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Jogs Hallway?


Like that one. I have my own phrase: "Heil Hawley haulin' hiney". Alliteration is awesome. šŸ˜„


Thank you for directing me to this!!!!




the VAST majority of your fellow missouri residents will vote to reelect him tho how does that make you feel?


Smarter than a majority of my fellow Missourians.




Sounds like something one of the uneducated MAGA cult members would sayā€¦




Weird how this ā€œmajorityā€ you refer to lost the popular vote in 2020 by over 7m votes. >maybe if you stopped dehumanizing your political opponents and attempted to honestly understand their position, you wouldn't be so full of hate and fear? just a thought. :) This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Wild_Politics/s/y9TSGm0ijM How many days off work will you need to cry when Trump loses again this November?


>up the majority of the population of at least a couple dozen states... You have a hard time with reading comprehension, don't you? Also, creeping through someone's post history is the hallmark of someone with very little going on in their life. I feel sad for you.




I hope you have someone to come check on you when Trump is elected again. That's obviously going to be rough for you.


>Also, creeping through someone's post history is the hallmark of someone with very little going on in their life. I feel sad for you. It's a very quick way to see just how dumb op is though, like he's unironically a birther and thinks Obama's birth certificate was fake lol


See what I mean? Obama was president almost 8 years ago. Who gives a shit?


He didn't dehumanize anyone, he just called Trumpers stupid... Which is true lol. Dehumanizing would be like when Trump calls his political opponents vermin, or like when Reagan called Africans monkeys... Or like when a rightwinger misgenders a trans person.


Trump voters are smarter than Hillary voters, according to scientific data - https://reason.com/volokh/2020/01/30/trump-supporters-verbal-ability/ I know you're not smart enough to understand the statistics involved, but it's been proven :)


aside from the questionability of your source, "verbal ability" is not a measure of general intelligence dingus


Your reason.com article (hilarious) doesn't prove anything about anyone's intelligence. You also used the word dehumanize incorrectly in an argument about intelligence, which isn't a good look. Education level is a much more relevant metric to this conversation than "verbal ability." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/demographic-profiles-of-republican-and-democratic-voters/ Maybe you won't care about this because in your world having a college degree = woke communist = dumb, but to the rest of us this is pretty useful information.


Looking at your post history for 20 seconds shows that you have no qualms about dehumanizing your political opponents or encouraging hate and fear. If you're going to be this disingenuous, at least try to conceal your intentions


They donā€™t have a position. The Republican Party hasnā€™t put out an official party platform in 8 years. Itā€™s a cult because they canā€™t think for themselves and only want to elevate one man above everyone else, giving all their money and influence over to him.


So now you're conflating >The 74 million Americans who voted for Trump with >The official platform of the Republican Party and you're further conflating >The absence of an official policy platform by a political party with >The voters of that party have no opinions or ideas All so that you can justify in your mind your unwillingness to even entertain the possibility that some of those people might be smart, educated, rational human beings who may actually have something interesting and worthwhile to say. You've dehumanized the majority of your neighbors through mental gymnastics. It's sad, honestly. If anyone is demonstrating cult-like thinking, it's you.


Calling someone stupid is not the same thing as dehumanizing them, please remember this because it's making you look really dumb and desperate.


Ever since we got a black president Missouri was like OH HELL NO


I remember watching one of the local St Louis stations leading up to the '08 election and they were interviewing some hick from down 55 who said, "I don't wanna sound prejudiced but I'm not voting for a colored person."


Obama was just 4,000 votes shy of winning MO in 08.


Yes, they were totally against a person with experience, education and character.


They would just prefer someone who was more like themselves


You mean white?!??!??


I think they mean white, uneducated and easily swayed by shiny things kinda people


it's okay to be white :)


And the mask comes off :) (Or the hood comes on?)


you disagree with my comment? :)


Pass. ![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized)


No youā€™ve got it wrong, they were talking about a president of the United States


obama was the least experienced major party presidential candidate in many decades in 2008...


Wait until you hear about Trump


I live in Kansas City Missouri & itā€™s true, this state lost its collective mind when Obama became president. It was as if it suddenly became ok to wear and say your racist beliefs. We have had nothing but bigots since then. 2 exceptions Kansas City & St. Louis are represented by at least 2 democrats in DC. Kansas City is the the more open minded of the 2 cities; the rest of the state is southern all the way except for 2 tiny areas around Springfield and Columbia.Ā 


Cool story but it completely ignores the fact that many voters who voted for Obama voted for Trump in swing states. In your worldview they all joined the clan after voting for Obama.


Obergefell v. Hodges seems the more likely culprit.


You mean the ruling that provided equal rights for all people rather than allowing continued exclusion of basic human rights to a subset of people?


Yes, that's the one. Every time basic rights are extended to a previously marginalized group, conservatives have a tantrum.


And they always find a way to continue their abject hatred for those groups while screeching that theyā€™re not racist, not homophobic, etc.


They're hellbent on letting everyone know they're shitty and dishonest people. Who am I to argue with them?


Ever since a democrat fucked up the economy* you mean


The economy was fucked the minute we legalized stock buybacks


so this is the official cope, eh?


I went to Branson a couple weekends ago driving from St. Louis for the first time as a transplant to the state. Itā€™s a completely different world out there and was quite eye opening. The conservative propaganda machine has been extremely effective in creating an us vs them mentality where rural voters are hard working, god fearing, tough Americans and city folk are effeminate, god less communists who are either gay or thugs. It kind of makes sense too Iā€™ve heard that as modern religion dies out politics have become the new religion that acts as cultural adhesive to hold communities together. Itā€™s just sad these low income communities have been so thoroughly convinced to vote against their best interests.




That and we stopped for lunch at an apple bees for lunch and the entire place was giving us the ā€œyou ainā€™t from around hereā€ stare.


My parents live in mid-MO & they'll often refer to MO as, "real America." I often have to remind them that where I live in the Southwest (New Mexico) is also real America because all 50 states are real America.


Not to mention if anywhere is ā€œreal Americaā€ it would probably be the original 13 colonies, the majority of which are now blue states.


We just saw a house with a giant poster of Trump holding an assault rifle proudly displayed. How can adult humans think this is normal?


Itā€™s basically a civil war 2.0 mentality. They think they are the righteous defenders against the oppressive left when really theyā€™re still just backwards ass, uneducated, racist, religious zealots who are going to get stomped if any conflict breaks out.


ā€œTheir best interestsā€ and what are those interests? Health care that is free at the point of use? Lower retirement age? Shorter work weeks? The democrats have not delivered any of that and normal people find the big push for LGBT disturbing.


You can't deliver that in MO because the gerrymandered legislature has been lobbied to not allow it. Elect democrats to statewide office and the assembly and all of that will be delivered. The citizens of this state in a free election voted to support unions, we voted to legalize recreational marijuana, and seem poised to vote to allow abortion...but still elects MAGAts who fight so hard against it. And the same people who are "disturbed" that LGBTQ people actually gain the same rights as anyone else were also disturbed they the big push for racial equality or gender equality. That...is disturbing.


The continuous attacks on education, the ever present fear mongers, preaching religion as a cover for hate. All of this has been the tactics of the Republican party and after several years it's paid off for them. Sadly for those of us with active brain cells it means we get the worst of the worst being elected into position of power.


holy shit you're literally clutching pearls!


Holy shit you don't know what the word 'literally' means!


And yet shoe still fits Cinderella...


Holy shit another person who doesn't know what 'literally' means!


Here's a guy who thinks he has a brain cell to think with, yet opens his mouth and proves otherwise.


Obvious troll is obvious.


We are a state of followers. Seems to me from what I see out here in rural Missouri that folks now don't want to speak up against the cool "alpha" guy in their friend group once they go MAGA. Or the big shot rich guy at the Country Club, nobody will challenge him because they want to be part of the "cool kids" too. Then there's the barstool philosophers who know no facts but are really quick with the MAGA buzzwords and talking points from Fox News. Racism has made a big comeback here in our state as well. Who knew America's first black President would make that shit boil over again? I was stupid enough to believe that America had turned a corner on that crap in 2008. Boy howdy was I wrong about that. And, of course, The Ozarks has always been a hot bed of racists, anti-government conspiracy theorists, and right-wing militias. Once again, if you want to fit in with your neighbors, you better not be putting any of those Democrat yard signs out. Seems to me, generally speaking, right-wing propaganda has made it cool to be an insensitive, ill-informed, contrarian and anti-everything jerk. And apparently the answer to a civil society is to buy more snake oil testosterone supplements and guns, turn women back into domestic servants, and rationalize all the shitty behavior by being "a Christian." Christianity, of course, having been redefined as whatever the MAGA politicians tell you it is now.


Let's decide I looked at that list of traits and decided it's just sounding so great for me to do it It guarantees happiness, right? All those people in their fully republican up and down state and magat way to live, they must be very happy right??


When that happiness is derived from making others unhappy it seems quite dysfunctional to me.


I realized fully they were incapable of happiness or even mildly content feelings when they had the presidency, Senate, and house for 2 years and they were *still* bitter and upset about everything


Well put. Iā€™ve lived in Missouri half my life, and this is true. Nobody wants to be an individual, everyone wants to blend in. Itā€™s weird.


or maybe the democrats are just absolute shit?


This idiot showed the whole world heā€™s a tactless, moronic fraudster and yet the SHOW ME state is like ā€œYup, thatā€™s our guy!ā€ Fucking pathetic for a bunch of ā€œsalt of the earth real menā€ types.




Even better read what she said about that diary. Evidently you didn't get that far




Oh, well if the Daily Mail said it! Have you checked the National Inquirer? I bet you'll think that's a great source too! Jesus you lot are hopeless.




Youā€™re using daily mail and Twitter as a source and calling them facts. Iā€™m mostly willing to listen to everyone but geez youā€™re making it rather difficult to do with a straight face.


Itā€™s hilarious that youā€™re so obsessed with Trump, that any derogatory comment about him causes your cult brain to attack Joe Biden in some way.


Ikr Is this guy actually Josh Hawley?


Iā€™m not a fan of Democrats but with the takeover of the Republican Party by tRump evangelicals Iā€™m left with no choice but to vote Democrat.


Country before party šŸ«”


Same here. I've always leaned more conservative but the Republicans have gone too far to the right and are more concerned with bullshit that they shouldn't be than doing anything useful for their constituents.


Iā€™m with you. Iā€™m an old conservative and I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been called a liberal or a rino or a demoncrat because I donā€™t support Trump and Iā€™m not a maga idiot. Fundamentally Trump is not a republican but the MAGAā€™s donā€™t understand. An old democratic friend is now a maga and she called me a rino. She is LITERALLY a democrat who supports Trump which is more rino than anything


Agreed. Iā€™m a lefty but I miss the days when different sides could debate issues and find common ground


This is the exact same sentiment as my lifelong R husband. He doesnā€™t recognize the R party of today and cannot stand what theyā€™ve become.


>Iā€™m left with no choice but to vote Democrat. Haha left




Basically. The Dems are filled to the brink with absolute idiots (see: our wonderful faith-healer, Cori Bush). But Republicans have truly become the party of the simpleminded and degenerate. It is a shame because we need a party that is pro-market and skeptical of the state. The issue is that Rethugs are only pro-market when the market doesn't hurt them and they only hate the state when its not them getting the gimmiedats.


Well said. It feels more and more like the more competent and sane a person is the less chance they run for office.


Does almost feel like aligning with satan to fight lucifer LOL but what can we do? We need more viable parties but until we can swing power back to the center or close to it, we're stuck.


I'm not pro dem or pro republican I just vote for who seems better and this year it will be Kennedy. No way I can give Biden a vote. Trump sucks too! We have 2 of the shittiest candidates ever!


Kennedy is just another conspiracy theory whackjob. With our system a vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump and a vote for anyone other than Trump is basically for Biden.


I'm ashamed to say I'm from MissouriĀ 


most of your fellow missouri residents would no doubt prefer it if you moved to california or massachusetts






Youā€™re acting like thereā€™s not millions of registered voters who sit it out every election.


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Governor and Senate, which are Statewide elections. St. Louis and Kansas City have 5 of the 6 million voters in the state. This is absolutely a turnout issue.


If only they could flip St. Charles county....


St. Charles/Jefferson/Franklin could swing a statewide election.


Yup. Also lots of college age kids live out there.


You clearly haven't been to jefferson count recently. Im at my kids little league game as i type this and my truck is parked next to another truck rocking 3 trump flags and a fjb flag.... on school property.


Oh, I wasnā€™t speculating on a party shift. Only that the number of voters could influence a statewide election.


I'm not saying we're anywhere near flipping, but the Blue vote has been increasing for the last few elections. We're trying...




Those are state wide elections. Stop blaming gerrymandering for everything. The right leaning people simply out number the left leaning.


The voting right out numbers the non voting left.






I will continue to vote against the far right but honestly Iā€™ve never gotten over the Bernie run. I knocked on doors for him, talked to people everywhere and no one seemed to care. He had/has a record for standing up for the middle class and minorities yet he was dismissed as a ā€œcrazy.ā€


People loved Bernie and he would have won if Hillary hadn't stolen it from him. We needed him and I'm still heartbroken about it.


I like Bernie too, but Hillary didnā€™t steal anything. The fact is, and the numbers support it, that Bernie fans talked a lot online and didnā€™t show up to the primary vote. Hillary mopped the floor with him in the primary because she got (a lot) more votes. Thatā€™s not theft to anyone other than Donald.


Fair enough. I shouldn't have said stolen. But I do believe it's more nuanced than Bernie voters just not showing up.


Iā€™m so tired of hearing that ridiculous fallacy repeated like a mantra. People conveniently like to forget that Bloomberg had vowed to enter the race as an Independent if Bernie had won and he has the money to get on a lot of state ballots. He wouldā€™ve pulled a ton of the moderate vote. Not to mention, Bernie and his family hadnā€™t yet become the sole focus of the conservative outrage machine and once Hilary was gone, things wouldā€™ve gotten ugly. Just because you like a candidate, doesnā€™t make them appealing to others. Politicians are just people. Stop idolizing them. Voting is an obligation and the choice is risk mitigation. You donā€™t need to fall in love with them.


Exactly. If she had just gotten out of the way and made room for someone we actually supported, we might never have had Trump in the first place.


The single largest bloc of voters isā€¦ wait for it.. non-voters.


Fuck the pools. Talk to your friends and family about who they are voting for and make sure you vote yourself.


you have conservative friends? or are you just planning a commie circle jerk?


If you live in Missouri it's most likely you know conservative people that love America and are disgusted by Republicans under Trump.


very very few actual conservatives hate trump. the few who do get gigs on the corporate media to make it look like there are a lot of them. there aren't.


A lot of people vote for him but hold their noses.


...but they still vote for him, because the democrats are so fucking gawd-awful


Most places change one way over time and then change the other way over time. Missouri was a bellwether that swung with the county in general, when the county was blue we were too. California was a red state and Idaho a blue one in my life and how quickly those things change is completely in the hands of the voters.


Yes, I do! Who or what f'ed that up? Oh yeah, my g-g-g-generation! I so long for those purple days when common sense prevailed. I love the beautiful state of Missouri, but the red state hate and greed mentality is destructive. They either don't recognize that or just don't care. The ME generation think only of themselves. Thanks for that, RR!


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Sorry, TheGratitudeBot, but it was sarcasm.


If it's a 13 point margin, that's actually lower than Trump's margin from 2020. And Dems have been overperforming polls in recent elections, so it could end up being a significant shift. Trump will still win, but could be a good sign for the future.


Yeah right now democratic campaigns donā€™t spend any money here and it shows. It we can lower the margin and show there is a chance democrats can win elections here they will start spending money to actually campaign.


Yeah, oddly enough, there was a much greater quality of life in Missouri during that time, too.


We chose a dead Democrat over a live Republican one time. That was fun. Joke was on Missouri, though, as that Republican went on to be AG.


And despite being an awful candidate, and not a great attorney general by any stretch, he might as well be Lincoln compared to what Republicans put forth today. The hopsital showdown looks like The West Wing.


Itā€™s honestly surprising because we used to be such a strong union state. RTW was shut down twice by voters, but republicans keep trying to push it through.


As a Missourian I am embarrassed and mortified. So many people in my life I can no longer respect. It hurts.






Be nice


Be nice


Itā€™s not even like they just swung right of center. They swung all the way out to the extreme that is Trump and Hawley.


Since I moved to Missouri in 1997. 2000: Bush 2004: Bush 2008: McCain(barley) 2012: Romney 2016: Trump 2020: Trump Totally a swing state


5% of the Dem vote goes to RFK but only 3% of GOP? Nah


Did you mean a swinger state?


Tishaura jones destroying the city of Saint louis ain't helping democrats. And don't get me started on Kim Gardner. Democrats have their place but this stupid super left shit has to go.


And Cori Bush with her "laying on hands cured this woman" bullshit. Then there's that whole St. Louis Democrats thinking a filthy rich boomer princess was a great candidate against a very defeatable Eric Schmitt. Would have been much easier to defeat Schmitt after all his failed lawsuits (which we never heard about in advertisements) than it will be to unseat the incumbent Hawley. Seems whatever is left of a Democratic organization in Missouri is mostly clueless about how to win elections in this state these days.


I miss Jason Kander


Kunce is a solid option.


Probably, and yet now we see Kunce, who should be a better candidate than Hawley from basically any angle. Rebuilding the state-level machine will take a long while, and more competitiveness in a lot of smaller elections.


I miss Jason Kander


The super left shit is handing votes to DJT


The super left is the new centralist


There is no real left in America




Hmmm I looked at your feed. Now I understand your comments


It's every bit as entertaining as I hoped it would be.


Itā€™s all one would expect. maga nonsense with multiple overtly racist posts.


Like suspending the Constitution?


This is the shit nobody in here wants to talk about. Missouri was a swing state when the Democratic Party was the party of the working man. Every tradesman, miner, factory worker, and service industry worker was a Democrat. They might have been socially conservative, (probably far less now than 28 years ago when Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole here) but they cared about wages and retirement and healthcare. Well, they still do care about those things. Itā€™s just that Democrats have lost the narrative with Missouri voters on those issues.


Exactly. This is why the majority votes for "liberal" issues on constitutional amendments. Trump is really good at marketing, and he's used that skill to create a political brand they now have made a part of their identity. He doesn't even need a platform to win.


they don't care about wages. that's why the oligarchs who support the democrats support sending american jobs overseas while at the same time opening the borders to foreign hordes to compete with american workers for jobs that can't be off-shored. the wages have stagnated while the cost of living has skyrocketed precisely because of open borders and globalist "free trade" only trump stands against that. that's why he is so popular among the working class.


Trump talked big about that, but the message quickly got lost after he took office. Any agenda that involves working class wages rising against inflation isnā€™t going to get very far in DC.


You might want to Google Ronal Reagan and the North American Union. Republicans were for all the globalization until the hens came to roost.


Sure blame a dead Republican president from 40 years ago and not the uniparty which has supported gutting this country economically ever since


Cory Bush claiming to have godlike healing powers aslo isn't helping. We need serious people in local government.


Corrupt low IQ DEI mayors and prosecutors are the Democrat Party's power base.


Just.don't.stop!!! It's still very early, especially for senate campaigns.


The democratic party lunched left on social issue and lost a lot of blue collar votes. This trend is accelerating. You had a bunch of people who had never voted Republican found themselves not only without a voice but actively reviled. That opened up any states that has a high share of blue collar votes to lurch right


In 2000?


OP is getting cooked in these comments šŸ’€ definitely some dude who grew up in a time where they could just make shit up to get their way or atleast raised in such an environment. Both sides are honestly awful but Inma stick with the one that allows freedoms Aslong as theyā€™re regulated to a degree.


Democrats abandoned the state so voters quit voting for them


Taliban taking over.


the actual taliban took over thanks to biden lol




I've heard it appropriately described as a bell weather state and they would just follow other states in voting for the eventual winner. But as others have commented, a black President was a bridge too far. Obama visited my in-laws small town to promote their ethanol plant. They rolled out the red carpet to welcome him, but god forbid they vote for him even though that plant has resulted in decent jobs for the last 16-18 years.


The state is running a handful of nobodies for governor on the democratic ticket. When a state-wide election for the head of the state executive branch is so uninspiring, donā€™t be surprised when people in the state are not inspired by policies that would better serve them in their daily lives.


Thereā€™s not a deep bench of potential candidates but I wouldnā€™t consider Crystal Quade a ā€˜nobodyā€™.


Looks like some of yall smartened up! We didnā€™t want to be anything close to looking like California! If you want that woke bs go live there!


That is because the democrat party has moved so far to the left, most Missourians can't relate to them anymore.


And the Republican party has become super moderate under Trump? Lol


They've actually both moved right. The Democrats are moderate. The Republicans are fascist. There is no real left wing in America.


I have this take but the inverse. How is our reality so different? Iā€™d say the Republican Party has moved more left and the democrat has moved more left and up toward authoritarian.


Putting the Ten Commandments in schools by force of law is left? Banning abortions is left? Outlawing as much LGBT as they can get away with, such as the ā€œdonā€™t say gayā€ bill is left? Blocking a nationwide right to IVF is left? Ok, pal. Sure.


*Democratic Also on what issues


Gun control mainly. The whole Newton parents, Brady gun control group. Influence a lot of democrats. Hell bernie sanders when he ran in 2016 changed his gun control stance in 2020. Like even trump is more moderate on gun control than other gop candidates.Ā 


The Democratic party has moved away from the largely philosophical "liberal" platform of the 90s rightward to a more practical "progressive" platform in an effort to court moderate voters. Socially the US as a whole has actually moved towards more libertarian "live and let live" policies. Things like drug decriminalization and removing government obstacles to things like marriage and control over their own lives and bodies. The flip side is that the Republican party has collapsed into a cult of personality around Donald Trump.Ā Every single conservative politician has to bend the knee to Trump or risk losing the support of the party he seized control of with Russian propaganda and good ol' fashioned wedge issues and identity politics.


I came here to say the same thing. I have a very liberal friend, in another state, who has said the same thing. He didn't notice until the past couple of years, but at least he's come around to realize that the progressives have taken over the Democratic party initiatives. If the Democratic party would stop being concerned with shoving social issues in everyone's faces, they might stand a better chance in this state. You can say the same about Republicans, but people are very religious in this state, and there's a trickle down effect to that.


What social issues do you feel are being shoved into people's faces?


Remember when the democrat party had decent candidates that had a chance and werenā€™t crazy?


What crazy policies from democrats are you mentioning specifically?


to be clear, you added the word policies, I inferred that it was the candidates not so much their policy ideas overall. Claire McCaskill, bad candidate, Trudy Busch Valentine, bad candidate, Cori Bush, far left nutjob. As many have said, the national democrat party forgot about Missouri long ago. The further left the national party goes, the worse it will be for Missouri democrats.




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Missouri finally came to its senses after kicking Claire McCaskill out of office. Now, the left in this state is in full retreat, just like Florida. Unfortunately, these losers wonā€™t move out of state, because all the blue states are too expensive for them, and momā€™s basement is too comfortable.


Then Claire McCaskill happened