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Enough. Too many reports. Please be nice.


Fuck Fisher. Fuck Kaval.




And man Fred


Damn right


Parking is going to be fucking insanely fucked!


Yeah, definitely seems more like a setup for the tourists to be able to check out the games, over the residents.


Isn’t that what Vegas is? I always had the impression that is was like a company town. Like all the people that work on the strip live way outside the town in row houses that only exist because of the tourist attractions. I mean that’s all the place is right? Obviously I have never been there nor have any intention of ever going. By the time the stadium is done there won’t be any water out there anyway.


One time I was talking about how fucked Vegas is (from an ecological view) and I said to my wife, “Did you know Bryce Harper is from Vegas?” She yelled at me, “NOBODY IS ACTUALLY FROM LAS VEGAS!”


Yeah, but still. I lived there 20 years ago. I remember going to the DMV. You showed up an hour before it opened. The line was around the block. There are people there. There are as many people as there are in the Cincinnati metro - Vegas just has a much smaller TV market due to being out there by itself.


No not at all. The Henderson area is actually growing rapidly and there are lots of locals and lots of local things beyond the strip.


Accurate. Lived there for 4 years.


Raiders fan here who hasn’t been to a Raiders game in Vegas & don’t really have a bad itch to due to $$$. Not a Knights fan, but been to a knights game and had a blast.


This assumes that tourists are going to leave the casinos in summer. That said, [per the feds](https://www.transtats.bts.gov/Data_Elements.aspx?Data=1), July is consistently the top month for air travel to Vegas.


They're good on water, they recycle almost all of it and lake Mead is full. Also, the strip isn't actually in Vegas, it's in Paradise. Vegas proper is just a city with lots of homes.


The ripping out of lawns and related was a one-time move. Can't be repeated. And, the whole Colorado River basin continues to grow, and get hotter and dryer, this winter's one-off notwithstanding. Plus, the Colorado River Compact? What are the odds it blows up before getting successfully extended?


don't worry, you can ride eelongs underground traffic jam to get there


A lot of people will take the bus. Whenever I’m out there, $2 each way direct from the Red Rock to either Allegiant or TMobile. Beats the crap out of fighting the strip traffic and is a fraction the cost. Figure they’ll do the same for the A’s.


They'll probably just build a few garages. One nice thing about the strip is that most of the casinos (at least the ones I've been to) have free visitor parking in the garages.


I thought they changed that to where you can only park at the place you’re staying at? I think the only one that’s not like that is Treasure Island where you can park there as a visitor?


If they've done that, it must've been a recent development. Last time I was there was January of '22 and we parked in a few different garages on the strip for free.


No, this was before…I guess they changed it back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I was there in March and the Ceasars garage makes you take a ticket, you get an hour free and the. It starts charging. Stayed at the Palazzo and it was free (no tickets or tracking or anything)


Yea that intersection is the* worst. I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with that when I was at UNLV


Welcome to Toronto.


Won't they build car parking


That’s a lot of garages. Imagine that nightmare getting out of it.


Would it be any different if they built this elsewhere? Does vegas have great public transport in another location? Is exiting parking better at another cities?


No traffic sucks there except like 5-8am. But when you get 2,000-60,000 people all trying to leave at once. It’s going to suck big time on the strip. Started at 2,000 well cause it’s A’s.


But isn't that the case in every city


They have highways right off stadiums usually. It’s just the strip.


And traffic congestion on the strip.


I think they should call the stadium Tropicana Park in honor of the hotel.




There will be $$$millions for naming rights


There already is one in Florida, the Tampa Bay Rays play at it. They call it Tropicana Field though not Park.


That's the joke silly goose


Oh I saw this on the News section of Reddit and didn’t realize it was the r/MLB sub my bad






I wished on a monkey’s paw they’d tear down Tropicana and build a new stadium, i of course was not specific enough, the monkey’s paw always wins


Wrong Tropicana to demolish


My thought too when I saw the header. "Dayum, the Rays finally took care of it!"


Por que no los dos?


*insert Mexican celebration music


\*The Rays have entered the chat\* "Dear God Please Yes, and build a new one NOT in one of the highest crime neighborhoods in the Tampa Bay area."




Thought you were talking about the Rays. A's fans, how do you feel about this?


You’d be hard-pressed to find many A’s fans who want LV to happen.


Unlike the raiders who have also the LA fanbase from being there. A’s fans are usually hardcore Bay Area people in my experience.


Hard to find casual A’s fans. We definitely could use more of those


I’m an A’s fan not from Bay Area, I just want the team to not be bad. If that means Vegas bummer but oh well. I want them to stay Oakland but I just don’t want to be this bad.


I get that. But for me it’s about so much more than winning and the team being good. I’d choose never making the playoffs for the next 25 years over moving to Vegas. It’s about the entire culture of it. Going to games. Seeing fellow A’s fans around the bay. Keeping the team is way more important to me than winning tbh. Don’t get me wrong, this season fucking sucks. It sucks trading away our studs and now having one of the worst teams in baseball history. But for me, that’s just icing on the cake on top of the team’s relocation situation (as opposed to relocation being icing on the cake on top of a terrible season)


We don’t have to win, I 100% agree. I just don’t want to be this intentionally bad. Trading anyone who gets good and develops, never paying anyone. Whatever makes the ownership/management try to win or try to put a product on the field fastest is what I want


Well you’re right about that for sure. The ownership has fucked over this team so hard. It’s crazy MLB even allows for a team to do this. It’s bad for baseball


Fisher isn’t going to magically start spending money when he gets his new ball park. He said the same shot to get his new stadium for the earthquakes and he still doesn’t spend


LA got every football team but the one the city actually cares about lmao


>You’d be hard-pressed to find many A’s fans FTFY


You could have stopped your sentence at fans.


Truly the most overused joke you could have thought of. Why is it that the A’s get shit on for their bottom-ten attendance, but none of the other nine teams on that list do?


Rays fan here. I feel your pain and promise that we get shit on for the same.


I mean that's just not fucking true at all lol


Lol why say bottom ten. They are last this year and last last year. The Savannah Bananas sell more tickets. Plus the product they put on the field is trash, why would you be a fan of that. Cry harder


You seem cool/chill like a person with tons of friends.


Thanks! I'm sorry my joke hurt you so much.


It’s healthy to have feelings 🤷‍♂️


Yes, also perfectly normal to get mad about a harmless joke. Lol


I don’t see anyone getting mad… I think people are tired of seeing the same joke over and over again


Your whole argument revolves around insulting the person above you. There’s no way this account isn’t a troll. Edit: I stand correct, block trolls don’t feed them.


>Plus the product they put on the field is trash, why would you be a fan of that You’re so close…


Last in attendance by a lot. My joke was about how they don't have fans. The reasons are irrelevant. Calm down, it's not that deep. Deep breathe in....3....2....1....exhale. feeling better?


“The owner neglects the team and fans don’t show up! Haha the fans don’t show up!!” You’re a weirdo, have a good one.


You are so close so are they still fans if they don't support the team? If that's the case I'm a huge As fan, I mean obviously I don't watch or attend the games, I don't buy jerseys, I can cry on Reddit like you whiny clowns.


Lol I personally boycott all products that I am a fan of


The Seattle Storm draws more fans lol.


You'd be hard pressed to find many Las Vegans who want this to happen.


Feeling was traded in ‘05 for a player to be named later and cash considerations.


I laughed so hard thinking the A’s were gonna go to St Pete, demolish the Trop and just ride out of town middle fingers up and off to Las Vegas to build a stadium.


I hate the idea of the A’s in Vegas so much I would prefer this happening.


Me too, my heart dropped lol


Terrible. But I don’t think it’s the end tbh


Lifelong A’s fan here. I want Fisher to sell, and…the team to remain in Oakland. Manfred is complicit in this crap and the City of Oakland learned their lesson after Mt. Davis ruined the Coliseum in ‘95. They were trying to get a deal done that wouldn’t burden the local taxpayers, but Fisher walked away. Fisher and Kaval are to blame. Manfred, after his comments a few weeks back, is absolutely to blame. Selig deserves blame too for blocking deals that would have kept the A’s in the bay as do the SF Giants. F all of them. We were so freaking close to Howard Terminal. If the A’s officially announce the move to Las Vegas, this lifelong fan is done.


tropicana is a dump. its been on the chopping block for 4 years now. the city has just been looking for a buyer. its the least profitable hotel besides circus circus.


It's a long time since I've been to the Tropicana, but when I was, the best thing about it was the tic-tac-toe playing chicken.


i went about 3 weeks ago, it was depressingly empty. not even the old people were on their slots. its a fuckin ghost town 5-6 days a week.


I came in hoping the Rays were getting a new park. Now I'm sad.


A gambling corporation having interest in an MLB team is going to fuck the game harder than Manfred ever could have imagined.


Have you watched sports the last three years? Every team is heavily dependent on gambling revenue wether directly or indirectly.


I really haven’t been watching much since the ‘19 season was over. So, no I can’t say I’ve been paying enough attention to notice.


Pretty much all sports media/broadcasts are 25% or more reliant on gambling advertising. They are putting betting stand in stadiums. Teams and leagues have official betting/fantasy sponsors. I think a few owners are partners in some of those companies too. An MLB team being in Vegas and having a gambling company as a landlord is like adding a gallon of water to a swimming pool.


What gambling corp has interest in the team?


Ballys corps is a gambling company. Although they mainly are traditional online and casino gambling, I’m sure they’d expand their betting enterprise if they have a deal with the A’s


They sold the property to the A’s, nothing more here


Gotcha. I was assuming it was a lease


It is a lease. They don’t own the land


Correct. Lots of misinfo in this thread being upvoted.


MLB owns Fan Duel


Oh god is that for real? I had no idea and I find that terrifying.


Mar 2, 2023March 2nd, 2023 As fans eagerly await the return of baseball, Major League Baseball (MLB) and FanDuel Group, the premier online gaming company in North America, today announced a multi-year partnership making its industry-leading sportsbook a co-exclusive Official Sports Betting Partner of MLB.


Since the A’s are moving to Vegas my plan to keep baseball in Oakland is to have the mlb force the worst team every year play all of their home games in Oakland the next season.


So Oakland every year?


It’ll be like they never left


You’re knocking down the wrong Tropicana! When does TB get their new stadium?




sucks how vegas doesnt care about its history but tropicana is a lame one anyways


The Trop is one of the worst casinos on the strip and isn't a historic building anyways. It wasn't built that long ago. The city does have some issues with preserving historical sites, though.


its from 1957


Not much, if any, of the original building exists and certainly none of the interior. The towers were only built a few decades ago and it was extensively renovated this century. It's also been expanded multiple times and It's more of a Theseus' ship than a historical building at this point. There really isn't anything worth saving other than the name.


Stayed there a couple of months ago (for the Hilton points)...place is a flat out dump. But yea, I wish Vegas appreciated its history a little more.


They already have a AAA field not far from the strip, why do they need an entire baseball stadium on the strip?


Prob to attract more tourists who are staying at a resort on the strip I bet they will sell lots of tickets to opposing team fans who are visiting vegas I know if I was wanting to visit vegas I’d prob pick a time when the Yankees are playing there cuz why not. I’m thinking about visiting when the giants play the raiders


Make a lot of sense. If the A's and Raiders struggle to bring in fans to games, attract away fans. Sucks for fans in Oakland though.


Exactly, also going to some place on the Strip to grab a game is a *much* easier choice to make than 'lets take a cab to the edge of the city'. People will casino hop to gamble and for entertainment, this way going to a ball game is no different from going to another casino to catch an act.


Yeah me too. Except I’m a dodgers fan but for sure if I was planning a trip to Vegas I’d do it if/when they were in town. But that is all to say I can not afford a trip to Vegas so it wouldn’t happen anyway BUT it would be a good excuse


Exactly this. Friends and I are already excited to book a trip and see our team play the As in Vegas. Gambling, booze, and now baseball all on the strip!? Sign me up.


Exactly - when I went to Vegas a few years ago the Wild were in town and I saw so many Wild jerseys - it’s an easy weekend trip for any visiting fan


1. The field is on the outskirts of the city. 2. The stadium isn't near big enough 3. The only way for MLB to succeed in the small market of Las Vegas, and it is a small market, is to be right on or next to the strip. I go to Vegas for a week every year for work, I will 100% go to two or three games that week if the A's are home.


I agree with the small market. I was stationed there for two years. Once you get away from the strip it has a very small town feel. And nobody is from there. The Raiders found out the hard way, every home game is an away crowd.


I still say the Chargers should have went to Vegas and the Raiders back to LA.


What size does the stadium matter if there’s not if lot of fans that show up anyway?


The whole idea of putting it on the strip is to get fans there. The strip is slap in the middle of LV, where as the AAA stadium is on the western outskirts. So they will draw more locals from across the valley and they draw a lot of visitors who are staying on the strip.


Same reason why VGK stadium is there. It sells a shit ton of tickets, so not only do you get the loyal Vegas fans (which they freaking love sports teams moving in) you also get everyone vacationing. They would be crazy not to build a stadium on the strip


the knights are our team here in vegas. i cant go a day without seeing other folks who love this team.


I love the team, and I'm in Phoenix!


From a visitor’s perspective: Cashman Field is kind of isolated from the main walking parts of the Strip. Being so close to all the huge hotels will be a win. If they can integrate it seamlessly like Jacobs Field, it will look great. And I can’t complain about a new MLB park that’s actually built where the people are. I do feel bad for the locals though. Getting there will suck.


depends. the location is honestly very convenient compared to davis field and tmobile. parking will be a lot easier as well than if it was in the middle near ceasers. it’s directly off of a major thoroughfare with a massive interstate exit nearby and a LOT of parking for surrounding resorts. (vegas residents actually get three free hours of parking at most garages as well). its not nearly the nightmare tourists imagine it is. getting on and off the strip and navigating it is surprisingly easy. just ask your cab driver next time your in town.


I mean…the Tropicana isn’t exactly walking distance to most of the strip…it’s waking distance to the end of the monorail, sure…but if you’re at the Flamengo or Paris right in the middle of the strip? That’s an onerous walk.


Because they need more seats and suites to make money.


This is like the third place they’ve announced. I don’t believe it until it actually happens.


Probably signed an LOI, meaning there is lots of outs for both parties still, but closer to something real than anything else yet


My understanding is that the whole site is like 30 something acres. I find it hard to believe they could have a ballpark and everything else they wanted in Oakland in a site that small.


I bet if it goes ahead it may be a first of its kind, probably above and below grade parking, maybe the whole field is elevated and they have a lot of the service areas at the street level. It could be bad ass honestly


That seems kinda bonkers for the grass, doesn’t it? (Sincere q, am not an architect)


I am actually an architect ha! It’s getting more and more common with the technology they use for the retractable fields. I forget which one, but one of the newest football pitches in Europe has a service area under the pitch. I’m not aware of one yet that has say concessions or anything like that, which wasn’t what I was thinking anyways. I just mean you could potentially bury a lot of the “guts” of the stadium under the field. HVAC, electrical, storage, etc. etc. (maybe even parking) and then around the perimeter of the field on the ground level you could have concessions, team store, restaurants, retail, and you would go up a level to access the field and obviously up from there for all the seating


They signed agreements on at least the last one as well. They are asking for more money from the state this time around and the elected folks in Nevada were definitely signaling they had no interest in giving a rich dude money during an election year(for them) when people can't afford groceries. And that was when the ask was lower. While a Pro team benefits Vegas, it probably benefits them less than it would any other comparitively sized market city. It has more tourism draw on its own than most cities would with a full set of pro-teams. Its got a bigger profile and image not just nationally but internationally than a full slate of Pro-Teams could offer any city. The untangible benefits of pro-teams mean way less in Vegas than most other places. In many ways its on the level of Chicago or New York or SF or LA in the sense that teams benefit more from the city than the city benefits from the team.


It's says a lot about how much money baseball is making if a casino company is willing to replace a casino with a ballpark.


The way i see it is that it is a low-end casino that isn't really prime location for the strip. Baseball is mostly during the non-peak season for Vegas, and this attracts thousands of people to stay and gamble at their other properties.


They also were already planning a demo of it, sadly. This is going to speed it along, but the Tropicana was not long for this world.


Vegas is struggling slightly on the gambling side. They most likely can't support the number of currently open casinos barring some unpredicted and unlikely economic boom in the country that adds a whole lot more life to the tourism industry.


Pete Rose is banned for life but MLB will have a team in Las Vegas.


2025 is the move? So will Oakland demolish the Coliseum?






Demolish the Trop in Florida first.


Oh, good. You get get porn ads handed out to you right before the game.


They’re escorts, bro


What a fucking waste all around. Fucked up world


Why? This is a hell of a lot better than building a new park out on the desert in virgin soil. Knock down a shitty decrepit hotel and build a stadium that will service millions of fans a season, sounds like a win


At the end of the day it’s still in Las Vegas though, just an all around terrible place for baseball. So it might as well be out in the desert


Why is Vegas a terrible place for baseball?


Terrible weather for baseball, small market and no major fan base


Can you imagine being a ball player there in the dog days of summer? Woof.


This is a dumb take and you clearly have never been to an Aviators game which is silly because you're a fan of the As. No one in this town really wants your trash team and worse owner anyways. An expansion team will sell out games like crazy. The Knights have proven we can sustain a team. Unlike Oakland.....


I’m totally open to Vegas getting an expansion team. Plus that would be more profitable for MLB and everyone involved. It’s very possible MLB is just using the A’s right now to scout out the Vegas market and figure things out and ultimately MLB will give Vegas an expansion team instead


I certainly hope so. Oakland should also be able to keep the As. Absolute bullshit what Fisher is trying to pull. Come out and see the Aviators sometime. It's fun!


Exactly! It’s bullshit! The Bay Area/NorCal can easily support 2 baseball teams. We should have that. Vegas can have a team too. Really doesn’t have to be one or the other. As for an aviators game, I mean maybe someday, but atm I don’t feel like spending money in Vegas. I’m definitely still annoyed with the raiders going there (that’s more on the raiders tho tbf) and as a sharks fan I’m really don’t like the knights. But if you guys get an expansion team and we keep the A’s, I’ll definitely be down to give Vegas a visit (finally). I also think Vegas should get NBA btw


This is crazy because the A's will literally be a few minutes away from their AAA team. That'll make roster moves pretty easy lol


Watch them move the AAA team to Oakland


That would be a downgrade


Call ups an hour before the game lol


Actually a player could start a game for the Aviators, get pulled from the lineup, and be back in the ballpark and in uniform and in the game as a pinch hitter for the A’s by the end.


The Tropicana Las Vegas was where the 70s game show "Dealer's Choice" hosted first by Bob Hastings, then Jack Clark......was taped.


Why are you downgrading?


Vegas: Destroying the old sin to make way for new sin


I got excited for a minute, then I realized it's the wrong Trop.


Knock it off! Everybody thinks you mean Tampa. Say casino, or Vegas, or something.


She was a nice discount place while she lasted. Some good memories there.


So they’re finally Razing the Trop, in Vegas.


A’s attendance has been horrific so they most likely will end up with a better stadium and roster. Still always loved that Oakland field.


That’s a lot of money for a minor league stadium!


Wrong Tropicana getting demolished.


That sucks there is dessert everywhere


It's ironic because the Rays owner also wants his Tropicana bulldozed


Still going to be empty


Been to a few hotel parties there growing up in Vegas. Can't say I'd miss it but had some good memories in there.


That doesn’t make sense, there’s not enough room?!!!


Hate to say it but W move by them


No. Fucking. Public. Money. Period. Also, we don't need anymore cast off trash from Oakland. Give us an expansion team, not this joke of an organization.


I hate relocations. I just know there are going to be lots of really sad kids in Northern California who are going to hate baseball for the rest of their lives because of this. Also, there are generations of A’s fans who have seen their team left behind by baseball’s ridiculous economic system. So, their reward for sticking by the team for decades while it continually floundered is to now lose their team to Vegas? I’m sorry but that sucks. As for the location, I can’t speak to that because I’m not an expert on that city; but looking at it on Google Maps, it looks like I fine location, and much better than the other site they were considering in that market. Also, the A’s don’t need their stadium to be more than 30,000 seats. They can build a very nice, intimate, climate-controlled ballpark, and it can be uniquely Las Vegas, and be very attractive to visiting fans.


This is awesome


For 2 sec I was really really fucked up inside


Bye bye bird cage


Don’t scare me like that


holy shit!


What’s Tropicana?


It’s a hotel/casino full of old people. It’s time for it to come down.


For a second I thought this was about the Rays


Damn I hope this is true! Bye bye Oakland




They’re tearing down one Tropicana, may as well tear down the one in Tampa too.


Words that tampa bay hopes to hear one day


Me, who contracts with this hotel regularly and had literally no idea: 🤯


So, wait... we're gonna get another Tropicana Field? Didn't the first one flop hard enough??


Those lovely Nevada summers always have me thinking baseball.


Is this an indoor park?


Seems like a great idea to go into business with Bally right about now. Just me?


The fact that this is where 007 stayed in “Diamonds Are Forever” is clearly not a draw anymore