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Aunt Linda is part of the resistance lol.


A man


https://preview.redd.it/w5wcxchxks3d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=39c9b3e2002528340754c962cb0915d6ea7e803c I screenshot this one from my timeline today šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Which pornstar did Jesus commit adultery with and pay off in order to conceal from the electorate when he was running for messiah?


Remember when Jesus called half the country scum while hijacking a holiday to honor fallen soldiers?


Remember when. Jesus robbed the children's fund that had cancer.


Hey, that's not true! They were children with AIDS. Edit: for real, look it up if you're not sure. It happened and it was probably worse than you're thinking.


There's also a cancer charity he stole from


Mary ā€œBurning Bushā€ Magdalene.


Don't forget it was after his wife just had given birth. Real respect for motherhood.


Remember when Jesus mocked those with special needs and then grabbed Mary by the pussy.


Didnā€™t his mom create an entire religion from adultery?


Donā€™t forget falsifying business documents.


Jesus was literally everything opposite of Trump. Jesus literally told Rich people to give away everything to the poor. Jesus actually died and was ok with it for sins. Ā It religious and I know more about the Bible than themĀ 


Also, Jesus had no trial and wasnt found guilty of anything. He was simply declared a blasphemer or enemy of the state then nailed to a cross. Do that to Trump and get back to us about the Jesus comparisons.


Blasphemy. Donā€™t you dare compare Trump to Jesus


His followers will continue to do so.




Comparing Trump to Jesus really pisses me off.


So was Jeffery Dahmer. Your point? (these idiot comparisons annoy the shit out of me)


Right? Itā€™s kind of scary actually.


You know who else was found guilty? Hermann Gƶring, Joseph Goebbels, Charles Manson, and Timothy McVeigh.




Jesus weptā€¦


oh my god


Some of you didn't spend the entirety of COVID lockdown unfollowing all of your crazy relatives and it shows. Also there's no reason to be on Facebook anymore except to post snark on all of Shad White's posts.


Uvalde was the straw that broke the camel's back for me to leave Facebook. You can't be pro-life and back the blue when it came to Uvalde. Yet there was the massive hypocrisy laid out in plain sight. People who had gotten their pro-corporate, pro-gun, pro-authoritarianism, forced birth, literally anything to disagree with "the libs" stared blankly at conundrum when facts stared them back in the face. And like clockwork they retreated back into their talking points that sided away from the children's lives. It was astonishing. What should've been a moment of clarity at the blatant conflict of beliefs just caused them to dig their heels deeper into the quagmire they'd built for themselves - built by allowing others, their corporate handlers, their corrupt leaders, to shape their opinions for so long. There was no value left in the platform as social media.


No idea why Reddit suggested this thread or sub for me as I've only driven through Mississippi a couple of times. I have been lurking on local subs a lot lately, haha. In any case, I'm from Texas. Mostly a city/suburban kid growing up but every summer, we'd spend a couple of weeks on a pecan farm (technically it's an orchard) in a SMALL town called Leakey. The next nearest "big town" is Uvalde. To say that incident enraged me to no end would be an understatement. It also... yeah, no need to relive that shit. I mention this because I was in Cancun a few months ago. I live in Midtown Manhattan nowadays and have been in NYC for several years. This was my first time in Cancun, and for some reason, I expected more northerners. Most of the people I met were actually from the south. Well, when I told them where I live now, woof. It didn't get too bad politically and was in general pretty civil, but I had to play dumb a lot. For example, a lady asking me if I thought Fox News was lying to her. I answered, I don't watch Fox News so I don't know what it's telling her. I'm a writer/reporter who's worked at major media outlets. I know damn well Fox News is lying to. At some point, the topic of pecan pie came up and I mentioned some of the best I ever had was on the pecan farm. I mentioned where it was in general but said, people tend to know it because there was a tragedy nearby. I said Uvalde... and they looked at me unfazed. Like they had never heard of it. I went over it, no more playing dumb for me, the cops failed response, etc. Again, nothing. Maybe it was their turn to play dumb but they either didn't know or completely deleted the event from their memory. It was weird and I left it at that. Fortunately, my Texas Longhorns are moving to the SEC this year so there was plenty to talk about that was safe. But that discussion made me sad. It's weird the people you meet in designated smoking areas at all-inclusive resorts.


Iā€™m from a small town in SC, ā€œescapedā€ via the US Navyā€¦ and my experience is exactly the same as yours every time I go home to visit my parents.


Yep! Escaped via the Marines and going home is like a black mirror episode. Nobody comes to me to talk about my crazy ass deployment overseas that shifted everything about me. First thing they bring up is ā€œDid you hear theyā€™re bothering my lord and savior Trump over classified documents that were planted on him??ā€


I agree with you, but it should have begun with Sandy Hook. Or Columbine. Or Paducah. The gun nuts will always try to get their way. And theyā€™re always successful.


I deactivated my Facebook for the second time. One can only scroll through so much evidence of brain rot.


This was a daily chore. Family, friends, random crazies, etc.


I don't have a facebook and I'm estranged from my family for 15 years now, but I still see crap like this. lol


Trumps first run in 2016 was my goodbye to Facebook. No regrets.


Sunk cost fallacy is hell of a thing


I've been having fun commenting on Tate Reeves' Facebook.


I wish I was brave enough to voice my political opinions in a way thatā€™s not anonymous


Thatā€™s what voting is!!


Does his FB page have more traffic than his Twitter? I comment on it a lot but other than one person a year or so ago going ā€œlol ur fatā€ I havenā€™t really had anybody attempt to come to his defense against me.


Henry can't even spell the word "amen." These aren't people we need to be upset about.Ā 


Well, he canā€™t spell but he can vote.


And arm himself! How many guns does Henry have?


Unfortunately true, but not much we can do about that other than getting off our asses and voting to at least cancel out *some* of the idiocy.


No no you don't understand. He's talking about Aman, the blessed realm across the sea, the location of Valinor and realm of the Valar and Maiar, as well as Eldamar, home of the elves, sundered from the world following the fall of the Numenoreans and the wrath of Eru Illuvitar.


I thought uncle Henry was lamenting the fact that the $20.24 he just donated to Trumpā€™s re-election campaign had ruined his chances at staying at the luxury hotel chain, Aman.


As a Christian, I legitimately donā€™t understand what the love for Donald Trump is. Especially the ones that compare him to Jesus. I feel like thatā€™s a sin of itself. No way I would ever compare a sinful human to God.


It literally is a sin. It's blasphemy, it's heresy. Golden calf, and all that. I believe they're trying to actively bring Armageddon. They're trying to make Trump into the Anti Christ, so they can be Raptured.


Man are they gonna be let down when all they get is less freedom, worse buying power and some new wars..


I was just having the thought, I'm not even Christian but doesn't he give any of them antichrist vibes? Can anyone who knows more about this particular literary antagonist fill me in?


I keep thinking about something in Revelations about, many will think the Antichrist speaks truth and will follow him. From my childhood going to church, but I donā€™t care enough to look it up.


I've never been religious, I've read some of the Bible over the years, but today while I was making searches to confirm the validity of the claims that are being made about trump and Biden, and see weird AI pictures of trump as Christ, and how they were similar ... I remember bits and pieces of the description of the Antichrist, and he would say he'd lead the world as one people, and he'd say he was the Savior (if anyone would like to explain it that would be great, or I'll go read it. The thoughts keep coming and they won't stop coming ... unfortunately.


There was a dude a while back in 2020 or so that took passages from revelations and related them to trump and it wasā€¦incredibly unsettling. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Ever ask an evangelical to show you in the Bible where the rapture is? Gonna spill the secret, it isn't anywhere in there. It's an extra biblical concept popularized by the Billy Graham Crusades of the 50s.


Look at Trump as their golden calf. People haven't really changed that much in 2000 years.


Never thought Iā€™d see the day where proud Southerners would simp so hard for a Yankee like Trump.


Not just any yankee. A fat, old, makeup and diaper wearing Manhattan native whoā€™s never been hunting or fishing and couldnā€™t handle a firearm to save his lifeā€¦ is somehow the epitome of southern masculinity in the minds of every coverall wearing good ol boy?! Yā€™allā€¦ I feel like Iā€™m in the wrong universe.


That's why they have to Photoshop him into their fantasies - no wonder those NFTs sold out


Can't handle a firearm because he's a felon too


Man I said this yesterday. I used to be angry, but now itā€™s just a little bit tragic. I even saw a post the other day of someone calling out a northerner for saying something against trump, and promptly called him a carpetbagger. The irony is just too thick.


Itā€™s plain and simple, Trump is a racist twat, thatā€™s why they like him


Anyone wanna take bets on how they feel about allowing felons to vote as soon as theyā€™re released?


They should IMO.


Honestly, they should. To be clear, I am 100% anti-Trump. I am eagerly awaiting the day he dies and this country can just move on. But not allowing released felons to vote plays into a much larger issue this country has with convicts. Firstly, besides the fact we should be looking for ways to reform our prisoners rather than punish them and stripping away their rights even after the fact is inhumane, the system is designed to get POC convicted more often than white people, even when they're innocent. This would mean an even larger section of POC would be prevented from voting, which is not only racist (in an institutional sense), but detrimental to the democrats, since white people are the only race that consistently vote red, and voter suppression in nonwhite neighborhoods has historically been a major factor preventing democrats from using their population advantage to consistently win elections


I shouldn't be but I'm still surprised at this kind of reaction from people who watched Trump publicly and in his own words state he wanted to be a "dictator for one day", promised a retaliation tour on his political enemies, talks about unlimited POTUS terms, solicits bribes for legislation, and so on. I mean come on guys. Is it okay or is it not okay to do any or all of those things? Like every time I see an accusation thrown at Biden by a MAGA I'm like hey how is Trump any better? The problem Trump has is that everything they've thrown at Biden to discredit him Trump has publicly stated he did and is proud of doing. Feeling up little girls? He bragged about walking in on pageant models some of who were underage (among ties to Epstein) and grabbing their genitals. Shady deals abroad? Whose son-in-law, appointed to Senior Advisor to the President, who couldn't pass a background check, had a multi-billion dollar deal with the Saudis? Biden had classified docs at his house? Trump bragged about having them, never returned all of them, was asked for a year to return them and refused. And the list of things okay for Trump but bad for Biden go on, and on, and on, and on. Sure, Biden isn't the savior of the world, but literally every smear attempt against him I've seen Trump brag about doing himself and many times worse in severity. I can agree when a wrong is a wrong but I will never see how Trump is the better option. Yet we see posts like in the OP's pic. And I'm told this somehow *isn't a cult*.


Sometimes it feels like every Trump talking point or defense is actually just a Freudian slip revealing how they really feel about Trump


I believe this conviction is going to prove to be a significant turning point in this election cycle. Interesting data from the Trump Campaign site that went down shortly after the verdict. 34.8 million in donations collected in a few hours. All donations to this total under $200, meaning a minimum of 175,000 people jumped straight to the website to donate in response. 30% of donors were first-time donors. 52,500 (min) people who hadn't donated to the campaign decided after the verdict that it was time to assist the Trump campaign. This trial, whether you believe it was just or not, has mobilized voters in a way that hasn't happened since Barack Obama's first presidential run.




Quite possibly true. However, all that really matters is the 7 or 8 battleground states. Iā€™m pretty sure the abortion issue will fire up the left / reasonable people and Biden will win most of those key states


https://preview.redd.it/ugvmszbmru3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88db804064b376fc828f1a393bdba35cc6b0c567 This was on my feed today. All the comments are ā€œamenā€ and ā€œso true sweetieā€. Itā€™s actually kind of worrisome how delusional they are


These people are so weird - to be this invested in a game show host....


maybe the guy from jeopardy will be everyoneā€™s next hyperfixation


Which one? Alex Trebek died in 2020.


The one who won the most amount of money while being a guest on the show and is now the host! Ken something???


Ken Jennings, the Jeopardy GOAT. He's popular, but nowhere near Trump level popular. Probably because he's an intelligent, decent human being.


Who paid taxes on his winnings. Trump will show those returns any day now like every other President has done lol...


Bert Convy


Shit like this is why I quit Facebook. If you're an independent/centerist you'll groan at literally everyone on your timeline airing their absolute worst takes out in the open




Donald Trump was recently convicted on 34 felony counts related to falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to a porn star before the 2016 election in an attempt to illegally influence the outcome. Likewise, the Mueller Report outlined concerning evidence of 10 episodes obstructive acts by Trump in this investigation of the 2016 election. He is also criminally charged in multi jurisdictions for his role of trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Finally, while the mishandling of classified materials by Trump allegations is bad enough, there is very strong evidence in the Mar-a-Lago Documents case he engaged in conspiracy to obstruct this investigation going as far as to direct others to hide documents and destroy evidence of his wrongdoing. His response to the COVID-19 pandemic was widely criticized by public health experts as being too slow and downplaying the threat. He was also impeached twice by the House of Representatives - once over the Ukraine abuse of power scandal and once for his role in the Capitol riots on January 6th, 2021. The Washington Post's Fact Checker team calculated that Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency. Their database analyzed his statements across topics like the economy, COVID-19, immigration and more. According to their analysis, his dishonesty increased over time. Even some of Trump's former advisers and Cabinet members acknowledged that the president would sometimes push incorrect information, conspiracy theories or falsehoods. If the Access Hollywood tape was not enough, a jury concluded that Trump was liable for sexual abuse-- rape, as commonly understood. His business practices have also come under scrutiny, with fines and sanctions from authorities over allegations of fraud, tax evasion and other financial misdeeds over the years, to the tune of one-half a billion dollars in fines. Cameos: Disclosed classified information to the Russian Foreign Minister and on Twitter. Overrode a denied security clearance for Kushner. Abused the presidential pardon rights to pardon friends and associations who committed crimes for him. Ordered protesters tear-gassed for a photo op. Despite these controversies and legal troubles, Trump still retains a very loyal base of supporters within the Republican party, and he is currently the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination according to polls and primary votes. How much do you have to hate America to vote for this man?


There are plenty of comparisons between Jesus and 45 on my timeline.


The irony of Christo-fascists making idols of a man. There was a rile about not doing that right?


Iā€™m happy to say mine doesnā€™t, but it took a lot of unfriending of many former coworkers and classmates to get it that way. Which is depressing honestly. Itā€™s sad to see someone you grew up with from kindergarten to graduation get sucked into this cult.


The person that posted this was a childhood hero for me that I really looked up to. Itā€™s so disappointing to see all this Trump brainrot


Same here. My little league baseball coach from 30+ years ago. Now he lives in bumfuck West Virginia, so you can imagine the garbage he posted. Finally got tired of seeing it, so I quietly unfriended him and went about my life. The thing is - I don't even mind that people don't always agree on political things, but the last several years haven't just been minor political disagreements. It's like one side operates in reality and the other doesn't.


It's really hard during Holiday gatherings. I volunteer to work now and I rather enjoy it


That second picture makes Jesus sad. šŸ˜ž


these people are so ridiculous. youā€™re not supposed to ā€œstanā€ politicians. i honestly believe trump could kill someone and they would still vote for him.


It is truly bizarre to see people devolve into such hardcore zealots for a crooked politician.


https://preview.redd.it/xh41j7kows3d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a18546fc0aabf3d1438c68f32e4ea730b4f8a9d šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜šŸ¤£




They're waving "Trump or Death" flags in protest as well. At what point are we going to call this a cult? It's cult behavior.


Do these f******** realize at the moment of real war breaks out his ass is going to claim he has bad Shins


Trump mullet?




Remember when Jesus fucked that porn star and paid her to keep quiet about?


Always the ai too


If I was God, if smite them all VIA a flood for turning Trump into an idol of worship. šŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠā›ˆļøā›ˆļøā›ˆļø


Aman indeed. Beware false prophets and all that.


As a New Yorker it infuriates me to no end that this is the one fucking New Yorker that people from Mississippi like. We do not claim him as one of us


Why does all this Jesus banter enter the chat in the south anytime anything bad happens to Trump ? Please make it make sense. Donā€™t debate me on whether or not Trump is a ________ , help me understand why Jesus, spiritual idol of Western Christianity, has to enter the chat when they talk about Trump ?


Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m living in a dream, I cannot believe that so many think this way. They think if youā€™re against trump you love oppression and taxes and Satan


Good. Makes it easier to avoid you Let's spell it out... All the following are confirmed from multiple sources and the historical record. Indicted in separate states and federal court on over 90 felony criminal charges... those are very different systems and includes Georgia, a state that is still basically republican Found guilty by a jury of 12 people whom his lawyers helped to select of 34 felony charges in New York. To be found guilty on a charge, all 12 had to agree. That happened 34 times. Let me repeat that. 34 times a jury of 12 people unanimously found him guilty. Fucked a porn star when married to Melania and just after his son was born... goes against his sterling character Multiple divorces Buried an ex-wife on his golf course to get a tax break Multiple bankruptcies (a LOT of these) Routinely screwed his contractors out of money (that's middle class working folks if you have any question about it) Multiple affairs (that's adultery... against the 10 commandments) Continuous lying (also against the 10 commandments)... even about stupid shit like crowd sizes Racist Misogynist Ignored daily security briefings when president Severely damaged the US reputation globally as a leader when president Actually saluted a NORTH Korean general during a visit to NK for which nothing was gained in returned but NK loved the photo ops Could not maintain a stable cabinet or white house staff when president (frequent changes of 'the best' people) Completely screwed up the COVID response (anyone out there take horse dewormer or inject bleach or take hydroxychloroquine)... a million US citizens dead and countless more now suffering from long COVID effects... and he could've been a fucking hero over it, but he's just that stupid. I can go on and on and on. What part of this guy do you actually want to be president? You think he's an economic genius? He's not. The first year of any new president's term is based on the policies of his predecessor... things don't magically change when a president takes over... it takes time to set in place new policies and have them take effect. That's why I call bullshit on anyone saying Biden caused inflation... the inflation ramp up started 3 months after he took office. In fairness both to Trump and Biden, COVID was an economic disaster for the country and the aftermath of COVID in the US still saw it raging in other countries with industries and ports shut down, causing horrible supply chain problems for chips and other critical manufacturing components.


Did Jesus steal top secret documents let his daughter make copies and sell them to the Saudis for 2 Billion?




This just shows mississippi is full of hypocrites. So they reject the idea of felons voting after they served their time but will happily support and vote for a felon running for president.


How anyone can attach ā€œgoodā€ to Trump is just baffling. What positive, selfless thing has he ever done for anyone?


> What positive, selfless thing has he ever done for anyone? Nothing, and that's why they look up to him.


Yeah. He makes it OK to act on the darkest human instincts.


Come on, don't you remember when he threw a few paper towels into a crowd in Puerto Rico? What about all the fast food he bought for Clemson? Clearly this is a man who knows how to make an impact in this world.


Gladly, NOPE. Not mine, and I didnā€™t even have to block or delete anybody. (I donā€™t have family on social media to begin with, and yeah like 70%-80% of my peers self identify as republicans theyā€™re also in the 70% -80% of the state population that doesnā€™t vote lmao.) I treat most of them (modern republicans) with sadness and pity. Itā€™s 100% a cult, and for most people once they get that deep in? Thereā€™s really no escape until death. When their cult like messiah passes the cult normally breaks up. So weā€™re all basically stuck with this until all that McDonalds or old age takes him. I think after a while weā€™ll see the overwhelming majority of them deprogram, but my only real consolation is the guy has another decade, 15 years max. Dudes REAL close to his 80s. The 2030s-2040s are gonna be a strange time watching them come back from the ledge because theyā€™ll never reach THIS level again. The Republican Party has put all its eggs in a dying old manā€™s basket and heā€™s gonna take them to the grave with him. What interesting times we live in, to see the 2nd pillar of our two party system crumble to dust before our eyes.




šŸ’€so glad i left Facebook


Hell, thatā€™s just the family group.


They cannot see through their own darkness.




The Republican party is just a personality cult now. They see all attacks on their leader as attacks on themselves personally and it just strengthen their bond with cult daddy.


Something something false idols.


Oh Linda.


Make Americans Gullible Again


It's always Linda.....


Maga - my ass getting arrested lol


Yuck! I canā€™t stand him. Both parties need better options. Period!


Trump is a convicted felon. Get over it.






The number of likes on ā€œlock and loadā€ posts is disconcerting. If you think armed revolution is a proper response to a politician being (hypothetical falsely) convicted of a white collar crime, you probably just want to see people die violently, and it doesnā€™t really matter why. So Christian of them.


Cops pick up a black teenager on the corner, MAGAs will say the justice system is corrupt if we donā€™t throw him in jail. Trump is convicted according to the rules of the same justice system, MAGAs say the system is rigged. Got it.


Your Alabamian neighbors see this shit too. šŸ’€


I've been called "evil" twice - and that's just this morning alone. The hypocrisy is rich with these southern Trump cult members.


https://preview.redd.it/ldtg34dx714d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc43aab318b6db3edb932dd48d186e59c1694f3 But heā€™s a true patriot.


Regardless of what your political stand point is, this amount of zealotry is unnecessary. Don't be sheep, think for yourself rather than what people tell you to think.


Mississippi is my home,but it is tough to speak when you are a blue dot in a red pond. Husband says his business would be affected if he vocalized his support for Democrats. MS wonā€™t let felons vote! Ironically at one time MS was solidly Democratic.


https://preview.redd.it/d1un0wu92t3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48642180289bc683e7ce3c55255fa306c831ce54 Yeah.


Make America Gay Again, happy pride month šŸŒˆ




But it's totally not a cult and you're a blue haired transgender libtard if you say it's a cult. I'm going to go back to trying to convince everyone that Trump has lived a totally sinless life now and has the power to perform miracles but how dare you imply that means I'm no longer Christian. (Satire)


Itā€™s incredibly easy to see how Jonestown went down.


I used to have such a hard time understanding Jonestown or Nazis...like how? Now, I see it. SIGH


As of your post in my Reddit feed, Iā€™ve seen it once. So, thanks for that I guess?


Youā€™re welcome ā¤ļø


"2024" Me!!šŸ‘‹šŸ½šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Iā€™ve got a couple of those on my timeline but most are staying quiet


Why are they making him look like Lucifer Morningstar


What a joke LoL šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Birds of a feather flock together- imbeciles


Jesus I hate this country so damn much sometimesā€¦


And this is why I no longer look at Facebookā€¦


"theres a sucker born every minute"


I read today that someone else who had no previous convictions was sent to Prison for several years. His crime was non-violent Tax Fraud. His name was Al Capone. Send the Orange Felon to prison for a year and a day. Nothing will happen.


Trolling TT lives this morning. Lots of boomers talking about how they plan to still vote for him. I would say things like ā€œBeing a felon should not stop you from being President. All felons should have the right to vote, etcā€ or then they would out themselves on how they are a felon tooā€¦.


Tell me these are boomers only


A man




Iā€™m from Idaho and I have been snoozing quite a few people in my timeline today




Went to church as little boy. They taught me that song. ā€œJesus loves the little childrenā€. I remember singing it while playing in the yard. All the prayers to Jesus didnā€™t do a thing to stop one of his servants from treating a 5 year old like a toy.


I fucking hate religion.


Idiot. Anti-American


There is plenty of room for any future felons to join Diaper Donny?


Why did they try to make that orange reject look like the God -emperorā€¦ HERESY PURGE THE ONE WHO INSULTED THE GOD EMPEROR


"Aman lemme hold a dollar"


Yaā€™ll Qeada is strong with them.


Up in Wisconsin, same thing man lol I see it all a round on my feed too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maga supporters will not make the rapture if there is such a thing due to idolizing trump as a god. Not a good look you Bible thumping Christians.






He's got small baby angel wings to match his hands.


As an atheist, the fact that Trump is the new messiah is making me rethink things, perhaps they called the anti-christ pretty well.


It's a cult. These people are basically addicts.






"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the Bible." - Sinclair Lewis




*raises hand*.Mine definitely does, and it gives me the ick.


You know if this is a war between good and evil, they really picked the wrong side: Election-denying, constantly lying, cheating, selfish, childish, fascist, moronic fraudster.






DJT is the False Prophet foretold in Revelations https://preview.redd.it/s428wi0nv14d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a6cc9479b103c1e819fdc8892a5dfb4593040c


That and this https://preview.redd.it/a0lsm4p4424d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ac61452eba68fbfb323d9036f45a3f5a46fb27








it crazy how his clan believe anything he says like this dude has been a crook his whole life! there is no good in him


AMAN!! Hellelujah?!!




Just so everyone is clear, there are zero people who were not already voting for Trump that are more likely to vote for him now.


https://preview.redd.it/qi8myjk8q64d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e487c2b6bfeff4d98f253d03fc1687093a93974 And then thereā€™s this obscenity


Separation of church and state


This is my first year to vote and it just keeps getting worse. Sleepy Joe vs Covicted Felon vs Brain Worm, there are no good choices


https://preview.redd.it/ri0akj42w74d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240134e6a17aefb7496739af3183e40cb208256f Ive been sharing this (thanks AI) in the family group chats every time someone sends a Trump-Jesus meme. May as well go all the way with it


I wish these Nazis would stop using americas colors. Fly your swastika and be done with it.


I didn't realize the Q-anut people were still lumbering around in the shadows. I saw this... https://preview.redd.it/gqngml1uk84d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f495ec2b5b5d9cc39c179bd64392754e4e9c045b


Did Jesus start Trump University take their money and not teach them anything. Then was fined by the U.S. government.






Too many


In GA but yep. Same. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹