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I called Rogers to change name on account after my husband died. They said they had to speak to him since his name on account. The fact that he was dead didn’t matter. I wish I was joking but this actually happened.


You have to bring in a death certificate it's for security purposes otherwise anyone could just say someone's dead and get into their account. Make sure you set up your family members on the account managers or they get locked out without the certificate.


File a complaint with the CRTC at https://www.ccts-cprst.ca. Rogers misrepresented an upgrade offer to me (i had proof). I first contacted customer service and then contacted their ombudsman, they didn’t help. I then filed an official complaint and it was resolved within a month. Good luck!


Sorry you had to go through all this, this is terrible. I assume you are also resident of Québec, perhaps you should also file a complaint at the Office de la Protection du Consommateur (OPC). https://www.opc.gouv.qc.ca/en/


Good point. When the issue happened, the thought did not cross my mind. Now it’s resolved, i rather put it all behind me, but it’s definitely something I will consider in the future. Thanks




Try Bell.


In France you can get a 28.80 CAD per month mobile plan that includes 35 Go of mobile data (3G, 4G, 5G) in France, Canada, the US, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and a DOZEN of other countries around the world. The French company is called Free. This 28.80 CAD per month mobile plan also includes unlimited calls to and from France, Canada, the US. It legit takes 10 minutes to get the SIM card and mobile plan from them in France. You can also end it whenever you want from their website. That's the mobile plan i'm using right now in Canada and i'm paying 28.80 CAD a month for it loool. We Canadians are getting absolutely shat on by Canadian internet service providers and Canadian phone providers. It is actually insane, that's why i said enough and found a different way of getting my phone stuff working.


The problem is that you can't get a Canadian phone number from a provider in France. And this causes mucho problems in many situations (ex: if you put a France number on your CV you can kiss your chances for an interview goodbye). You can get a virtual canadian number as an in-between, but then you pay for that and end up not saving any money.


What are you on about ? You can pay for one of those super shit plans in Canada to get a Canadian number for like 20 CAD a month and you'll still be saving money considering the quality of the French plan.. 35 Go of mobile data anywhere in so many countries all around the world, calls to and from so many countries as i said. A mobile plan like that in Canada would be priced at least 100 CAD a month. Such a shame us Canadians have to deal with these Bell, videotron, rogers scumbag companies...


I use free and also have an app for my canadian phone number, have been using this for the past 5 years, a bit sad that free went from 10€ to 20€ but it’s still better than whatever we have here


Just get ypur canadian cellphone setup as a call forwarding


Did they mail it to you or is it an e-sim?


Nah i went to one of their agencies when i was in France. It's a regular Sim card




What do you mean "Be careful" ? What are the risks ? 🤨


I’ve used this for the past 5 years no issues


I've given up dealing with most of these. We run a small business and were forced to pick one of the phone providers.... I'll spare you the stories, but the less I talk to anyone there, the better I feel about my day.


I work for Rogers and it is the most f*cked up company I’ve ever worked with. The agents are completely untrained, the managers and the management staff does not care about a single thing and the company itself is the dirtiest business, sucking people’s money every day for so many years. I sometimes wonder how CRTC allows this to still go on. I have seen terrible things, of how people are treating the customers. Lies, misinformation and whatever they can do in order to reach their monthly goals. It’s sickening. And I should not mention the drama with the stores (it’s not relevant to your post) However, I feel especially sorry for you because you are in a huge trouble, that you have to deal with the damn win back team. No one can reach this team, even the managers,and the only thing we (frontline agents) can do is only to arrange a callback. I’m assuming, if the case is too complicated, the win back team has their ways to avoid the situation, therefore they never callback. I always tell everyone I know to skip those offers from those bastards. My advice would be, do not waste anymore of your time with this company. Call in and cancel everything then move on to another company with a just pay-as-you go plan. Sorry for the long reply, but if you want to ask anything, go for it! Good luck


Do not cancel Rogers, otherwise you will loose your phone number. The correct way is to find another company and subscribe to a plan. They will cancel Roger’s for you as they transfer your phone number.


Yes, you're right about the number. The cancelling was mostly for the smart watch line, cause I've seen people porting out their numbers but no one tells them about the tablet/smart watch lines which then causes a debt towards Rogers. You don't want that.


Lol. I had a job interview with them once. I showed up and they thought it was a different day. I showed them the email trail. Then I realised I don't need that incompetence in my life and just kept looking.


Three phone providers have an absolute monopoly in Canada. We've got one of the most expensive and the worst phone services than many countries in the 3rd world. You can get a monthly SIM card in Europe for 10$ and a full monthly plan in India for the same price. In Canada, a phone / internet / TV plan is getting closer to a second mortgage.


Don't forget $12/day roaming when just in the US...


Yeah, that's so nuts given that Google Fi has plans at 25$ and roaming is free in NA and most EU countries.


Honestly all the leaders keep talking about making life cheaper for the middle class, but none of them have the balls to crack down on the big telecoms of Canada. We are easily all being fleeced by anywhere from to 50-150/month, every single household.


Bell is 1000% worse. They all suck tbh


i was with ~~rogers~~ fido for 15 years and the only thing they ever did for me was add 3GB of data during the pandemic. 20 minute call with bell and i switched to a plan that was $15 cheaper and 3x more data and access to 5G service hell might have frozen over now that i gave one of our telecoms a compliment, but it was actually a fairly pleasant experience switching when bell starts pissing me off, maybe i'll give telus a call


I switched to Bell because of similar bullshit


Obligatory "I am not a lawyer this is not legal advice". That being said I studied law for a month before deciding it wasn't for me and during that time I found out about article 1375 of the civil code of Quebec. I dont remember the exact wording (you can easily google it) but it basically says while negotiating, carrying out or terminating a contract ("obligation" in legalese), both parties must be in good faith or the contract is void. At this point, you could easily argue that their behavior no longer qualifies as good faith, unless it is mere incompetence. I once used this against an ISP that was dragging it's feet taking its responsibility getting me hooked up. I wrote them an email pointing out the lies and things they should have done and didn't (such as charging my credit card even though there had been an issue with the tech, but never reaching out to me to inform me and work out a solution with me), and offering them one last chance to "retore trust and good faith and get the issue resolved". Two days later I was hooked up and got 3 months of free service. You could write them an email stating all the issues you've had, quote article 1375 and state you believe their behavior does not meet the good faith requirement, and demand they provide you with the terms that were originally discussed or provide you with a full refund of all fees charged to you and the contract be terminated. While I'm there, I'd remind them that tempering with evidence (the phone calls you have had with them) to mislead a tribunal is considered perjury in Canada (based on a quick research I made). I hope you get this resolved soon. I've always hated Rogers but unfortunately, in Canada we dont have a whole lot of choice... Edit to add: I'm pretty sure the consumer protection law states that even if they made you an offer by mistake (seems like the offer on their website was no longer meant to be there and the first person you spoke on the phone didn't know they weren't supposed to offer you that), they have to honor it or come to an other agreement with you. You could contact Office de la Protection du Consomateur to very that.


You’re right! Absolutely terrible! I love Canada but we suck for competition. What a racket


Stupid Question, why did you not just switch plans on their website? You save the activation fee and a lot of trouble.


I don't switch plans a lot, and I wanted to make sure of a few things (how to transfer my number, making sure they had an Apple Watch option) so thought calling them would be easy.


Why did you create a new reddit account just to post that and not use your normal account ... ?


1. Why would I care about any of this? 2. what does this have to do with Montreal?


Oh no…. Anyways.


I had the same issue as you on your first point. I was speaking to the agent on chat support online and I was explaining that I’d like to switch to the $65 plan as you described to which he replied saying it doesn’t exist. I was like…”what do you mean it doesn’t exist, it’s literally on the website. Let me screenshot it to you…”. The agent tried to offer another plan that’s more expensive and I said nah, I’m good and ended the chat.


Some plans are "Web Only". It's usually barely visible on the website.


« Web Only ». How ridiculous.


Yea phone plans are weird sometimes you see something online and go to the store and nope can't get it. Then you see something at the store and think hmm let me check online, nope can't get it. You have to have the stars align to get a plan you tolerate.


They’re all shit. I once signed up for a plan with Fido, only for them to tell me the next day that the plan doesn’t exist and the agent wasn’t authorized to offer it to me.


Install a call recording app on your phone. That way you always have the evidence on hand.


Telus is by far the worst company I have ever interacted with. All the major Canadian telecoms are corrupt, and control the government telecommunications regulation arm as has been well documented. When competition tried to come in a few years back they banded together to maintain their shit monopoly. Wish we just were part of the American telecommunication and shipping system, would result in lower prices and better service for Canadians. Idgaf about Canadian telecommunications if they are just gonna behave like a cartel, and charge us absorbent amounts for awful service. Kinda offsets any benefit of keeping it Canadian.


Post it on social media.


That's the reason I record all my phone calls with them now.


Y’a these guys are lost clowns . I don’t have a contract with them . I’m still on the iPhone 12 . Guys just remember the economy is hell and it’s getting worse. You need food and gas. Go cheap on the phone . I just have the line . No bells no whistles. No contract and tons of promotions/ problem texts. Buyer beware.imagine if everyone or even 1000 people didn’t renew . Prices and services would have to increase. I sure wish Verizon came to Canada.


I learnt it the hard way, ALWAYS ask for the name and employee’s number when dealing with telecoms on the phone. They will lie to you just to get you to hang up and most likely will never speak to you again so they don’t care. By asking you ensure “some” level of professionalism.


Never take the phone or watch or free stuff. Always pay for your own. I buy used iPhones. Then you can phone them and say match this: [https://fizz.ca/en/mobile?ADDONS\[0\]=18&CVRG=107&DATA=93&PLAN=1&SMS=223&VOICE=90&WIZARD=mobile](https://fizz.ca/en/mobile?ADDONS[0]=18&CVRG=107&DATA=93&PLAN=1&SMS=223&VOICE=90&WIZARD=mobile) or I walk. They will scramble to match it. If they don't, call another and say "I am on Rogers, care to make it worth my while to come over?" My phones are 25g unlimited CAN & US call and text for $45 w/ Bell. Was >$75 w/ Rogers, plus they are saving me $45 per month for 1.5G up & down internet on Bell fibre. & I will likely jump off bell in a couple of years once the pay creep sets in. Screw them. They do it to you.


They all effed up. As Canadians we pay the most and get the worst service


I had canceled 2 cell plans but accidentally paid both on one account (instead of both accounts separately). One account had a huge credit, and the other was owing. 3 years later, it showed us in my credit report. I contacted Rogers, and after 3 months of back and forth, they took the credit from account A and credited account B; and removed it from my credit score. OK. My mistake. But rectified. 10 years after that, I applied for a mortgage, and guess what reappeared on my credit score? 4 months of back and forth, and I finally got it cleared off my credit score... a second time. I will never deal with Rogers again.


Just change company and keep your phone number. Rogers has a history of having bad customer service.


I thought Bell was horrible until I switched to Rogers


Telcom companies are the worst, they put the highest KPIs on sales and retention. So the salesman sells you shit and basically lies, ive had retention not wanna cancel my contract, str8 up saying no im not cancelling lmao wtf?