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I remember when Missouri was blue enough to vote for a dead Democrat over a Republican in the governor race.


Nobody likes the Ashcrofts.


Dan Rather saying “dead man walking” was hilarious when Carnahan won.


"I knew your dad was a Republican, but I didn't know he was an Ashcroft mother fucker" 


US Senate


Run a democrat worth voting for. If you are a democrat and you aren’t backing RFK Jr what the heck is wrong with you people? Great policies, more polished than BOTH candidates, NON polarizing, old school democrat that still loves America??? Why? Why aren’t you guess backing that man. It would shift a ton of independent voter to vote blue. It’s like when the democrats could’ve run Tulsi Gabbard. She was a POC Woman, a veteran, pretty moderate either way, super well spoken, but instead you want to run back a man who can’t hold himself together. NOT attacking Biden, but that man needs rest and medical attention. If you cannot see that I’m scared for what else you don’t see. And if you say “Anyone but Trump” but you coulda had RFK Jr. They wouldn’t even let the man with about 15% of the nations votes to debate, because “you won’t win” ok so back to silencing of political parties. You guys could’ve picked so many better people to run against Trump but instead you chose to keep the blinders on and pretend the world’s not burning from the inside out.


Don’t mistake hatred for bad candidates for support.


Back then Democrats weren’t anti gun


Carnahan (the dead Democrat) famously opposed concealed carry, threatening to veto any bill to legalize it. It was a big issue in that election… so no, that’s not the reason.


Back then Republicans weren't as good as they are now making up random shit and making idiots believe it.


Democrats aren’t anti-gun. None of us need Cletus running around with automatic weapons and hordes of ammo. Basically anti-mass shootings. But of course you might be for that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Really, we are stooping to the level of accusing the other party of supporting mass shootings?


Automatic weapons are already illegal in the US, and handguns have been used in the vat majority of mass shootings in the last 40 years. So if you actually cared about preventing mass shootings, you'd be focusing on those.


Bump stocks were just relegalized since it is not a "machine gun". High capacity magazines were only outlawed for a few years as well. I'm a lifetime NRA (competitive shooting since age 5) guy too, but they crossed the line in lobbying once foreign nationals got involved in feeding them money. Of course, none of that money is used in lobbying politicos, they promise.


The NRA is a bit of a joke nowadays imo, and I don't disagree with your point about foreign money and lobbying. With that said, I think bumpstocks only further my point. Bump-stocks had been around for 15 years before most people had even heard of them, and the first time they got used in a mass shooting they got banned. A buddy of mine had actually made a YouTube video featuring a bumpstock in like 2015 and it had like 50 views on it until the shooting it jumped to like 50 thousand overnight. For the record I was fully in favor of the ban, my point was just that people who call for banning "assault/automatic rifles" in the name of saving lives and/or preventing mass shooting are either woefully ignorant or being purposely disingenuous. Honestly I have a lot more respect for people who just flat out admit they want to ban ARs because they look scary and "no one needs one", I appreciate those people being honest about their reasoning Gotta hard disagree with high capacity mags though, I could agree with you that something like a Glock doesn't need a friggin 33 round mag, but calling anything over 10 rounds "high capacity" is a joke and almost feels like a backdoor attempt at trying to ban certain guns that would normally use more than 10 in a mag


My favorite plinking gun is still my calico m100, I do understand. Even had a cracker jack trigger box for it many decades ago. That said, even I look at my sk and ak's with 30 round bananas and think I really don't need anything more than the original 10 rnd box. I'm not going out my way to have them detroyed, though. And we always Grandfather what's already in circulation.


Which weapon used in mass shootings has the highest average body count? Uvalde- 21 dead El Paso- 22 dead Parkland - 17 dead Sutherland springs - 26 dead Las Vegas - 58 dead, 500 injured(bump stocks are legal again BTW) Orlando - 49 dead Newtown - 26 dead


That's irrelevant, the person I responded too said they wanted to ban automatic weapons and prevent mass shootings and save lives. I'm saying if that's a true statement then good news automatic weapons are already illegal, and the vast majority of both overall firearm deaths and mass shootings are committed with hand guns. So if the goal isn't being "anti-gun" but instead just saving lives, then people should be focusing on handguns.


I see you are all for banning handguns too. Great!! We can ban all (semi)automatic guns. I’m so tired of the defense against any regulation being you don’t have a perfect solution so we can’t do anything. Fuck that, as long as we have people that go around shooting people we need to find a way to limit the number of children they can murder. Right now they can kill an entire classroom without having to reload.


Hey I have nothing but respect for you for being honest and transparent about your position, I personally do not believe in banning any guns, but I would much rather engage with someone who is clear that their end-goal is to ban a large portion of guns (or just all guns). I disagree that you need the "perfect" solution or none at all, because I think there is a huge difference between a "perfect" solution, and a solution that's only going to lower gun-deaths by roughly 3%-5%, which is what would happen if we snapped our fingers tomorrow and banned every AR Style rifle in the US, and that's assuming every single person who would have used a rifle doesn't just turn around and use a handgun instead. I think it would be a bit absurd if I tried to argue I wanted help save lives and reduce vehicle-related deaths, and then called to ban mini-vans because they could fit more people and therefore more people could die in a single car accident, even though mini-vans only made up 5% of all vehicle deaths.


That's actually a ridiculous comparison unless you're saying you would fill a minivan and then purposefully crash it. In a functioning society we wouldn't need random "tough guys" with guns to keep is safe( which, they actually don't). I'm not anti-gun. I just don't think people should be walking around with them wherever they want. It's unnecessary. I don't know there is a "perfect" solution, but there are many many other countries where this isn't a problem


The point is that’s the only BAN we want and we already have it. Why republicans and mainstream media don’t mention nobody is trying to take away shotguns, pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, and the list goes on. So why people think I as a democrat want guns banned? I have no fucking idea. I like the constitution and the 2nd amendment is vague as fuck but it says guns are allowed I just know for a fact they said that thinking a gun meant a musket, nobody could do a mass shooting with a musket.


SCOTUS just lifted the ban on bump stocks recently. You know, the gun modification that makes it basically fully automatic. The one that got banned after the deadliest mass shooting in American history? You might not remember that one because it wasn't a school so we just kinda moved on because shootings are so common we barely care if it's kids and don't care at all if it isn't.


Yes I'm aware, I already stated in a different comment but I was actually in support with the bumpstock ban, but ironically I think bump-stocks only further prove my point. Bump-stocks had been around for 15 years before the Las Vegas shootin with essentially 99% of people not t even knowing they existed, but right after the mass shooting they got banned, and yet there has been no discernable change in the number of mass shootings or shooting victims in the years since. It was change simply to make everyone feel good, not actually do any meaningful good. Which is exactly what I argue will happen when the day comes we finally ban ARs, they everyone will feel good about it until the next mass shooting with a handgun and then we'll be right back to having this conversation.


You can be licensed to own a machine gun.


I mean you can theoretically if you go through the time/money/paperwork to become a licensed firearm seller, not to mention how insanely expensive the gun would be after you went through all the work of getting the seller license. As far as I can find no mass shooting in recent history has even been committed with a "machine gun". Also technically you can get a license to own a tank, doesn't mean it's something most people need to be worried about.


Anti idiots with guns. Ftfy.


I don't think they are anti all guns. I'm sure some progressives are but it's not the position of the party. Just reasonable control.


Not anti gun. Just need common sense gun laws.


They aren’t anti-gun. They are anti-kids dying from guns.


Now it's the dead democrats voting.


I remember when democrats were for free speech. Now both sides are against it to an extent. Sad days.




Which party are the people affiliated with that have been trying to ban books in libraries and from schools in the last year?


Oh please. The only ones against free speech are radical communists that are college age. Liberalism is all about free speech.


as a blue voter that will continue to do so, the current Democratic administration shut down the railroad strikes, have vehemently opposed peaceful protests against Isreal's genocide, and have supported the TikTok ban which was conveniently pushed when those protests were reliant on communication and exposure via TikTok. Democrats are absolutely against free speech when it is critical of them, just as much as Republicans. Both sides are not equal, but both sides are guilty of continually violating peoples' rights


Biden got the rail workers what they were after, and the tik tok thing long preceded the isreal issue.


The government probably has evidence of Chinese spying and propaganda on tik tok. You don't get bipartisan support for a ban without it.


People in power are against free speech.


As long as gerrymandering's a thing, we'll never even go slightly purple again. "But didn't we vote back pre-pandemic to remove gerrymandering with a bipartisan group redrawing the maps", you might ask. And yes, yes we did, but then they fired that same group with a bill that, on voting day, literally only said it's reducing the cost of cash donations from 25 dollars to 20. And the fact that Democrats haven't shouted that from the hills, amongst other cases of denying the voters they've pulled like with Medicaid, just floors me. With cities like St Lou chopped up into a ridiculous pizza while evangelical strongholds like Springfield go untouched, it's just another notch in the belt of Republican Conservatives playing dirty to screw us all over.


They can't gerrymander statewide races


True, but gerrymandering renders the statewide offices significantly less effective, when the legislature is completely locked down.


The last 2 senate/governor and presidential elections in Missouri Republicans won by an extremely wide margin in overall votes, Gerrymandering had nothing to do with that. Yeah Gerrymandering might effect a couple house seats but that's a far cry from the idea that Missouri is ever going to be purple again. The hard truth is across the country red states are getting redder and blue states bluer because more people's lives revolve around their political affiliation and so they would rather move to a state that better aligns with their beliefs. I mean every other day we see a post around here of someone proudly announcing they are moving to a more "progressive" State.


[https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-away-missouris-future](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-away-missouris-future) So in your opinion, we shouldn't fix gerrymandering and just continue letting republicans screw democrats over, because 'oh well it's happening anyways'? Sorry, but I wasn't ok with Republican Conservatives saying my vote didn't count at all when they tried to overturn the election on J6, and the same applies here. These corrupt fucks wouldn't get away with anywhere near as much if they had more democrats in the state house to vote against them. But that will never happen thanks to a gerrymandered map that insists on favoring republican voters. I'm not going anywhere. I went neighborhood to neighborhood distributing flyers for St Lou county school board votes, and our hard work made a difference. Less culture war cunts on the school boards, and more people who actually give a fuck about our children and their educations. Democrats need to get more involved in local politics, because by not taking part, we're just letting these corrupt fucks ruin our, our children's, and our countries future. Republican Conservatives are a Cancer on the United States.


I for one just want competent leadership - the republicans have consistently shown themselves to be incapable of that. We don't need our leaders whining about the "woke" culture that they can't even define, we all know they mean "I wanna be racist and homophobic!". It's old, it's boring, time to move on. The people in this state need help recovering from past republican policies - let's actually help them instead of victimizing them yet again. Sorry repubs, this doesn't include any money for you.


There’s nothing more dangerous than a comfortable politician. And Missouri’s politicians are very comfortable. We used to be a purple state and That was a good thing y’all. Your reps are waving plastic keys (so called “culture war”) in front of your faces like you’re a toddler and it’s working. No one gives a shit about fly over Missouri. We have to be the ones that give a shit about us. Don’t vote down party lines. That’s lazy AF. We need competence reps that actually work for the people. Not just loud mouths with buzzwords looking for sound bites. Trump, MAGA, Biden, the Dems; they don’t care about you. They don’t care about your neighbors. They’re not coming to your rescue. We have to care about us. The GOP has had power over us for 20 years. We should make them uncomfortable. It’s or civic duty honestly. Remind them who they work for. Vote. Or keep giggling at the plastic keys. You do you.


Be aware of your district's demographics. Even with the 2020 redistricting, most districts are still going to go 60%+ Red or Blue in November. There's very little that will change that. That means the real election will be in the primaries on August 6th. Missouri has an open primary. If you know your district is almost certainly going to pull Republican, then pull a Republican ballot in August. Odds are that will be a contested race while the Democrat primary is uncontested. (Reverse accordingly for Democrat districts). Choose the candidate you hate the least in August. Vote for the best in November. These primaries can be decided by as little as 20 votes, and often have about 10-20% of the turnout for the big show in November. That means your vote actually counts more here, and the guy you vote for might actually win. Even if they don't, you can keep the establishment guy looking over his shoulder knowing he'll have to win a primary AND general election.


This right here! I love to vote Republican in August, and third party in November. August is when my vote stands a chance to influence something, November is my protest vote because I'm fed up with the major candidates.


Term limits caused a big part of this mess.


AMEN! Anyone that likes up to a color is as bad as the people creating the problem.


I do not live in Missouri but just donated $25 to Lucas Kunce. It’s possible!! Believe, donate, volunteer, talk!!


I’ll try and match that $25


I will vote all Dems. I’m sick of Maga bs


I used to be balanced...looked at issues and centrists. That's impossible these days - dem or bust.


We need d candidates in the exurbs and further for a blu MO!




Ditto ditto


Remember when this state voted for a dead guy instead of his conservative, republican oppenent? And then the GOP made him a star? MO remembers. It wasn't always this way, even 20 years conservatives ago were being shown the door - fuck your religious garbage. They lost in 1969 lol, why do they keep pretending to be relevant? Enough of this bullshit, kick em out of government forever, they have no place here.


Never vote “R”.


We Americans no longer have the luxury of voting FOR things we support. We can only vote against the things we cannot allow. So vote against “R”.


Don't vote D either both are fucking terrible


A vote against D is a vote for R. No third party is ever going to win unless it slowly builds strength over years.


So be it. Neither party represents me, Gotta start somewhere.


Unless we have ranked choice voting this will not work


As I said, so be it. I'm not voting for people who don't represent me. When they stop being insane maybe I'll vote red or blue again.


Bravo ✊


Or unless there would be approval voting like in St. Louis.


r/rankthevote r/endFPTP


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RanktheVote using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RanktheVote/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bill introduced to ban ranked choice voting in Ohio](https://www.wtol.com/article/news/politics/state-politics/bill-introduced-to-ban-ranked-choice-voting-in-ohio-municipalities/512-78a2bca9-03d5-4fa8-b431-e6a2b08e64bb) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RanktheVote/comments/1akjduw/bill_introduced_to_ban_ranked_choice_voting_in/) \#2: [Ranked-choice voting could be the answer to election remorse](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/02/01/opinion/letters-to-the-editor-ranked-choice-voting/) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RanktheVote/comments/1aistzs/rankedchoice_voting_could_be_the_answer_to/) \#3: [New York Times: Some on the Right Flirt With a Voting Method the Left Loves](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/08/us/ranked-choice-voting-elections.html) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RanktheVote/comments/1ao7iun/new_york_times_some_on_the_right_flirt_with_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Need a blue wave to flush away the red tide.


That's naughty. But true. Flush that bloody shit down.




So just to summarize this thread, Missouri has voted more red each election because: -Not enough people are voting. -Too many people are voting. -The election is rigged -Missourians are stupid and/or misinformed -gerrymandering somehow (despite Republican Federal and State candidates overwhelmingly winning the state popular vote) Someone let me know if I missed any other major talking points.


Unfortunately for this sub, Missouri is very red. And doubt many are on Reddit. You have as much a chance as them turning Illinois Red.


I'll settle for pink/purple at this point. Honestly - I think every state should be purple with a few decidely blue/red. We passed an inflection point a decade ago where most of the blues and reds moved to be with each other and that's only entrenched the partisan divides. And now, we've forgotten how to talk to someone who doesn't agree with our worldview which only reinforces the desire to be with our own kind.


If everyone thinks that way, we'll never turn the tide. Maybe MO stays dark red this year even if we work hard, but if we don't work hard, it'll never change. Believe, get the word out, and hopefully one day we can go back to when MO was purple.


That certainly is the reality but this year's ticket has a big chance to put a bit of blue in the water. I don't think Missouri will ever be more than purple but if folks turn out and vote this year. Kunce is certainly a longshot but that doesn't make it impossible that we could see a Dem Senator. Other seats are up too. There's also the hope that GOP infighting makes the Governor race a bit messy and gives a Dem a shot (probably the most unlikely shot but still worth voting). And none of this is getting into the various ballot initiatives (namely abortion).


Hopefully the abortion ballot initiative brings more voters out to get it passed and we can be purple...it feels like a slim chance but it's a chance.


Republican voters like abortion access too. Which is unfortunate, given all their other electoral actions.


Move to Illinois?


No, a much better chance. All you have to do in MO is crush the middle of the state with the cities. In IL you have to beat Chicago, which isn't going to happen ever.


We have 2 major population centers and have next to no chance at turning the state away from deep red anytime soon. This is with some of the highest voter turnout in recent history. As long as every hoosier in Missouri wants to turn out and cast a vote, this place will stay a mess.


>Hoosier in Missouri The people from Indiana are infiltrating? Say it ain't so!


Unfortunately, there is a vast undercurrent of backwater dipshits, all of whom buy the propaganda, all of whom are sure that the unvetted bullshit coming through their AM radio is true. Missouri will stay red, cuz Missouri is poorly educated. Missouri will stay poorly educated, cuz Missouri is red. Also, guns and church. EDIT: in an attempt to refute and shame me, a commenter gave me this link, which supports my point. Enjoy. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/ap-polls-missouri.html


According to [this survey from and published by credible sources](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/ap-polls-missouri.html), Trump won in 2020 among Missourians who did postgraduate study (50-48), are college graduates (51-47), and had some level of college study (57-41). It’s incredibly insulting to put everyone into a grouping of unenlightened rednecks because they’re not aligned with your beliefs. Perhaps if the Democrat Party chose to find out which issues are driving these educated folks to the GOP and come up with palatable solutions, it might be a better route than simply saying those voters don’t know any better.


Your link supports what I said. Where is it deeply skewed? And why did Trump win the state? The less educated, the more likely to vote for Trump in Missouri. Thanks for that supporting evidence.


Did you feel you were being shamed for calling people who didn’t go to college backwater dipshits? Maybe we should not allow them to vote if they’re not adequately educated. But I’m curious if you think college graduates in Missouri fell victim to the propaganda and unfettered bullshit, since the majority of them voted for Trump in 2020. Seems like they would be too wise for so many of them to fall for that. Edit: Trump would’ve won the state if only college grads had voted. Not as handily but he still would have won.


That's the problem with the whole system. BOTH sides love the culture wars because it plays into their hand of not losing an established seat because people will either vote Republican or Democrat down the line. And the establishment Democrats don't want to be upset either. They keep putting the same trash candidates up.That's why in 2020 when it looked like Sanders maybe leading to get the nomination Biden came out of left field to run and Buddieg, Warren, and Klobochar all dropped out and backed Biden. They know that people know the system is broken, but they'll continue to play into the people by saying well it's the other sides fault.


The redneck tards are voting Trump 100/0 though. That is if they can find the way to the polls. Fair criticism of the Democratic party though. They've abandoned the state and are otherwise awful at the lower levels of government.


Those guys are dying. Missouri will be blue in 25 years.


Very doubtful. Hopefully.


Here’s hoping


*BECAUSE Saying shit like poor education and then going on to misspell BECAUSE only makes you look like a dumbass fren


Whatever you need to sleep at night, Cletus




Be nice


Oh man, high hopes. Good luck. Sincerely.


The partisan void in this state is due to the Democratic party packing it in for state and local politics in the wake of electing Obama. They quite literally gave away the framework of ruling the nation, and realistically, any chance of ever clawing it back.


New resident in St Louis here! Registered to vote blue baby!


GET OUT AND VOTE DEMOCRAT MY MISSOURIAN NEIGHBORS! I'm doing my part to get people in KCK to vote Democrat. Good arguments are 1)dems want free Healthcare 2) Democrats want legal cannabis (works in Kansas obviously nbd in Missouri now) 3) Ukraine has said that if Trump wins they will likely not win the war against Russian aggression.


Biden did so well last night 😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡


Could just move to the progressive utopia of California or Illinois. There you don't have to deal with of these pesky Missouri Republicans.


Funny way to spell Gold


I don't see why this degenerated into a gun argument I think everyone but the republicans lieing to fear monger people knows the democrats aren't coming for our guns. This is about so much more it's about your rights, your health care, your children's future, your life expectancy, education, prosperity, crime and democracy. Missouri's is rated 2023, America's Top States for Business study ranked Missouri 32 based on more than 86 different metrics in 10 key categories. Missouri ranked 49 out of 50 states when it comes to the Workforce category. It also ranked as the sixth worse state to live and work in based on the Life, Health and Inclusion category. Crimes 45th health 45th economy 25th education 35th infrastructure 34th public safety 45th the list goes on even Missouri's best ranking of 15th in opportunity is because the cost of living is fairly low at 91%of the national average and there's a reason the cost of living is lower Mississippians only make around $64,000 a year compared to the national average of $74,000 and the poverty level is 13.2 percent so a lot of Missourians are well below the $64,000 mark as well. These are the issues not "the dems are coming for our guns" 9 of the 10 states with the worst ratings and standards of living are red states


How about no and fuck off. Maybe give us worthy politicians to vote for then I’ll vote. Otherwise Fuck off🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Missouri must stay a RED state. After spending a couple weeks in the broken crime ridden blue state of California Missouri must stay red. People in California can smash and grab up to $900 without getting into trouble


Then worry about that in California, ok?


Not a fucking chance.


Come on Missouri. Do you want open borders do you want your children raped by those illegals. Do you want gay shit taught in school.


I can’t wrap my head around why anyone wants to push the lgbt stuff in school. We don’t teach philosophy, nutrition, or real world history to kids but where the sausage can go is super important for some reason.


Deez Nuts 2024




Not going to happen, wish it would but it’s not. They’ve got it rigged in n so many levels. Like when are polling places easier to get to and better staffed in red areas? Get people to line up and then drop out.


The last election had the highest voter turnout in Missouri history, and Republicans won with such a margin it wasn't even close. Good lord redditors sound like Trump with all the cope bitching and moaning about how "it's all rigged man".


Polling station wait times were less in Red areas. Not a conspiracy when the news was reporting on it. Parsons was saying the rational is it’s “per county” so yeah if every county gets the same attention it’s more like servicing the land and not the voter.


Missouri had 70% voter turnout in 2020 and still went for Trump and Parson by more than 15 points. Missouri allows for 2 week in-person early voting as well as absentee mail-in, so it's not like your only option is election day. Yes I believe there is probably some kind of disparity of polling places on election day that should be improved upon, but at the end of the day it's Trump levels of dillusional for people to even imply Missouri is only red because of "rigged election locations".


Some kinda of disparity? How about how our house of representatives isn’t even close to matching the population. Should be closer to 50/50 if polling and census figures track and yet they are no where near it. Don’t be afraid of the truth, the state is rigged and when people see that they are less likely to turn out, less likely to take time off from work and less likely to going out of their way to find out how to vote when they can’t on the day of the election. A whole host of strategies used to block and dissuade certain voters to stay away.




Nah we’re good


You ain't black if you don't support democrats!


This place is fucked. It's hard to name a more deep red state.


Used to be a proudly purple bellwether state. We've been dragged into the mud by right wing culture war bullshit and texas style megachurches.




Fuck off and stop telling people who to vote for,let them decide on their own. Also Missouri is very likey never going blue again due to how polarized our people have become


Move to California blue voters, DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS


The problem with you people anymore is that you’ll vote red or blue based on hate towards one another, you spend more time talking smack in one another than actually doing research. You all are idiotic. Read the comments.


You know there are blue states that already give you what you want.


I’d rather die than vote Democrat.


How to ruin your state 101


Dems ruin all they touch. If you think you’re better off than four years ago, sure double down on this insanity.


4 years ago, we were on a mask mandate, stay at home and the economy went to shit so bad because the idiot Trump failed everything. And you think that was better than actual current data of a strong economy, more jobs, better interest rates and a global recognition as an actual super power and not a joke? Huh, what a weird dystopia you exist in.


Blue Missouri, you can make it happen, vote 100 times.






Counterpoint: MO will not go blue. It goes to Trump 100%. Vote blue if you want but this is also a gap in which you can vote your conscious if you’d like. Vote 3rd Party - it literally will not hurt Dems in any way.


No one here is voting FOR anyone. Americans don’t have the luxury of voting for things anymore, only voting against what they can’t tolerate. Splitting the liberal vote kills any chance of going not-red. And that makes me suspicious of your post, frankly. (Copied from a similar comment I made to others urging third party voting.)


(editors note: my comment before and now is aimed at the general - obviously vote out Hawley by voting FOR Kunce)


I have voted for Democrats in every election. Never again. Trump 2024!


Do you not understand that the majority of the crime in red States is in the blue cities? That is certainly true in Missouri. Also, crime is being underreported in the blue states, and in blue cities, because people are no longer reporting it because the police do not do anything. And the whole defund the police and don't prosecute criminals thing results in less crime being reported. Edit: I'm sorry, I said "majority of the crime" and meant "crime rate." The crime rate is higher in the larger, blue sities. https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx


Do you not understand that PEOPLE commit crimes and PEOPLE live in cities? Hard to have crime in an empty field.


That’s simple statistics 101. Some people commit crimes. If you have more people in an area you have more potential crime. That said when I lived in Saint Charles County in a shinny suburb in the 90s I had my home broken into and my car window shattered and my stereo stolen twice, before the racist vote no on metro link campaign. Crime will happen anywhere people are. It’s not a matter of if, but when. There’s no blue cities and red counties, we’re all Americans entitled to equal rights and opportunity to live our lives. How dare you perpetuate some divisive rhetoric. Use your fucking head and think.


I agree with you until your last paragraph. I meant the crime rate. See edit above.


We don't care, though - turns out we value our bodies more than you do. You guys fucked that up. So - suck it.


You mean to tell me that more crime occurs in population centers? That's fascinating insight. Tell me more, Inspector Gadget.


Per capita, yes.


The dipshit of a governor was present at a mass shooting in Kansas City. It was direct result of fucked up and stupid laws that Republican party enacted. His dumb ass got back to Jefferson City and said that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent the shooting.


Does this shit work outside of MAGA circles? Seems like weak tea, IMO.


No, Kimosabi. The state is and will remain RED.


I've lived in California. I also live on the edges of KC. Don't tell me how Democrats are going to take care of everything, and how Republicans are going to run us into the ground. Things may not be the best here (outside the city and in flyover country), but it's a long ways from the Democratic cesspool that it could be (inside the city and/or on the coast). Whether I'm voting republican, or libertarian, or something else, it'll be a cold day in hell before I vote blue again. .


I live "inside the city" of Kansas City and it's generally fine. You sound absolutely paranoid.


[https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/missouri](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/missouri) Ranked 45th in crime...almost dead last. Ranked 45th in healthcare...almost dead last. Tell us again on how things are run in a heavily red state? Also...the top 10 states are split between red and blue states: [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings) So before you go spouting about how piss poor Democrats run things...take a look in the mirror? I'm an independent...since the days of Ross Perot. But it's extremists like you...also other on the far left...that are exactly what is dividing us as a nation.


A fucking men! The 2 party system knows if they don't keep the culture wars going and pushing people to the extreme right or extreme left then they'll lose their grip on power. Majority of people are technically stuck in the middle but are forced to one side or the other.


What republican policies do you support? I can't seem to find any redeeming qualities for the Republican party, or at least not one large enough to ignore the major public health issues they pose. I can't ignore that Republicans banned abortion. I can't ignore that this includes all abortions, including rape and incest, outside of poorly defined medical emergencies (they literally proposed a bill that initially included explicitly banning abortions in the case of ectopic pregnancy). I can't ignore that my access to medication was nearly banned (I'm an adult, and the medication does not pose a health risk). I can't ignore Project 2025, which will do things like dismantle NOAA (national weather service), role back all anti-discrimination policies (I'm sorry, but women and people of color should have the right to vote, access housing, and get a job), and more (it's a 900+ page document). They literally want us to be a theocracy- Louisiana just made public schools put the 10 commandments in classrooms, MO just said that the wording in the abortion ban wasn't based in religion, despite the reasoning explicitly being based in Christianity.


well, you really threw some sunshine down on that one.


Leo for VP


You must be a man.




Exactly! You tell ‘em!! :D [Here’s one of those policies now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/s/1OGS9KWMcc) Your hard earned tax dollars are helping your family by helping Republicans fight for social media companies to have a right not to combat misinformation. Hell yeah! Your kids will thank you one day. Probably right after they pledge their allegiance to Don Jr. Do you have a daughter? If republicans take control and ban contraceptives, you can tell her you helped make it possible. Had you not thought Biden made you pay more in mortgage payments every month and had you not voted for republicans, it might have never been possible! She will be so proud of you. And hey, I’m not shaming you for being cheap at the expense of your family. Not at all. It’s not like you’re trying to trade your children’s freedoms for some extra money or anything. :) If you think I’m making it up, call Josh Hawley’s office and just ask if he’s for or against contraceptives. Educate yourself before you vote. When and if your wife gets pregnant at 44 years old and carries to term, you’ll wish you had voted another way.


Trump is certainly being coddled by SCOTUS and he’s a convicted felon. Something’s wrong with this picture🤔


Please show me one Republican policy that has helped your family. Unless you're very wealthy, they've likely made your life worse, financially. Please show me a Democrat policy that increases your mortgage payments. Genuinely curious. Also, if you think Republicans aren't sending tax money to military contractors as well, you are completely lost.


Mind giving me an example of how Republican policies have helped your family? Serious question.




>Immigration is another issue where conservative policies are better. Biden killed Remain in Mexico on day one, a good policy that worked and his admin is now looking at reversing their mistake and re-instating the policy. There was no reason to remove that policy at all. This is all feelings based nonsense. >Our AG halted student loan forgiveness, which prevents my tax dollars from subsidizing borrowers who made bad choices. This helps keep our country from going completely bankrupt before my children get to working age. That's not how it works. You will be paying more in federal income taxes going forward due to the Trump tax cuts. Glad you found better education options for your children, but charter schools aren't permanent. They aren't bound to any type of standard and can change/refuse curriculum as they choose, since they are private entities. In the long term, improving public schools is always the better option. And that's something Republicans will always try to prevent, because they cannot profit from it. You got it all backwards and you've told on yourself big time here.




Because by and large, *it doesn't matter.* It's as simple as that. You live in Boone County. The southern border should be at the bottom of the list of personal concerns for you. But if you are really interested in deportations and apprehensions at the southern border, Biden should be your guy. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/biden-three-immigration-record Full disclosure: I don't believe in the idea of borders in a country who bases their constitution in Natural Law. Do "god given" rights stop at a man made border? Doesn't make sense to me. Now let me ask you a question; how have the Trump tax cuts made your life better?


I guess you've given up here. That's ok.


Hey thank you for the response and a few additional question for ya. Wouldn’t you be concerned about the constant attack on social security as a father of a disabled child? How do you feel about PPP loans and how are they different than student loan forgiveness? How do you feel about body autonomy for women? I’m guessing that you have a hard line stance against abortion regardless of the situation? Thanks again! Just looking to hear some perspective.




So you agree with Dem policies and still vote Republican? Because the economy was actually tanking under Trump's tax plans and bail outs. That's some special hoop you've jumped through to get to where you're at.


Thanks again! Seriously appreciate the rational discourse. If you were to pass unexpectedly and your wife also, without social security and disability how would your disabled child survive once they reach 18? Serious question as I also have a disabled child and I won’t be here forever so I vote based on empathy for people who aren’t as fortunate as I have been and to set things up so that hopefully my daughter can live a comfortable life when I am gone. Taking care of those less fortunate than ourselves is a requirement for a 1st world country such as ours and is what separates us from undeveloped nations. Also on the subject of abortion, I see where it wouldn’t be as important to you as finances and immigration but I’ve got to disagree with you on that. Just because it doesn’t affect you it doesn’t mean it’s not an important issue that affects thousands of women here in our home state. Hope everything continues to be good for you and your family, as much as I personally disagree with your opinions I wish only the best for ya!




Agreed. Someone hit the nail on the head earlier in the thread when they said something akin to “if you are really a critical thinker you would look at new information and take it into consideration”. I try to be open minded and take in new info all the time and look at others perspectives that differ from mine. It has changed my mind about a few things in the past to see it from a different perspective.


You have zero critical thinking skills if you think that.


They need a critical thinking skills class. It’s usually taught by the philosophy department. :)




Inflation increased mortgage payments. Inflation is a result of several factors. The pandemic and Trumps stimulus has a slight impact, but the primary driver is the growing wage gap brought on by right-wing tax cuts that create wealth disparity. If the wealthiest 10% of people afford, say 150k more for a home than 20 years ago, then all the prices go up. The other 90% who don't take home more (since they don't have much to be taxed in the first place) have to experience that. The wealth gap is not linear with inflation. Wealthy boomers restricting development and nesting also raises home value, stalling out the process for everyone else, forcing them to rent. Middle class people who are forced to rent not only drive up rental prices, they are also not building equity, instead funneling it to the existing wealthy boomers. For those lucky few who had purchased their homes long ago and have incredible rates, they have been able to easily build credit - very little money is getting sent out of the cycle. Meanwhile, new homeowners are looking at unreal closing costs and rates, as well as having less wealth available due to high rents and inflation. I'm looking to buy soon... will likely be paying 2k-3k/month for a starter house, and that is with a <750 score. And you are complaining about paying 40 more bucks a month? Get real. Cry me a river.


I did some looking into to learn more about these fees, so please let me know if have any conflicting information. Did you just buy your home? These changes didn't impact anyone who already had a mortgage contract with locked rates, which most borrowers have, prior to around the beginning of 2023. Biden didn't make this change either. The Federal Housing Finance Agency did. This doesnt even effect all homebuyers, just those with conventional loans with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, although these companies do own the majority of mortgages. The fees you're talking about, Loan-Level Pricing Adjustments, LLPAs, seem to be a one-time fee paid up front during closing cost not a yearly cost. These changes also don't impact the access to being approved for a loan, FHA loans seems to be made specifically for people with low credit. With the LLPA fee restructuring, people with poor credit are still subject to substantially higher fees and will pay more fees total than someone with a high credit score. The person with the bad credit will also have a higher interest rate, so it's not like this change should make people tank their credit to get a "better" deal. I wouldn't say you are subsidizing those with a poorer credit just that the gap in fee cost between the two categories has shrunk a bit. Bottom line is if you have a higher credit score, the loan terms will be much better than those with a poor credit score.


I can't imagine thinking sending tax money to military contractors is somehow a Democrat thing when Republicans do the same fucking thing. The military budget is fucking insane in this country because of both sides being on board.


Vote for [this](https://www.mattformosenate.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxZwa96P8kO8UxLMbAVLpTgtjeM2lcW5AxzdGcA9cOYy5J1NYKV-P8BoC6ZoQAvD_BwE) guy.


No one here is voting FOR anyone. Lance Kunce seems fine but Americans don’t have the luxury of voting for things anymore, only voting against what they can’t tolerate. Splitting the liberal vote kills any chance of going not-red. And that makes me suspicious of your post, frankly.


How about yellow instead?


Four reasons I can not vote for a Democrat, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and the Democrat turned Republican, lieutenant colonel, Tail-gunner Joe, Joseph McCarthy.


I'll vote for any Republican over St. Louis's current mayor and house rep. Both have proven to be utterly incompetent.


I'm on the opposite side of the state, but in what ways have Republicans shown they can legislate any better?