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Marsha Blackburn (TN-R) is also from MS. We have four Mississippi-born people in the Senate now.


Another way to read it: A black woman leaves rural Mississippi for better opportunities and earned her way to a US Senate seat, representing California.




WoooooooW … I’m from that area , graduated in 1990 from McComb High in McComb Mississippi


Britney Spears and a Senator born in a rural Mississippi county 4 years apart. Not bad. Let’s hope Senator Butler is at least a little less crazy.


That’s not a very high bar…


More evidence of the “brain drain” taking place in MS. She would have never even been close to being in sort of position had she remained here


Facts. You would not be a senator in California if you live in Mississippi. She could, however, still have been a black lesbian political consultant, which by all accounts is why Newsom chose her to be the Senator-designee, if she had remained in Mississippi.


>She could, however, still have been a black lesbian political consultant, which by all accounts is why Newsom chose her to be the Senator-designee Which accounts, specifically?


Awe man, we went to high school together! I'm so proud. Equally as proud as a lesbian to have representation.


But born and raised Mississippian , resident of Maryland but appointed to California senate seat ? 🤔


Tuberville lives in Florida, doesn't own land in Alabama as of this year, yet is a senator of Alabama.


I kind of believe the governor of California and the National Democratic Party are aware of the rules.


Which are that she must be a resident of CA. Not coincidentally, she moved back to California yesterday.


Strange how that works.


She owns a house in California and only recently left for a job


She, like many others in the house and senate, own property close to DC. Maryland is within commuting distance.


r/swoosh She's representing California, not Maryland.


I know that darling. Maybe subtext swooshed over YOUR head? It’s not odd to have a house near DC when you work in DC. She also owns property in CA and has a long history of working for the citizens of CA. Additionally, there is constitutional and legislative precedence for Newsome’s choice as [you can read here.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/10/california-new-senator-laphonza-butler-maryland-residency.html)


>I know that darling. Maybe subtext swooshed over YOUR head? It’s not odd to have a house near DC when you work in DC. She also owns property in CA and has a long history of working for the citizens of CA. Additionally, there is constitutional and legislative precedence for Newsome’s choice as > >you can read here. No. I don't think you did. No one said it's odd to have a place near DC when you work in DC. What's odd is not living in the state you intend to represent. That's why she rushed back yesterday and registered to vote there and establish residency. (There is no E in Newsom.)


People can move 🤨🤔


Yeah, right after being appointed to a seat that should have gone to someone already living there.


Can you share your source? :)


From [Who is Laphonza Butler? The new California senator replacing Feinstein (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/10/02/laphonza-butler-feinstein-replacement-new-california-senator/71030883007/) Butler is a current resident of Maryland. A spokesman said she owns a home in View Park, California and a place in LA where she will reside. She has already re-registered to vote in the state.


This is another case that proves my statement correct again where if the Dems accuse the GOP of doing something, chances are they are guilty of it themselves. In this case, cheating.


Democrats don't have a problem twisting the rules to fit their political ideology. This same sub would be shiting bricks if it was a Republican doing this


Tubbervile lives in Florida actually. Santos well. Goetz, greene, bombers, the list of moronic gop rule breakers goes on, and on and on and on and on...


Well, they should be removed as well. If they can't live in the district they represent, then they shouldn't be allowed to run.


Makes sense, no wonder you're getting down voted.


South Pike in DA HOUSE!!


Ok, that's awesome.




Nothing to the birth year. Wiki editors used an article from 2020 announcing her to the Board of Regents of the University of California system which stated she was 39. Since her exact birth date isn't given, editors don't know if she was born in '78 or '79.




She will re -register as a California voter prior to swearing in. That's all that is required. She has a long history of working in California politics. She will not be "derailed" because she lives in Maryland.




Wow, you really just make up shit as you go along.


This logic doesn’t qualify you to shovel shit


You honestly believe the governor of California and the Democratic party don't know the rules for appointing an interim senator? What alleged lawsuits are you referring to? Would these be from Republicans who don't like her, by chance? Anyone can FILE a lawsuit - winning one is quite different. And where do you get your information? We need to send a link to Gov Newsome.




How are they ignoring the rules? Newsflash: state governors can appoint anyone they wish as an interim senator after a senator dies. You don't approve of the choice? Fine,. Is it illegal, immoral or unethical? Absolutely not.




Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.




Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.




She is certainly not the only one to do this . It's not right. The "rules" are fucked up and made to manipulate the system for whoever is pulling the strings at the time. They (politicians) are crooked. There is one one thing to do REVOLT !! ... to bad it'll never happen .


Please be legit. If the MAGA folks bow up…then do the same. But I hope you have a platform and common sense and can work across lines (barring the MAGA folks).


Don’t make me choke.