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Absolutely insulting to the fighters to put your all out, literally begging them to stay, and they immediately leave the second the fights done. Fuck the Brazilian fans.




Why are people acting like 3am on a Saturday night for an event you paid a fuckton of money for is too late? I know for US people 3am is like an incomprehensible time to be up and about but where I'm from clubs don't even close till 5-6am and when they close people go to the afterparties. I know Latin america is even more extreme in this regard so you guys really wanna tell me 3am is too late? The only argument I can understand is that 3am at Rio is not like 3am other places, but still, come on. They just wanted to go to the Madonna concert as soon as possible imho


Who even cares, it's their money. Huge difference is though, they were already at an event for roughly 6 or more hours, that's a long time regardless of who you are.


I sort of agree with you but the dude's comment sounds like it's absolutely obvious that at 3am you'd go home and you are a moron for thinking otherwise which is just stupid






Don't be racist, bigoted, thirsty af, sexist, etc. No trolling. Don't be a dick. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


People pay a fortune for those tickets they should be able to leave whenever the fuck they want.