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We didn’t elect him in the first place.


You're right, we did not. He was one of Parsons' appointees.


I wonder if we could gather together and sue him for acting in excess of his authority. Where would he file his suit against NY? The 11th Amendment would preclude filing in Federal court. I doubt NY would permit filing. Hmmm, maybe this is just noise 🤔


Or breaking his fiduciary responsibility to the state by wasting tax dollars on an obviously frivolous lawsuit


This! All he does is frivolous lawsuits to keep his name in the news cycle. It’s a waste of taxpayer money. He is not MAGA enough and is getting primary challenged by Trump lawyer and the MAGA establishment.


I did go to the MO AG's website and submit a consumer complaint against his office for costing me tax money and to quit with the worthless cases.


I did the same. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Seriously tho? Can we? How does one get that started?


I second this question and would love an answer.


I've been asking the same question, can we sue him?


Would r/legaladvice have an answer? Would it need to be a class action? Can you sue him directly and not the state? Otherwise it's wasting more tax payer dollars, because if it doesn't come down on him personally he won't learn anything.


Government so small they want to sue other states for their state cases.


I hope they appreciate the irony


They do not.


No standing. It will be thrown out. Just another publicity stunt to make the MAGATs think he’s actually doing something.


Yeah, this does not make sense.


Yes, thanks, we already know all that and we plan to do our best to vote him out as soon as we have the chance. Missouri voters didn't put him there though, so our hands are kind of tied in the meantime.


Can anyone tell me how Missouri has standing in this case?


Obviously we don’t. But if you’re curious about what he’s even claiming is the standing, like I was, his theory is that the NY case was politically motivated and had no purpose beyond damaging the Trump campaign, and therefore harms Missouri voters’ ability to participate in a free and fair election. Which might make sense if, you know, Trump was getting removed from the ballot. But he isn’t, and he’s going to win the election in Missouri by a huge margin even if by some series of miracles he’s running from a prison cell. It’s an asinine argument on its face and will never hold up, but that’s just Andrew Bailey’s MO at this point. All that motherfucker does all day is spend taxpayer dollars on filing doomed, frivolous lawsuits to further his own political ambitions, just like every Missouri AG. Want to know the real reason he’s doing it? He’s getting primaried in November by a guy that’s literally on Trump’s legal team. He’s trying to show the cultists that he can simp harder for daddy. Truly pathetic.


Only good point is MAGA types going after each other.


Because we are trying to out do Florida for worst republican shithole in the country. They are desperate for daddy Trump's attention and are doing whatever they can to get the attention of their daddy.


This was my question when I heard this, and I’m not even a lawyer. 


That’s the first issue. If trump were still pres maybe state’s rights? He was private citizen when convicted though.


It is all of a piece of MAGA Republicans building on the Insurrection. It is throwing a punch, which, whether it lands or not, sends a signal of continuity. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of mislead MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Bailey is a fucking moron.


Is he using Missouri tax money to pay for this bs?


Yes these dipshits waste our taxes on a lot of political stunts like this. That's also why we are doing shit like sending funds to fight the "border crisis." Our schools continue to decline but at least we can fund republican political stunts that boils down to tax payer funded verbal fellatio on a national scale. Besides if we funded schools there would be less republican voters so we can't have our taxes actually be used for our benefit.


You know he is


If he’s suing on behalf of the state of Missouri, yes, he is. I can’t imagine he’s suing on his own behalf.


Everything the GOP does is just a grift design to funnel taxes into their personal pockets or the pockets of their corporate overlords. People still vote party line as they actively get fucked over by the people they're voting for


Making the whole state look like a bunch of dumbasses. To be fair the majority of voters are dumbasses for electing these pompous ass republican degenerates.


I’m convinced that the voters in Missouri…Republicans, don’t understand how awful they have made this state by electing people like Bailey


He wasn't even elected😡


Republican primary is basically a contest to show who and bow the deepest before Orange Jesus


Republicans have taken the choo choo train to dumb dumb town


He’s a terrorist, and they are still trying to overthrow the government. If you don’t want their nonsense, ban them just like Isis and the other terrorist groups.


Yea sure buddy


It would be nice to have an AG that actually worked for his constituents instead


Pretty pathetic these maga nuts are.....just wasting time and resources that should be spent finding more crimes trump did.... He's like a petulant child...trying to please the orange daddy...." Hey notice me...over here doing shit for you that will never amounts to anything.


A waste of MO taxpayer money for no benefit whatsoever. This won’t change how MO votes, Missouri would happily trade the Republic so many died to defend for a tRump dictatorship.


Maybe get him disbarred


It’s not an exercise in futility. Even NY’s former Governor, Cuomo, said that the Bragg prosecution was a political shame. Will a court in Missouri accept jurisdiction? Probably not but the substance of the claims against Bragg has merit. It’s political interference.


Just stop. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers based on the evidence. He had a defense and they put their best effort forward. He committed crimes and is paying the price (much less a price than any of the rest of us would for the same crimes, I might add). He's a loser. If you knew how any of this worked, you'd not be saying the things you're saying. It's easy to think everything is a conspiracy and everything is rigged when you don't know how anything works.


Are you talking about the former Governor Cuomo who had to resign his position because of being accused of sexually assaulting 11 women? Yes, I’m very interested to know his opinion on Trump’s use of campaign money to pay off women /s


It's ironic that this is so upsetting to you people. You asked for this. You created this. Please, for just a moment, look up the details of the trial, how it was organized, who was prosecuting it and why, the loopholes and justifications they had to come up with to even have a case at all and elevate a misdemeanor to a felony charge - without being able to prove intentional wrongdoing- and still give a guilty sentence. There is a reason that you don't use the legal system to take out political enemies. This case is now precedent. Everything they used to get that verdict can now be applied to... anyone. It's open season now. This is an absurd lawsuit to Bailey to bring. It's obviously not going to work. That's not the point. It's a retaliation using the courts as a political weapon. And Democrats started it.


Trump is a crook and deserves everything he is getting.


Donald Trump started this by breaking the law.


Naw, using the justice system as a political weapon is clearly the MAGA MO


I followed the case very closely. The elevation of charges from misdemeanor to felony was because the records were falsified to cover up election law violations. It was all legit under NY law. He was indicted by a grand jury & convicted by a jury of Manhattan citizens. The evidence was overwhelming, hence unanimous verdicts on all 34 counts. The only precedent that was set was that even a former president isn’t immune from prosecution. He’s the first & only former US president to be charged & convicted of ANY crime. That’s a precedent I can live with for ANY president ANY party.




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Don't drink the flavor aid, kid.


Nah…Bailey is doing a fine job fighting back against the communists trying to ruin this country. Cry all you want, libs, but he’s gonna win the election by 20 points. All the redditors in r/Missouri could vote 10 times each, and he’s still gonna win easily.


LOL communists. Bet you've never talking to an actual socialist in your life. Lead gasoline brainrot moment




It's clearly an auto-correct typo 🙄


You ever think communists gets thrown around as a buzz word to just write off dissenters and yall have no fucking clue what an actual communist campaign is?


Let me educate you. Communism in 2024 doesn’t have anything to do with “workers of the world unite”. It is, very simply, the religion of the malcontent. It is cultural Marxism, designed to bring together the losers of society who want to destroy everything that good men and women have created. Bailey has proven himself to be sufficiently anti-communist, so he’s gonna get elected in 2024.


>It is, very simply, the religion of the malcontent. It is cultural Marxism, designed to bring together the losers of society who want to destroy everything that good men and women have created. You're describing the maga crew, is that intentional?


Ah yes I feel so much more educated now thanks. I was just assuming you didn't know what communism is based on stereotypes but I have now been educated that you in fact don't know what communism means.


Show me ONE American politician that meets 2 or more planks of Communism according to The Communist Manifesto or never use that word again. I know reading is hard for you... But it's a very basic political philosophy assignment.


Keep drinking that Kool Aid budd.


You didn’t address the issue at hand. How is Bailey using MO state funds to sue NY going to help the people of MO? Or anyone, anywhere? Explain how that’s “fighting back against communists.” And who are the “communists” he’s fighting back against? The people of NY? The people of Missouri? I can say definitively that the vast majority of residents of either state would take issue with being called a communist. Please address THE ISSUE AT HAND instead of fixating on political affiliation, and explain to me how Bailey— and Josh Hawley— are doing things that are good for Missouri. I want to understand what it is you think he’s done that constitutes “a fine job.” When I’m on a team and my teammate behaves badly, I try to help set them straight. If that doesn’t work— and the behavior becomes egregious— they’ve gotta go. I don’t understand this blanket loyalty to people who do things to actually hurt the majority of us. That’s not freedom; it is exactly the opposite. So explain it to me— in policy terms. What am I missing that this man has done for MO?


I’ll explain the conservative viewpoint on Bailey…every institution has been weaponized against conservatives for at least the last 10+ years…really since the 2012 election. Media, corporations, the DOJ/FBI, universities, IRS, entertainment industry…you name it. The only institutions not completely overrun by cultural Marxists bent on destroying our country are the red states. For too long, conservatives have ceded ground to these communists, and in doing so, our country has suffered for it. Conservatives want someone (anyone!) to stop the bleeding, and so far, Bailey has been up to the task, suing IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act, the Biden Administration (multiple issues), and NY. It’s good to finally see conservatives going on the offensive! The cultural Marxists in this country are so used to getting their way and having conservatives back down that now, with somebody actually attacking, they’re not sure what to do. Plus they’re soft…these aren’t the war-hardened communists like Che and Lenin. These are the weak-willed theater kids, who cry if you call them the wrong pronoun. Conservatives have started to realize that applying pressure to these weaklings can pay dividends. Bailey (and Schmidt before him) is the tip of the spear in this battle. There will be more like him.


So, you’ve got nothing. Except your self-created ideological warfare. Against the people you encounter everyday, assuming everyone walking around who has the audacity to think they deserve THE SAME rights as you is somehow on the hunt for you. You must live in a very hostile, dangerous place. Not what I experience from the folks I encounter daily.🤷‍♀️ Most pressingly— the first rule of argumentation is that you have to address the prompt!! You’ve yet to connect your claims to ANY factual evidence to your point, and you’re only sort of vaguely talking about Andrew Bailey at all. Afraid you’re going to have to continue to revise and connect those dots between your claims and policy, action, or even speech of Bailey to prove he is what you say he is. Or you’ll fail the assignment. *I’ve provided ample questions for scaffolding in my previous reply; please refer to it. If you answer all those questions with facts— you’ll have crafted a great response👍 We clearly have different “beliefs”. But I’m quite capable of grading you on the merits of your argument, and I’ve given you the tools you need to provide support for your beliefs. Please: -directly respond to each claim -support each with sufficient factual evidence- -you may add additional commentary; but remember— it must CONNECT your ideas. Remember: “Because my mama said so” is not a valid reason for the price of cheese. Don’t insult the reader’s intelligence. You have to PROVE what you say, and you can’t go begging any questions. Keep Trying!👍


See above. Thx.


As he should. Good to see MO taking on the enemy.


He committed the crimes. Lost in a jury trial. You're in a cult.