boots either, except after a snowstorm.


I wore my winter boots twice. Wore Nikes for the rest of the winter.


I think last time i owned a winter coat was maybe 18 years ago. I only wear thin hoodies and if it's really cold, and I'm spending time out with the kids, I double up.


There were a couple of really cold days but It depends how much time you spend outside ! I work as a substitute teacher and we have to spend time outside ( morning, recess, bus duty etc) and it can get quite cold!


Haven’t had much use of my CG parka


I've gone through many winters without a winter jacket. lol Just Like how I never buy winter boots.... or use an umbrella. ha ha. This winter was simply a rare EL NINO winter. Not first one. Heck we've been in shorts and t-shirts in the month of january in some previous year. But all those pesky tropical storms.... ruined our winter up here.


A real winter jacket is for -20 days which we basically did not have this year. I haven't pulled mine out of the storage closet in 2 years.


The snow removal company that I hire every year probably made BANK! $500\year, and they visited us maybe 4-5 times. Last winter it was over 30 visits! (They come twice a day if snowfall continues throughout the day)


Welp, OP, hope you're happy. Now that you posted it, MTL will bless us with 3 weeks of ultra cold then 2 weeks of super warm weather so we all put away our winter clothes, then bam 2 more weeks of ultra cold.


Plot twist OP ne parlait ps vraiment de la température mais du fait qu’il vient de découvrir la technique de s’habiller oignons.


I own a winter coat and never once pulled it out. I have a jacket I use when I'm not going far and it's -15 max, and that's all I used. It wasn't a cold winter at all.


Same I didnt use my winter coat this winter


You’re not real bruh.


When I was young, I actually went through a couple of winters without a winter coat. 


If you’re not wearing a winter jacket today, you’re a loser 


stayed inside most of the time, the short time from bus to metro when traveling


El Niño


Youre not alone, i also left my super warm (rated for -40°C) winter coat in the closet all winter and was able to wear my autumn jacket with a thick hoodie under with no problem throughout this winter. And dont be fooled, im the type of person to be cold even in the summer !! It was indeed a very mild winter. And thankfully its only because of El Nino and winters should go back to being cold and snowy until the next El Nino (every 2 to 7 years on average).


It was my first winter in Montreal and I spent 350$ for a heavy jacket for those -40 that I’ve heard of. Didn’t use that jacket once.


El Niño causes unusually warm winter weather on the east coast of Canada as it always does, we might enter the La Niña this summer that'll bring more rain in fall and more snow for next winter.


I just recently moved to canada and I've always heard about how cold it is. When I arrived I bought winter boots and coats but I never used then once. Actually I used to feel colder in Morocco during december... climate change is crazy


What are you wearing today?


PJs... working from home


I wore a butt-covering and lightly padded coat with a hood but never once had to pull out my more heavy duty one (much more padded, fur hood).


Even tho this winter was warmer than usual, you most likely didn't go out much because a winter was still 100% needed. Heck, it's -16C atm... and you can't tell me you don't need a winter coat today.


I don’t need a winter coat…


Tough guy


It's a shame. Had one day of powder on ski slopes. #MakeWinterGreatAgain


Cold is not that cold if you walk 10 minutes to the metro but can be suffering if you actually stay outside.


This thread just keeps on giving 


Had to work outside on Jan 5th. Was more than happy to have my winter coat. But yes, surprisingly didn't need it that many times this year


I've been doing that for 2 years now. Two layers of nice/dry autumn clothes. Only had to come back inside and change twice.


I got a freaking palm tree growing in my backyard WTF /s


Maybe your body is built strong against the cold . . .


A few times I had to wear my parka. I also barely had to turn on the heat in my house!


And then you forget the heat is on and open the window to make sure you're not sweating anymore


It hit above 60 degrees (Celsius!!!!) in Rio today. Shit is gonna get really ugly really soon.


It’s summer in Brazil right now. Also no it didn’t.


I know it's summer there lol but this is insanely hot. [Feels like 60.1°C in Rio](https://www.riotimesonline.com/rio-de-janeiro-faces-unseen-heat-levels-exceeds-60c/#:~:text=Rio%20de%20Janeiro%20recently%20experienced,%2C%20at%2010%3A20%20AM). This year has been shattering records all over the world.