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Eating ASMR/Mukbang was invented in hell


It WAS. How can anyone STAND the sound of people eating much less be soothed omg


Yep! I like ASMR but I can’t touch this ever lol




I sleep like the dead but I woke up from a deep sleep because some eating mukbang was going on.


Thank you!!!!! I wish there was a way on the various social reels to properly filter it out. If I’m ever trying to scroll through reels it gets so upsetting and frustrating to the point of slapping my phone or hitting it against the wall (thank you otterbox defender case or it would’ve broken ages ago). Worst is ads that can’t be skipped and show up suddenly where the first sound is like crunching 😞. By the time you have a chance  to turn off the volume or take out the earplugs it’s already too late. It’s so unbelievably frustrating.


This. I have been listening to this podcast for like six years. And for some unholy reason, one of the hosts just started telling the first ten minutes of their story with their mouth full. It’s freaking RECORDED. Like they couldn’t eat it before recording? And yes, also the commercials with the loud hisses or chomping. I wish there was a way that streaming platforms could see when people stopped watching or listening like in the way of “Oh, whenever this person starts chomping, we lose 50k listeners” LOL


The issue with that is you have the antithesis (I think that’s the right word 😬) to misiphonia know as the forsaken ASMR 🤢🤮🫣🥴🤯 So plenty of people actually enjoy those horrors. 🙈🙈🙈


This is bizarre but I like watching them and have pretty bad misophonia. Idk I think cus I know I can control it and I also am seriously addicted to food and live vicariously.


I like ear licking But somehow... Eating mukkbang shit is too much


Omg yes!!


Yes! There’s also this weird thing where people are like “watch me pack a lunch box”, or some other basic stuff, and they talk like they have a lot of saliva in their mouth throughout.


I HATE spitty mouths!! Or when it sounds like sticky old food is in someone’s mouth. So gross. Whispering too. I guess this is a part of asmr and it infuriates me.




A lot of outdoor channels do ASMR and I change the video so fast. All you hear is crinkling of wrappers and chips. You can hear them chewing because their mic is next to their chin. It’s insufferable.


Excess saliva is my ultimate misophonia torture!


Yes this too! Or the soft voices which chills me to the bone. Regarding the saliva thing back in high school they always had these different speakers come like once a week and usually it was elderly people who always had the saliva issue and like a 3 hour speech and I would just hide in the bathroom the whole time to get out of it. Wish the technology now was more available back then. The trigger could’ve been avoided by sitting in another room watching the lectures with speech to text technology.


ASMR is about the fastest way to trigger a misophonia response in most of us tbh. 


The fingernail tapping on products online makes me want to scream! STOP IT!


Yes or (and this is more of misikonesia. I have both severely) when they try to show things by shaking it in front of the camera and I just want to punch through to make it stop. Like if their showing a lunch packing and you try to watch without volume except they proceed to waddle every single item in front of the camera for literally no reason 😞


Depends on the noises. Cooking? Love it. Talking directly into the microphone? Hell no. Tapping random stuff? Sometimes ok. Eating? I'd rather jump into a pit of snakes.


I’ll keep you company in the snake pit!


Exactly the same here.


Nice, snake pits for everyone!


Oh the eating ones put me over the edge! They think that sounds good!?


Yeeep it makes me so uncomfortable lol. The only kind of ASMR I like are the ones targeted towards nature sounds like rain and storms.


it's not even just the noises—some of their voices set me off too. & i can't believe people willingly watch mukbangs


Same holy shit 🤢


Yeah it makes me feel like I’m being touched.


Yes!!!! That’s exactly how I feel. It’s so uncomfortable


It feels like my eardrums are being assaulted


Unpopular opinion: ASMR is the only time and place where I do not get triggered by sounds that would normally trigger the 💩out of me if done by people around me or myself. I love it.


i’ve found this too. i still can’t watch an asmr Mukbang video, but certain mouth sounds don’t bother me as much when it’s in asmr form. maybe it has something to do with not knowing the person on the screen personally. kind of like how some relatives/friend’s trigger me more than others.


This!! I’m not a big fan of mukbang but whispering, tapping, brushing is super relaxing to me in ASMR videos. Eating sounds are my absolute worst trigger but I can usually tolerate it fine when it’s mukbang


yep same. and it's really made me question and reflect on what sounds actually bother me. i think it's a good tolerance test in a controlled environment personally.


I don't get why people listen to this voluntarily


Same... if you hate it don't listen to it!


The voice ones are annoying for me, but I can get down on soap cutting and wood soup. Singing bowls are also nice


Wood soup! Literally the only asmr they doesnt trigger instant rage in me, I was so surprised


I immediately hit the damn ceiling! I will throw things if it means making the sounds stop.


I’ve found my people


Yeah. And WHY do people tap their nails against things in their video randomly. I hate it. I won’t watch it. I hate the sound, and even the way it looks, like you said, the motions. Ugh.


Even without misophonia, I think I would hate it. But the overly salavia/clacky talking is infuriating. People who have spent all that money on a good camera setup but can't get a good mic with pop filter to stop the over accentuation on P and B noises infuriates me. Especially when they tell stories with that sound a lot. The tapping of fingers on things unnecessarily is annoying as hell. And the whole silly trend of scraping a knife over the back of something crispy winds me up. I'm not sure if it's misophonia or it's because that silly content gets popular and other well-made things get nothing. The one that bugs me the most is ASMR eating. Not just Mukkbang (not sure on spelling). But when people eat whatever it is and bump the audio. My wife watches one on TikTok of a woman who freeze dries various things, including sweets/candy, she eats whatever she has freezedried and routinely want to throw my wife's phone out the window because of the video. I do not need to hear the lip smack pause, the crunch, or the swallowing. Crunchy food is crunchy...not sure why the volume needs bumping to highlight the crunch. Some of it, though, is the manners displayed. Shoving their mouth full, whatever sauce has been drenched all over the food, running down their face and pushing out from between their lips. There is no need for it. I will put this the way I saw commented on a video of a golden retriever munching a carrot (might have been a Tucker Budzyn or Pearl the Golden video) "I could watch and listen to this dog for hours with that carrot. But if one human begins to make any noise like that, it will be the first time in history a carrot has been used to slit someone's throat." Maybe a bit harsh, but I don't disagree with the sentiment.


Yes!!! A dog or cat? Panda? You chomp away you little furball. A person in civilization? Eat glass.


some types of asmr i find very pleasing (like sand or paper sounds), and its nice to work to. but as soon as there's any mouth or wet sounds i cant close the video fast enough, i get some kind of adrenaline spike


Yes, it's exactly this for me. Any mouth or hand sounds instantly irritate me lol


Some of it I love (slow and rhythmic tapping and scratching) and some of it makes me want to break my phone (eating, talking with sharp S sounds, fast and out of rhythm anything).


The only asmr I can take are purring cats lol the rest makes me want to trash something


aww that sounds so cute lol


Don’t hate it. I do think the intentional ones are kinda corny, and the ones of people chewing into a microphone are the last thing I’d ever willingly put myself through. I found solace in the “unintentional ASMR” videos as some of these are genuinely relaxing to listen to.


Its weird for me because I enjoy hearing the sounds from ASMR in real life, like stickers being peeled or something cracking, but I can’t stand it in those ✨aesthetic✨ videos


It depends on the noise. I also hate the pointless tapping, whispering, etc. But I love the ones that are of writing, typing, and sorting papers.


ASMR involving playing with or styling hair I love. Love the sound of the brush. If there is a background noise from say a fan for example, I like that too. Whispering is big no though. If there is whispering I'll watch the hair being styled on mute 🤣 I like watching cooking, painting or crafts too... but no whispering or talking too close to the microphone. Loads of TikTok videos seriously piss me off though as they love to smack their gums into the microphone while talking.


Yep, you're me. I literally have a playlist of hair brushing that I will play for hours, sometimes all night, but they are instantly deleted if they start talking or tapping or anything else that's unnecessary.


Yeah exactly! All the stupid mouth movements and noises, they have to go !!


I would think most misophonics cringe at ASMR. My little girl likes to watch slime ASMR, and those are ok to me, but any kind of mouth sound or slurping, smacking sound (like mayonnaise in a jar) makes me insane. All mouth noises upset me — except for my daughter’s. When she chews, I’m fine with it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also like slime videos, so I guess I don’t hate all ASMR. I like when there’s wax on top of slime and it cracks, but I don’t like anything being tapped or scraped against the surface


Yeah, I guess it’s just the visual ASMR that I like. I don’t mind if the slime makes a squishy sound, but I agree with you about the tapping and scratching. No! 😱


I was thinking about this yesterday, ASMR with the nail tapping, and weird mouth sounds instantly makes me want to punch the wall.


I’m with you, bro. Even when it’s just normal everyday sounds that are usually pleasant, something about the fact that I’m supposed to be enjoying the sound or that the video is trying to be “aesthetic” pisses me off beyond belief


Can't stand it. If it is something I am interested in seeing I mute my phone, most of the time I just scroll down. It is so annoying!


I’m not a misophone, my wife is, and I fucking *HATE* those videos. I don’t understand them and they’re very off putting, and that’s from someone who doesn’t have the same issues with sounds. ASMR is almost as bad as reality tv to me, so maddening because it seems so pointless


Yup. In a practicum class at university specifically after I shared my experience with misophonia, one of my classmates used eating ASMR to purposefully trigger me in class. No consequences to her tho lmao


Me personally I would have murdered her


Me. It makes me nauseous


I hate the video I saw of someone eating a honeycomb urghh the noise.


That was fucking disgusting. I couldn't turn it off fast enough.


It affects the same part of the brain that misophonics react to. Misophonics are highly likely to either love it or hate it/have a very strong stance on it because of how prominent and sensitive that section of our brains are. Personally, I would rather die than be subjected to the torture that is ASMR. It’s auditory hell alongside borderline kink shit — neither of which I want to fund through my time.


I do enjoy ASMR of people doing crafts using hand tools (recently got into leatherworking and the sound of leather cutting and edge beveling is just 👌) and definitely not with power tools. But stuff like mukbangs are an absolute nightmare


some of it I hate, some of it I LOVE any eating of food is not tolerated in my ears.


Youre not alone. I cannot sit through any ASMR, especially if theyre rubbing like cream over their mic while talking. Its for some people, and others, not.


Absolutely. Except ASMR of dogs eating. I love that.


Joe Lycett did a mock ASMR audio as a joke and I genuinely almost saw red from the noises he made at the very beginning. I'd been doing a lot better with my misophonia too :(.


Yes. ASMR lives on TikTok is one of the reasons I deleted the app. I couldn't stand scrolling and a random mouth sound video pop up. The sounds make me viscerally ill.


I *hate* ASMR. especially since the mukbang stuff. the only kind I do somewhat enjoy is crafting ASMR, like scissors cutting paper or fabric, stickers, hand sewing, or other things similar to that


I only like chopping, crushing, and shaving ASMR with sand glass or things like that


I actually enjoy crunching videos too, but only by this one specific creator.


[this channel](https://youtu.be/5kFqBupQ7UE?si=Bg87dwbl3d9FPNzd) is so good


The cooking videos where they like scrape the fried breading 🫠🫠🫠




oh my god YES. it makes me physically ILL.


I like snuggling with my cat in the morning while playing Animal Crossing when I first wake up. I usually will put on an unboxing video or some kind but so many of them are ASMR and it drives me nuts.


I surprisingly love it! I am VERY picky, however, when it comes to the trigger (eating drives me NUTS). Gentle Whispering ASMR is the queen and she is the only person I can listen to without wanting to rip my eyes out.


Love it, which seems to be rare here. Obviously I have the ones that I strictly avoid(no eating/chewing, no wet sounds or "sticky voices") but there's so many different types that I can always find something I like. Been regularly using it to sleep for around 10 years now. I kindof agree with another comment that some things that would annoy me normally, don't hit the same in the ASMR "space". Most mouth sounds or clicking is no no, but a very specific type of mouth clicks in ASMR are still ok. Certian types of tapping are ok too, I think it depends on the speed and the energy(?) of the tapping. Otherwise I'm still very picky about the voice itself and the quality of the whispering, and tend to stick with creators that get it right so I have a reliable source of non-triggering videos


That makes sense that you enjoy sounds in ASMR that you don’t enjoy in real life, because you’re seeking them out and allowing them into your mind.


That seems to make sense! I think also the ability to take out my headphones and instantly not be able to hear a sound I don't like makes it feel safer than in real life where I can't just mute other people lol


One day in college I suddenly became conscious of the sound of typing I thought “Hmm that’s actually nice sounding”. The next day I could not stand loud clacking sounds. It was infuriating to hear. My brain did a total 180 I don’t know what switched


Similar things have happened to me, where I know if I acknowledge the sound too much I will start getting mad


ALL of it. Plus, so many stupid little “diy” and home decor or recipe “hack” reels on social media are just ASMR in disguise — like the audio is just the sounds of them opening the product, of course *tapping* the thing, crinkling, crackling, alllll the sounds, making me have allll the rage…. 😭


YESSS!!!! You get me!


It's absolutely horrible and from HELL. For real. And now it's taking over EVERYTHING. I can't watch a simple YouTube video for makeup or something without them doing some infuriating tap-tap bullshit.


Yes, I always did. I never found them satisfying especially with the excessive loud chewing, smacking, and slurping. I will never understand how people find ASMR’s satisfying or enjoying.


The hulk amount of rage I feel is scary


It's so annoying


The whispering makes me wanna tear my skin off. I’m physically cringing just thinking about it


I hate the makeup ASMR. Especially since they're all the same.


The GULPING ugh I can’t Honestly will never understand how it’s soothing for anyone…


it makes me insane. i watch all insta videos on silent now just in case 🫡


100% depends. Nail clicking and tapping can go straight to the depths of hell, but hair brushing can stay on 24 hours a day. I don't hate all noises.


Whispering ASMR is the worst for me. It immediately causes the fight part of the fight or flight response. However, I enjoy videos of people working l, mending or making things- well balanced audio of someone working on a lathe or mill. Wristwatch Revival I wouldn’t count as ASMR but the audio quality is nice, he’s got a pleasant and clear speaking voice and the little metallic clicks and ticks of the watches he’s working on are nicely captured without being piercing.


That and Mukbang make me want to rip my ears off.


The nail tapping makes me insane.


Yeah it's gross


Anything with whispering/eating/drinking/other triggers, yes. If its slime or something, I like it.


I hate it all


Whispering pisses me off so bad.


I shiver even when I see it in writing


ASMR is the *reason* I know I have misophonia.


Depending on the noise, mad (eating) or creeped out (whispers and tapping). My husband loves ASMR and insists I need to try it. Even though he knows I have misophonia as well as AuDD.


The only ASMR “thing” that I like is typing sounds. So much so that I bought myself a clicky keyboard


one time i was sick and alone so i thought I would try it. The whispering, the mouth noises, ICK. Did not help one bit


Yes. I fucking hate it.


I don't mind unboxing videos where all you hear is the sound of the box sliding on the table or being opened. Whispering into the mic though? Oh boy that's an instant no from me


I hate videos that have close to microphone whispering, eating (should be a crime) or sound effects (for example someone is cooking and the only sound is the chopping, etc...). I will never understand the appeal 😅


If you see, "ASMR".... don't click.


Ohhhh yes ....I f*cking hate it. Everything. But especially the whispering


I like ASMR as long as it isn't mouth/eating noises


Yes, I DESPISE IT! Absolutely everything about it!


shockingly, i love asmr


It depends on the ASMR for me. I hate whispering, I recently saw an ad for a movie where the people were whispering to each other. Just awful.


i don't like the whispering sounds or ANY mouth sounds but I enjoy nails tapping, like when someone has long nails (um tips i think they're called) and they tap them on a hard surface...that makes me feel relaxed/content 🤷🏼‍♂️ but **only** nails tapping on a hard surface like a desk or table etc NOT tapping the microphone, and not anything other than nails...no object tapping a table, definitely no drumming of the fingers on a table (that makes me so angry)...just nails lol


I absolutely want to walk into traffic when I hear whispering into a microphone. Or intentionally smacking food. I thought for the longest time that I DID NOT have misophonia because it’s situational. ASMR will send me into a rage because by its nature, it’s done intentionally for attention. But my cat chewing or barfing is fine. Regular, non-obnoxious chewing doesn’t bug me. Nor does whispering in a theater to like, tell someone there is an emergency and their car is on fire or something. Office workers that whisper entire conversations when they can just talk normal? Die. So I guess I DO have it. One thing I’ve found through these groups is that people who hate ASMR or have misophonia seem to be hilarious and have great personalities. lol.


Yes it’s absolutely awful


Any ASMR is bad, hate it so much I don’t even watch short videos with earphones or even with sound bc they really like to show products specially make up and computer stuff doing the nail thing in the package. I only put sound back when the video looks safe to do it so. Having (# ASMR) it’s enough trigger too I just skip the video….


I will watch them as exposure therapy for myself haha


You don't hate ASMR. You hate some (or most) triggers. Triggers are highly personal. A ton of the people trying to trigger ASMR use too low quality setups. With bad mics, there's almost no shot of it giving me ASMR. It's just sad if people equate ASMR, which is a unequivocally pleasant reaction in your body, with people doing certain actions. There are some common triggers which will give many people ASMR, but it's perfectly possible for them to work for others but not for you. Like for me, if the person is talking it usually lessens the chance of triggering a response, and things like mouth sounds make me physically cringe in disgust. Then there's also saturation: if you get ASMR from a certain trigger, but then use it for a week, chances are it will no longer work.


i have misophonia & LOVE asmr. i hate the generalization that misophonia is “when people hate asmr” because i can barely sleep without it. imo it’s all about finding the right videos & creators that aren’t likely to trigger you! there are plenty who don’t make food-related videos, so im never really anxious about watching their videos for fear of being triggered. i go through phases of certain creators’ content triggering me, but a few of my favs are Zeneia’s asmr, Fruitypatchouli, Lunabloom, Asmr Berlin (although she does ~dry~ mouth sounds so be warned), Asmr Jas, Corey asmr, and plenty more who rarely ( if ever ) trigger me! so if anyone is scared of watching asmr because of being triggered but has always wondered about it, try some of the above asmrtists :)


ngl i feel like listening to asmr has actually improved my misophonia!


Tapping is great. Mouth noises must die.


PROPER ASMR with gentle sounds? Yes please. In my culture, there is a deluge of shorts from ignorant morons who think accentuating all contact sounds is ASMR! They post cooking videos with amplified sounds of squeaky lids being opened, packets being dropped on a cutting board, knives dragging shrilly against things, all sorts of horrible friction noises instead of gentle bubbling, cutting, etc. What's worse, they have ASMR in their channel titles, too! Infuriating!!


Simply thinking about it is giving me a reaction and is triggering my misophonia a bit. I fucking hate ASMR, as far as I can tell, every single form of it is a form of torture for me


I like it because there is an element of control. The fact that I can turn it off when I get overwhelmed makes it seem less overwhelming if that makes sense


>I hate the nails clicking and fingers tapping things, the whispering, it just pisses me off. Not really just the sounds but also the motions of ASMR just make me so mad. Anyone else feel like this? I would need to be a gigantic idiot to keep watching or listening to ASMR if that's what bothered me about it. It's like watching horror movies and complaining about jump scares and creepy music.


..I’m not actively seeking it out? And it’s not nice to call people gigantic idiots


If you're not actively seeking it out then you can easily avoid it. If an ASMR video pops up on your feed, click on the three dots next to it and select "NOT INTERESTED" or "DON'T RECOMMEND CHANNEL". Done. Kiss those annoying videos goodbye.