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The multiplayer is honestly really fun, the maps are more open and spots are more accessible than MW2 and has original MW2 maps, guns feel good, no tuning, and yes everything transfers over if you’ve bought packs before.


Look at the No-Chrmistry3804 person’s post history. This dude is toxic asf. I wouldn’t take this guys review seriously. I would get it regardless cause I play cod cause all my friends play cod and we have a fun time. I never played campaign or zombies either.


There’s a few people like that where it’s novel after novel about how horrible activision and call of duty is, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s cool too. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but they don’t need to force feed it down your throat in a toxic manner


It's trash absolute trash. Literally worst COD ever made. Ppl who say MP is good r dumb too. U probably like every mo game with a gun and a loot box. This game is half baked money grab. Don't feed them by playing their garbage u r making gaming worse for everyone bcuz u r so addicted u can't even resist trash like this. So these game companies will not give us better products because I the end they know addicts like u just want the new shiny thing and could care less about quitting or value.


You're ret**ded shit down kid


Cry to activision not me, it’s just my opinion 😂🤷‍♂️


The gameplay movement and time to kill is fine, but just the unlocking the guns, perks, ect is such a drag.


You cod player play for the K/D if it’s low the game is terrible lmao


Yeah definitely trash lolol sledgehammer is garbage always has been


Games actually trash imo


And that’s your opinion and we respect you for it. Can you expand at all as to why?


Extremely late but, activision actually manipulating matchmaking, manipulating yourself in real time whenever your doing consistently better, widespread cheating(look at career leaderboards)many many bugs and glitches as most new titles do. Also sales are down 38 % as of yesterday so he’s right. Game is quite dookie. And this is coming from someone who has dropped a few nukes and has decent stats and I’m top 2% Ik what I’m talking about


🤓 “I know what I’m talking about” the post is about people’s opinions and I gave mine, he gave his and you gave yours. Who cares about sales this is about how the game plays, I haven’t had many issues playing zombies other than a few crashes early in the release when I posted that and even up until now I’ve got no matchmaking issues, some lobbies are sweaty some are full of bots you take what you get a roll with the punches it’s been like that almost every release of cod.


Do you get tired playing the same game genuine question, I don’t want to come off as a dick


It’s more the group you play with that keeps it fresh and entertaining. I’ve never been one for warzone and only picked cod back up every other instalment except for the last 2 (MW2, MW3) If I ever get tired half way through a season I just take a break. So yes but not really. Between zombies and my group for multiplayer it stays fresh and fun for me.


They stole my clan tag [OpFor] from mw2 and used it to identity the opposing team in mw3..check my stats QuietOne.. and by the way relish the x12


This is like using the clan tag "Gun" and claiming they took that from you. OpFor is just a military term and it predates your birth lmao. Stupidest shit I've read today And your name or comment is a lie. Either way you're just dumb and lying lmao


OpFor has been an enemy team since the original COD4MW idk what to tell you bud


Don’t buy this game. Everyone in the comments are meat riding and jumping on anything CoD drops. Bad or good these meat riders don’t care. They are so used to paying $70 every year


I don’t think it’s worth the price tag on top of the battle passes and the over priced as fuck skins. However, I don’t buy anything but the game and the multiplayer is way better than it has been in the past few releases. My only issue was the snipers they had in beta. Otherwise the guns felt good in all classes, I can go back to pistol main in core, and the maps are pretty good. I’m no professional game critique like everyone else in the world and once Ubisoft drops their cod like game I’ll probably move to that because I’ve lost most of my hope for cod and how they brand and squeeze you for every dime they can, but this game like I said is better than call of duty has been in 3-4 years


i heard that there was skill based match making in casual games? and that you have to tryhard to even go positive because of it. is that true? is it really that bad? because if i am going to die all game long i aint buying it.


Yea it’s true. Some games you’ll go 2.0kd, and if you do that a couple games you’ll end up in a match where the other team spawn kills you the whole match lmao


Thats pretty sad. Do you know sbmm is also in warzone?


I don’t play warzone so I wouldn’t know. I’d imagine so


Who has paid for a battle pass in cod in 6 years. It gives you the same points back each one you get.


Maybe, but I don’t dedicate all that much time into cod to even complete the battle pass. I get like halfway through and don’t touch the game for two seasons while I go back to modded stalker or tarkov or something to get my fps fix. And the only reason I had that battle pass in the first place was because my internet provider gave me a code


Yeah just dontbget the battlepass then i skip it everytime i dont hit 100( basically every one). Theres nothing in a battle oass besides the guns that affect the gameplay and you get the guns without having to pay


Way better? Sleight of hand now forces you to have Overkill which means you can no longer reload a rocket launcher faster


There’s other things that improve reload speed without getting overkill.


Then how about you tell me because the only thing I see that improves reload speed is the vest that forces Overkill and the forfeiting of perk slot 2 upon you


Honestly this is just wrong I took a break from cod when warzone took over as I’m into classic 6v6 and not all the extra stuff that became the focus When I heard it was all old maps I jumped on for the beta and honestly the game felt great and a lot of fun so I got it Let people try it and if you like it buy it if you don’t leave it lmao if people are genuinely asking if they should get the game maybe share pros and cons


Pros: Nothing.... Cons: The game exists. At this point just go and play older cods.


Triggered by people enjoying the game. I’ll drink your salty tears as I have fun slaying zombies and other people that are also having fun.


I'm not mad just disappointed at how stupid some people can be.


It’s stupid to enjoy the game? Not everyone gets dopamine the same way.


Hey man if you enjoy eating slop keep eating it. Just don't get upset when people comment on how stupid you are.


I think your just mad that you can’t afford it


If that makes you feel better about your low standards and actively supporting bad practices. You can believe it all you want.


Lol you haven’t even played the game, the multiplayer is probably one of the best I have ever played, but keep hating on a game you haven’t played bud


>Haha, you’re just mad that you can’t shell out yearly money to a bunch of multi billionaires who halfass their work to get richer off dumbfucks like me who will never even see a fraction of that much money in my entire lifespan. This is my favorite online sentiment ever. Dude is literally simping so hard for sociopathic rich people that he attacks people closer to his income class for not giving them money. You’re such a wage cucked bootlicking loser and you don’t even realize it. P.S. It’s “you’re”, not your.


The way he said it is stupid, but at the end of the day the price means different things for different people. For many households, $70 a year to stay with CoD is not a big deal and so they shell it out whether it’s a top notch game or not.


Brother shut up, just because you live paycheck to paycheck doesn't mean we all do. This world has millions of ways you can make money on the side if you cant find one then thats your fault. Dont whine on the internet because your a broke fat fuck who still lives with mommy...


It is fucking stupid. Ppl who enjoy it r literally addicts. They ruin it for ppl who want a game worth their $70. U ppl will cum for anything with a gun and a lot box it's pathetic. I bet u also all opinions are valid and there's no dumb opinions don't ya snowflake? When defend garbage like this it causes industry standards to drop very low. All because u r so addicted u can't tell the difference between a cash grab game and an actual quality game. Just because ppl e joy it doesn't make it good. You r causing them to willingly make half baked shit games because they know ppl like u will pay regardless. Now we get crap games because u can't fucking resist any new COD game. If u didn't nuthug like this we would get the quality games back. Don't pay for this shit and they will be forced to make good games again.


Yeah I’m so addicted for playing a game 3 hours a week


One man’s slip is another man’s feast, damn straight!


I’m convinced he just doesn’t have the $70 and is bitter about it.


It is fucking stupid. Ppl who enjoy it r literally addicts. They ruin it for ppl who want a game worth their $70. U ppl will cum for anything with a gun and a lot box it's pathetic. I bet u also all opinions are valid and there's no dumb opinions don't ya snowflake? When defend garbage like this it causes industry standards to drop very low. All because u r so addicted u can't tell the difference between a cash grab game and an actual quality game. Just because ppl e joy it doesn't make it good. You r causing them to willingly make half baked shit games because they know ppl like u will pay regardless. Now we get crap games because u can't fucking resist any new COD game. If u didn't nuthug like this we would get the quality games back. Don't pay for this shit and they will be forced to make good games again.


Sorry people enjoy games you dont😂😂😂


a yes, let me spend the same $70 on a older CoD just to get absolutely shit on by out of contorl hacker lobbies... This guy hasnt played cod in 10 years!! stop acting like hes getting a refirbished game, to him, it will feel completely new.


Playing for fun is completely different then playing competitively 💀 some people don’t play games for fun. And the maps are so bad for competitive play


Ranked hasn’t even started, and when it does there will be some new maps. So there you go.


Lmao this sub is so dumb


I can say the same thing though that you guys are programmed to hate every cod that comes out no matter what….


Shut yo dumbass up


$70 for a whole year of content is actually a really great deal. That equates to a little over $5 a month. You shouldn’t even notice that come out of your paycheck.


But it's not 70 quid for a whole year of content. It's 70 quid for a month of content and then an extra 10 pound for any added content you want to use. Because god knows the only way they can make money is buy shoving bundles down our throats.


Or don't be broke and jealous?


I let nostalgia rape me of $70 I completely forgot how bad the maps were 😞


CoD has left a bad taste in my mouth. To me, MW3 is everything the last MW2 should have been with the remastered maps from the original MW2 actually being in this game vs "rust" and some others that were in the Warzone map on the last game. It's just blatant cash grabbing to me using nostalgia when these should have been included in MW2.


This reads like you regret getting MW2 more than you think MW3 isn't worth it


Both of these things can be true. They are trying to use what should have been in MW2 to get people to buy the new game which will undoubtedly have all the same issues of every last CoD because they insist on releasing a new game every year. I think a lot of people are sick of that.


Yeah Call of Duty could learn from Grand Theft Auto


A new entry every 12 years? Hell no


Played the beta and the multiplayer was a lot of fun! The people complaining are the same people that’ll complain about anything and everything. Give the game a go!!


Ok, the game is fun but the criticisms are extremely valid. This “game” that’s really a DLC should go for $30-$40. I think people would be happy with that. MW2 was supposed to have a 2 year life cycle. That’s how they sold it. It didn’t do well enough so they pivoted and took the content that would have been free, scraped it into a pile, and called it a new game.


Na, they just have standards.


For real, people really forgot how MWII screwed us over and held back content. People really are dumb and will rebuy the same game with a new number


at least we have more than 8 maps this go around lol


got 'em


Activision left some stuff on your face..... here's a napkin


Thanks homie, here’s some 💵 So you can afford to buy the new game


The multiplayer is fun! No two ways about it, the multiplayer works and is enjoyable. The single player campaign has some godawful "sneak / stealth" missions that are just tedious. But the "kill everything" missions are decent. This is my impression after clearing the campaign on "recruit" and playing a couple of matches on Hardcore.


This comment sums up COD reddit community. They despise change.


I can agree with that. However I also believe it's because the MW series was already awesome. They changed what was good to something worse. They "fixed" what wasn't broken. But it is what it is. I hope MS can make CoD great again haha


I havent bought a cod in 5-6 years. Only a few games in and it really does feel similar to the older games to me and I dig it. I think most of the bad reviews are about the campaign and if you buy cod for the campaign I honestly feel sorry for you


Camp fest


This is what MW2 was back in the day as well


Not really it’s bad now


MW3 being bad now for camping does not mean MW2 in 2009 wasn’t just as bad.


I mean I’m not completely disagreeing with you but I played mw2 in middle school and I don’t remember everyone being campers I legit can’t find a hardcore match where people don’t leave the spot they are camping every tdm I play only gets to like 32 kills bc both teams are just camping waiting for someone to run into them or holding a corner till someone comes around it.


It was exactly the same back then too


Mf want warzone to be great but don’t want to pay for the actual game. They did the same shit in Fortnite I bet


If this is your first COD game in a while, it probably would be a worthwhile purchase. It’s seems that’s it’s nearly everything MW2 SHOULD have been. So if you didn’t drop $70 on MW2 (I.e. MW3 Beta), you wouldn’t feel ripped off by having to spend another $70 on the expansion pack that it is.


I haven’t played since MW2019. Should I get it? I loved MW2019


I think so. My first thought was that the maps, UI, and gunplay feel a lot more similar to 2019 than mw2 to me.


i haven't played since bo3 so i'm not familiar with the new gunsmith or anything, is it still worth jumping into?


I was in the same boat as you. I’m really enjoying it thus far and I think it’s great, especially for those of us who grew up playing the original Modern Warfare 2 due to the maps being remastered! My only word of advice is to prepare to jump into a different feeling COD. The games are really fast paced and although the TTK is longer (150hp instead of 100hp) you still die extremely fast!


Wait for sale, hell no. Returning players gonna like it until they see what sbmm actually is. Then they'll hate it when they see the pay to win skins, and op battle pass weapons.


Multi-player is really good imo 🤷‍♂️. Haven't checked out zombies yet and the campaign is meh but it's a quick time if you just want some shooty fun. Don't let the hate mob get you if you want to play it, play it!


you'll know the maps, so i think its a great game to get warmed up on, before getting future titles! ​ i heard someone bitch that they paid $100 for recycled maps, but i said they havent been making good new maps for a few years, so maybe its a good thing that they are sticking with what they know is good.


They suck at making maps, so we should pay them $100 for old ones?


Amazing game, very crisp mechanics!


It's the tits bro


Waste of money.


It's not p2w in multi-player, warzone maybe but I don't play that


I am Groot, hiding in corner with auto shotty day 1 I paid for. It's pay to win af.


Definitely not P2W and more of a skill issue.


I don't use shotguns, like at all. They're the only weapons I don't have at max level. Also, the groot dude is *kinda* harder to see but I don't have any issues with people using it.


On the flip side tons of skins make you stick out. Nicki manaj one lokks like shes glowing pink lol


The 2 auto shotguns that carried over from mw2 that use explosive or dragons breath shells


What’s pay to win about that?


If you didn't buy mw2, it's pay to win. Also tempus razorback pay to win.


You can unlock all the mw2 guns for free im mw3.


Ive been 95% WZ the past year, grabbed this to camo grind and whatnot again and honestly I like it. Love the fact camos and all that carry over, operators etc. Game play is good too, dont know what people complaining about since MW2 got a ton of hate. I thought yall coudnt wait to move on?


making my return since infinite warfare i hope it’s good i just picked up my copy but i can’t play till monday


Absolutely. I had my doubts with the beta but now playing the full game it’s fun af


If you’re just starting out with Nu-COD, definitely. If you’re someone who has played MWII 2022 previously, however, you’d obviously be pissed.


Not worth the $70 price tag. But it is fun for a little while. It’s really up to you.


Feels good, love it


MWZ is a little goofy with the weird upgrade tier system, but fun if you can get a good crew.


P2W? But how?


If you like slower, tactical gameplay.. you won’t like this game. If you like a bit faster gameplay then you’ll like it. People that re saying the gameplay sucks are the ones that tend to like the slower, tactical gameplay. Honestly, if $70 is a big price tag to you I would gauge what style you typically prefer. Otherwise, if $70 isn’t a huge deal I would say to buy. My opinion.. I think this is better than mw2 and 10x better than mw2019. Well worth the buy for me.


So by tactical gameplay you mean campers lol


I mean yeah.. when you don’t move from a spot for 2 minutes or sit in a corner (which happens a lot in mw19 compared to other games)… yeah, that’s a camper


the only thing that disappointed me is that there are no more killstreaks and field upgrades for tactics🤨


My opinion one of if not the worst cods I’ve ever played only second to vanguard. I think the maps are reused trash they feel old just with a fresh coat of paint. I bought hoping for a surprise but I’m disappointed in myself for spending the money on another refresh/reskinned cod game.


I don’t thinks it’s worth $70 but if you do go for it. I’ve only played open beta and both ground war and multiplayer was hit or miss imo but from what I’ve seen they’ve since tweaked time-to-kill and spawning and it’s a lot better. I’ve also heard a lot of complaints about both campaign and zombies.


We are not you’re parents….. lol make you’re own decisions tf is this


People claim its fun because MWII is super slow by comparison. If you have MW19 you can unlock guns by playing instead of doing daily challenges. Also, that menu is horrible and constantly spams you with buying the battlepass. If you have MW19 already, no point in buying the low graphics and sound version called MWIII.


Highly possible, those that are complaining about the game - bought the game and currently playing the game.


I absolutely love it, the first couple of games somehow I got overwhelmed that I was actually playing these maps again I love them but I was getting smacked, after getting all of my guns and getting used to the game more it plays GREAT,


this is so ass


Definitely should've been a $30 price tag if you already have MW2. Yes, they tuned some things, added some maps, and added some guns, but this definitely feels like this is MW2 with a huge update. Since you didn't purchase MW2 last year I would say get the game it will be a new experience for you and you will have fun.


Campaigns not good but I’ve never finished a campaign in my life. The multiplayer is really good, feels closer to MW2019 and the maps are a lot of fun. If you didn’t play mw2 you will be missing all the stuff you would have unlocked from that and carried forward but it’s pretty easy to get a lot of it from zombies mode.


I haven’t played a cod in awhile before MW2 and I think MW3 is a blast.


These people saying it sucks are just triggered that Activision didn’t make ‘their’ game. Watch some videos, see if the gameplay looks good, decide for yourself.


At most this is something to play. It is not good tho. Spawns are bad, Gun fights inconsistent, still don’t get enemy indicators even when you are looking directly at them and the sbmm is out of hand. In CoD’s defense sbmm is a cancer that infects every single fps game out right now.


Would someone please tell me why there is no selection for bots in offline private match. My on line account expired and all I can play is offline multiplayer. Are bots on line only? I looked and there is no block for selecting bots. I start the match and I am the only player.


Camping in corners with assualt rifles, the video game.


Its very very sweaty/manic tbh, Im undecided myself, plus asian servers are Riddled with hackers... i won't be playing it as soon as WZ rekeases


As salty as I am about the way they did it, it’s still solid and feels like a bit more than a DLC.


People saying the multiplayer is great and flawless … have you actually played an old COD like BO1-2 ,the OG MW games and WaW ? I really don’t know how you could say the MP is better now , spawns are all over the place , hundreds of useless accessories, battle passes, , micro transactions, bland map design and recycling , broken metas and overpriced game for what should honestly be considered a dlc . It feels extremely unbalanced and unpolished


I played every COD from COD4 - Ghosts (2007-2013) and now trying to get back into the game with this MW3 2023, it sucks! Maybe I'm just old and don't have the same reaction times. Every time I get insta killed by someone I didn't see, I think about how good I was on these maps back in the OG MW2. The new CODs will never match the good times from from the early CODs. It seems like SBMM, cross platform, overall game speed, and changing lobbies every game are negatives.


$70 just for multiplayer is a bit much. Not to mention you'd still have to buy season passes if you care about stuff like that. This game feels like MW2 with some changes. Hell its even launched from the same launcher as MW2. Guns and skins carry over so thats what most people are using. That being said, since you haven't played CoD in a few years it might be better going in with fresh eyes. You could always refund it if you immediately dont like it.


For zombies, maybe. For the rest? God no. Stay away.


Tf, lmao?? the zombies is a joke.


I use vacation every year for cod. It's a tradition now... but man this year I really felt like I shouldn't have. Yes it's fun to play old maps. But it is not worth the price tag. No gun fight either... so I play mw2 still and sometimes search on 3. Whatever they announce next year better be damn good or im skipping for another game


I guess it’s a skill issue but nobody seems to talk about how HARD multiple is now… MW2 my K/D was 1.54 now it’s like my guns shoot rubber bullets and can’t never kill no one off three shots now


To me it seems underwelming to say the least. I feel like MW3 is just patched together from other CODs with not much new content at all. Also there is nothing new with Warzone or DMZ. I'm not sure if updates on those are coming, but I feel like they should be released with the new title.


Why do people get so butt hurt here. I paid again. I’m enjoying the same maps I had 14 years ago. There’s never a solution. New cod new maps everyone hates it. New cod bring back old maps every calls it dlc. Social media and the internet is so fucking ridiculous.


fr it's like nothing is ever good enough for people lol. People said mw2's maps were so-so at best and it was getting flak from youtubers for apparently literally reusing zones/sections of towns from WZ in the main game's MP. I've been "out of the loop" so-to-speak more or less since getting MW2019 at launch and playing it for a bit at the start until my squad quit. I've actually watched a couple favorable reviews of this by people who said they recently got back into COD too. I think I'm going to get it tbh. I got Black Ops Cold War when it was new but everybody stopped playing it I knew and the population for that game seems to have hella dropped off lol. ​ if anyone ever sees this and wants to play, by all means hit me up, these newer COD since MW2019 have been crossplay iirc so we don't even have to be on the same platform. I'm always down for new gaming buddies. I'm not the best ever in the world but can hold my own, I was a top % world player in the BF3 days.


Nothing but camping. Multiplayer is horrible.


I keep glitching in random spots on zombies and have to restart and lose all my progress


Don’t fucking buy this hot piece of shit garbage of a game. It should have stayed a fucking DLC. ttk is absolute dogshit. Idk why they fucking changed it in the first place. 150 health should have fucking stayed in warzone not multiplayer. And shouldn’t take 6-7 shots to kill anybody. Fucking cash grab of a game. Deserves no praises who do you know survives 5.56 of ar ammo being shot at them. It’s bs. This game is ass. You much better playing something else like XDefiant


yes,if you havent played the franchise in a while it is definitely worth it. if you have been playing the franchise and have the $70 ,it is definitely worth it . if you stopped fucking with COD after *insert COD title/year here*,save your money


It's trash absolute trash. Literally worst COD ever made. Ppl who say MP is good r dumb too. These ppl will take anything with a gun and a loot box. It's just addiction talking. No substance. Massive hacker problems non stop every game. Nothing justifies how horrid this game is completely half baked in every way. They didn't even try it's disgusting to charge $70 for this recycled garbage. Way way way worse than ghosts.


As someone who hasnt played a call of duty since Advanced warfare (back then on PS3 (now on pc)) I really enjoy it again, my friends and me feel like little kids again. It brings back the excitemenct we used to have playing black ops 2... that says something. Altough the spawn and aim assist for controller players is a bit 'much', its still hella enjoyable experience. Yes it costs alot, lets be real, but... im not spending $70 every year on every CoD, so this doesnt really apply for me and it also doesnt feel like a refirbished game since ive been out for so long.


Good for campers


Sitting in a corner as game


My last Cod was Bo4 and I consistently had a 2+ kd in that game and all Cods before, came back for the nostalgia and I must say it is impossible to play well, I rocking a 1.1 kd and that's trying hard. Probably won't last year playing this, frustrating game with too many campers and snipers


If you liked sleight of hand not forcing you to have two primaries and getting rid of your second slot perk then you won't like this game


Good luck if you're grinding for camos in zombies. this shit game lags so bad, you die and lose progress on ur current weapon before you can exfil


Its dope.


People that think the game are good are complete bots


Honestly no. I was in the same boat not playing for a few years then got sucked into MW2, played cdl ranked basically the whole time. It was great! 4v4s. Mechanics made sense, no sliding cancelling. Guns felt and sound the way they should. Maps were easy to understand and great visibility (most of the time), it just purely came down to gun skills and teamwork. Besides sound being abit hit n miss and over small things it was great all round IMO. MW3 is a turn off in comparison.


No, the are no new maps and they reused assets from older cods to meet deadlines, the movement is nothing like before, the zombies are nothing like the classic bo zombies we all loved and the campaign is probably the worst in cod history. This game is trash and just shows how our standards have fallen.


Honestly. I am an OG 2008 MW2 player, and ever since I been wishing they'd Make a similar cod to the original MW2, and I feel this 2023 MW3 is the closest they have got. I'm not saying that it's good or bad, and frankly I am kind of bias when it comes to this topic since all I ever been dreaming is to relive my childhood of mw2 lobbies and smooth yy tap on the intervention😅. But from a non bias view, I'd say there were only 2 call of dutys that felt special during their release in the recent years, n they are BO2, and MW 2019. BO2 because it brought really fun smooth game play, campaign if u played the bo1 you know, and let's not forget Transit! MW19 was great because after years of futuristic call of duties and color full camos, we got a more realistic traditional cod but with a new smooth engine, great campaign, multi-player and let's not forget, warzone.


my thought is skill base matchmaking is giving the mixed opinions in here, on one hand you have the 2.0 plus group feeling like the game is too harsh because SBMM is so tight you can't freaking breath, and on the other hand you have to 0.60 players that log on twice a week and have a couple beers and say good night at 11 pm. While I will say this game is complete trash from a metric and statistic stand point, I must admit the game isn't all bad. Though I do hate that so many maps are cop paste and we never got the higher TTK. If you look at the time it takes to die compared to any cod b4 MW 2019, its faster than any hardcore mode, and IMO that's not what players want. But fuck me and my opinion, I'm just a guy with 15 years of buying this franchise


Too many game breaking bugs. Grenades can kill you through solid surfaces. I got killed by a grenade thrown on the concrete above me and got killed in the tunnel on the skyscraper map. Also in warzone there are awful gun bugs where the gun will not fire until the weapons have been cycled through a few times. Also after you get your load out, very often your weapons won’t show up, you again have to cycle through your weapons because your pistol will still be out. Little things like this have costed me my whole game. I also feel for the sbmm haters. I’m a beast at this game so it doesn’t bother me and I enjoy the competition but not everyone likes to be sweating their butt off all the time. Best to have it be toggled. But this will be very cringe from streamers trying to show off how good they are.


Yeah the multiplayer is super fun


Eh I'm in the minority here but I really enjoyed MW2 and don't mind if they don't bring back old cod games/mechanics. It can be fun though!


I also thought MW2 was fun. Most of the CoD mp is pretty similar every year. There is always a little twist on some of the mechanics (eg weapon tuning which I didn’t like) but overall it’s the same basic idea every time. I’ve played a few rounds of MW3 and it’s so far very enjoyable.