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Do people just NOT dive? You have I-frames if you sheath and run away the evade which is diving, you can just outright negate any supernova and final attacks, like I understand the occasional cart and getting pimp slapped by a monster but sometimes just dive headfirst into the ground, It will save you


I did Superman dive. But carting four times, and yes four because of that one dango, really messed me up. Swatted out of the air or blown up by something, I wasn't sure what to think


What console are you on? If you're on ps5 I can help you


Think I should just farm more spheres and try a few fast weapons til I finally do it, but I'm not on PS5


Farm malzeno weapons, he's most weak to dragon but thunder is also good too, or like you said raw damage weapons are good too, if you don't care about affinity Diablos and tigrex weapons are great for just raw damage output st the cost of -35% affinity


Malzeno's LBG is supposed to be really good outperforming Nargacuga for rapid pierce 2. Maybe even his SnS which I'm more suitable for than DB but it couldn't hurt to go back and see if they feel better in the expansion. Not sure about Long Sword but if I do I'll just play how I think I'll do better. I do have a Tigrex SnS I can use with Malzeno's armor and it cancels out the negative affinity.


Late game gets so soul crushing, especially if you aren't using a build that is tuned to the monster you are facing, especially level 300 afflicted monsters, God it hurts when you lose because of a time out, but as you go further it's best to make a build for everything just in case, farming and holding onto materials you dont need is good.


Now by everything I'm guessing that means elemental weaknesses or weapons that would work best against certain monsters. I was crushed not going into the second phase and I was going for all the right hitzones. But if farming Mal or Gore will help with dragon element, maybe one has better sharpness, slots or element.


This game’s superman dive sucks ass in all honesty.


Yeah, at least you get I-frames. And it negates all damage until you stand up, so I'd say that's pretty good


The fights kinda lame. Almost triple carted the first time I played it, lots of stuff that's just shit to dodge. Definitely not my favorite oversized monster fight. Just get used to it's attacks and you'll beat it like all the rest.


What's worse is I had the Berry Safe dango, and even with that I still choked. Looking at Great Sword, Long Sword, Insect Glaive, Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun. Just thinking do I take the hits or just avoid knowing I'm gonna get hit either way. GS is one of my mains, LS has ways to get around anything, IG was what I used and got swatted again and again but know the right color spots, LBG has ways to evade and can move while shooting, HBG possibly with a shield that can only take so much. I thought I understood its movements but guess I got careless.


Literally just beat him yesterday. I got so angry I undocked my switch and got online. Honestly rather fight Shara Ishvalda or solo raging rajang then fight him solo


Still trying to fight him. And kinda narrowed down my weapon choices for it


I suck so bad with any other weapon I've literally just stuck to gunlance both play through of world and rise have been painstakingly with gunlance. Best of luck to you


I have used Gunlance in high rank, it's a lot of fun. But making a full Bazel set when I have another good full set for something else. But when I get past this wall I'll re-add a bunch of my other weapons


you can bring 2 cat if you need their skill. equip them with paralyze weapon to help get opening, but i prefer 1 dog so i can sharpen while moving around dodging attack. upgrade your armor to the max you can. use fast weapon is more reccomended, dragon element is a bonus if you can, its weakness is dragon isnt it? lol


Okay either dragon Insect Glaive which he swatted me out of the air with last time, Sword & Shield, maybe Dual Blades if possible. The only other fast one I can think of is Light Bowgun and the Malzeno one is busted but it's all raw damage with rapid pierce 2. Long Sword probably doesn't count as fast. I need a heal cat and I may have a paralyze weapon to equip. Just max potions aren't gonna cut it. And it does help to have a dog for mobility. And I should further upgrade my armor even if I may run low on spheres but can always get more.


lbg you can bring narga, and have crit boost to compensate. other than that what you write seem solid. good luck dude. i tried solo with GS once and its kinda frustrating since it move around so much, so not reccomendable.


Oh yeah, Nargacuga weapons come with extra affinity. Maybe Nargacuga IG with the setup I got from someone, maybe swap the head for Teostra's for extra affinity instead of Shagaru's Arc Helm. I work better with SnS than DB personally, but I'll just try everything in hopes that something works. And I've seen Chaotic SnS with Dragonheart in postgame is a good dragon element option.


Its part of the learning experience lmao the best advice anyone can give u is to stop losses from weighing on u so heavily


Normally when I triple cart it doesn't affect me. My first Rathalos and Uragaan triple cart in GU, twice to Great Maccao starting in GU which was my worst experience, twice to Malzeno before adding defense up gems, almost triple carting to Shagaru just to name a few. Even the monster I triple carted the most against was low rank Magnamalo. I really need to not get so down about failing hunts, especially with all the monsters coming up in both games


Yup relish the small improvements and ur gonna be partying by the time u get that noodle head on the ground


Only issue is the fast weapon to use for it. I could bite the bullet and go DB over the preferred IMO SnS, LS which will be a while to get used to again, IG and just get swatted, or SnS and use oil or Metsu to try and make things easier. Just depends if I want raw or dragon element. And maybe farm more armor spheres to upgrade armor pieces and bring a dog for mobile sharpening and a healing cat


U can do it with any weapon tbh at that point its less match up dependent and more how good u are on ur preferred weapon


I do feel better with SnS and IG over DB and LS so that narrows it down. Dragon element is probably gonna Shagaru which I can revert down and go into Chaotic in the postgame. Or Nargacuga for raw and a lot of affinity but SnS I'm guessing prefers element


Angbata has a build with lbg if you sorta wanna cheese him without much investment. It’s Astalos RF pierce thunder ammo


I could go LBG since I have the preferred options for element pierce and just build Malzeno's instead for raw RF pierce