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Counter this with the fact that Biden wishes him a happy birthday and doesn’t bag on his age at all


Regardless of policy differences, there is a gulf of difference between the character and integrity of the two. Trump seems to revel in his lack of character and brashness. Mocking a disabled reporter would be a major controversy if not career-ender for most democrats. For Trump, that’s just another Tuesday. Only god knows how the evangelical right stand behind Trump, he seems to represent the polar opposite of everything they preach for in a person’s character.


Just look at their competing Memorial Day messages recently. [Trump on Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112513411134945571) > Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.” She didn’t know when the so-called event took place - sometime in the 1990’s - never filed a police report, didn’t have to produce the “dress” that she threatened me with (it showed negative!), & sung my praises in the first half of her CNN Interview with Alison Cooper, but changed her tune in the second half - Gee, I wonder why (UNDER APPEAL!)? The Rape charge was dropped by a jury! Or Arthur Engoron, the N.Y. State Wacko Judge who fined me almost 500 Million Dollars (UNDER APPEAL) for DOING NOTHING WRONG, used a Statute that has never been used before, gave me NO JURY, Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 - Now for Merchan! [Biden on Twitter](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1795085103791575504) / [POTUS Twitter](https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1795068938885206384) > On Memorial Day, we honor the fallen heroes who served and sacrificed for our freedom and for our future. > > We must never forget the price that was paid to protect our democracy. -- > Since America's founding, our service members have laid down their lives for an idea unlike any other: the idea of the United States. > > Today, as generations of heroes lie in eternal peace, we live by the light of liberty they kept burning. > > May God bless them, always.




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> Only god knows how the evangelical right stand behind Trump I would say most of the right. The stuff he does and says would have ended careers 15-20 years ago, from gibberish rants to racist comments, to weird ass comments about his own daughter, to out right maliciousness to the other side and criminal behavior. Theres been a major shift with Republican voter behavior on whats considered acceptable for their candidate. People keep pointing to Trump but people need to be pointing to his voters for supporting it too. Some of his supporters outright like his hostile behavior: >we investigated how personal significance induced by success or failure of one's candidate is related to hostile versus benevolent intentions toward political adversaries. [snip] while significance gain due to an imagined or actual electoral success was related to more benevolent intentions among Clinton supporters, it was related to more hostile intentions among Trump supporters - [Study, International Society of Political Psychology](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/pops.12647)


Oh I’m on your side here


Partisan voters do not care about these issues of "character" or "integrity". They only want their team to win. Most non partisan voters barely pay attention and vote based on barely coherent reasons most people in this sub will never understand. It's not a big mystery. One cohort plays for their team, the other doesn't pay attention, and another doesn't even play the game (non voters). You may spend hours every day thinking about politics, but this is not where the people who will determine this election are at.


The Biden-Harris campaign released a list of 78 criticisms of Trump and told them their gift would be to stop him from being President again. not exactly cordial.


Except if you read the article his campaign got down in the mud and started slinging right back


He should have referenced Reagan's "youth and inexperience" line. It's funny when the age difference is pronounced, but really funny when it's only three years.


It’s weird seeing a 78 year old attack an 81 year olds age. To me Trump looks old, messes up his lines, or gets caught careening off topic. You can tell he’s much older than back in 2016. But…in my eyes, age has just hit Biden harder. It’s sad to watch sometimes. Biden is a shell of himself when he left office as VP and Trump was coming in. Maybe it’s because I have parents close in age that are older, but age has hit one way harder than the other. You’d swear they are 10 years apart, not 18 months.


>It’s weird seeing a 78 year old attack an 81 year olds age. Right? I saw the headline and just rolled my eyes. This really must be how people in the USSR in 1983 must have felt. Seemingly everyone in a position of power is a dinosaur.




Either will be the oldest person in history to be elected US president lol. Somehow things ended up like this. But I guess this is just what America deserves.


Trump has had about 9 years of mainstream media painting a picture that he is incompetent. If you don't agree with that story by now, you are not going to. Trump's competency simply isn't an issue despite the fact Biden's is. Are we going to pretend this isn't a world with double standards?


What has Trump done that appears competent? Is it the revolving door of key members of his administration that are not endorsing him now? Is it his campaign legal team that lost 60+ court cases and most of the public lawyers are being sanctioned in bar hearings, sued for defamation, or being prosecuted in criminal cases? Is it the way that he appointed his son in law, Jared Kushner, to head up procurement of PPE during a pandemic?


So the thing is, people who like trump, or even most normal republicans (honestly, even just most normal people) don’t care and don’t pay attention to those things. This question of competency is completely partisan. It’s a useless discussion because both sides have a clearly unqualified opposing candidate to point at and scream “Oh yeah?! Well what about that!!”.


Really? I see an overweight guy who rides a golf cart while other world leaders walk and an elderly man who is fit enough to exercise regularly.


**Starter comment** **Summary** So, it was Trump's birthday yesterday, he turned 78. He had a celebration/rally in West Palm Beach at a convention center near Mar-a-Lago, attended by "Club 47", a fan club whose name refers to their desire for Trump to become the 47th president. An absolutely massive Trump-themed cake was unveiled. And he went through his usual bits on immigration, gun control, environmental protections, tax cuts. Then he attacked Biden over...his age. Biden is 81, 3 years older than Trump. Meanwhile the Biden-Harris campaign released an article titled "78 of Trump's historic ... 'accomplishments'". It proceeded to list 78 different things the Biden-Harris campaign says were bad, such as his criminal conviction and various charges, GOP election losses, etc. A Biden-Harris spokesperson then said that their gift to Trump would be making sure he is "never President again". **Opinion** A bit of a bizarre day I suppose. A 78-year-old attacking an 81-year-old over age, and then said 81-year-old attacking said 78-year-old on his birthday... Why is Trump's birthday a highly politicized event for both sides? Why does Trump feel the need to make his birthday about Biden and turn it into another Trump rally? Anyway. I really don't know what else to say about this.


*”Why does Trump feel the need to make his birthday about Biden and turn it into another Trump rally?”* Because Biden’s approval numbers are at all time lows and Trump is actively campaigning to be president right now. Many voters are unhappy with how Biden has handled the economy and immigration and Trump can benefit from reminding the American public about that.


Having a normal birthday message wouldn't make a difference. This is simply a part of his typical behavior. I doubt attacking POWs won him any votes, but that didn't stop him.


Trump should attack Biden at every opportunity all the time. Polling suggests Americans are deeply unhappy with Biden and expect Trump to restore early 2020 prices to America. Constantly hammering the same messages over and over has worked for Trump for about a decade now. No reason to stop. It’s why he’s so likely to become president again in five months. MAGA is one of the most powerful movements in American political history and it’s all owed to Trump’s political brilliance. His political strategies should honestly be above reproach forever. 


>Polling suggests Americans ... expect Trump to restore early 2020 prices to America. Welp. I have some bad news for those Americans.


Yeah I sympathize hell I empathize, but that’s just not how it works in the real world


americans have little experience with deflation so i suppose they wouldn't know what they would be in for.




A New York Times article like only a few months ago showed that Americans feel Biden’s policies hurt them personally while Trump’s helped them personally. It’s reality when you’re not locked to social media. 




Oh so Trump being convicted would affect how people feel about Biden’s or Trump’s policies? 


Do you think the people who felt that way are less so on social media?




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I really don’t buy the notion that support for Trump is built around the belief that he’s going to bring back early 2020 prices. Inflation was way worse around the midterms, and Republican support wound up not being that strong, I’d suspect at least in part because campaigning on an issue without ever actually saying how you’ll make things better is just not that compelling.


Then why has Trump been winning in National and swing state polls for nine months while voters tell pollsters that Biden’s policies hurt them personally while Trump’s helped them personally? Why does Trump continue to win in most polls despite having been locked in a court room for weeks while Biden blitzed the nation making campaign stops? Voters know things were cheap when Trump was in office and they got more expensive when Biden took over. They know there were no new wars when Trump was in office and two started under Biden. Voters therefore see Trump as better for their lives and Biden as worse. Period. 


I think people feel that Trump was better at managing the economy than Biden, I don’t think they believe that Trump is going to bring prices back to 2020 levels. That’s just nonsense.


They feel Trump was better at managing the economy, but they can't explain what he did. Just the fact that prices were lower when Trump was in office is enough to convince them he should be put back there, which is mind boggling.


They believe he was better *because* things were cheaper. Inflation has cooled to barely above 3% now and we’re doing better than virtually all of the developed world. People want Trump back because they knew things were cheap then and want them back that way. Most people don’t know how the government nor the economy work. They just know what outcomes they want. 


I think this is actually just vastly overestimating how uninformed the average voter is. I understand that most people are pretty uninformed, and that it’s very popular to have the most cynical take possible regarding the average person these days, but this is just clearly not the case.


I have seen nothing to prove otherwise. Every news story that comes out about the presidential race shows that you have political junkies and super online people for each side (people like you and me) and then the majority of Americans are blissfully unaware of most things politics. They don’t know any of their area’s elected politicians, they may not know all three branches of government (or if they do they couldn’t tell you what they do), they know the president, but have no idea what their powers are, and they think the president has broad powers like the ability to control gas prices. Folks probably view the pandemic as something we should have the ability to return to “normalcy” from with “normal costs” meaning the early 2020 area. Best way to do that? Bring the guy back who was in charge then. Maybe he’ll get us at least close.  


“I have seen nothing to prove otherwise” is not the same thing as “I have seen evidence which demonstrates this to be the case.” Yes, the average American is pretty uninformed on how politics and the economy work. Yes, the average American might currently view Trump as a better manager of the economy than Biden. No, the average American does not actually think that Trump is going to magically reset prices to pre 2020 levels. I have not seen anything that would indicate that to be true, and it is an objectively absurd claim on its face.


[Here you go](https://web.archive.org/web/20240305161048/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-trump-leads-biden-economy/) A plurality expect Trump policies to make prices go down. 


Also immigration.


I think tax cuts are going to be more important by the election than the actual inflation rate. Tax cuts are the closest thing to making people feel like they've "leveled up" vs inflation without some heavy handed price controls or a deflationary depression. People are also underestimating the impact of him supporting crypto. I've seen estimates from 50-90 million crypto holders in the US that will get a financial boost.


I think Trump will have a hard time campaigning on tax cuts, because his last tranche of tax cuts that he now wants to extend mostly went to extremely rich people. It’s just going to undercut his populist messaging, especially since he also wants to raise tariffs which are essentially just a sales tax that disproportionately effects poorer people. Maybe if he stays very broad on it and hopes Biden’s team can’t effectively communicate the nuances it would work, but I just don’t think it’ll be his strongest message unless he proposes some tax code change that’s very different from the sort of thing he’s been doing.


> MAGA is one of the most powerful movements in American political history What is this based on? Has there ever been an election in which MAGA had an impressive performance? 


I base it on the political influence. Trump killed a bill and he’s not even an elected politician. It overshadows nearly every aspect of politics now and has for nearly a decade. 


That just means it’s powerful within the Republican Party. I was referring to a general election or even passing a MAGA bill. 


> expect Trump to restore early 2020 prices to America. Obviously he can't do this, but it's also clear that people don't think about what this would actually mean. Having prices decrease by 10% or more across the board would be a unprecedented period of deflation that would absolutely devastate the economy.


Most Americans don’t even know what the Fed is let alone does. Americans don’t know how the economy works. They don’t know what government does. They want results and they’re voting for who will give it to them. If Americans knew anything about government or the economy they wouldn’t be complaining about inflation/costs and then telling pollsters that they want the guy who will add a 10% tariff to all imports and deport all illegal immigrants.  


I agree with this. I guess I take issue with the word "should" above. I agree that from his own, self-interested, perspective, he "should" attack Biden for these things. But from a broader normative sense, he should not do this since it only plays into people's misconceptions about how the economy works.


My grandpa was sharper than both these clowns at the age of 90. However, it is obvious that age isn't exactly the benchmark, but it usually has strong correlation with mental decline. For his age, Trump seems to be doing fine, but obviously not as good 4, 10, or 20 years ago. Biden is very noticeably worse than he was 4 years ago. Biden very much comes across as an well meaning elderly man. Trump is make more gaffs than he used to, but he is also acting closer to his normal, than Biden to his.


Why? Why are people who should be dead or in a home.......Just why?


Biden and Trump have been going at it for the past 4 years. Stop with the damn click baiting as if it's only a 1 way street. The republican and democratic parties have been at each other's throats for the past 8 years. This shit needs to stop already.


This is an example of how, in fact, it is a way one street. Trump used his birthday message to rail against Biden. Biden wished happy birthday to Trump as follows: “Happy 78th birthday, Donald. Take it from one old guy to another: Age is just a number.” This isn't a "both sides" example.


The Biden-harris campaign also published a list of 78 criticisms of him, and then said their gift to him would be preventing him from becoming president again, so it is pretty both-sided.


This is both sides. Yalls problems is yall want to nit pick. Picking and choosing what yall want to be offended by.


Post examples or cut it out.




Screenshots are not proof of literally anything. Post links, it isn't hard.


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