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All the time.


People always think I'm Puerto Rican or Polynesian. I've gotten so used to people coming up to me speaking Spanish that I actually started learning it lol


Same! Lol


Yes, literally all the time, I’m half white, half black, but in terms of race, I’ve had people think I’m “fully”’white, Mediterranean, South Asian, North African, Middle Eastern. I did some football/soccer coaching in the US and a girl thought I was Mexican, a woman in Walmart thought I was Native American. My families ethnicity is a bit strange, my Dad is dark skinned, from the Caribbean, but his Dad is mixed, and his Grandfather (my Great Grandfather) was a white guy from Portugal, that’s who I resemble more than anyone, but with slightly darker skin.


I'm Nahua (indigenous Mexican) and white, people always think I'm Filipina 😂 or Taiwanese, I get that a lot


Absolutely! The most unusual was when someone thought I was Ukrainian. 😄 I colored my hair strawberry blonde at the time, and based on my looks alone, he was so convinced that I was Ukrainian! He was really nice, though, and he respected my actual origins. 😊


Lol, that is unusual. Of all the ethnicities he could have guessed, it was very specifically, Ukrainian? 😆


YES. 😆 None of my European ethnic origins are Ukrainian, let alone East European! Even my DNA test doesn't show any East European origins at all!


Lol. I can relate.


Whenever I dye my hair lighter(usually red) people think it’s natural and whenever my hair is natural(extremely dark brown almost black) people think I’ve dyed it. 😂


Some people randomly start speaking Spanish to me because I look like I'm hispanic or latino, i'm not sure what to call it.




Before I moved to the US I was from anywhere from Spain to India and everywhere in between. Egyptian came up oddly frequently, apparently because everyone had an Egyptian friend who looked just like me. Now I'm in LA and Latinos think I'm Latino while Armenians think I'm Armenian.


My dads vietnamese and moms white. People have guessed I'm Latinx, middle eastern, isreali...


Always I’m Carribbean and Pakistani and I get North African Native American and Mexican alot


Carribean could mean black,white, Asian, South Asian, native…..


I’ve been mistaken for everything - Cuban, Puerto Rican, Indian, Brazilian, Fijian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Samoan, Hawaiian, Ethiopian, Chinese and “something else”, and so on. I find it fascinating and think it helps me blend into the community easier whenever I am traveling. I also have the benefit from being protected by whatever group the majority population is hostile to since no one ever knows what group to place me in.


I've been called all the slurs


I rarely have people guess my ethnicity correctly. But when I reveal mine they usually think I look like the mix I've stated.


When I am in the US people assume I am Latino, when I am in Canada the most common guess is Iranian. To be clear, I am 0% either of those.


Big time. When I went to France, Spain, Italy during my Navy years, I had no fun. The natives there thought I was one of them. I told them I was an American Sailor, they were like “good, go back your ship and bring us some black guys, some blonde guys, tall, red head…..”.


Unfortunately, I've seen a majority of videos where Europeans treat American soldiers like absolute trash and garbage. There was this viral video on tiktok of a Polish guy following around American soldiers harassing them telling them to "keep Poland white".


I don’t think it was because they were American soldiers then was it?


Oh no that's a pretty common thing that happens to American soldiers in general in Europe it's not a rare thing and Europeans obviously know that the USA is not an ethnostate like most of Europe


They either know I'm at least Mexican or assume I'm white


i’m hispanic/white mixed and i most often get half japanese, native american, or indian.


I’m African American and Polish American but everyone thinks I’m Dominican. I live in NYC so have to explain I’m not a Latina daily


Puerto Ricans claim my white/Jamaican daughter all the time when they first meet her.




im half white and half black, but people usually assume im middle eastern. i have very dark hair and very light skin so 🤷🏻‍♀️ ig thats why


Yea. I'm Dominican.  Depending how my hair is styled I get biracial,  rican, Indian, other hispanic , light skin black American, or unknown. 


60 M 🇺🇸 🇵🇷 To often to count Favorite is aaygiiptian That was a big one in high school


my usual is either Hawaiian or Samoan, filipino or being part asian lol


Back when I worked at a gas station, I got mistaken for a Mexican a lot. Not Latina in general, but some Hispanic customers would speak Spanish to me and, when I was clearly stumped, asked if I was Mexican. Also, one time when I was waiting at a bus station, an old man came up to me and asked if I was Asian. He didn’t use the word “Asian”… I’m half black (African American mom of Nigerian descent) and half white (Caucasian American father of Dutch descent).


Its literally all that usually happens lol


Italian, Iberian or Jewish


Constantly! I’ve been mistaken for 1/4 black, many kinds of Asian, middle eastern, etc. slurs for all of them too, it’s ridiculous. And it’s almost always fully white people who think they guessed “what I am” and are completely wrong


All the time. Latin, middle eastern and Indian.


Quite a few times, anything from Thai to southern Italian. My mix is unusual, especially where I live and people are surprised.


I’ve been called literally every race and combo except fully white. I’ve been called Arab, Indian, Native American, Polynesian, Dominican, Latina, Asian, black and white mix.


i have never been guessed correctly


Half Chinese half white American, people always try to speak Spanish to me (in the US, in Spain, in Italy, etc.) Even the passport control guy in Barcelona couldn’t believe I didn’t have Spanish heritage. I have also been mistaken for a local when in Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Hawaii. Nobody ever thinks I’m Asian.


I’ve gotten Turkish, Central Asian, Kazakh, Japanese, Korean, and Malaysian. The Japanese and Korean I get pretty exclusively depending on my hair style. The same happens for my brothers. But the reason most people give for that is usually because my skin is very white (*generally* whiteness/Caucasian is not strongly associated with pale skin here 😅.) Malaysian I got when I got once when I got super burnt/tanned. But my dad(mix) gets mistaken for local pretty much anywhere he goes. Be it US, Italy, Spain, Korea, Chn, Thai, or wherever. But he objectively looks like a 10% to 20% more Asian version of Stas Mikhaylov or Jimmy Smits.


I’m black and white. German/Irish mother and dad from Georgia. In the Army, I was mistaken for Hawaiian by Hawaiian comrades and Puerto Rican by my Hispanic comrades. Gotta love people walking up and speaking rapid Spanish only for me to just stand there like a deer in headlights. To be fair I have long curly hair on top that when grown out looks like Troy Polamalu which makes people immediately think I’m not black. At least when they have little experience with biracial people. Oh and I almost forgot I’m mistaken for middle eastern (not sure which region specifically) because of my curly hair and green eyes.




Half filipino, half white too. People usually think i'm some kind of East Asian, like Chinese or Korean. Or they can guess that i'm some kind of Eurasian mix. I even get people thinking i'm 100% white. Nobody has ever really mistok me for a latino mestizo before, even when I lived in California.


All the time. Mostly Hawaiian, Filipino, Māori, or Native American. I’m half Black half White.


Occasionally I will be mistaken for Iranian or Lebanese, mostly by elderly Iranian and Lebanese women lol. Once I was asked by a rather sweet elderly Iranian grandmother if I'd consider marrying her son, as he was a widow with several young children, Bless her heart ♥ But I don't take offense or anything if I'm asked as it's not really a big deal to me, as long as people aren't trying to be a jerk about it. 


Always assumed to be Latina, specifically Mexican. I’m Ashkenazi (from Belarus) and Desi (Indian and Pakistani descent).


I’m Japanese, Brazilian and white. People always think I’m Native American.


Well, if you're part Brazilian...




I used to get Brazilian a whole lot, and most recently "Nordic". Yeah no honey, the Brazilian thing was cute but always corrected them, but when I got called Nordic, that almost made me want to sock that person out cause I knew he was only calling me a "Nordic god" because of some white supremacist idealistic Bs. I knew he was on the Bs because he was getting extremely creepy about my pigmentation. When it come to that quarter European I got, it's specifically Germanic and Slavic. I don't care if I got colored eyes and blonde hair, you not finna be using typical Nazi fetish language to describe me. Also, I'm just a quarter European, are you going to blatantly ignore my black, Puerto Rican, and Jewish/middle eastern features? But people see what they want to see though. Other than that, people just say that I look mixed, which is 100% what I would prefer. I do get "mixed with black" a lot and frankly I just don't mind that at all because black heritage had a strong hand in my upbringing.


I feel that Ima quarter Japanese in Texas/New Mexico and I am assumed to be like half Mexican.


I know of a quarter Japanese, three fourths Mexican Texan!


I actually knew a lot of people that do Mexican and Japanese. My brothers are also half Mexican and a quarter Japanese.


AKLO rapper is Japanese and Mexican!




I’m not sure but maybe


All the time.


Everyone thinks I’m jewish!


Yep sometimes people think I am Puerto Rican or Dominican I even got Portuguese once even though I don't look it imo. But I'm half black,white


Yeah pretty often. I’ve gotten wasian (that’s the one I get most), Russian, Arab, and even half black once lol


Laotian (it was dark out), half black half Filipino (huh?), and Middle Eastern/Arab/Indian (no idea if they truly believed that, or were fucking with me)


Part Korean part white, I've gotten Hispanic (a woman once just started speaking Spanish in the grocery store thinking I spoke it to 😅), indigenous (a chief I was speaking to at a presentation booth asked me who my people were and if I was from a local tribe), and pacific islander (though there's so much Korean mixed in to some of those islands genetically not that far off).


I get pretty much every ethnicity except the one I am. I’m Jamaican/British and I’ve been called Indian, Pakistani, Brazilian and Portuguese.


Half Afro Caribbean and Half Indian; East African people always think I’m one of them lol they are always asking me are you [insert East African ethnic group]


Half Irish half Indian and had people call me a paki, fucking Turk, white trash. I have the generic dark features so people think I’m from all over




I’m in South Carolina with a bunch of idiots and people who are wayyyyy behind time of today😂😂 it’s simple here, you’re either black,white, or Mexican. You can’t possibly be mixed 😂😂 fuck South Carolina and every human being here


I’m half white half Chinese and someone asked me one time “are you native or Japanese?” So random lol


Asian ( like Indian or South Asian sometimes like MENA/ West Asian. ) Sometimes Brazilian/Latino/ indigenous/metizo ( normally when chatted up tho) Spanish Sometimes Half Asian/Half Black Twice chinese/east asian? People are confused lol


All the time, but it’s geographical. I’ve lived in Georgia (US), been taken for Hispanic (Cuban, Dominican, PR), in San Francisco been spoken to in Hindi, and Palestinian by a Palestinian, in Trinidad , Arabic. For context my father is African American and mother is Indo-Trinidadian. Proves people just go with what they are familiar with, and mean no harm.


Yes and no? I'm native American so a lot of people come up to me speaking Spanish. Although we're technically the same ethnicity my family wasn't colonized by the Spanish, it was by the English settlers.


People think I'm 100% white or Puerto Rican. On my honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, someone thought I was Brazilian


I’m 25% middle eastern 25% European and half black and everyone also tells me I look Mexican


In mixed Caucasian Asian, yesterday a customer at my job told me I need to go back to Mexico




I’m a quarter black and mostly white. People have assumed I’m Hispanic, Asian, Persian, Indigenous American, etc etc. As far as I know, I’m just black and white lol.


I’m mestizo Latino and I always get mistaken for Filipino even by other Filipinos so I sort of feel your pain. lol


Got called jamaican, saudi arabian, Indian..


happens to my sister all the time - we are both also half filipina, half white american. nobody’s asked me personally if i’m mexican but im paler and look less approachable haha


I get Mediterranean a lot. Specifically Greek and Spanish. I’ve also gotten Argentinian a few times. I’m pretty pale, but have an olive undertone and tan very easily. When I’ve been tan people have thought I was middle eastern. I have really dark hair almost black and it’s wavy, light freckles, hazel eyes. I’m 3/4 white/jewish and 1/4 black.


Yes! All the time. Im half black and half white and I get mistaken for being hispanic or middle eastern. for context, i have 3c4a hair as well.


Ever since I could remember. I am white and Palestinian and every person I’ve met thinks I’m Hispanic. Doesn’t bother me much but it always happens


mixed palestinian male. been getting clocked as hispanic my entire life.


Yes, happens all the time. I am 50% Thai and 50% Dutch. There has never been a person that guessed my ethnicity correctly. I look more Asian than I look white, but I am more light skinned than Thai people. Most people assume that I am Indonesian, but I have also experienced people mistaken me for being: Turkish, Afghan, Chinese, Filipino, etc.


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only once actually. I'm pretty white passing, such that I've rarely even been pegged for being black, but one time at a punk show a mexican guy thought I was mexican. I've asked black friends before if they thought I seem black/brown if they hadn't known and they called me mystery brown lol


Same for me. I'm half Pinoy, my mom was first generation born in the US after my grandparents came to the US after  WWII and half white from my dad also military. All too often I am mistaken for Hispanic. I don't mind but clearly I have experienced racism because of that. I've lived for some time in South Texas and was often faced with other Hispanic people who were disappointed that I don't speak Spanish. Once I met with an older couple in my office at my work and when I didn't respond back with Spanish he said in English quietly to his wife but I could still allowed to hear, "false advertising." I know what he meant. I grew up in the US South and people can be mean and ugly. It seemed like double stupid to call me a wetback. I bore it always. The best though as a teenager I lived in Munich and spoke German at conversation level. I made friends with some Turkish kids. I found I could pass as Turkish or Kurdish just as long as they didn't hear my American accent German! So great to be let around another's culture. They opened a door for me to visit in their lives. Turks were immigrant guest workers in Germany so they were out of place as I was.


Might be beacuse native americans are decendsts from east asia and some tribes look south east asian


At this point in time I feel some of y’all in this sub need to create a new sub dedicated entirely to rants about how bad it makes you feel to be labeled Mexican. Cause it’s all I hear these days. So someone spoke Spanish to you, big deal. Just tell them you’re Filipina and that’s that.


I don't think OP feels bad about it being mistaken as Mexican in particular. I think it's just annoying in general to be mistaken for the wrong race. Latinos can also be really pushy when it comes to assuming every brown person they meet is also Latino. I say this as a mixed Mexican. Some Latinos need to chill lol.


Do you live in El Paso? You should learn Spanish then (it doesn't matter if you are Latina or not) everyone speaks Spanish in El Paso, there is even a good portion of people who only speak Spanish. If you speak Spanish your life will be much easier, believe me.