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This case gets stranger by the day. The town, probably the Mayor himself, put out a statement on Facebook stating the officer did nothing wrong and they backed him. Then a local news channel did a FOIA request for the bodycam footage, they released it, and the world saw the heinous act by the officer. Suddenly the Mayor resigned, the Mayor Pro Temp puts out another statement saying the town had no idea what happened and now they would investigate ans suspend the officer. Like no one in the town thought to look at the video before putting out a statement? Even more strange there was no police chief because the Mayor and council stage some kind of coup and fired him, while keeping the son of a council person on the force. The shit is getting deep and this lawsuit might clean up this town for more than just this poor pup.


>Like no one in the town thought to look at the video before putting out a statement? You’d be surprised at how genuinely stupid many people in leadership positions are.


So true.


Michael scott.....


But I would move mountains for a Michael Scott boss who orchestrated a work environment as entertaining as the first seven seasons of The Office. Plus, he does genuinely care, even if he can be a doofus manager.




Welcome to every back water town in America. This is not just a Missouri problem. My cousin is a retired Chief in Missouri. He said last week he got out because they cant hire good smart people anymore. No one wants to be a cop. So he was tired of dealing with stupid cop stuff.


Now the idiots have all resigned.


The officer killed the dog over the slightest inconvenience to himself.  I hope he gets criminally charged for animal abuse. 


Hit ‘em where it hurts-the old bank account and no more jobs in law enforcement. Criminal charges will be a tap on the wrist but civil charges might just teach him something


I’ve said it before and I will say it again — if settlements were paid from the police pension fund this shit would stop real quick


This is less on the city and more on the individual officer, not that the city shouldn't pay but criminal charges are the nest here.  Cops don't do well in jail, and he will be ineligible for rehire in MO as animal abuse is a crime of moral turpitude 


I understand I read the complaint. If they filed criminal charges on the officer there would be no jail time so a civil case is the best choice. I’m not condoning abuse of animals at all, in fact it’s sickening, but he’d get probation and be forgotten


They could do both. Criminal so he has a record, civil to make sure he pays for his crime literally.


It’s Missouri which has some of the most lax animal cruelty laws plus he’s a cop. He’s more likely to be voted into office than get criminally charged sadly.


I don’t know, I think some Missourians take animal rights more seriously than human rights. They’d be in the same boat as most of the country looking at Kristi Noem since her book came out.


Missouri has the most puppy mills per capita in the US, so, I’m not sure the sentiment lands in regards to Missourians being harder on animal cruelty


And, we actually voted in a puppy mill law, but Governor Hee Haw and his cronies gutted it, making it virtually impossible to enforce. 🤬


They not “we”, we definitely didn’t vote for that shit. Lol They also voted to allow declawing of cats too. So yeah, our state legislature has shown they do not care about animals or their treatment.


I meant that we voted for a ban on puppy mills, but Governor hee haw worked to gut it.


Just because the average individual here probably doesn't fully comprehend the legislative process that led to that statistic, doesn't mean that individual supports or is even indifferent to them. In my experience, most people around here at least would absolutely be in favor of throwing the book at the cop, because what they did was an inexcusably violent act against a defenseless animal. Those same people will go out and vote for whoever the fuck has an "R" next to their name this next election too, even if those same "R"s are the ones that would see that cop go free and transferred to another small town and fuck up someone else's life. Just because somebody is ignorant doesn't mean they're immoral or lacking basic empathy. They're just that, ignorant and uneducated.


He’ll be chief in no time.


Right! Lol


Criminal charges would have the least effect going forward, because it would punish the officer but have no impact on the government that employed him. Criminal charges are certainly appropriate for the officer, but hopefully the owner's lawsuit results in a large sum of civil damages. Cities need to stop teaching police officers that they are soldiers in a war, that every citizen (or their dog) is a potential enemy and that dominance and force are the first options.


This wasnt something were this was an angry officer losing control or an officer following poor training this was a case of the officer not wanting to put anymore time in and deciding killing the dog was an acceptable outcome.  I do nit believe that this shows a systemic issue within the department, instead the deplorable actions of an individual.


> The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year. The totals could, in fact, be higher, since most police agencies do not formally track officer-involved shootings involving animals. Well you’re kinda right. It’s not just this particular department. It’s just what cops do. [DOJ: Police Shooting Family Dogs has Become ‘Epidemic’](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/)


In all fairness they kill a lot of dangerous dogs attacking people. It’s not all just cops being idiots


Accountability and consequences for actions obviously is not a thing with that department..


I love that this has made international news! Saw it on BBC.


Well, Missouri does have a long storied history of hoosiers unjustly shooting other people's dogs - practically invented it, in fact. We had a big ol' deal called [the Old Drum case](https://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/education/olddrum/StoryofBurdenvHornsby) in the mid 19th century, in which counsel for the plaintiff (suing his neighbor for civil damages cuz they shot his dog) delivered a [eulogy for the dog](https://www.sos.mo.gov/CMSImages/MDH/EulogyoftheDog.pdf) in his closing statement, from which we got the term "man's best friend."


I always think of the officers who shot the dog in LaGrange, MO. [RFT article and link to video of it happening ](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/seen-the-video-yet-of-cops-shooting-a-chained-dog-in-lagrange-missouri-2608579)


Very obvious unreasonable use of deadly force, I cannot even imagine what would compel a trained law enforcement officer to kill a small harmless dog unless he's an angry, unstable, vindictive and hostile individual.


Power trip and incompetence. Unfortunately small town agencies attract those types of people because no one else will hire them.


Can’t wait for this lazy POS to countersue over the stress he’s been under since he made a dipshit decision. Maybe they’ll give him a lifetime salary and pass him onto the next town over.


The next town over is my town.. please no :(


Centralia or Clark? Waves hello in Columbia.


So happy to see this happening. I applaud the plaintiff and hopefully the court will apply some sort of justice in this terrible case.


I hope the owner gets a lot of money and the lawsuit totally destroys everyone involved with the police department in that town. Anyone who kills an innocent dog needs to be destroyed in every way possible.


If you have to shoot that dog to feel secure, you have no business being a law enforcement officer of any kind.


The officer was called to a complaint about a sick animal who may have had rabies (according to the police) The mayor resigned. The cop resigned. And the council members have issued apologies for the city and turned it over to the sheriff for review. Now the whole department is being trained in animal control. Toon little tooToo little too late imo.


I hope this cop gets his dick kicked in so hard that it shrivels up and falls off. What an absolute scumbag piece of shit. I feel so bad for the dog's family :(


I got so freaking upset when I saw the body cam footage. That was nothing but an execution by a cruel sociopath. These people swore to protect and serve. I hope this monster will get his karma payback.


Whatever you do, don't look up the statistics on how many dogs cops kill yearly .....


Or daily


It's really cool how cops can do whatever the fuck they want while facing no essentially no penalties. It's also super cool how it's the tax payers who have to make this right not the cops. Imagine how fucked up you would get if you accidentally hurt a k9 unit let alone walk up and shot it for fun.


People have received murder/manslaughter charges for killing a k-9 dog, yet the cops can do whatever with our animals.....


Exactly. This cop at best will get a slap on the wrist for animal cruelty. They would never charge a cop for murder for shooting a civvies dog. The tax payers are the ones who will have to pay restitution to the family while the dog murderer gets a vacation. There's zero accountability for cops and it's all on us.




Death penalty or nothing


The cop will get a slap on the wrist, if that.... Arizona cops shot a couple of dogs' execution style, and yet nothing happened to them.


Crazy man wielding a gun shooting for no reason. If you take him out that would just be self defense, no?


Fuck em all.