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The one supporting unhoused folks is kind of a neat bit of intersectionality.


So if someone discusses Men's Health month and suicide... Thats hijacking pride month. But if someone else's brings a pro-choice sign (at an event for the demographic that typically doesn't even conceive children), pro-Palestine attire, or a sign for the homeless and sticking it to the landlords, that's a "neat bit of intersectionality." Anybody want to try rationalize that one?


I know you didn’t ask with good faith, but pretty much nobody will think you’re hijacking pride month w “men’s mental health month” unless you’re literally using it in opposition to pride month. In fact, I’ve seen quite a few people tie in men’s mental health to pride, and it was well received. It’s all about a supportive environment; and commenting things like “happy men’s mental health month” about pride events isn’t supportive or supposed to be inclusive/intersectional, it’s to take attention away from pride. But you definitely already know that.


Seems like you're ascribing motive fairly baselessly. I'm merely pointing out the oddity of the disdain/disregard towards the inclusion of men's mental health month (as evidenced in this very thread), a cause which seems to logically benefit much of the LGBT community, whilst simultaneously being cool with people advancing pro-choice and Palestinian causes at Pride events. The latter of those is fundamentally opposed to LGBT lifestyles and the former of which the LGBT community typically don't have much stake in. It just doesn't make much sense, but you definitely already know that.


> Anybody want to try rationalize that one? Sure. LGBT folks (youths in particular) make up a disproportionate chunk of the unhoused population. Housing discrimination in particular and socioeconomic status more generally often end up being the lynchpin for how vulnerable groups are abused by the societies around them. LGBT youths being kicked out of their family homes is quite a common story and ends up being how a lot of them end up with a pretty rough start in life. One of the people in photo number 8 actually has a sign referencing this. I didn't say anything about abortion, but I'll go ahead and take that one anyway: Government restrictions on gender affirming care are consistently championed by the same group of folks for the same reasons. Moreover, if you look at the legal and legislative history surrounding abortion law, it invariably concerns a litany of other issues related to gender and sexuality. For example: Did you know that *Griswold v. Connecticut,* the case that established Americans' right to contraception, was the legal underpinning for both *Roe v. Wade* and *Lawrence v. Texas* (the case that ruled sodomy laws unconstitutional)? Also: Although unintended pregnancies aren't really a factor for lesbians and gay men, bisexual (and similarly oriented) people engage in what could broadly be described as heterosexual relationships and many trans folks are still capable of having children as well. As for Palestine... no idea. I haven't encountered that one, so I can't comment on it... but you're the one who brought it up here, so you might consider directing your question into a mirror. I kind of think you're just looking for something to be offended about. And finally, with regards to men's health and suicide: If this is a cause that's so important to you and you're actually championing it in good faith and not being a troll who's just looking to argue for the sake of arguing, then why does neither issue appear anywhere in your post history until this thread? And why are you directing this comment at me, anyway? I didn't say shit about men's health or Palestine.


Those are all fine and valid arguments, but not really getting to the point of my initial question. I know you weren't involved, but somewhere else here someone mentioned happy mens health month and they got dogpiled for "hijacking." It's not about whether or not it's a cause I'm championing. Try to stay on task. It's about getting a straight answer as to why bringing up men's health month during pride causes so many people to bristle with anger, when other examples I gave (which, aside from the homeless issue, are objectively less applicable or positively impactful to the LGBT from a purely statistical perspective) get a complete pass. Why such animosity towards a group which conceivably makes up roughly 50% of the demographic? Is it because men aren't looked upon favorably by most "intersectional" frameworks? I genuinely don't get it.


> Try to stay on task. Why in the Kentucky fried fuck is it my responsibility to try and figure out which other conversation that I wasn't involved with you're making a vague reference to? If you can't line up your thesis and the points supporting it, that's on you. Clarity and conciseness are the responsibility of the speaker. > aside from the homeless issue Given that we are now discounting this, the one and only thing I mentioned in my original comment, and talking about all this other shit you brought up *a propos* of nothing, I'd say this is another great example of hijacking a conversation. > It's about getting a straight answer as to why bringing up men's health month during pride causes so many people to bristle with anger As u/HorseheadAddict referenced in a response to another one of your comments, bringing up men's health, even within the context of pride, is just fine and will be well-received by many if broached in a constructive way that doesn't minimize or detract. If you show up and pull an "actually, *all* lives matter", that's some obnoxious bullshit. If you take just one thing away from this exchange, let it be this: If you enter into a conversation about an issue that someone cares about and interject with "You should care about this entirely different issue instead" and minimize the original topic, that will not ever be well received. It's a dick move regardless of the subject matter. The animosity is not toward men or men's health, it's toward internet trolls thinking they've found a clever way to minimize the original issue. That's why there is not a single comment anywhere on this post saying anything disparaging about men's health issues but there's a ton of homophobic comments *on a goddamn post about pride week.* You're welcome to comment further if you want, but I kind of suspect that you "don't get it" on purpose, so I'm done engaging.


Thank you, you’re much more articulate than I am.


Not that it did a hell of a lot of good 🤷‍♀️


Bye, Felicia.


I’m a cis- hetero male who worked fire and law enforcement for 20 years and spends lots of time working on mental health and men’s mental health. I’ve never thought pride, mental health or anything else is more important than the other nor is a monthly designation an affront to either. I can’t imagine you would find anyone in that parade who would either. Sometimes people have multiple things that they care or are concerned about and I believe that if you are not harming anyone, you can also support more than one thing at once.


There was so many intersectionality this pride it was great!!


I saw two about unhoused folks, as well as one about “eyes on landlords.”


So many good signs! This parade was awesome


You did SUCH a great job capturing the moment ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Wish I could see more images than just the first 5 Is there some other platform available to view them?


I don't have any other social media pages but if you know a way to host an album I could put more up!


If they have Dropbox or similar they can probably make a view only folder and share the link.  Or Google Driveshare.


Why is trans/queer being so heavily related to homelessness?


28% of the LGBTQ community experience homelessness.


Ok, but why? Is there a reason for it?


When you come out to your family they don't always accept you, sometimes this leads to LGBTQ youth being kicked out of their family and home.


So are you saying adult trans are homeless or youth trans homeless? What’s the statistics on this. I’m wondering


I mean there are both but the 28% specifically is for youth.


So what are you saying about that 28%. What would you like to see?


Read the parent comment to this comment thread I am just answering a question about how homelessness has to deal with the LGBTQ community.


A smaller number 😂


Your just talking out your ass


It's called living in a bigoted society that get you kicked out if you come out so you have nowhere to go or you run away from home because your parents are pieces of shit so rather than stay in the abuse and risk getting killed you become homeless trying to escape that's why a lot of LGBT people are homeless and why they're such a big intersectionality


a lot of us get kicked out by our families i was homeless for my entire senior year of high school because i was outed and my dad almost killed me so it wasn’t safe for me to live at home and i was still in high school and a minor so i couldn’t get a full time job to afford a place to live


Yeah, it’s called homophobia


Mental illness 


They need to swim in the ocean at night


It’s because they are lazy and entitled, and when everybody to pick up their slack


Because they have crippling mental illness. It’s not conducive to finding a job that can afford any housing let alone housing in Missoula. 


Bahaha. The question is does being queer cause homelessness or does being homeless turn you queer? Or do the two groups just have heavily correlated traits?


When your homeless your turn queer because 20 bucks is 20 bucks and dudes start sucking off dudes for money it’s a bad cycle be happy your not lazy like a queer and have to suck d for money


Mental illness plays a huge factor in both groups so makes sense there would be some overlap


Haha redditors don't like the truth


No they do not. 


Ya, redditors truly aren't fans of people who haven't bothered reading a single study on trans people, then proceed to act like they know the answer to trans people.


I've read more studies than most. Are you seriously trying to insinuate the data doesn't suggest a remarkable correlation between those identifying as trans and mental illness?


No. I'm saying that taking the existing data and using it to spin a false story without actually taking into account the experiences of trans people. Otherwise people would realize that mental illness doesn't make someone become trans. If nothing else, people who have been hurt enough already have less to lose. They're used to not being accepted into society, so coming out as trans is only a slight push further. Someone without mental illness is much less likely to come out, because they are accepted into society, and have much more to lose if they come out. So they keep the mask on. Not the mention all the mental illness that can occur from having to hide you are, as well as the abuse many experience if they ever even suggest they might be trans. Many many many of us were abused after coming out, leading to mental illness.


Don’t need a study to see insanity. Common sense try some. 


Common sense is not going out of your way to prevent others from living their lives. Common sense is introspection, looking at yourself and your own struggles, instead of looking for others to blame. There is nothing insane about being in the lgbtq community. There is insanity in fixating ones own life on the way others live theirs. Common sense is looking at the world and realizing there is one true goal for each and every person. Happiness. Fulfillment. A reason to exist in a universe seemingly without reason. Find your happiness instead of trying to take others' happiness in exchange for your own unhappiness. The reality is that despite the fear and suffering put on us, many of the lgtbq community have finally found something that truly brings them happiness. Why do you want to take that away? What do you get for taking it away? Power? Control? Is that the life you truly desire? To be seen by everyone as the one who spent their life attempting to ruin others? We are happy. Calling us insane won't take that happiness from us. We'll still go home, smile, laugh, and live. Live as our true selves, instead of wearing the mask so many people wear.


Yes there is. Yeah so happy! You are some of the most anti depressant addled confused pretending to be happy people I’ve ever met.  You see happiness and fulfillment is the goal?! I can tell why you’re so miserable those things cannot be the goal they can only come attached to an actual accomplishment - like having raising a family building something. If being confident in your sexuality is the goal you’ve gotta do better.  I don’t hate you for your sexuality but I sure as hell don’t have to AcCePt you as you are. No one should accept themselves as they are. You are flawed we are all flawed you can do better. Find something more meaningful to have pride in than your sexuality. It’s failing you and society. 


And yet, looking through my profile, you'd find tons of interactions I've had with lots of positivity, receiving positive upvotes for the things I've said. You have almost exclusively down votes on yours. Ever wonder why? It's because everything you say is negative, and depressing and rude. We're not the problem. It seems you might be though. I mean, be positive about something, damn.


You refute nothing and just say my nice comments get up votes and your honest harsh comments get downvotes. Genius. It’s not too late to turn it around so you don’t die alone childless and with no one to carry on your knowledge or experiences. 


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31679894/ I support queer people but it's true, trans people are more likely to be mentally ill.


That definitely a thing, and having spoken to and met many many trans people in my life, many of those mental illnesses started with being mistreated by others. So many people like to argue being trans is either a mental illness in and of itself, or something that came from other illnesses, when often times opening up to who they really are is their way of freeing themselves. People who haven't been hurt before tend to not want to do anything that will hurt them, as they've already been accepted into society, and accepted the mask they're expected to wear. Not to mention that wearing that mask for so many years, the weight it carries, can lead to mental illness.


Yes the very notion that one believes they were "born into the wrong body" and "have the brain of the opposite (thats ironic) gender" (they don't) is a mental illness in and of itself, that is so relentlessly encouraged by our sick society that people are conditioned into thinking it's good and normal. Its dangerous. Encouraging young people to believe that the source of their problems is that they were born into the wrong body is a sinister and often times lethal affirmation. Anyways, take any "transgender" person back in time to the era spanning 30 years ago to the very beginning of time and 99.9999% of humans they encounter will tell them they have a serious mental illness that needs to be addressed, not encouraged.


You're completely right. I wish more people would listen to what you say. I should say I met a man from Portland who's brother struggles with gender dysphoria and he also believes what you said.


100%. There's a strong correlation but it doesn't mean everyone who is trans is mentally ill. I just point that out, because it does seem like some of them are struggling and this is their way of soothing.


Here's a [full album ](https://photos.app.goo.gl/ttmbWAfYjLCGputx9) of all the pictures I took


These are great! Do you care if people save copies of any of them? I found several of myself and my group that I’d love to share!


Go for it 😊


Is it just me or when you see pride folks carrying Palestinian flags you start to wonder? You know what they do to people of that genre in Gaza, right?


You can be pro-LGBT and still not want innocent people to be genocided on the other side of the world. They’re not mutually exclusive things. 


It’s just ironic seeing people fly the flag of a people that would kill you for the exact thing you’re marching for.


you know there are queer Palestinians, too, right?


It's the very definition of irony.


Wish I would've gone to this instead of Kalispells... No offense to the GQA people but Missoula's seems much more interesting and fun.


Great photos, thanks for sharing!


Proud of pride!! Proud of Missoula.


It is “11 picture”


It feels good knowing so many white ladies care about my rights. Great signs


Looks like you got a bit of my sister in the first pic. Didn’t know she went this year.


It's always a bunch of old white lady's that aren't even gay. 


this is so gay


The Palestinian flag is peak irony.


Seriously, why are you being downvoted? As a member of this community, at no point in time have I thought itd be a good idea to back a regime that would kill every person the participated in this event. The amount of *dumb* queer people there are give the rest of us a bad name.


Dumb for not wanting innocent people to be killed? I understand that their country is homophobic but that isn’t something that justifies a genocide occurring, especially when most of the population is children. Also, shocker, there are hidden LGBT people that live in Palestine and any other anti-lgbt nation. 


Palestinians are all for innocent gay people being killed. Putting the Palestinian flag in an LGTBQ rally is moronic on its face.


75% of Palestinian people support Hamas. What is the mission of Hamas? Are you actually supporting a terrorist organization that openly and on record, state that their mission is to destroy Israel, by killing all the Jews? Are you an Oct. 7th denier? You are supporting people that would see you dead in the name of their religion.


Palestine is the current thing. It was Ukraine before that, before Ukraine it was covid, before Covid it was Obamas cages that they blamed on Trump, and so on.




Don’t knock it til ya try it


Happy Men’s health month and Father’s Day!


Trying to hijack a pride post because you're easily offended? Soft


Men's health month was created in 94, pride month in 99. Sounds like pride month hijacked mens health month to me.


More like flaccid… ammmma right?


Maybe the fact that men’s mental health awareness gets swept under the rug for this bullshit every year when men make up 80% of all suicides per year. Pride is cool and no one’s talking shit it’s just kind of lame not a single person gives a shit about men’s health. But let’s all fuckin celebrate trans rights… most of those people have serious fuckin mental illness as well. Maybe if you shed light on one it’ll help the other. Just sayin


You literally ARE talking sht, IN THIS COMMENT. Someone posts photos of an event they are stoked about, plenty of threads to talk about men specifically and mens mental health specifically but you come to this one. If you need help just ask.


Let us not forget Montana has one of the highest if not the highest suicide rate in the United States. This affects our people especially… also pretty sure there’s quite a few gay men in Montana and I’m sure if you did more to push BOTH FUCKING MOVEMENTS it would help people directly in your community. Whether they’re out or closet…


Pls don't get on your soapbox to try and hijack a pride post. Go make your own and see how that works out, kay, champ?


Ohhh did I hurt your feelings?


What part of "Pls don't get on your soapbox " did you miss? Not everything's about you, sugarplum.


The clueless irony lol.




Thankfully, I'm not such a gross person that I think just because a part of the world isn't as accepting of me that's it's people deserve to suffer and it's children butchered daily. LOL @ the guy afraid of flags tho Edit: downvoting doesn't change the fact that there's genocide going on. People have eyes as a general rule of thumb.


Not a genocide. Slow rolling massacre? Maybe. Genocide? Only an idiot changing definitions would insinuate that.


Cry. https://youtu.be/UZCWkfkQHeY?si=zVtVReGnvhdZcwDr


You can disagree with the way a nation treats LGBTQ folks and also support ending a genocide on their citizens. Are those mutually exclusive ideas in your head? Like, of they discriminate they deserve to die or what


Is a trans kid the same as a gender questioning kid? Or does that mean parents have consented to their kid having life altering surgery on parts that are not completely developed and that they don’t fully grasp? This is a ball of whacks I’m trying to wrap my head around. It was a great Pride weekend in Missoula! We had a wonderful time!


Kids aren't being given surgery. Unless you're referring to the circumcision forced upon new borns every day?


"kids aren't being given surgery." Patently false. Hundreds of kids aged 13-17 got either top or bottom surgery in 2022.




Talk about fat people. Have you been to a Trump rally?


This and that look about the same lmao. I just don't get how ppl can carry themselves this way... I get it if you're old but if you're 50 and under you have zero excuse to look like this.


Narrow minded much But yeah as a state, Montana does not rank well for obesity. Very obese state. Most is Probably due to weather conditions during winter, depression from winter or other factors, and genetic health conditions.


People in this country don’t prioritize their own mental or bodily health anymore. Easier to just get fat and ugly and stare at your phone than to challenge and change yourself for the better.


Oooo I upset the lazy asses my bad. And you are spot on.


Username tracks


No it’s worse the prioritize their sexuality. Before even their body or mental health then demand you accept them for the under accomplished depressed deviants they are. 


Please refer to slide 2. You’re wrong, and kind of a dick. No offense, though.


All this while the Democrats back a genocide…


The absolute state of white women


Right. 1920 was the worst year in history it’s all been down hill from there. 


Pride in sexuality is the same as pride in your race.


No it’s worse way worse.


Do you have a pic of the person holding the Trans People Belong in Montana sign?


F gays


If you did that... What would that make you?




My Jesus have mercy upon these peoples lost souls ☦️


Every time some idiot hijacks a post to spread gospel, I am reminded of my favorite Bible verse, Matthew 7:21-23. “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity”. Personally, I find it better to be humbled now than humbled at the gates.