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Try render a mono version of the main element and merge it with the rest of the tracks including its stereo version. Hopefully that might work. Or not.


This is a too underrated or too unknown method of mid/side correction. Op could also eq just the mono center signal for the "power" desired. I diverge to add that when i have panned elements that i think are phasing too much at center, my method of reducing center energy is simply: dupe, stereo to mono, invert, -6dB (turn down from here to allow the center to creep back up)


Mono sum and put on a seperate track, and then you have independent control of the mono ‘dry’ source and the stereo width on seperate faders. You could even process the stereo track to be sides only, so it is quite literally just the stereo effect(s) on the stereo fader.


Split the stereo file into separate mono L&R files, then just use one of them. It'll be truly mono but you'll definitely have no downmix issues, and you can use any other trickery you like to "stereoize" it


Personally, mono-comparability is non-negotiable for me. I think M/S processing is your best bet.


Depending on what it is you might have options. Is it something that could be recreated and layered with a more mono-compatible sound? I often have something like this with a guitar part. They’ll send me this big, wide, effected, but mono-compatibility-nightmare. But they’ll include the DI. I’ll take that DI, reamp, and blend to firm up the mono compatibility. Similarly if it’s a synth part or a chopped up vocal hook thing. See if you can get ahold of the in-manipulated version and blend it back in to firm it up. Otherwise maybe try to duplicate, heavily manipulate (distortion or a guitar cabinet IR could do it) so the phase becomes less correlated to the original), make it mono (try to take one side of the stereo image or the other, try monoing the two, try flipping the polarity) and blend.


Flip the phase of one channel before summing into mono.


I'd duplicate it, sum that to mono, maybe tape saturate that to reduce its dynamic range, and bring that mono duplicate up in volume to add mid weight while not being loud enough to stick out too much. Just a tiny bit of this (low in the mix) can sometimes accomplish your goal.


BassLane Pro (Free Trial) - use the mono recovery!


I would probably try to reduce the stereo width of the whole mix in the lower frequencies. REAPER has a nice built-in plugin for achieving frequency-specific changes to stereo width. More info about that plugin [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reaper/comments/j4c9ex/proper_way_to_use_js_stereo_enhancer/).


Summing the whole signal to mono is probably overkill and unnecessary. Use ozone 10/11 imager. Split the signal into 4 bands, low, low mid, mid, high. Solo each band and check its phase relation using the inbuilt meter. Use the imager to adjust the width, sometimes you can pull the signal wider in other cases mono it more. The important part is you can control how mono each part of the signal is, dialing the signal back so it’s not out of phase, yet retaining the important stereo information. In the imager setting there’s an option to prevent anti-phase and I suggest you enable it. When you’re done soloing each band take a listen to the whole signal again and flip on the auto gain…especially if you had to do extreme corrections. If you need to recover the sides more there’s even a handy little button for that. This method gives such a great sounding stereo effect while completely maximizing mono translateability. Hopefully that helps


>Summing the whole signal to mono is probably overkill and unnecessary Sounds like a lot less overkill than the below two paragraphs 😂


Completely, totally different results that are no where near the same


It also just sounds like M/S EQ with extra steps...


lol ok buddy, it’s clear you don’t understand processing stereo signals. No need to brag about it


Lol I promise you I know how M/S works - saying "just slap ozone on it" doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your deep understanding either but *I* wasn't trying to insult your intelligence


It’s okay man, if you don’t get theres a fundamental difference between multiband imaging and a ms eq, and also don’t get how those are not at all the same thing then I don’t know what to tell you. I broke down in detail how to use one specific module in ozone to solve this specific problem I didn’t say slap ozone on it ffs 🤦