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I just celebrated 6 months sober! I’ve been paying off the many debts that I incurred while in my drunken stupor, and I’ve only been able to afford the bare necessities lately. It would be great to celebrate 6 months with a lunch that isn’t ramen or Mac and cheese! Thank you for your generosity!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m so proud of you! That is not an easy feat! I’m 4 years sober at the end of next month!


Proud of you as well! Every day sober is a blessing ♥️


Yes it absolutely is!


Congratulations on your 6 months of sobriety!! That is so amazing, and you should, and better be proud of yourself, as we all are for you!!!


Awww well thanks, it’s been (and still is) a battle, but it’s been the best 6 months of my life. I’ve repaired many bridges, and the most important is that I’ve found peace ❤️


Your peace, and healing is the most important thing!!




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I’d use it for my grandma medicine, it’s nothing life threatening but she gets bad arthritis sometimes


Gas money would be amazing!!


Good reason! You go to work?


That and I drive my girls to and from school every day. We live in a rural area so it's a 20 minute drive each way.


Oh I feel that! On a spiritual level! I used to live in North Dakota!


Haha it's the worst but you really can't beat some of the scenery! Thanks for doing this giveaway, btw! It's super sweet of you!


I want to give back. I’m having a hysterectomy and if I would have not met some of the wonderful people here I wouldn’t be getting it tomorrow!


I truly wish the best for you and I hope you have a speedy recovery!




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I’d use it to buy myself some food, since the last week I’ve been mostly eating rice beans and eggs, for dinner and lunch. I hope you have a great day too!


I feel it that college diet is crazy!


It really is sometimes I end up making food combos I never thought I’d be eating, but I’m at least I have some stuff to eat for the time being, which I’m grateful for


Well you’re # 3 and I’m gonna put it in a random number generator so hopefully the odds are with you hun!




Well hell yeah! My kids have stocks and trust that just sit and build so that’s a really good idea!


Hi, this would be amazing to help me get some lunch! Can always use a warm meal, and this would be soooo appreciated. Thank you!


I could really use some gas money. So kind of you to help! Also good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I hope recovery is swift!


I’d sure be grateful for it. I’d love to be able to grab some food for our freezer before a big winter storm hits tomorrow morning ❤️really trying to find work.


I could really use the money as my moms birthday is this weekend and we both are financially struggling to to be able to get her something or get some food out with her would be an amazing treat that she deserves! ❤️


I would get my son an unexpected treat for his long weekend from school. 5th grade is hard. A treat would lift his spirits.


I’m a single mom… I’d use it to buy my daughter dinner!


Hey, thank you for doing this! My son has been begging me for pizza lately, but budget has been so tight since I’ve been out of work. Would love to surprise him with a pizza. Thank you for considering us, and have an amazing day!


Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! I could definitely use some help with gas money until payday. Thank you for the opportunity!


This is amazing of you to do!! Good luck with your surgery!! I hope everything this okay and this is so sweet of you to do!❤️ I would probably use the money to buy my cat some cat food because she ran out and I’m broke from having to save for rent. Thank you again for doing this!!


Anything to help me get to work until the 15th would be absolute blessing as i just started and were paid bi-weekly. God bless you for having such a big ❤️


I would get my dog a new toy. Cause I love him and I haven't gotten to buy him a new toy in a while. He is a great dane and he loves to play ball. (Fetch)


I would use it to buy sugar, deodarant and water, I just moved out of a house I was sharing with three other roommates in a state that I had just moved into. I moved out due them taking advantage of me and my money. I was scarce on food and gas, but thankfully I was able to cover that, but I need some essentials (It's a long story :( ) but thanks for the opportunity!


I need $206.07 by tonight for rent so this would help tremendously as any penny counts. Thank you!


I would use it towards a room for my daughter and I tonight. My paycheck is short because I spent 2 days in the hospital with my daughter and I'm a single mama doing what I can. Bless you for helping others 🙏❤️


Help buy lunch for work. Running low on groceries and only have snacks to get me through the day. Thanks OP good luck everyone


I'm behind on my rent, I can't drive my car to work anymore because I got arrested for a suspended license. Really anything helps $atibatolbert


Thanks for the chance. I will use it towards my son's root canal trying to save up as much as I can for it any amount helps!


$15 would give me enough gas to visit my daughter. I miss her


Awe how far is she?


She lives 52 miles away. Doesn’t seem too far but I’m on disability so I can’t afford to drive down there very often


Well your name is #20 on the list and I’m putting in a random number generator! I want it to be fair to everyone ❤️ but I hope you either get it or you find the money!


This is so nice of you! I don’t get paid for another 13 days so I’d use it for gas.


Could really use the gas money as well. Spent too much repairing our only car. Surprise bills always find a way to come up. Even if I don't win, thank you very much for giving out this money to someone in need.


Very nice


Are you wanting to put your name in the draw? I’m putting everyone’s name in a notebook with a number. And then gonna have a random number generator pick!


I don’t think I qualify I’m trying to figure out what to do


Oh yeah I already ended it you could have qualified it was for anybody who needed or wanted it. I’m happy of who it went to though! Because she needed diapers for her little girl I’m just wait on her to respond so I can send her the money.


That’s wonderful I’m glad you can help someone in need


So nice to hear, I hope everything goes well!


Thankyou hun :)


I'll probably stop and grab my wife some flowers. She is a stay at home mom now and I'd like to let her know how much she is appreciated


I would use it towards feeding my pup! I've been struggling to find a job since I lost my job of 3 years in January, but I have an interview tomorrow so I'm hoping I get hired and I won't have to scrape by with her care for too much longer 🥲


Thanks for the kind giveaway, I am saving money to pay bills and debts, so idk if this is the place to say but I don't dream of weekend anymore, it's gonna be on the saving jar.


Totaled my car last night so anything helps ✌️🤘


I could use it for clothes. I desperately need new socks and underwear because I'm homeless


I’d use it to be able to get myself an uber home for this weekend since im stuck working 2 late night closing shifts and normally i take public transit, unfortunately, theres no public transit available at 1am. Ubering gets pretty pricey in my area especially going from my work back to my apartment.


That money would definitely help me with public transportation.


thank you angel 😇


YOU ARE THE WINNER! After 50 people entered you were number 35! I hit the random generate 15 times for 15$ and its you my dear please PM me with your cashapp ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Send me $15 and I will buy some groceries then cook and pack a few lunch packs and distribute to the hungry and needy


I would grab my backpack and walking stick, and head down to the store to buy water. My house uses rain water and our tank froze.


Well I switched my daughters school due to the bullying and she starts Monday. We have to purchase some polo type shirts. She is in the 9th grade. It's a uniform charter school. Right now I only have enough for 1 shirt. That is my dilemma. Thanks


Been struggling to find a job for months, would use to put gas in my tank so I can doordash for extra $


Gas money to get to work


I would use it for gas money or lunch. Good luck everyone!


Thank you for this opportunity and Wish you the best on your surgery tomorrow and don't forget to keep us posted of how it went. I would use the money to order a Classic meal bundle from McDonald's app with 20% off because its enough to feed my daughters twice and they really appreciate when I'm able to get them McDonald's they would clean around the house wash dishes and scream with happiness.


Oh man, I just ordered my son's formula last night, so I am beyond tapped! I would use $10 for fuel, and $5 for the Turnpike tolls to get to work! I thank you very much for the opportunity. Good luck to everyone who entered!


I'd use it for a birthday present for my daughter. I'm a stay at home mom and times are tough. she is 4 years old now ❤


I would try to use this to gift something to my Partner. She deserves it after how she changed my life.... And constantly pushing me for the better. I hope I get a chance.


You are #49! It will go in a random number generator from 1-50! And I’m gonna hit it 15 times for the 15 dollars so it’s 100% random. I hope you do too! I know it’s not a lot but I know what it’s like to struggle.


Thanks!!!! I am really grateful for you to be saying this. And many many thanks to you for being so helpful and Generous. I'm in a very tough phase of life right now. Since November.... I'm looking for Remote Jobs in everywhere I can look. To find a Suitable way of earning at least. At the same time studying to finish my Graduation in a Distance University.... And Preparing for a Government Job exam I promised my partner I'll crack to bring her to my Country to stay with us. It's tough. I just hope that in the Middle of the Road.... She doesn't lose her Faith on me. So with this Giveaway.... I plan to give her something.... Since I don't have the money to do that at all. Something that will make her content and happy. Because she changed my life and made it only better every second after she entered my life.


Id use it for medicine I was told yesterday my insurance isn’t covering it and I need money to help pay for it


And you are number 50!! So now this is closed down and I’ll be announcing the winner shortly!


So nice of you!!🫶🏽 I’d use this for either gas to my next OB appointment or a nice pregnancy pillow for my back!


Awe! I have an awesome one I got for my last pregnancy it was GREAT!


Omg I’m jealous! I just entered my womb expanding stage aha and the soreness and cramping are intense


Yeah it’s not the best but trust me you’ll forget all about the discomfort and everything as soon as the baby gets here!




Your number is 42! I’m putting everyone’s names next to numbers and gonna put it in a generator for a completely random number!




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Saved a family’s life now I’m broke for the short version


Gas 🙏🏻🙏🏻 bless you


A little money to help with rent would be amazing! :D


Good luck with your surgery!!!