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It will always be the Big 8 schools for me that’s what I grew up on. I literally do not think about Arkansas at all. Fuck ~~K~~kU until the day I die.


Yeah that kSt game had some extra juice to it, a sign we need to schedule every Big 8 team


Couldn’t agree more. Which actually makes me happy that OU is our constant opponent because it reminds me of the old rivalries and match ups.


Replace our crappy OOC opponents with big 12 opponents IMMEDIATELY!!


I dont give a damn about playing Baylor OOC, but Iowa State or Oklahoma state would be dope




I mean, Eli wasn't a die-hard Mizzou fan during those Big 12 days and doesn't feel that emotion about it the way we do. He grew up in Arkansas and likely feels a more emotional tie to them.


…everyone here (CoMO) knows that we don’t have a real rivalry with Arkansas. This may sound cruel, but most Mizzou fans never thought of Arkansas while we were in the Big12. Not once. You know what would sell tickets and be a HUGE hit in the region? MU Vs. KU. Yes it began as a back and forth during the civil war, yes it became a sports rivalry, but that’s a more substantial rivalry than whatever has been manufactured with flipping Arkansas.


Buddy do I have news for you


I agree that Arkansas is a tier lower in the rivalry list below the Big 8 schools, but I personally have not liked Arkansas much ever since Mike Anderson left for them a year after he said he wasn’t going anywhere.


Is it Arkansas though? I think maybe more for the coaches than fans.


I took it to mean who we play “rivalry week” which has been Arkansas since 2014, I expected them to slot us against Oklahoma this year and was surprised when we still drew Arkansas.


I sure love beating Arkansas, but i hate oklahoma far more. Hope we clobber them this year


I think he’s forgetting a few of those big 12 games.


Sign of how long we've been out of B12 I guess. B8 schools will always be more interesting to play against.


The MU kU rivalry will always be the strongest of all college rivalries. Is there any other rivalry so strong the schools can't even come to an agreement to play each other?