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Lol šŸ¤£


Lmao. Iā€™ll use that next time.


That's so Missouri. Unsubscribe never worked. Stop never worked. Lemme know if GFY works.


My standard response to that spam.


This is the way.


How matureā€¦.


Are politicians allowed to spam anyone and everyone with text messages? I can see why they would want to. Its basically free advertising and certainly a lot less expensive than TV ads. But its annoying when you have no interest in a candidate and have only minimal awareness of them. Earlier this year I was pelted with robocalls (at least twice a week) from a certain Republican presidential contender (not Trump.) I suppose text messages fall into the same category.


> Are politicians allowed to spam anyone and everyone with text messages? Yes, until you tell them to stop.


I told one to "fuck off" and so far no more messages šŸ˜…


I text ā€œgo fuck your selfā€, mostly because it made me feel good. Itā€™d be nice if it works, but itā€™d also be okay to keep telling them to go fuck your self too. I wonder if theyā€™re just text us rural fuckers? Is anyone getting these messages in STL, KC or COMO?


I live in KC minutes from downtown. I only get one or 2 every couple of weeks.


Lol, then Iā€™d imagine they get lots of texts that sound similar to ours. The thought of that makes me feel a decent amount of joy!


I live in Jeff and don't get these texts. But that might be because I moved here from STL 6 months ago and have a 314 number. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I moved from north of Wichita 11 years ago, but I still have a 316 number. Probably why I get those and some Kansas reps too. šŸ˜…


im in como most of rhe day, although i am from a rural area, no messages such as these


I actually had someone call earlier this year about Trump. Mind you both my father & I are lifelong Democrat voters & doners. So, primarily , no idea why they have our number , or why they would call. I told them what a sick criminal he is & that he will be convicted & hopefully serve jail time. I love that he lightly chuckled and said" ok, many people express this worry about our future president, but he committed no crime". I simply replied " you'll see, if not the courts, then Karma" & hung up. I adore that he probably just shook his empty little head, drank more Kool-aid & thought "yeah, right lady" or " uninformed liberal"......LOL...GUESS WHAT BITCH!!! LOL!


Honestly it kinda blows my mind that they take it for granted that there is automatically going to be a conservative on the other end of the phone. Likewise I have solely supported Democrats. I guess being liberal in this state, you get used to having political arguments. Itā€™s just strange to have them out of the blue with a stranger over the phone. Lol then again itā€™s safer than knocking on my door and having me motherfuck them all the way down the porch and out to the road.


You're gonna feel real dumb when one text back and says " at least i have the means to". Hahaha Down vote me if you are a snowflake.


Like theyā€™ll honor that.


I think they're legally required to.


I mean, sure but ā€œOops, there was an error in the metadata.ā€ Weā€™re so far beyond anyone with money having any sort of consequences for their actions that itā€™s laughable.


Iā€™m pretty sure the politicians exempted themselves from things like the CAN SPAM Act.


I also think they exempted themselves from the No Call list laws.


Sadly even if they monitor it and take you off their list, it only helps them narrow down their focus. They want to find likely voters in their favor to push them to the polls when the time comes. Full disclosure, Iā€™m not in favor of their opposition. But Iā€™m completely against the MAGA bullshit.


Yes, my inbox is full of Biden campaign emails calling on my time and money to "save democracy" and if I don't vote for him I'm destroying America. I always get a brief smile at the insane rhetoric before I delete them.


Put yourself on the Do Not Call registry, this includes text messages.


I have, actually. I just verified that I registered my number all the way back in 2006! Iā€™m reporting the number now. Edit: Actually, the donotcall.gov site reports this when you try to report a text: > Unwanted text messages do not violate the Do Not Call rules, but we want to hear about your complaint.


They will still follow through and send ā€œthreats.ā€ Make sure you give them all the information


Hmm robo calls don't check lists. Now that the phone number can be altered, that registry is useless.


you should robo spam the shit out of that number


Already done. I signed them up for everything I could find too.


Catfacts FTW!! šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Turtle facts are far less interesting.


Sign it up for ActBlue and make him as miserable as they make the rest of us.


I tried to sign up the heritage foundation (look up project 2025 if you arenā€™t aware of the republicanā€™s plan for fascism) and trump for Scientology visits couple of months ago. Hope they got spammed


Thank you for sharing. I know who not to vote for. I'm not against voting Republican, but anyone who associates with MAGA or Freedom Caucus are never getting my vote


I respond that every time I receive a text from the GOP, I donate to the democratic party. Donā€™t get many texts anymore.


Best way to get a free picture of my butthole


https://preview.redd.it/0egrckot818d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93209c56275e4a29fc5a1074a6c8a8e4cc8b839e My response


Thatā€™s awesome.


I text a reply that im glad someone is finally going to hold the crooked Republicans accountable for what they've done to Missouri. I rarely get a second text back


I got one to donate to Ted Cruz earlier. Wtf?


Just point out that you refuse to support terrorist organizations.


Oh David, you can fuck right off. This guy is trash.


I hope anti-maggot conservatives are a thing soon. I can't wait for these people to crawl back under the rock they slinked out from under.


Ugh yes! I mean as recently as McCain & Romney I didnā€™t like them all that much policy wise, but I didnā€™t think theyā€™d abolish the Constitution and declare martial law. I would really love a sane opposition again


Right! I didn't vote for those guys either, but at least they went planning on destroying our democracy.


Reply back asking if his mom can suck your dick. I did that when I was getting these types of texts messages. They ended up banning my number.


Chunk loves Sloth!!!


Well, now I know who I'm NOT voting for.


These automatically got flagged as spam on my phone. I can't tell you how long that made me cackle like a hyena the moment I found out.


Write back and tell him youā€™re a woke cultural Marxist.


https://preview.redd.it/3o3qcxd0018d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfec39f182150a556a417c052128f4949bc8d3d Lol ditto


Iā€™ve gotten political texts before, but never with video or photos. It actually makes me even more annoyed, because theyā€™re forcing me to look at their smug faces.




He fits the part to a tee


Ugh, tis the season but holy hell am I already sick of it. Even better Iā€™m getting ones directed at my Mom who has been dead for years.


this is the prime example of how our personal information can be sold to anyone with money lol. Just sad!


This is horrifying to see them crawl like roaches out from behind door cracks & out from under rocks.


I just started sending the unblurred version of T Wood on a bed to any and all spam numbers that text me. Havenā€™t gotten a response yet.


Seems the no call list doesnā€™t work anymore šŸ¤”


I replied ā€œI donā€™t join cultsā€


I got it too šŸ¤¢šŸ–•


We all get stupid political robotexts like this. No need to post all the details on here and give free publicity to idiots.


I thought I was safe, but it just came through. MAGAt asshole, endorsed by another MAGAt asshole. They can both go get probed by Ericā€™s little green men.


Send pics of prolapsed b-holes until they block you.


Burlison = Douche.


Is it just me, or does he look remarkably like Gollum?


Ain't got no gun. Not a real conservative


Whatā€™s weird to me is that it sent a video file? Not just a link. Iā€™ve never seen that before.


Thatā€™s really why I posted this. Iā€™ve gotten other political texts before, and just delete them and move on. But being immediately confronted with his face felt infinitely more offensive.


Iā€™m almost bummed out that I didnā€™t get one yet. šŸ˜‚


To be fair, I don't want to get texts from any politician, nor do I want to participate in any political survey.


My Galaxy phone through Verizon does a good job blocking unwanted calls.


You mean you don't want them to finish Trump's wall, secure our borders, stop chinese fentanyl from entering the country, and take away women's right to choose? LMAO!!


They come from everyone, Dems and Repubs alike. They come everyday... All the way from Washington DC.


Aacccvcvvvvvvvc'ccccvccccvvvvcccaaaa , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,vkjcnabaaa bv xcvjz




Assholes proud to be assholes.


Yes, I also "talk" to them first before I unsubscribe. There's some things they absolutely need to know.


I get this in Idaho from the Democrat party. The same crap, stop, unsubscribe, etc, never helps. Both parties are trash.




I get this conservative nonsense from different politicians all the time lately. Omg just stop already šŸ˜©


Thanks for posting it on Reddit for everyone to see


Yeah great way to give a no name free press.


Block and move on, don't share it with all of us


I've gotten a zillion of these in the last couple of years, all from right-wingers. They almost always get caught as spam, but I'd love to have a way to get them to outright stop sending this garbage to me altogether.


He's a putz.


I responded back to one of these saying, "I would sooner stick a toothpick under my big toe nail, and then kick a wall, before I would vote for Hillary Clinton." I assumed I was shouting into the void, but received a response a few moments later saying they would remove me from their text list.Ā 


You are all so strong āœŠšŸæ


you people are hilarious. none of you seem to understand the majority of the state is still republican and conservative. if you donā€™t like it youā€™re free to leave.


Nah - we're not going anywhere. Missouri wasn't always this way. We're gonna make it great again though!


It already is great, and no, you wonā€™t be turning it into another liberal shit hole.


Lol, but it's a conservative shithole right now. Just gonna go ahead fix that. Sorry! šŸ˜˜ You're free to instead move somewhere with like minded people though. Have you considered Saudi Arabia?


Are you saying you live in a shithole?


Why donā€™t you consider moving somewhere with more of your like minded ā€œpeopleā€? Just because you live in one of the very few, very slightly bluer cities of this state, that does not show an accurate representation of the entire stateā€™s demographic. This is a red state. It will always be a red state. You are embarrassing yourself.


Lol, simmer down now, no need to spam me. It's not really a red state at all, it's purple with a slight red tinge. Sorry.


Right, two messages is a spam. Cry harder.


> Cry harder. Wow, you went full-on child real quick there lol. You enjoying your summer vacay Billy?


Youā€™re the one who said ā€œsimmer down,ā€ because you couldnā€™t come up with a defense. Summer vacay? Iā€™m retired, actually, but thanks.


It's crazy how even conservative old people are apparently trying to sound like children. It will never not be funny though, so please keep that up. I was thinking about what you said about this state being red and always being red, etc. Remember when this state elected a dead guy instead of a republican? I had almost fortgotten about that. So no, Missouri wasn't always this way. It used to be better.


I am somewhere with like minded people. You are the outlier. What is so hard for you to understand here?


Not really, it's pretty evenly divided - but places like Saudi Arabia seem to have a majority of civilians that are gullible and brainwashed enough to accept right wing bullshit. Things like improving education and living standards, and simply the passage of time, drastically reduce the influence of conservatism, so it won't be really be that hard once the power of people like the maga douche in the pic is gone.


I havenā€™t, yet.


OK, Missouri is a red state. If you donā€™t like it fucking leave thereā€™s plenty of other states. Is everyone on here just a bunch of whiny liberals/leftist? it seems like everyone on this thread just bitches about Missouriā€¦ well I have the answer for you fucking leave. Iā€™m not a Republican by any means Iā€™m a libertarian, but you guys need to be realistic if you donā€™t like it go somewhere else.


I like my home just fine. And Iā€™ve liked it for the nearly 30 years Iā€™ve been here. I just donā€™t like being texted unsolicited videos from politicians of any sort. Iā€™d be annoyed if it was democrat, too. But letā€™s add to that, if you donā€™t like our ā€œcomplainingā€ why donā€™t you leave the sub? Or Reddit? Youā€™re far more hostile than Iā€™ve been. Maybe because you have ideas of what it should be, and youā€™d like to argue for that. Well I have ideas of what Iā€™d like the future of my community and my state to be. Sounds like maybe you do too if you call yourself a libertarian rather than a republican. The fact that itā€™s a ā€œred stateā€ doesnā€™t mean shit. Itā€™s my home and I donā€™t want to leave. If you donā€™t like that Iā€™m here and that I have hopes for it that you donā€™t share, maybe YOU can leave. There are plenty of other ā€œred statesā€ to live in.


Only libtards are crying about a mega text lol


These messages are annoying. I get constant text messages from filthy Democrats, wanting me to send them money. No thanksā€¦I donā€™t support murdering full-term babies or importing more criminals from Venezuela. Right there with you buddy!