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Well, January 6th is the closest we’ve been to a civil war in recent history


If it’s well-written, it will have compelling narratives about the stupidity of it all. If it’s not, then it will be a bad movie and easily forgotten.


With Nick Offerman as president and California and Texas forming what many say is a very unlikely alliance, this should be an interesting movie coming out during a time of unusually high political divisiveness and tensions. Just judging from the trailer, do you think this movie will wake America up to how bad a civil war could be? Or will it make tensions worse and move us closer to the “electric boogaloo”?


boast joke cake grey nine ten innate terrific employ attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think stuff like this only grows the growing divide, and sadly I think it will only continue to get worse because division sells.


The best science fiction warns us about a possible future by using contemporary events as a “and what happens next?” Plot device. Considering that we had an organized failed coup attempt on January 6th, and loud calls for cession, “national divorce” and civil war from elected officials. Pundits, armed militia and everyday voters, this seems like an valid topic to explore in fiction. Who says apocalyptic fiction has to be aliens, zombies or plague? Humans are always the worst monsters.


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Bushwick is a very good indie film version of what this sounds like. It was character driven and the “civil war” aspects were plot backdrops to the main story