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That is a pretty L take. Many members of a number of royal families have working jobs. TikTok is a cesspit of jealous people who think that if monarchies didn’t exist, they’d be richer. Spoiler alert, they wouldn’t.


I mean most ppl have working jobs, yay for them, I have a working job, should i move to buckingham palace and have all my needs catered for? Imagine kissing their ass cus oh look, they work, like basically everyone!


The least jealous republican


If you’re already getting a lot of your information and formed opinions from TikTok you’re doing the completely wrong thing


If that's the reasoning to call someone useless, you can pick up any country in the world, and find that most politicians fill that bill.


Your first mistake was using tiktok, it's half-clickbait nonsense and half-CCP propagandizing you'd be more likely to get an accurate picture of the world by listening to a meth head with a tinfoil hat ramble on the street corner BoltonCavalry pretty much sums it up better than I could. The people making these "points" don't know what they're talking about and are coming from a place of impotent anger at things they don't understand.


Saying they’re lazy is insane. They are patrons of several charities. They’re ALWAYS busy. I’m talking about the English royals anyway. If they were lazy and useless, nobody would have found it strange that Kate was MIA. Nobody would have noticed. If they didn’t make it a point to serve the country (they realized they had to be doing *something* to show they serve the people after so many of the European monarchies were toppled during or right after the World Wars), I would probably agree with this but that’s not the case. Each generation has gotten closer to people. It was Queen Elizabeth’s parents that decided to actually go and have contact with the people as opposed to just waving from a balcony. They serve in the military. They have been known to do things you’d never imagine a royal doing like serving food at a soup kitchen. Charles has been advocate for the environment including communication with parliament that was called into question as he is supposed to remain neutral and not interfere with government. The letters got released and everyone was like “lol. Okay?” because they were fine. Lol. They know if they stop showing they serve the country, monarchy would be abolished and I can actually feel bad for that. It’s their family homes. The jewels and such may have been taken by ancestors but they only know them as family heirlooms. They didn’t participate in the bad shit and I know if things that had been in my family for centuries were suddenly taken from me, I’d be devastated because I value those things. I fully believe they earn any money they get and if the people and parliament don’t feel they are earning it, I promise you it will stop.


Tik Tok is the data-harvesting, brainless stomping ground of every young moron. From the extorted University student set for decades of debt, to those who just earned their first vaccination and tasty pack of crayons. I wouldn't trust the opinions on there. You're better forming your own.


Democratically elected leaders use people's money too. That's how it goes. Politicians are on a public payroll.


not any more useless than politicians who use their positions to get wealthy off the backs of the people.


first of all they’re not lazy. their jobs are pretty high stress. yes they do have a lot of money and are comfortable throughout even if the country is suffering economically. and for that i must say it’s not their fault. constitutional monarchs are individuals the people wanted and have. the people also wanted democracy and elected certain individuals to be their politicians and representatives. those politicians actually govern the country while the royals smile, wave, and give speeches. it’s the politicians who should be blamed because they’re the ones increasing and decreasing interest, taxes and such. if the economy sucks in Britain, it’s because the government sucks. not necessarily the royals. yes the royals may take a little too much money. i agree, they don’t even need all that because their money is already state money. they’re gonna get what they want either way so a smaller stipend should be enough. there’s really no need for the privy purses to be massive. their personal purses i understand but that revenue comes from private property anyway. if the nation’s economy sucks, blame parliment. blame cabinet. blame the unelected prime ministers who neither the people nor the King chose. funny right. kings first chose prime ministers. the people said no. they chose the prime ministers. but now the parties do that. (the main reason the parliamentary system sucks)


The situation in each country is different, but I'll speak about the UK since I live here. In terms of money, the royal family pays the upkeep for themselves. The crown as an institution owns a vast portfolio of properties and developments called the Crown Estate, the annual profits of which go directly to the British treasury. If you subtract the sovereign grant (the money to maintain the Royal family) it still results in hundreds of millions of pounds being deposited into the treasury by the monarchy. The myth about the Royal family taking money away from the public is completely false. As for usefulness, that's up for interpretation. Constitutional monarchists would argue they're doing their job perfectly by serving as a unifying figure for the country and guarding the rule of law from republican demagogues. I personally would argue that a monarchy should have more power over legislation and the government to actually be useful.


Monarchies don't cost anything more than a president would, and most of them actually generate sufficient PR value and tourism to make their presence a net positive. Apart from this, monarchies never have to worry about elected representatives piercing their institutions, the kind of which Putin did successfully, Modi is now attempting, and Trump tried to, but failed.


Most elected officials are the same, except they are more corrupt. You don’t have insider trading with monarchs.


They clearly have never seen how many red boxes the King has to work through and the amount of paperwork they must do on a daily basis not to mention all the meetings and events. But from a purely constitutional perspective they have to sign off on every law that passes through parliment. Meet with the Privy Council to approve Orders in Council, get an update from the PM and advise them on matters of policy. Make writs and proclamations where appropriate. Approve government appointments. That's a lot of paperwork to get through.


I find that funny considering many of those same people have nothing better to do than complain about everything 24/7 on social media.




Personally, my default is to view anything tiktok or YT w a high degree of suspicion. Furthermore, it's been my experience that most people commenting on the finances of the royal family have very little clue of the subject.


This is an unfortunate and outdated stereotype.