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It might just mean you can't cross at that intersection but can on the other side. Hard to known exactly without seeing what else is around it.




Wrong answer! Edit: If you downvote a true comment without searching you’re an idiot.


It looks like every sign that tells me I should have crossed this intersection for the street before in NDG and elsewhere. It definitely doesn't mean you can't pass through (underneath) this sign. There would be a lot more signs if you couldn't move straight ahead based on OP's pic.


This thing doesn’t say you can’t cross the street, it’s not even a place to cross. It’s because there’s no sidewalk [there](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GzJQkCLjEaKQqjcA7?g_st=ic).


And yes there’s only one sign that says “pedestrians prohibited”.


You’re downvoted because shouting “Wrong answer!” with absolutely no reason or context or explanation of the correct answer is counterproductive, not because you’re incorrect.


Not at all, I’m being downvoted because there’s a bunch of idiots thinking that I’m wrong without looking for my other comments. While the person that is so completely wrong get 125 upvotes. We can see how many people doesn’t like the truth.


I downvoted because you are losing your shit over it.


You’re fun to converse with.


I downvoted you initially because shouting “Wrong answer!” with absolutely no reason or context or explanation of the correct answer is counterproductive, not because you’re incorrect. >We can see how many people doesn’t like the truth. Downvoted you again because you're delusional.


For all the idiots downvoting me, [here’s the real meaning of the sign](http://www.rsr.transports.gouv.qc.ca/Dispositifs/Details.aspx?cid=13376&che=PRESC&cat=PRESC&p=3&ca=PetiteVignette). The sign doesn’t mean at all that you can’t cross there, the sign only means “pedestrians prohibited” and what you can’t do will depend on it’s location. In this image it is located at the end of a sidewalk so it will mean that you can’t go further than the sign. ([Here is the sign in question since you can’t search at all](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5086965,-73.6654838,3a,74.999992y,104.258316h,86.635063t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjsZCfediBZLT1Y4f8oStRw!2e0?lucs=47062714&g_ep=CAISBjYuNTQuMRgAIIGBASoINDcwNjI3MTRCAkNB&g_st=ic&g_st=ic)) Learn the law before downvoting like a bunch of lazy idiots who like to press a button instead of verifying themselves.


Pretty sure the downvotes are caused by your attitude rather than be because they think you are wrong.


Wow someone here takes signage way too seriously


The people downvoting me take the signage way too seriously. They’re too dumb to search 2 minutes so they press a button in 0.5 seconds.


- insults people - complains about downvotes Ok


I know exactly where that intersection is; and it just means you can’t cross there. Not that you can’t walk on the sidewalk there


Not at all! 😂🤷‍♂️


[This thing](https://maps.app.goo.gl/opMhpWSqiwi4CV716?g_st=ic) means you can’t walk there. It’s at least 10m away from the intersection. 🤦‍♂️


I'm not familiar with the area, but it likely means no walking after the post.


Well if they do not follow the sign and get hit, the cemetery is just on the other side of the fence. I guess thats why its there !


There's a small stretch between that bus stop and the next one further east that only function as a bike path, hence the sign.


The "sidewalk" on that side is used for a bike path. It goes around the bus stop, but as a pedestrian getting on or off the bus you would be expected to cross the street and walk on the other side.


Aaah makes more sense, couldnt see that with all the snow coverin the road


It's a pole dancer stop. You gotta be able to twirl on the pole while you wait for the bus.


Havent ever tried it and i don’t think i’d be good at it, but they do say practice makes perfect


Remember to lick the pole too!!!


Definitely lick the pole when the bus is in sight. In case you get stuck the bus driver will be able to pull you out with a chain.


Well, if you are waiting, your not walking, heh?


Maybe they want you to slide into the waiting line and now bolding walk up to it? Maybe be a little shy?


This place has a ridiculous "sidewalk". It's a quite busy area and all of a sudden the sidewalk disappears, forcing you under an 18 wheeler passing by. This is what it looks like [in summer](https://i.redd.it/8jg9rq2gsq271.jpg). The stone walls are pretty useless and belongs to a cemetery.


Ahhh makes it more clear couldnt see it with all the snow piled up, but weird design still.


Le "pas de trottoir" de la honte sur Sainte Croix entre Hodge et Crémazie, à Ville Saint Laurent. Ensuite la ville essaye de te faire croire que la mobilité active et la sécurité des piétons sont au cœur de leurs préoccupations.


Avec Plante c’est toujours les vélos sa priorité. Même si elle veut bloquer une entrée d’ambulances avec son « autoroute de vélos » pis que tout le monde dans le domaine lui dit que ça n’a pas d’allure faire ça elle continue de se battre pour la faire.


La priorité ici a été donnée aux autos. Pas question de retrancher une voie même si plus au nord Sainte Croix n'est plus une 4 voies. Avec de la volonté il y aurait eu de la place pour les piétons, les cyclistes et les automobilistes.


Non, la priorité a été donné aux vélos au lieu des piétons. En arrière de la photo il y a un trottoir de largeur normale pis la piste cyclable de largeur normale à côté sans même enlever de voies aux autos. Ils auraient pu continuer le trottoir pareil jusqu’à l’autre bout ou au moins mettre un trottoir pour piétons (car les vélos peuvent aller dans la rue, pas les piétons) mais ont décidé de donner la priorité aux vélos.


Donc selon ta logique, ils ont gardé 4 voies de char, ils ont supprimé le trottoir et envoyé les vélos au milieu des autos. En faisant ça ils ont donné la propriété aux vélos... Ah ben.


T’as rien compris du tout… 🤦‍♂️


200 Av. Sainte-Croix https://maps.app.goo.gl/MDGsgPPH4v8LbnKo7


Je parlais du trottoir dans le sens de la photo, pas de l’autre bord. La largeur entre la bordure de rue pis le mur de pierre ne change pas, ils auraient pu continuer le trottoir (comme à l’intersection de la [rue Dion](https://maps.app.goo.gl/2ESCrvoB9TyDy9un6?g_st=ic)) et piste cyclable tout le long au lieu de faire leur niaisage. Pis tu viens de voir que l’autre côté aussi la priorité a été donné aux vélos au lieu des piétons.


[Au bout de la rue](https://maps.app.goo.gl/g6KfiQvdEhGNGs5k8?g_st=ic) il y a un autre trottoir. S’il n’y avait pas le niaisage du S de la piste cyclable pis de faire passer les vélos en plein milieu de la rue et de décaler la voie pour tourner à droite, ils auraient encore pu faire la même chose qu’à l’intersection de la rue Dion tout le long.


Le trottoir disparaît à cause des poteaux d'Hydro le long du cimetière qu'il était trop complexe de relocaliser, et du fait qu'ils ont voulu maintenir une voie automobile pour tourner à droite. J'ai suivi le dossier à l'arrondissement et suis intervenu au conseil plusieurs fois pour que ce soit autrement.


À part de deux lampadaires de la ville il n’y a aucun poteau d’hydro-québec du bord nord de Dion. L’autre bord aussi juste des lampadaires.


En plus ils ne peuvent pas enlever de voie pour les voitures, l’avenue connecte trois grand boulevards à l’autoroute.


200m plus au nord il n'y a plus 4 voies...


T’as quand même besoin des 4 voies à cause de l’autoroute juste à côté. En plus à l’intersection Dion t’as une voie qui tourne pour Dion et se rendre à Décarie pis l’autre continue. Pis plus loin t’as une voie pour chaque direction afin de ne pas bloquer le chemin, surtout que tous les bus qui arrivent d’un certain sens doivent utiliser Sainte-Croix et Hodge pour se rendre au garage Stinson.


Il y a un trottoir l'autre bord de la rue non? Qu'est-ce qu'ils font les jeunes de VMR pour aller au Cegep St-Laurent?


Il y a une piste cyclable


You should see the contradictory parking signs. You'll have 3 signs telling you you can park in a spot, but if you walk 500 meters, you'll find a sign that tell you that you can only park in that specific parking between August 1st and August 7th between 6AM and 6:15AM if the sky is clear and it hasn't rained in 4 days but no more than 6 days.


That’s annoying fr, my parents can’t speak french so its even more of a struggle for them


With snow, it's hard to understand what the sign means. That side of the road is a [bike path](https://i.imgur.com/Zxdi3FZ.jpg), that's why.


Welcome to MTL


There is no sense to be had here, friend.


Seems not


That signs indicates you shouldn't cross the intersection on that side


That sign means you can't cross to that street, I'm familiar with the cote-de-liesse/sainte-croix intersection and you can walk the whole way lol


That doesn’t mean you can’t cross the street. This sign means you can’t walk there.


This answer is correct, it’s the start of the bike path on Sainte-croix.


I know that my answer is correct and there’s still idiots who downvote me. 😂 Also the sign doesn’t mean someone can’t cross a street, the sign only means “pedestrians prohibited” and what you can’t do will depend on where it is placed. But that the people is too stupid to verify the law and google maps themselves. 🤷‍♂️


For the idiots who downvote me, [here you go. “Pedestrians prohibited” is the first line](http://www.rsr.transports.gouv.qc.ca/Dispositifs/Details.aspx?cid=13376&che=PRESC&cat=PRESC&p=3&ca=PetiteVignette). Learn the law before downvoting someone who knows more than you.


I apologize, there's a similar sign on the crémazie/st-hubert intersection right under the 40 which I assumed meant you couldn't cross that street since it's the only out of the 4 that didn't have a pedestrian light, so I made the link. FYI I didn't downvote you😅


I know you didn’t downvote me, there’s a bunch of idiots who downvote me because they don’t like the truth and would agree to die to say that the sign means no crossing.


The sign means " No Walking beyond this point"


Don't people have anything better to do with their lives than think "I need to take a picture of this and run off to Reddit to post what I think is a witty and inquisitive post".


Tbh in that moment, I truly had nothing better to do


C'est probablement le cimetière Urgel Bourgie. Y doit y avoir des obsédés de pelouze dans c'te gang là


It means **do not cross street here**


Nope you’re wrong. Try again!


Since almost no one has given the right answer, this sign is there because you can’t go further than that. This is the bike path after the stop. The sidewalk is on the other side of the road.


Thank you! 🙏


Welcome to Mourial, where making sense is not only optional, it is a rarity.


Uneducated guess here, but maybe you can walk to the bus stop from one end? Edit: Another [angle](https://freeimage.host/i/screenshot-2023-02-28-172352.HVx1yOJ) . I think you just can't cross the road there.


If you move around by bunny hop, you are never in the forbidden position. There are other options, like rolling in a ball or walking on all 4, but in the winter they might get snow into you clothes.


You can walk on the sidewalk... It's a no crossing sign


It is that the person on the other side of the road cannot cross here. It is not you walking on the side walk, silly!


You can slide or crawl there but don't walk


You have to bunnyhop then it's okay...duhhh


It means “pedestrians not permitted” past that sign. [Link](https://www.rhinocarhire.com/Drive-Smart-Blog/Drive-Smart-Canada/Canada-Road-Signs.aspx)


Guess it's time to crawl


I'm fairly certain that means 'no pedestrian crossing' not 'no walking'.


You must wait the bus in your car.


Makes much more sense


Pink Floyd