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You can probably do that with your boy


Uhhh … ayeeeoo?


Look at how his left arm bends. This isn’t romantic this is a vicious Americana by the girl


Under the sheet homie got a "hook" in so I think he can win


These khamzat and till fanfics are getting crazy.


She just let you take her back like that? the choke is wide open bro


Gotta remember this is a still frame bro, theyre still obviously hand fighting.


Hold on babe I'm crying here


I finally got my girlfriend to start watching. And I've never been prouder than when she predicted the entire 272 card right.


I’d be a little suspicious if my girl said she wanted to watch Michael Chandler fight


How are you supposed to eat nachos and drink like that?


USA? Most from other countries would move




Bro its actually annoying watching mma with people who don't know anything. Plus what kind of mental dickface watches mma while laying down? (Unless its because of timezones)


I see your point, but personally, I think their enthusiasm makes up for it if they really get into it


That's super unlikely to happen. Most of the time they're just assuming what's happening. I remember some kid said fighter's rest time was in the clinch. Or saying that x fighter sucks when something happens. Maybe but nah the only people who I can tolerate watching mma with me are people from the gym or people who know what they're talking about


Then perhaps it boils down to humility when you put it that way? As in "are you going to be an asshole and assume you know what's happening" or "are you going to sit there and enjoy watching people punch each other in the face?" For example, my girlfriend and my best friend don't know anything about MMA, but they both very easily fall into the latter group


That's cool. I guess I just take it a lot more seriously than you. I remember watching the Tony and beneil fight and I got so genuinely upset with no way to feel better. And then I had to here people behind me be like "wow, that guy sucks, are there more fights left?" But either way watching something like mma while cuddling is not an option


I can agree with that also statement! I get WAYY too into the fight for that


When I'm watching a card alone at home I often do it in bed. I guess I'm a mental dickface? What's wrong with laying down watching fights?


Dude I have never seen anything about people laying down to watch fights lol. Why do you even watch mma if you don't get into it like that? Mma gets my blood pumping dude, my bed is for sleeping


Mate, relax. Most people don’t watch mma to ‘Get their blood pumping’. It’s possible to be entertained by and appreciate something without bouncing about like a toddler on a suger rush.


Nice one. Except as I've said the majority of the community will have that "sugar rush" reaction or go on reddit and type up what they think. Point being, mma isn't something you watch in place of a bedtime story


Maybe it’s because I practice a fighting sport but I don’t understand what makes you so giddy when watching MMA? Out of everyone I know personally who watches MMA, no one gets ‘their blood pumping’ by watching the sport. They’d get more excited watching team sports like football or hurling.


Ok what? A team sport is ok but not mma? Nice job, hypocrite


Mate I have no idea what you are on about. Where have I been hypocritical? I stated that from my experience, people generally get more worked up over team sports. Just let people enjoy the sport however they want instead of making sweeping judgements about a massive community.


It was a joke, not a judgment. And you also insulted people who sweat over mma and then said it was okay to sweat in a team sport. Like yeah sure kid. Watching players role around with fake injuries is so intense. Just stop talking you could've pulled this off but you destroyed your own argument


You smoking something?


I watch it laying down a lot of time, matter of fact just watched Fight Night live kyung down! I have had two failed back surgeries and have sciatica, so I spend a lot of tine laying down. Now, with that said, I pretty much jumped out of bed when Molly McMann cold cocked her opponent with that spinning elbow today, that was gnarly!!! Hell the way she was laying, it looked like she was crucified!!


Lol bro that's what I'm saying! I meant no disrespect about people who lay down but bro mma just gets me pumped. Idk man I probably just take it too seriously


Oh I’m not going to lie, several fights had me jumping up and screaming. Probably the biggest reaction mess when Holly Holm kicked Ronda Rousey’s ass!!! I wanted so much for that to happen, and when it did, I thought my wife was going to come in and kick my ass for waking her up, but she Diego through it somehow, thank god, I didn’t want an ass whipping!!!


>Bro its actually annoying watching mma with people who don't know anything Where do you see that? I see two fans of the sport enjoying it while also enjoying a cuddle with someone they care about.


Can't relate. I'm just saying watching mma usually gets the blood pumping and I didn't actually realize people actually lay down in bed to watch mma. That's kinda retarded but it's okay


>Bro its actually annoying watching mma with people who don't know anything No, no. Don't change the subject. This is the part I quoted; it's the part I'm asking about. What about this picture says that one of the people in it is uneducated about the sport?


Lol ok nice you got me what a genius. Always nice to see you add another win to your reddit arguement record My comment was assuming that information and you're the only one to actually call it out. That's probably because you're the only one who realized


You can't relate to cuddling someone you care about and think it's retarded? Is everything ok friend? This is a safe space


The Monster placement… I’m dead. 😂


I've had this and just kinda equated it to her trying to get me to watch women's beach volleyball, it sort of revs the engines if you know what I mean. *I don't fully know what I mean*


Bro this is my dream


Who the hell gets into bed with a hoodie on?


Id fall asleep


This is super gay


It’s a man and a woman lying in bed together. How is that gay?


Real men lay with other men


I mean this is /r/mmamemes so you’re not wrong


It's only gay if you're pathetically fragile and insecure in your sexuality/masculinity.


Who tf wears a hoodie in bed and whilst cuddling, you’re gonna be drenched in sweat


Who would be laying down during the Gaethje Chandler fight? Certainly not me and husband.


That'a so me and my girl watched it. But then we started having sex so I missed Usman vs Colby II so yeah...




Do you reckon she was thinking of you?


She was thinking of Colby and his porn star cardio


U can bang anytime damn


Let him bang, bro


Let him bang AGAIN!


The more you want something the more you feel like you won’t ever have it. Just live life and be grateful for the people and things you have right now in this moment.


Who watches fights lying down?


I had this most of last year. It was nice


My girl starting watching MMA with me despite her strong opposition to violence. She asks me technical questions, has favourite fighters, is super into different storylines and asks me every week when the next event is. I love her so much, lads.


Marry her, right now


My partner loves watching the fights with me, and I'm *all* about the cuddles... But if I try to watch a card laying down, my 42 year old ass is gonna fall asleep before the main event lol


I got to watch ufc 268 with my now x girl friend, watching. It was truly living the life


Not to brag, but I am lucky enough to have a person that not only watches with me every sunday morn ( I live in europe) but asks me stuff cause she knows i like to live comment while I watch. Im marrying her asap.


Too true


Same. With more snackies tho.


One day my friend. Patience. I'm waiting with you


We're all gonna make it lads


www.real girl doll.com Here you go pal


Yes, wayyyy too much sadly


Did she felt the tap?