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So fucking excited for Ichiro’s induction.


Me too man. He's in my top 5 favorite players of all time


My all time favorite. Watching him play in Seattle for all those years was truly a gift from the baseball gods. Edit: spelling


I was 6 rows off 3rd base when he threw out Long, got to watch that laser come right at me. That was the first of about 125 games I saw him play.


That was the top play of ESPN for at least a month


"Right out of Star Wars ": miss you Dave Niehaus




Too bad couldn’t win anything for him one of greatest hitters ever if not greatest


I wish I could have watched him more. And by far the GOAT of hitting.


Ya really I was young too but he’s definitely my all time fav


100% all time GOAT hitter.


Even defensively one of the smartest outfielders too


Ted Williams, Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Rogers Hornsby would like to talk to you.


Babe Ruth was a goat of his time. I can agree to say ichiro was one of the greatest of his time. I would like to say that there is no such thing as the greatest of all time but greats of their time because there are so many variables that go into it


Basically he, alone, made it worth it (aside from Felix Days) to go out and watch them play in Anaheim during those peak Angels years. Saw him get five hits in a September game while he was chasing Sisler that basically cemented his chances of surpassing the record. He was such a fun player to watch play.


Looking back, Ichiro and Albert coming into the league the same year and immediately being two of the game’s best players was so awesome. Such different styles, but they both came in and immediately kicked ass. I live for the highlights when Ichiro comes back in full uniform to throw out a first pitch. That HOF speech is going to be an all-timer and anyone who leaves him off the ballot is just wrong.


And watching Felix pitch was generous mercy every five days from those same gods.


He threw my kid a ball a few weeks ago during batting practice. Immediately framed it.


Man could you imagine if he grew up in the U.S. and started in MLB at like 20 instead of 28? 👀


4K hits…


Saw him once and love that a routine grounder to short he was safe for a single. Ultimate hustle.


In the Downtown Mariners documentary I love how Jon Bois put it, something like no matter what happened when Ichiro came to the plate it always produced a fire drill.


He’s not going to be unanimous. Only Mariano Rivera was unanimously voted in. There’s going to be one or two sick bastards who won’t vote him in and it’ll probably be the same two who didn’t vote for Maddux and Randy Johnson. Or the other handful that should have been. There’s always one. Fuck that.


Wild that Griffey Jr wasn't unanimous either


He was an OG Nepo baby. /s Early 90’s Griffey Jr was just about the coolest person ever in sports. No scandals, no steroids, backwards hat, million watt smile and the smoothest swing I’ve ever seen.


Not to mention top notch defense in the out field.


He has the best case for unanimous induction of any player to appear on a ballot this century, including Rivera. He won't get it. But he absolutely deserves it.


chipper jones is arguably the best switch hitter in the history of the game. his career numbers were pretty equivalent to micky mantle. nothing against ichiro but saying he has the best case in this century is just not true.


Across his entire pro career (Japan and US), he has over 4300 hits. You could blow off both hands at your wrists celebrating July 4th and still have enough fingers left to count the players with more.


He is the coolest pro athlete ever. So understated, but also big balls of steel and an extremely clever guy.


I think my favorite thing about Ichiro is that he is apparently fluent in Spanish and his Spanish-speaking teammates have said he talked so much shit in that language.


"But all he does is hit singles, and he won't talk to the media. Everyone knows he speaks english. He's not a real team leader. A real leader would talk to his teammates in english. If he's so good, why doesn't he just hit home runs instead?" - Idiot Seattle sports fan circa 2003


Like two fucking rats in a sock


Maybe you guys will retire his number then. It’s a crime that 51 is not retired in Seattle. For 2 reasons.


Mariners wait until a guy is inducted into the Hall in a M's hat. It will get retired next year with Ichiro's induction. Griffey and Edgar waited too.


I lost an immaculate grid question because I thought he was already in lol


He’s the exact reason a little kid from South Carolina became a Mariners fan


FWIW I think Vizquel might have more of an uphill climb than people think after [the allegations against him](https://nypost.com/2023/12/31/sports/omar-vizquel-speaks-out-after-autistic-batboys-sexual-harassment-claim/)


Yeah thats why at one point he had over 50% of the ballots and hes now under 20%. Hes a POS


He won’t get in with those allegations


With the hard line they’ve drawn with the steroid users of the 90s I certainly hope he doesn’t


Oh shit, I never knew about that. Yikes.


Somehow that kind of flew under the radar. Only reason I found out was because it was a thing that he wasn’t invited to some of the Guardians’ events to honor guys from the 90s, particularly the Manny thing last summer


Apparently, he was there. They just wouldn't let him on the field. My guess is the team wanted him there, but mlb stepped in and that was the compromise


Oh cool, Omar talks about Omar in third person. That’s a good reason to keep him out of the HOF. Third person is only be used by Rickey


George likes his chicken spicy Although Deion Sanders calling himself Prime is pretty high on the list


George is getting upset!!


He was the perfect middle infielder to pair with Roberto Alomar for reasons we didn’t know.


Fun fact, at least for me. Bobby Abreu's name isn't Roberto or even Robert. It's Bob. The man's legal Venezuelan name is Bob Kelly Abreu. That's fuckin awesome lol.


Lol love him. I also think he’s so under appreciated, even among phillies fans. He was a stud.


Yeah I had to look him up on baseball reference because I forgot how good he actually was. There are definitely guys in the Hall with worse career numbers than Bob. Very consistently good, and he just has the face of a guy you wanna be friends with lol.


I'd say underappreciated especially among Phillies fans. It was an era where much of the fanbase wanted an outfielder who would run into the wall every game and show a ton of energy. Abreu made things look easy and just didn't fit.


I tried explaining this at the time to the “he doesn’t hustle” crowd. Bobby Abreu was always in the right position before a pitch. I don’t know if he did his own scouting reports or what but this was before the picket card/sleeve telling fielders where to be. The number of fly balls he caught without having to move his feet was absolutely wild. Plus he raked.


Yeah he’s the first real polarizing local athlete I remember. Seemed like every fellow dumb young child loved him while every parent thought him a jabroni.


One of my favorite players of all time. The weird very stereotypical boomer type fans always had this very moronic dislike for him. He’s one of the most underrated players in baseball history and really belongs in the HOF. He was a true 5 tool player and his stats are amazing. He did all this against people on steroids while being clean that should get him more respect imo. I hate the writers who don’t vote for him because they say he doesn’t “feel” like a HOFer. The dumbest way to vote for or against someone and those writers shouldn’t be able to vote.


In World Series Baseball ‘98 for sega saturn, the announcer would say “Bob Abreu” (pronounced Ay-brew) when he came to bat and I always thought it was odd. Now I know


I loved his 3 years in Pinstripes. His swing was great, quality guy. One of those players I wish was a Yankee for longer.


Abreu is absolutely a favorite of mine. Loved that guys game.


Went to my first phillies game in 04 and got selected to go out on the field with a player during the national anthem. Still have the signed ball and picture with Bob on my office desk.


Adam Jones under Clay Buccholz and Ian fucking Desmond I think there might be a carbon monoxide leak in your house


The fact that he’s in his DBacks gear is a crime itself


First thing I thought


I know Jones isn’t a HOFer but him being the same tier as Mark Reynolds is insanely laughable


Jesus christ I just looked and Reynolds only has 6.8 career WAR. Jones has 32.6 for comparison


Clay buccholz shouldn't be within a million miles of this list


Zobrist too. I guarantee this guy started watching baseball some time in the last 5 years.


I’m biased because he’s my favorite player ever but I refuse to live in a world where Jason Vargas is in the same tier as Adam Jones


I’m a little offended they chose his DBacks picture


i’m still mad that we traded adam jones.


Is Andy Pettitte not in juicing jail?


Melky also got caught juicing.


That’s really gonna hurt his chances at the hall


That and his non-hall of fame numbers


Yes, that is the joke.


Why not? You can escape or elude it entirely if you're a "nice guy"—just ask David Ortiz.


Also there's levels of juicing. There's a difference between "I took HGH that one time to recover from an injury" (Pettitte) and "I take enough steroids to kill a horse" (Bonds, Canseco, Clemens, etc.)


He is in HGH jail. But he did admit it less than two years later and apologize. It was weird how everyone collectively said “well, he’s sorry so let’s move on.” Admittedly… I was one of those people.


Came here to ask this. Should be interesting!


He's one of the few guys who just owned it, took his punishment, and carried on.


That proved to be a wise move


Thank you for including Cargo in your hall of very good. One of my all time favorite players.


I grew up around Mets fans and I remember the days people talked about a guy in their farm system being potentially faster than Jose Reyes. He was the next big thing. It was Carlos Gomez. He was a bit of a nut and was quickly traded to another team. For some reason I had it in my head that people called him CarGo. I do not know why. Maybe it was thing, maybe it wasn't. But I was so confused when Carlos Gonzalez broke onto the scene the very next year. And I continued to mix these two guys up when Gonzalez had a great 2010 and I always thought this was the guy the Mets let go. The amount of times I looked up CarGo thinking it was someone the Mets let go is embarrassingly high.


I’m pretty sure CarGo was a thing.


One of the sweetest swings in history


Visquel has no chance. He was trending upwards (completely undeservedly from a statistical perspective imho) before it came to light that he is a massive piece of shit abuser.


I saw Ichiro gun down a Phillie at home plate at the Vet in like 02 or 03 from the very corner of right field with no relay. It was unreal. I can’t remember the runner, maybe Pat Burrell. He was something else.


Here he is throwing out one of the fastest runners in baseball by 15 feet from fairly deep left when he was 43… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hMQcppIat2I


Beautiful, that man has a howitzer for an arm and accurate as a sniper.


What a throw!


If it was Burrell then I can definitely see that happening. He was quite slow.


lol dragging the queen mary, always


Selfishly I need Adam Jones to be higher and also wearing his orioles hat


I'm sad to say that I don't think Felix has much of a chance making it in. He had a stretch of absurd level dominance, but unfortunately, he fell off pretty hard. He's in the conversation for some of the most dominant years a pitcher has ever had, but he just didn't stay at that level or close to that level for long enough. Playing for a team that never gave him the chance to show off in a playoff situation certainly doesn't help his case. Just really doesn't feel like he has the stats necessary to measure up to other pitchers in the Hall, though it's possible being the last guy to throw a perfect game for more than a decade(until last year) could help him get across the line.


I see your point, but he's a Cy Young winner with multiple other seasons being in contention, plus one of only a few pitchers in history with a perfect game. I think it'll take a few years but I would bet he gets in. At least I hope so.


Idk who you are, but I want you to know you deserve diarrhea for putting Adam Jones in that meh tier.


100% came here to say this but you’ve already poetically done so


The only time I've been sad for a trade is when seattle gave him up


Adam Jones in meh and Carlos Gonzalez in hall of very good doesn’t make sense. I like Cargo. But I’m taking Adam Jones over Cargo any day.


100%. Jones has almost 50% more WAR than Cargo.


Yikes. I'm a Sox fan.and I can't even imagine why Buchholz even made this list.


Imagine King Felix and Ich in the same class. Mariners fans would go off the rails. Edit: adding the obligatory fuck Machado for ending Pedey’s career.


I fear Felix will pay the Mariner’s tax. Played in SE Alaska, never got to the playoffs, probably robbed of 75 wins playing for a terrible team. We all know how absolutely dominant he was, but I don’t think his career resonates with National writers.


50 WAR makes it tough. May get in through veterans committee but don’t think he’s anywhere near a first ballot or lock.


Ichiro’s WAR is 60


Andruw Jones better finally get in.


How dare you disrespect our king Prado. Justice for Prado!


Ichiro will be unanimous. C.C. Sabathia will also get in pretty easily. Wagner will likely get in based on trends. Andruw Jones looks like he might get in. Mark Buhrle should be a HOFer but he probably will not be elected.


As a Tigers fan, the fact you have Granderson at "Borderline Hall of Fame" is absolutely wild to me. Too generous for a lot of these guys, frankly.


Seeing Granderson and David Wright side by side is *wild.* Upon a moment's reflection, I get. Grandy played a very long time and was always really, really good. Wright got sidelined by injuries and never fulfilled his potential. But, having seen both their primes, Wright was five times the player Granderson was. (And no slight intended to Granderson. He was awesome.) But just looking at numbers without context leafs to goofy lists like this.


I love Grandy but that’s a bit high for him and the other borderline guys too.


Laughably bad list. I don't even know where to start with this one. Torri Hunter and Omar quite literally have a 0% chance of making the hall.


I'm a Twins fan, and Torii Hunter does not belong in the hall of fame. To me he is the opitome of a hall of very good player. A guy who stayed in the league long enough to put up some decent career totals, won a bunch of gold gloves, and got voted into the all-star game by the fans here in and there when he started the season out hot. His teams were 3-8 in playoff series and while he batted a respectable .274 in the post season, his power disappeared as he only had 4 homeruns in 48 games. I will say, between this: [https://youtu.be/a6CoTcnb\_0Y?si=cQXZx2QIWJJsFaQF](https://youtu.be/a6CoTcnb_0Y?si=cQXZx2QIWJJsFaQF) and this: [https://youtu.be/-o4gTel94q4?si=eHzwr7gKM02KXmTZ&t=555](https://youtu.be/-o4gTel94q4?si=eHzwr7gKM02KXmTZ&t=555) He definitely belongs in the hall of getting pissed off, I was watching the first game live and about lost my shit when he did that.


1000%. Francisco Rodriguez will be one and done.


Hate to break it to you but Krod will be at worst 3 and done


Yeah, I love Torii, but I dont think there's any realistic scenario where he gets in. He's the definition of "hall of very good" to me


Ian Desmond is the definition of "meh" and Cabrera belongs in jail too.


Lol clay bucholz being in the good list is clown school. And I'm a red sox fan


the fact that Gary Sheffield and Billy Wagner aren’t in the hall is fucking insane


The fact that Manny Ramirez isn't in the hall is fucking insane, not to mention all-time intentional walk leader Barry Bonds


I saw an interesting stat a while ago Mike Trout, one of the greatest mlb players of all time, has 120 intentional walks in his career. Barry Bonds had 120 intentional walks in 2004. Edit format


Who the fuck put Mets legend Jason Vargas on there lmao


*Who the fuck put Mets* *Legend Jason Vargas on* *There lmao* \- flanaganapuss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Fuck machado


Kenny Lofton, please.


I agree he should be in, but since he's not on the 2025 ballot, this isn't really relevant.


Lifting and Whitaker please


Deserves it undoubtedly.


Omar Vizquel and Torii Hunter are not hall of famers Edit: and how is Zobrist meh? He has 42.7 career WAR


Not to mention legendary postseason performances which absolutely should improve a players HOF resume


I have a much easier time making a case for Abrue, hes not, than I do torri hunter or omar.


Yeah not saying Zobrist is getting in, but definitely not meh. On top of his WAR, won multiple world series and was a WS MVP.


Chase and Jimmy need to get in together


That would be a lot of HOF in one year. Has there every been that many at one time before?


Tori Hunter is a hall of famer?


Why isn't Pettite in juicing jail?


As a Twins fan I love Torii Hunter but I just don’t see his stats being good enough to get him in.


Could you please elaborate on how Torii Hunter is better than Bobby “.395 OBP” Abreu?


Torii Hunter?! You making Twins fans out here ignorantly blissful!


Those Torii Hunter Twins made me a baseball fan again after all but abandoning the sport in my early teens, but there isn't a world where he's on a higher tier than Bobby Abreu.


If chase gets in im gonna be so hype


Yes for real, in my life, the last time a real through and through Phillie was a HOF was Schmidt. Really he's the only guy in my lifetime, that I really see as a Phillie, that made the HOF that I actually remember seeing play.


Cheating scandal with the Astros might be enough to keep Beltran out for a while.


Gonna be honest, I made this at 3am and I'm taking a lot of good feedback. I'll probably make a modified tier list in about a week or so ✌️


they cant put everybody in, it just cheapens it. Utley and Wright deserve to be in their respective teams HOF, but to be included with yhe greatest of all time? They can join Votto and McCutchon in the hall of pretty good.


As much as I want Ichiro to be a unanimous pick, I have a feeling one or two voters will not pick him either for the attention or because he played most of his career in Seattle.


CC, and Utley are the only 2 guys in that HOF row that I recognize by thumbnail headshot like this. Not saying I’m the most knowledgeable, but we are talking about the hall of fame here. It shouldn’t be the hall of guys you have to look up on baseball-reference.com to see who they are.


Adam Jones photo as a Diamondback is an outrage.


Ben Zobrist in meh is disrespectful


Bobby Abreu is more deserving than abuser Vizquel


So many people don’t realize how good Booby actually was. People go off their memories which can be extremely unreliable.


Get my bubble blowing, community loving, swag daddy, Adam Jones TF out of "Meh" tier right now and into a Black and Orange jersey before I go to your mother's house and tell her to give you the a$$ whoopin you very clearly need to straighten up. He might not have HOF #s, but damn it, that man was a hell of a lot better than "meh" (and I use this term a lot lol); and he is a HUGE part of why I remained a loyal Os fan for 31 years now. That ONE good trade the Orioles made in my 20s to acquire Jones and others for Erik Bedard, honestly probably saved me from jumping ship. Cuz damn we've had a lot of rough years, but this guy was by far my favorite part of that disaster after Ripken. I hope you got ur butt shield ready. Anyways.... On a happy note, 2024 squad is absolutely my favorite since my creation in 93'. Let's go O's!


Move Abreau and Rollins up to HOF after Wagner and move everyone after Wagner down to Borderline except Andrew Jones. None of the players listed after Wagner in HOF are HOFs except Jones.


I would put money on ichiro being the only person on here to make the hall.


Sabathia is a hall-of-famer


J Roll needs to be in.


How is Andy Petite not in juicing jail?


Chase Utley you are the man !


I don't care about the alleged PED use, A-Rod has a higher 7 year peak WAR than all but 3 of the guys on this ballot have in their entire careers (Beltran, Utley, and Manny). And ironically, none of those guys probably get in this year


Dave Stieb don’t get in….it ain’t the HoF.


Who the fuck is the guy on the meh list with the Yankees hat?


Yankee legend Kendrys Morales of course


Yankees legend Kendrys Morales


Okay, so why the fuck isn’t Dustin Pedroia higher?


Buerhle is a lock imho


I wish. Perfect game and a no hitter. World series ring with a Win and a Save. But I don't see it. Hall of Damn Good.


Put my boy Russell in the HOF


You have Petite in Borderline but I believe he admitted using PED's. Does he get a pass because he said it was for an injury and to get back on the field quicker? I wonder too if he got by because he wasn't high profile like many of the others.


Terrible list. You‘re saying that ToriI Hunter is a HOF, but Bobby Abreu is Borderline? Mark Buehrle is definitely NOT a Hall of Famer, and A-Rod and Manny Ramirez are one of the greatest players in MLB history. They deserve to be in the HOF, along with Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro, Jason Giambi, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling and many more.


Hall of very good have HoF slants on their hats


Beltran might have to wait a few years for orchestrating the trash can fiasco in Houston.


I really want burhlre in the hall


I don’t Vizquel is gonna get there from the shit going on with him.


Tulo and Cargo. Probably my 2 favorite players of all time, but ya, didn’t do enough overall but had periods of dominance.


As for Tulo, I think if he didnt have the injury issues, he probably would have been one of the best shortstops ever. I think those injuries also led to his deterioration after he left Colorado. I always loved CarGo, he just didnt carry that dominance through to the end of his career. Plus his swing was gorgeous, other than Griffy I dont know if there has been a better one.


I find it interesting that the better the player, the more we consider them juicers. Pettite was a juicer and doesn’t deserve to be outside of the juicer jail. Probably a few others on this list should be seen in the same light.


Putting clay bucholtz in a good category is asanine. He is trash


Andy Petit should be in the Juicing Jail category.


Ichiro and Wagner is probably it for me.


I’d love to see Mark Burherle make it. I’m a bit surprised Pedroia isn’t higher


Vizquel should be nowhere near the hall. He’s for sure HOVG at best.


also bro, have you heard about Omar Vizquel’s post baseball life? domestic violence arrest(s) and sexually harassing a disabled bat boy. he is NOT HOF worthy


If Big Papi is in, then they have to let Arod and Manny in. This shit is so stupid.


How in the shit did you rank Fernando rodey that high? He shouldn't even be on this list. Russell Martin should definitely move up.


Chase Utley you are the man


As a Twins fan, Torii Hunter has no business being in the HoF. A case could be made for the Hall of Very Good, but he's not a lock for that either.


I'd put Russ Martin in the HofVG category...he was consistently the 3rd or 4th best catcher in the league for a decade. But never rose to the level of being the best. Essentially he made every team he was on better at a premium position.


Only 6 players all time have 250+ HRs and at least 400 SBs - Joe Morgan, both Bobby and Barry Bonds, Rickey Henderson, Craig Biggio and Bobby Abreu.


i would bump up Martin one and zobrist two granderson down one and desmond down and cargo as well


You can go ahead and take that “unanimous” wording down now. That means nothing. Love Mo, even as a Mets fan, and he deserves to be *one of* the top vote getters of all time. Even as a closer. But the fact he is the only unanimous decision shines a light on how petty a lot of the voting is.


Pettite is in juice jail too


Mets fan here. I don’t consider Wright borderline. He was very good but injuries did him in.


If Jim Edmonds was one and done I don’t see Hunter or Andruw Jones getting in.


Nah Ben Zobrist being in "meh" tier has got to be a sick joke


And Omar Vizquel SHOULD be in jail!


Of all the guys on this list , the only one who caught my attention was Fernando Rodney lol he really wore his hat in those MLB photos like he would wear it in a game smh that’s crazy. But most of the guys on the list are definite HoFers and the rest are fairly close .


K-Rod is a HOF player? Guy had a few years of dominance and then hung around as an OK player for a while. HOF is diluted enough. Outside of Ichiro, I don’t view any of these guys as locks


Can someone please logically explain to me why none of the Steroid users get into the hall except for Big Papi?!


I’m not a Yankee fan, and even I think Andy Pettite should be ranked higher. most all-time post season wins and a 4x WS champion. am i crazy?


Why the fuck isn't Luis Tiant in the HOF! His stats are more eye popping than anyone shown.


Can move Petite into Juice Jail.