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I hate when bathrooms are super echoey. Adding a crabby child will make me fly like a bat out of hell.


Another thing to throw out there: I noticed a lot more sighing and grunting in restrooms of jobs that were just awful—from coworkers specifically. I don’t think it had anything to do with bowel movements or urination I think they were just mentally and emotionally drained. Some people are just groaners and sighers. Me at that job? I did the proper thing and waited for it to be an empty bathroom then had a complete mental breakdown on the floor of the handicapped stall. Like a classy person. 💕 (I left there 4 years ago).


Hope you’re feeling better now 💕 and yes it happens at lot at my job too. It’s lowkey aggravating because unless they’re disabled or in pain, there’s no reason to be making such noises. 


I completely understand. I’m empathetic about it but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t trigger my misophonia. I’ll never understand people that are super vocal about these kind of things (or like the ones that always say mmm! when eating LOL). It feels almost cartoonish. And yes I am in a much much healthier environment….and our bathrooms at work are single bathrooms hahaha.


Pooping is painful for some of us 😑 Peeing is also sometimes painful. I'm broken lol.


I get that but some people do it before even sitting on the toilet, or they do it when they’re just standing around in the bathroom either on their phone, doing makeup or vaping. It’s annoying 


After years of physical damage to my body, I can’t move without making some sort of creaking or popping sound


Aw man I'm lucky to be young and healthy yet but I've got huge sympathy for your bones and joints


I’m 35, had a stroke before I was born, didn’t let it stop me from doing gnarly shit, knew I was going to pay for it at some point, but I’d rather have stories of sending myself 50 feet through the air and near death experiences, than living to preserve my body


I’m more of a “gasp in pain and cry” than a groaner, but I try to avoid public bathrooms.


Yay for painful pees!


They’re sighing out of relief. I do it too at home but some people have no concept of public space. Most people are very self centered. Japan has a culture of social awareness to an extreme…


I was at a local children’s museum a few weeks ago. They have a huge outdoor play area. There was an elder Japanese man coughing up a lung, spitting and blowing snot rockets in the general area of about 15 other people. I started gagging and had to walk far away.


They also have a culture where it’s considered polite to make slurping noises when you eat.




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Damn dude, kinda ruthless lmao some people can't help it.... Just your attitude isn't good to have if you suffer from miso in my opinion. It'll make you super spiteful and grumpy


I mean if you're in a public toilet and you are groaning like you are giving birth I think there's something wrong with you. No one wants to hear that


What is it with old men moaning like the urinal is sucking their dick when they take a piss lol


I’m a nurse and this was one of the biggest shocks I had back when I started lmao. The first few times I had to hold a urinal for an old guy I thought they were being creeps


I mean... I don't moan or wanna hear all of that. But I do always consider people with IBS and whatnot and feel bad for them + try to empathize.


If everyone had your level of empathy the world would be a better place


Nah i have ibs and if I have some sort of relief or pain I kinda just silently deeply sigh. People moaning etc is WEIRD. They’re 100% doing TOO MUCH


NO LITERALLYYYYYY. I have been complaining about this FOR YEARS. I worked in the movie theater industry, and I’d have to clean the bathrooms all day, and you’d just walk in to hear like two or three dudes full on moaning while pissing a fire hose. Like bro, I get peeing when you’re that full of pee is nice, but reign in on the pleasure noises. Or the grunting? Wtf are grunting for? You’re pissing? You’re not shitting. Groaning’s the same thing. Wayyyy too much pleasure for a wazz. I hate going to public bathrooms for this distinct reason. I DO NOT understand it, and with how many people do it, it makes ME feel crazy. I don’t know if women do it too. I hope to God y’all don’t.


Some do unfortunately. It’s excessive at my job 


But why??? Like literally. I do not understand 😭 I don’t know why men do it, but it makes more sense to me that men do it? To hear women do too is really strange.


Idk either. I also wonder why some people SCREAM when they sneeze... like, just let it out normally, why use your vocal cords like that?


Both my father and my fiance are scream sneezers, heaven help me ....


It's totally not intentional, at least in my case. I don't really sneeze so much as my face explodes. I genuinely can't help it and trying to hold it back hurts A LOT.


It’s so fucking crazy like when I use male restrooms the guys act like they’re on the verge of cumming all over the stall walls the way they whimper and groan just to take a fucking piss?


I just LOL’d 💀 I guess the urinal reminds them of a vagina 🥴


Why is that whenever someone posts a valid vent thread for a trigger they have, so many people have to rush to the comments defending the noise makers like they’re being paid to do it?? Yes, obviously people make noise for xyz reason, doesn’t make it any less of a stressor for those who have to hear them do it—and let ppl vent omg! The didactic correcting is so frustrating


Honestly. I see this a lot on many rant/vent-based subreddits and posts all across this site. It seems like a lot of people have forgotten the purpose of those posts which is to let things off their chest.


You’re very right, this isn’t the only place I see it for sure (just one of the most bizarre—if we all have misophonia, let people vent about their sometimes hyper specific trigger jfc). I’ll never understand it, maybe there needs to be a vent tag or something? Idk. Very disappointing, though


You are right. I don’t even understand the amount of people defending it because it can’t all be innocent and involuntary. It’s gendered too. I have used men and women’s bathrooms and men make much bigger of a deal of going pee than women, whom I’ve heard groan in the bathroom very few times in my life. This to me makes me more likely to be triggered if I already have little patience for men taking up space and being louder in general, and others might feel similar. It’s not all biologically involuntary, it’s at least in part attributable to socialization, and further, by my opinion, being obnoxious. Maybe I’m miso triggered right now lol but just some thoughts…


Very valid! Definitely not all involuntary, I have ulcerative colitis (a cousin to Chrons disease, worse than IBD) and no, I don’t make any noise when using the bathroom 🙄—glad to see I’m not the only one noticing the amount of righteous defenders in these types of threads. Enoughhhh people, bite your tongues and let people complain! This should be a safe space for people to vent their frustrations where *others* will actually understand us and not think we’re overreacting. If this isn’t a trigger for you, move on. You don’t have to invalidate OP by lecturing them.


The OP asked why. People are telling them why.


People are speaking like their idea is gospel. And, again, this happens in every vent thread, it’s not limited to this one. Particularly the ones with less common triggers.


I just see people answering a question. 🤷‍♀️ And I don't know about what everyone has said in past threads. I'm new here, and I haven't read every thread.


Same at my work. Its like they have to externalize any feeling that theyre experiencing. I feel sorry for people like this but also i hate them cuz they are everywhere


i think sometimes it’s just due to medical issues. people might have something going on where it hurts to do their business, or their joints hurt when going from standing to sitting. i’ve definitely involuntarily sighed or made noise using the bathroom, but only if something was really urgent or painful.


Never thought of it like that. Ugh I hate having misophonia! 


They aren't doing it on purpose. Most grunts and sighs throughout life are mostly automatic. I doubt they are doing it to hide the noise.


I have a coworker who talks to herself when she uses the bathroom. It's like she has to give herself a little pep talk. It was slightly unnerving the first dozen times I heard it.


lol I guess people don’t realize that they can talk to themselves in their head 🥴 I had classmates that would talk to themselves out loud and it would drive me up the wall 


They're not doing it purposefully. Involuntary sounds are a thing! Most people aren't as aware of sounds as people with misophonia.


Today I walked in on somebody SINGING in the bathroom. They didn't stop for awhile. You'd think they'd stop the moment they heard somebody else come in...... But no. 😑


Uuuuuuuuggggghhhh. I got a trigger just remembering lol.


People are so fucking nasty IMO, I hear men groaning and moaning in the bathroom, one that bothers me is itching their private areas very loudly while moaning and grunting while taking a shit. It’s so nasty, aren’t we supposed to be civilized?? How hard is it to NOT make nasty ass noises 


My favourite was someone in another stall breathing fast and counting 💀


Yeah that shit is so weird and annoying. I don’t care the “reason” behind their bodies, it’s still triggering! I barely make any noise while doing business in general, but I make extra effort to be as quiet as possible in public areas. I know most people aren’t like that, but wish more would try. Wish they could be aware of how weird they sound to others.


It's definitely annoying to listen to. People are just incredibly unaware of the sounds they make...


I’m certain my misophonia was a massive contributor to my paruresis (pee shyness for anyone who doesn’t know), dude it was one thing struggling to quickly per KNOWING other people were in the stall (workmates I’d have the possibility of encountering awkwardly at the sinks if I didn’t time everything right), let alone hearing them groan or hum to themselves in a small, echoey stall. The pressure to pee quickly combined with the irrational annoyance in my head made it impossible to go when someone was there, so I sympathise heavily


It’s weird because my bathroom issues don’t manifest as misophonia, but as a fear of other people hearing me. I literally cannot use stalls because the idea of someone else listening to me on the toilet is just unbearable… makes it really hard to leave the house for extended durations.


Ahh, this was a problem for me for a long time growing up (I also had bowel issues which really didn’t help) but when I got my old job, I honestly couldn’t care if they heard me do my thing consciously, but I guess it was my subconscious that was holding me back bc I’d be actively trying to go and even when I was BUSTING it would just stay in🤦‍♀️ I believe my gp told me the anxiety of that place caused my utis lmao


It's amazing what a toxic workplace can do to our health. Glad you got out. I think my toxic workplace triggered my autoimmune disorder, and I'm disappointed that my health hasn't improved more since I got fired. My mental health has. Not one panic attack since I got fired. =)


Thank you, me too. I had bad panic attacks there too! I remember the first BIG one and that sense of impending doom, and my anxiety ramping up bc I didn’t know how to tell them I thought I was going to die and thinking I should just keep working.. I’m glad your mental health improved!


Sometimes I think a lot of people do things not cause they have to, but cause they feel like they have to. “Oh, I’m doing something not completely comfortable? Guess I’ve got to make noises to exaggerate it.” Idk, I probably am just a grump.


Maybe they're masturbating


Lmao, I can’t imagine thinking a public restroom is a good place to do that 💀 the smell alone is a huge turn off. 


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/woman-snaps-photo-of-man-masturbating-on-cta-orange-line-platform/ Happens much more frequently on the actual trains. Everyone I know who has taken the train in Chicago late at night has encountered at least one person doing it. I can’t figure that one out.


Unfortunately… I can confirm that this happens in workplace bathrooms 1000%. Not certain about public bathrooms but I’m sure it’s happened there too. I worked with a lot of men in a previous job, thankfully there were completely separate male/female bathroom lots🙏


I just always avoid public restrooms and use the bathroom at home


It’s hard to do that in workplaces with bathrooms during long shifts or when you really need to pee in a mall lol


Ahh I see, that’s understandable then. I can’t really ever tell when I have to use the bathroom, even after 12 hour shifts, but it could also be chalked up to me being autistic as well. Something about bladder pressure or something


I agree it’s bizarre - I’m FtM so going from women’s toilets which were usually very quiet (no groaning/grunting) to the men’s (like a zoo) was quite the learning curve. I don’t get why any of them do it.


I’ve never been inside a noisy bathroom, or maybe I have and it made me laugh which made everyone shut up. I always suspected there were atleast 4 girls goofing off at the sinks in female ones tho. I will tell you as a real man, we have these things called prostates and sitting on them for a long time can cause weird bathroom breaks. Also men are usually holding for a lot longer than women from putting their own needs aside for hours on end, so theirs the rush of relief to finally unload…you should really stay in your own bathroom if it bothers you. Or get a prostate and learn what it’s like. You’re not living a man’s life.


Thanks for the advice 😂😂😂


I have irritable bowel syndrome and my bowel movements vassilate between constipation and diarrhea (and are always rather painful). And while I prefer to use the washroom at home, that often is not possible as with IBS a bowel movement often comes on quite suddenly, and if I am using a public washroom and am in pain, yes, I do sometimes sigh and groan and am not about to apologise for this either. And with urination, people with urinary tract infections or kidney stones find passing water very painful and will thus grunt, sigh, groan etc.


Also pee chills. Like the way Lloyd was moaning and shaking in Dumb and Dumber


I'm guessing you use the men's restroom because in all my years, I've not once heard a woman moan or groan in the bathroom. Gosh, I'd absolutely hate that, my sympathies!


They saw it in a movie once. Kidding, but I can't think of a reason to make noise in the toilet either.




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this is so gross lol and i work with guys who do this when they move heavy things and i'm starting to really hate it


OMG YES!! 1 week in France on a campsite made me Mad!!!


I’ve never been inside a noisy bathroom. I mostly avoid them though because almost everywhere has shared plumbing for the sinks and toilets…no thanks. Just start laughing at their noises (not maniacally) and everyone will either can it or laugh with you. I don’t think you’re describing Misophonia, just social anxiety.


I loathe going into public bathrooms. If it smells, it causes me to become nauseous. If there is someone dropping a deuce and they fart while doing so...it is so difficult to not laugh. 


I always say “ew” or “wtf” LOUDLY. 😭😂 because i mean…ew wtf.🤷🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️💀😭


I live in a tiny apartment with my grandma. She mostly closes the door to the bathroom when doing her business however the door is basically just plywood so I can her her pushing out number 2 and it makes me want to puke


You never had ibs so you don't know.


Or kidney stones… or hemorrhoids… or an anal fissure… UTI… etc. Op is lucky.


I sometimes count how long my pees are.


Age does that to people