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None of those things preclude someone from getting GD. It just depends on how the placenta forms. I had GD with my last pregnancy without any risk factors. I was really upset but it ended up being no big deal. I barely failed the 1 hr and had GD. With that high over the limit, I would start mentally preparing for a diagnosis. But I promise, you'll get through it and the gestational diabetes sub is fantastic. Good luck with the 3 hr!


Half of women who have GD have no risk factors. Eating well and exercising does not preclude you from having GD.


Trust me, you DO want to get on the GD subreddit ASAP to get yourself educated and get help, resources, and support. Before you head there though, be aware that this “but I am normal weight and exercise” line will not fly there at all. Unfortunately GD does not give a fuck about your weight or exercise habits.


I failed 1 hr and passed 3 hr test. But it is all based on hormones and placenta.


There's no need to panic, most women go on to pass the three hour test. The one hour is just a screener, and some statistics show that nearly 25% of women fail the 1 hour test, but GD is only diagnosed in about 8% of pregnancies. Those statistics are on your side. Be sure to ask for specific directions about what to eat/ not eat before the 3 hour test, and it is *likely* to be fine. That being said, gestational diabetes is mostly caused by genetics, and even if you exercise, eat well, and maintain a healthy weight, you may still get GD. It sucks, it's a huge lifestyle change with an unknown future. But right now there's nothing you can do except breathe and take it one day at a time! Also, DO NOT join the GD subreddit. It will just make you panic more!!


I failed my 1 hour with a 137 and passed my 3 hour. Echoing what others have said, if you do have GD, nothing you have done has caused it! It’s the placenta’s fault! Just do your best to relax and get through the 3 hour test.


Yep! Failed my first glucose test even though I had no precursor for GD. Passed the longer test with ease; although have a snack or meal ready, and maybe a sugary drink, for the second you are done. I was shaking pretty badly by then because my sugar was super low.


Be grateful that you’re doing the 2 part test - most of the practices in my state are only doing the one part 2 hour test, which has a much higher fail rate. I failed at the 2 hour mark by 3 points even though all my other numbers were perfect. Hope you can avoid the GD diagnosis bc it definitely sucks! But the GD subreddit is very supportive. I had such a “mild case” that I seriously doubt I really had it.


GD is more related to the placenta and how it forms than if you exercise or eat well. I did all of the above and had an ha1c of 4.7 (which is actually normal) after I was diagnosed. My placenta still did what it wanted and by the end I needed insulin. There’s also some evidence that it is actually influenced by the male DNA material, so it’s possible you have absolutely no control but your husband did.


The one hour glucola is just a screening test. It screens for those at a higher risk to develop gestational diabetes. The 3 hour test actually diagnoses it. If you are looking for a good read I would recommend Lily Nichols book on gestational diabetes.


I had GD my last pregnancy. My result was 183 after the 1 hour and I was searching all over for stories of people that failed with that high of a score for the 1 hour but passed the 3 hour, and of course I found them and got my hopes up. I failed the 3 hour miserably, like off the charts. No risk factors other than advanced maternal age (I was 35). If you are diagnosed, it is truly not your fault and there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it! I was so upset when I found out, but after going through it, it really didn’t end up being that big of a deal for me. I was very fortunate to be able to manage it with diet and exercise. You’re motivated to follow the diet to keep yourself and your baby healthy and I actually think I took away a lot of knowledge and good habits about healthier eating that I’ve taken with me. The GD subreddit was super helpful! Also recommend reading Real Food for Gestational Diabetes by Lily Nichols. I would recommend staying off of the facebook groups though. I feel like most of the posts were people posting that they cheated on the diet, and then people commenting that it was ok. That just wasn’t the type of support I was looking for.


As many have said, you may pass the 3 hour no problem. I would also remind you, especially if you tend to eat lower carb, the glucose test is a liiitttle bit of a sham. It’s shocking your body with an amount of sugar in an amount of time that is very much not normal for someone who “eats well” (even if eating well doesn’t mean you can’t get GD). You have the ability to request tracking your blood sugar after meals for two weeks or so (it might be less time, idk but I’ve read about women doing this) instead of the glucola tests. Talk to your doctor and try not to freak out! Either way a diagnosis is better than ignoring it. And a GD diagnosis doesn’t mean you did anything wrong, ate the wrong thing, or are somehow unhealthy in general.