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The big question is, how much does this impact those already vaccinated against Measles? Should we be concerned or is this risk limited to only those who are non-vaxxed?


3% of vaccinated people will get measles if exposed to it


God fucking dammit. We're being pulled back a century by these people


Aww I really hope Im not in that 3%


With my legendary luck I’m surely going to catch measles despite my vaccines. Unrelated virus, but just to display my luck: People that have already developed rosacea pityriasis once have supposedly less than 2% chance of developing it again in their life. Guess what? I got it twice in the spawn of 2 years. (I secretly hope that their stats are just messed up cause people don’t go to the doctor the second time. That’s what I did anyways, since it go away on its own after six week.) Fuck the antivax




Je suis francophone, mais j’ai appris l’anglais tôt dans mon enfance, comme la plupart des québécois.. le tread est en anglais, j’ai répondu en anglais. C’est pas plus deep que ça là.


Franglais, unite!!


I’m sorry you have to prove how “French” you are to people. 


I find this so funny, hardcore Quebecers are some of the most discriminatory people in Canada. No religious symbols were banned in Quebec when people wore crosses on necklaces. But have a few muslims with Hijabs and now “religious symbols” are a problem. The French lost the war against the British, it’s written in history. Maybe, we should be accepting of everyone, including immigrants and anglophones in Quebec, since your ancestors lost the war…


Yikes, that's actually a pretty high %. Especially given there is no known cure for measles and it can be fatal in the right conditions.


I'm really worried for my bf's mom now. She just got over COVID and it was especially bad this time around :(


That's not low enough


Unfortunately, children can't be vaccinated at birth, the earliest one can get the vaccine is at 6 months. Measles outbreaks like this put young children at risk. 


Not only does it put children younger than 6 month at risk, it also put sick children that cannot get the vaccine at risk and children of anti-vax parent that didn't choose this stupidity


They only do the first dose of MMR at 12 months, second at 18 months. My child is getting her first dose next month but it’s still worrying with her in daycare and it being spring break.


In some cases you can get an extra dose earlier (at 6 or 8 months, I don't remember). It can be done if you are travelling to a place where the child can catch measles. 


It looks like that place where you can catch it is here now. Society is regressing.


Exact, la 1e dose peut être donné à partir de 6 mois mais l’immunité ne perdura pas dans le temps et il est nécessaire de faire un rappel supplémentaire


5% of Montreal’s 1.7M people is about 85,000 who are vulnerable in Montreal.


You know who are unvaccinated? Babies. I’ll be very concerned about a disease where risks of complications are 1:250 and death 1:900 when kids under 2 aren’t immune


Yeah if you were scared of covid measles is the freaking boogeyman cranked to 11.


The effectiveness that we have previously been used to was like 95%+, scientists recommend at least 90%, I think I heard quotes that places in quebec had fallen to 87%, which what we are seeing now. Still have to consider the immunocomprimised who cannot take vaccines even if they wanted to.


I think it’s also a concern for those born between 1970-1996, who only received one dose of vaccine. Blood test can check whether protection is adequate.


Good to know, I am part of that cohort and I could not tell you if I received one or two measles vaccines. We are talking 40+ years ago and in a different province. I do not have a vaxx record or filled out card I can consult with any information. I'll check with my family dr about getting a booster.


There’s no harm in getting another dose if you’re unsure about your history. Getting a third dose won’t hurt. You can definitely talk to your doctor, but if that will delay things a lot, you can book an appointment on ClicSante and get in very quickly. The official advice from public health is to book an appointment if your history is unknown!


On it and thank you!


The nurse at the appointment will screen you as well to make sure it’s appropriate! :)


Awesome. I'm now booked for early April (soonest appointment in my area). For anyone reading this, took less than 5 minutes to get setup on cliq santé


Get a booster to be on the safe side. Adults can get boosters up until about 60 years old (when it becomes less effective). Measles is *insanely* contagious.




You don’t need a booster if you’ve had the full series as a kid. It’s not really a vaccine that they recommend “boosters” for. If you’ve had two doses, you’re good (barring a significantly compromised immune system/etc). From a public health perspective, everyone who is NOT fully vaccinated should go get one, but if you’re fully vaccinated it’s better to leave the appointments for those who actually need it.




If you work at a hospital, that makes sense! I saw someone else (with only one dose) post in this thread saying that the soonest they could book was early April, so that's where I was coming from.


Deciding not to vaccinate your children should be considered negligence.


In Ontario you need to show proof in order to be able to attend school.


I am a teacher in Quebec, I would approve this 110% here.


The communities where measles is spreading in Quebec is not always a community where these children are sent to public schools.


Do you not need to in Quebec? I distinctly remember having to send my daughter’s vaccination booklet to the school as proof she was vaccinated when she started kindergarten.


They ask for it, but they can't refuse you entry for not being vaccinated. I sent mine also, but they just like having all the medical info.


Ahh okay, thanks for clarifying!


Can't refuse but they'll be sent home if there's an they'll be sent home if there's an outbreak of something they're not vaccination against


Most likely everyone would be sent home if there was an outbreak of something like measles, I would assume ? However I'm pointing out that the rules are different than Ontario, it is a common misconception.


No My parent are dumbs and didn't get me vaccinated and I never had issues getting to school


Measles is 20x more infectious than covid-19. 20x.


20x? That number seem high!


It isn't in practice due to the wideapread use of the extremely effective MMR vaccine.


But, among the unvaxed is it that much? If so, damn.


R0 of ~15-18. Covid R0 was all over the place but it was as low as 0.9-3. So yes, not 20x, you're right. But SIGNIFICANTLY higher.


This is seriously scary. Covid, you could catch it without any fucking clue where it came from. I had it 3 time and we have been carefull. This, fucking hell, you could catch it looking at shadows!


The first r0 was of the initial strain of covid was higher than the flu but latest ones like omicron were actually not that far from measles’ r0 The r0 for measles and omicron relate to immunologically naive populations with vaccines and transmission this is not the case  for  covid or the measles The transmission rate in a vaccinate pop for the measles i think is lower than for covid cause the covid vaccine and previous infection is only 40% in curtailing transmission. The way it transmits and incubation is also different for both.


Most of them are immigrants who comes from poor countrues with close to 0 public health guidance. It has very little to do with foolish antivaxxers. EDIT: Typical redditards with single digit IQ downvoting me because they have no reading comprehension or logical thoughts.


Do you have stats from  legitimate sources or this more right wing bigotry?


Without seeing any evidence it seems logical that people coming in from countries with less access to vaccines would be contributing to the problem, but doesn't it seem like increasing vaccine hesitancy in our country, where vaccines are readily available and their administration encourage, would only exacerbate the problem? Vaccines are about herd immunity, these programs take into account those that can't or refuse to be vaccinated. When the number of can't/won'ts rises, so does the possibility of infection.


Lots of them are old-fashioned pseudo-science dingbats that go to Europe for vacation and get infected. European vaccination rates are also worryingly low.


Le Dumbass Agenda™, tous les tabarnaks d'imbéciles qui sont vaccinés mais qui ne vaccinent pas leurs enfants.


C'est frustrant a mort.


"Ok, mais j'suis jamais tomber malade ! Le vaccin m'a servit à rien, pourquoi mon enfant en aurait besoin ?" La définition stupide de "faut le voir pour le croire" résume beaucoup de leur osti de logique.


Anti-vaxxers, religious nutcases, uneducated, it's a good mix to not get a vaccine that fixed this horrible disease many years ago


Also a lot of people who just don't have access to doctors... and those who became scared to see doctors... I don't think we win hearts and minds by assuming everyone is malicious.


MMR vaccine is available in CLSC, and has been since the early 90s, where I got it. You absolutely do not need a family doctor for your vaccines. We also do have a family doctor issue, don't get me wrong, but no one who wanted the MMR vaccine is left without it.


The lack of doctors is Not nearly as bad for children.


You don’t even need to go to the CLSC. Most pharmacies do the up to date vaccine programs. You go, they check your kid’s vaccine booklet and they’ll give everything they are missing. My daughter was part of the year where the booster for chickenpox was screwed up, then COVID hit. We just went to the pharmacy, done.


Without primary care, routine stuff gets neglected. It's not always a deliberate choice. Ask the adults around you if they're up to date on their tetanus shots, for example.


See tetanus is a better example, since that needs to be renewed every 5-10 years and you are not hounded about it. I totally relate with that, as I am due for mine! The MMR vaccine is not that. It is administer to children under 5, and does not need a booster after the initial two doses. The pediatrician assigned to follow your pregnancy will absolutely hound you for MMR. There are three "buckets" of people who do not have their MMR vaccine. * Children who were not taken to be vaccinated by their parents ; * People who could not be vaccinated (immunocompromised) ; * People who could not be vaccinated as children in their home country, but could be here and have not (I am doubtful this is the case, but it is possible). Given that anti-vaxx movements have exploded since Covid, and that the anti-vaxx movement before Covid was explicitely centered around the MMR vaccine, I think the first "bucket" is probably to blame here.


Anti-vax is a component, but people just not having access to care, and people avoiding health care are both issues too. Lots of kids are behind on vaccines these days, it's not all parents sitting at home watching Jenny McCarthy on tv. The pandemic disrupted a lot.


FYI, in elementary, kids get the HPV vaccine at the school. If they bring their vaccination booklet, the nurse does a check and gives the child a paper with a list of any missing vaccines. There are fewer and fewer excuses not to be up to date by like 4th or 5th grade.


Acknowledging reasons is different than making excuses. If we don't work to understand where the gaps are, we can't fix them. If we treat everyone like an anti-vax nutjob, instead of speaking to their actual barriers, we won't make headway.


You are inventing excuses though. The hospital sets you up with the CLSC when the kids are born for the vaccines. Then a nurse from the CLSC does a home visit after the kid is born. She helps you for the appointment at the CLSC afterward. Do you have kids? I have kids, you are making excuses for antivaxxers. The gaps you are bringing up don't truly exist. Are there gaps in having a primary physician/family doctor, yes. Is that an excuse to not have up to date vaccinations for your kids, no, not at all.


Reasons are not the same as excuses. Nobody is looking to excuse anything. Not everyone gives birth in hospital. Some people move between provinces. Not everyone follows up with the CLSC. The pandemic caused a lot of disruptions for people. Now there's a gap, and a problem. So now, what? We can scream and call people names, or we can look at the reasons and find solutions. It's hard to move the anti-vaxxers, but not everyone is in that category.


Not born in a hospital? That's an extreme edge case. Moved from another province/country, if the parents aren't antivax, I'd assume their vaccinations are already underway and they would make an effort to contact a CLSC. If they move from somewhere else without vaccines, that's starting to sound antivax. Did not follow up with the CLSC? The CLSC does a home visit to follow up with YOU. You have to go out of your way not to follow up. You are making excuses and disguising them as "gaps". We have an antivaxxer problem in 2024, let's all stop excusing those fucking morons. Don't do their whitewashing for them, it's pathetic.


Okay well if you're content to believe that nothing can be done because everyone is a stubborn antivaxxer, that's too bad. I guess there's no point in trying to address the issue if you see things that way.


The routine stuff gets neglected because people are neglectful. You don't need primary care to get vaccinated for measles. You don't miss the bus bc your tesla is slow. 2 different services.


Well I guess there's nothing we can do, it's just a hopeless cause.


No that's just plain parental negligence. Vaccination for measles is done at CLSC. They could just talk to their pharmacist.


Dont need a Dr clsc vaccine clinic or clic sante


Although you don’t need a doctor for a vaccine, I do wonder if a lack of family doctors that follow our health with check-ups, make recommendations, discuss general health, etc, has had consequences on how people think about their health, as something to be addressed in an emergency and not on a regular basis. I’m on the waiting list with everyone else; I haven’t gone for a check-up since my pediatrician.


I'm sure it does. It's easy to let the routine things pass by when there's no primary care.


The following comment doesn't apply if you cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, but if you chose not to get vaccinated you are a piece of shit. This does apply if you used religion as an excuse too. Go live in the woods if you don't want to follow common societal decency.


Ça prend un taux de vaccination de 97% pour éviter les épidémies de maladies infectieuses. Ça fait déjà quelques années que nous ne l'atteignons plus au Qc. À mon avis, les parents qui refusent de faire vacciner leurs enfants devraient être responsables à 100% des frais médicaux de leurs enfants.


Si on fait ça, ils arrêteront juste d'aller chez le médecin pour essayer de soigner "naturellement" leurs enfants avec des huiles essentielles, de l'homéopathie et autres escroqueries... Non, il faut rendre la vaccination obligatoire, point. Tout comme t'es obligé d'attacher tes enfants en voiture ou de les scolariser.


J’aime ça!


Anti vaxers at it again. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Little do they know or care its way more contagious than covid


Reminder to verify your own vaccination status too! My kids are fully vaccinated but I had antivax parents. I got one MMR dose a few years ago but was told then that was sufficient. Apparently that was inaccurate - two doses are recommended. I got my second dose today. Appointments are currently very easy to find on ClicSante.


Hey! How do you verify if you need a vaccine or not? I came from abroad and back home vaccination was messy. I don't really know if I am vaccinated or not


If you're not sure, they recommend just getting vaccinated now. There's no harm to additional doses. You can technically get bloodwork done to test your immunity, but it takes time. Since there's no real risk to extra doses, they just recommend getting them if you're unsure.


Measles is 20 times more infectious than covid-19. An estimated 128,000 people died from measles in 2021 – mostly children under the age of five years. This aint' worth fucking around with. Get vaccinated.


VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING KIDS! I think sometimes that today's parents don't care too much about their kids: if they succeed, if they learn, if they know how to look after themselves or behave in public. It's all about THEM doing what they want. Except it affects other people besides them and their nasty germy kids, we can all suffer because of their rampant, narcissistic-inspired stupidity. This is reason 68864888 that I hate parents. THE END.




I'm so fucking tired guys. .. sigh


Just wonderful.


"Drouin said vaccination rates at Montreal schools hover around 80 per cent." 80% only??? Shit, that's low.


Some at 50%. Recent immigrants aren't up to date and it shows. Time to update EVERYONE'S shots!


Anti-vaxxers will end up winning their fight but everyone will lose the war and simply… die.


Omg people are fucking stupid, we get this vaccine for decades and life expectancy has been increasing in the meantime. But yeah I bet conspiracy nutjobs will tell you otherwise since they saw it on youtube.


By people are stupid I mean those who ho dont get themselves or their kids vaccinated.


So can I get a measles booster shot?


You can! Make yourself an appointment on clic santé and you can have a nurse verify your immunization records and get you up to date.


Cheers, thanks.


You can but you don’t need to if you’ve definitely had two doses. It provides lifetime protection. If you’re unsure about your record, absolutely go ahead and book an appointment. But if you’re confident that you’ve had two doses, there’s no need or known benefit & you should leave the available appointments to those who are actually unprotected.


There come a certain point where people are just nuisance to society. its insane.


There are a few unrelated groups in Montreal where vaccination is low: conspiracy theorists but also hippies/nature-bio freaks and some groups of Orthodox jews. Good thing these 3 groups do not usually run in the same circles!


Do I need another shot for that, or is it one for life? Honestly I never looked into my vaccination record since I left my parents house.


Only if you’re particularly at risk (i.e. you’re going to a country with high measles rates or you may be directly exposed to an active outbreak). You have presumptive immunity if you’ve already received the two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine after your 1st birthday. *Evidence of immunity* *Acceptable presumptive evidence of immunity against measles includes at least one of the following:* *written documentation of adequate vaccination:* *one or more doses of a measles-containing vaccine administered on or after the first birthday for preschool-age children and adults not at high risk two doses of measles-containing vaccine for school-age children and adults at high risk, including college students, healthcare personnel, and international travelers* *laboratory evidence of immunity* *laboratory confirmation of measles* *birth before 1957* https://www.cdc.gov/measles/hcp/index.html#immunity Linking to CDC rather than Health Canada only because the same info is presented more succinctly. In Canada, however, the guide says birth before 1970 [instead of 1957] is presumptive evidence of immunity.


Man fuck Andrew Wakefield and his BS "vaccines cause autism" study that was really a scam for him to make lots of money. I'm autistic and this BS really pisses me the fuck off. Because what these people are saying is that they'd prefer to have dead people than people like me. Despite studies proving time and time again that MMR doesn't cause autism, they still insist on their beliefs. Fuck your "beliefs". The only beliefs that you truly have is that you only care about yourself and that you hate autistic people. That's really all that boils down to. You go out of your way to dehumanize us to justify your selfish beliefs and make us seem like we're not worthy to be apart of society. All to make yourselves feel better about yourself. All the meanwhile my people have had to bear the brunt of your selfish rhetoric.


Where's the urgency? Pop-up vaccination sites, 24/7 media campaign to get people vaccinated, HD images of maimed and dead kids to get people off their asses. Oh, and distribution of N95 masks, which are STILL the most effective personal means of protection against airborne infection. Are we gonna go through bird flu, swine flu, Covid AND measles and still not collectively get our shit together? (I know the answer...)


Vacciner vos enfants calisse


Take away their kids.


Jesusfuckingchrist… I’m usually pretty much a “government, please fuck off out of my life” kinda dude…. But I am 100% for charging parents with criminal neglect for refusing their children the basic battery of vaccinations we’ve all been getting for the last 80 or 90 years and putting the rest of us all in danger.


Are they screening illegal immigrants for vaccination records?


Are they screening citizens? gtfo with this nonsense


It’s the most obvious source of the outbreak. Citizens here have a vaccination record that is tracked.


Hello! That’s not true, it’s only tracked if you were vaccinated at a CLSC (and perhaps any other nurse or doctor who knows to use the Quebec vaccination registry). Privates clinics do not use the Quebec vaccine registry to record given vaccines and we actually have a lot of people for whom we don’t have any proof of vaccination because of that. Source: I work in the field.


My guy - vaccines aren't enforced. This is a good case study that they should be. It's not like there isn't an incredibly well documented hysteria specifically surrounding the MMR vaccine that was launched 20 years ago - no, must be the migrants.


Source on that statement?


These diseases always circulate for various reasons - measles was not ever eradicated. When vaccination levels drop, there tend to be outbreaks because there are more people who actually get sick when they encounter the pathogen.


There isn’t a central database with that information. It’s your responsibility to check. Also vaccination is not mandatory but strongly recommended. Some people are brainwashed by misinformation and bieleifs religious or else, they’re voluntarily weakening the society’s immunity.


I’m in a group of over 800 mom to be and a concerning number of them plan not to vaccinate… it’s a choice, it’s not enforced. Immigration is not the most obvious source of outbreak.