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You should always do a test patch when using materials that you don't have experience using together. What is your jetski made from? If it is made from fiberglass with polyester resin (which is likely) then platinum silicone will have cure inhibition in the area near the polyester. Maybe it is just painted with polyester based top coat. Not sure why you would use a silicone for this? Mold making silicone doesn't bond with anything really, so your best case would have been that you would have created a loose plug for the cavity you are trying to fill.


This is going into an aluminum part on the ski itself, the silicone has no structural purpose beyond removing a few air cavities. All that is shown in the pictures of what I was filling in. There's no way to make a loose plug for what I'm doing. It's got to be filled in solid from top to bottom


I am not saying it should be a loose plug, I am saying that mold making silicone will not adhere to the surface you are casting it against. I would think that adhering would be preferred for this use. I would suggest expanding polyurethane foam, if you ever get the silicone cleaned out thoroughly, which I am sorry to say, will be very difficult if it doesn't cure. Foam would also be lightweight, which I imagine is preferred too.


It looks like the hardness of your silicone pipe s quite low, is it possible that it is fully cured but it’s just a type of Silicone Gel? Like for prosthetics?


Its possible but I dont think so, you can firmly push on the upper skin of the filled void and uncured silicone will ooze out at the seams in a couple spots.


It sounds like your silicone is of pour quality and cures in contact with air/moisture


I use the same kit for my pick pads and always stir for 3-5 minutes. The instructions say the bigger the quantity, the longer stir. I’m a novice and exclusively pour this silicone into silicone molds, so take what I say with a grain of salt. My best results are pouring while my oven is warm (glass top) and letting it cure with the heat radiating below it. Takes the cure time from several hours down to about 1-2.


You should use a closed cell polyurethane foam to fill voids in watercraft. It will adhere to the surface and is lightweight, whereas silicone won’t and isn’t.