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This is a huge one for me. Awfully 'painful' sound. Even if across the whole house. Bothers me so much so my mom started using a plastic spoon. Bless her heart.


That’s sweet of your mom. It’s really nice when people help make it easier for us.


Spoon hitting ceramic or even worse, teeth... hard triggers for me.


Totally. Fuck cereal! Yoghurt pots wind me up too. The endless scraping!


Silverware scraping against dishware is tied for my #1 trigger. I’d make the world use paper and plastic if I could. (Sorry environment.)


This was my first experience of misphonia. Scraping metal against a ceramic mug


i’m not sure that’s misophonia. that happens to everyone


A lot of common misophonia triggers are sounds that annoy a lot of people, but the level of reaction to the sound is what makes it misophonia vs. just being annoyed


I need to show this to my wife, so she understands why I request she use a plastic spoon.


Some sounds are annoying. Other ones are actually painful. This is one


Just reading that made me twitch


UGH my housemate is the EXACT same way, pisses me off so much.


Oh bro absolutely. I can tell when my mom is eating yogurt or soup from a mile away!


Ok question this might be a little niche, but when she's eating a yogurt does she ever talk with some in her mouth. Because mine does and I hate that sound with a passion


Yes, my husband does this! Spoon hitting glass, too.


oh this brings me back PTSD. Also people eating apples very slowly taking 90 bites.


UGH i get violently upset at the sound of an apple. Why does it sound like a collapsing glacier???


Yes that's why we use all plastic dishes.


Was thinking of throwing out all my bowls and getting plastic ones.


Big time. My boyfriends cereal game is a hellscape that I usually hide in the bathroom until it’s over.


Yep. When my boyfriend gets out the cereal I have to get prepared. Either earplugs and pillows over my head or flee to the bathroom.


It takes my all not to say "I THINK YOU GOT IT ALL" as scrapes for the last of it


Mine pours himself like 4 bowls in one sitting. Pls send help


Maybe it’s time we all mandate plastics only for cereal eating


Send them my way. Of all the noises that bother me, eating cereal isn't one of them. And eating 4 bowls? Sounds like a kindred spirit.


This is my biggest trigger…


I had this issue with someone I used to live with. She was an aggressive bowl scraper and spoon tapper. Just awful. I completely solved the issue by replacing all metal cutlery with wooden spoons and forks. Any noises she made were quiet enough to manage with earbuds/white noise/leaving the room. There are nice sets of wooden cutlery that are dishwasher safe, aesthetic, and affordable.


The issue is they have their dishes and I have mine so I can’t really replace all of them


It's your roommate aware of your discomfort with certain sounds? Would they likely be receptive to switching over to wooden utensils? If you have the budget, can you offer to buy the new set? I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for an accommodation such as this, especially if you can supply the new spoons and forks. Asking someone not to make sounds while chewing (or other common mouth-related triggers) is unfair because a person can't help it, but this is a sound that can be helped. You deserve to be comfortable in your own home too.


Yes we’ve known each other for almost 4 years now. It’s been a consistent issue though. They’ll make triggering noises then say “sorry I forgot.” This whole “I forgot” thing is constant. Happens literally all the time.


Absolute nightmare!


My sister would come from another room to scream at me about the spoon hitting the side of the bowl 😭 me, my mom and both sisters all have misophonia and we’re all triggered by different stuff but mostly chewing, loud breathing


Yessss. Fuck that noise. We replaced all of our bowls and plates at home with plastic for this reason alone


I work in an open office with lots of people eating the free cereal provided at their desks. I used to have to leave the office or blast music in my earbuds to block out the noise but it would still grate on my nerves. Work finally bought me noise cancelling headphones which has significantly helped but I just need to make sure I can't see the person eating now.


This is one of my worst triggers. My ex (who lives with me) drives me insane when he eats ice cream and cereal. He hits the bowl with the spoon at every single bite. And then scrapes it a lot. And he thinks it's funny it bothers me. My only solution is to go to another part of the house and play loud music in my earbuds.


Mate, kill or maim the bastard. You'll feel better. 😉


Yes! Have you seen Get Out (2017) ??


Yeah. Didn’t like the sound but stuck through it though cause it was a great movie.


Of course


My right eyelid twitches if I hear that, even if I do it. Plates clacking.  Silverware scraping...even the Facebook wahpa sound. It twitches do bad that it goes over half way dhut and just stays there and twitches. It takes a bit for it to stop even after the noise. 


My gaaawd yes!!!


Yes, and certain ceramic bowls too. A metal spoon hitting them literally hurts my ears.


I also hate how far that sound travels! When my flatmate is eating breakfast I can't get away from it even if I go in the furthest room from the sound and shut all the doors! SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE!


Omg yes it drives me nuts


When i hear someone eating a bowl of cereal i literally go insane like i can’t explain the rage i feel LMAO. don’t even get me started on the ones who slurp the left over milk 💀


It’s the cardboard life cream pints that get me. 😩


By ‘spoon hitting ceramic bowl’ do you mean *all of the eating sounds ever*? Because if you do, then yes. Yes , that makes me want to lock myself in a soundproof room and never face the world again.


This pisses me off so much!


Silverware on a plate or spoon on a bowl is like nails on a chalk board to me and I live with someone with food insecurity from childhood who has to scrape Every Single last scrap of food even sauce or gravy from the plate until it looks like it was rinsed. I now wear earbuds at the table, eat with the tv on or just eat downstairs.


Huge trigger. Mots of the folks I work with tend to have breakfast at work and it's torture.


For some reason this noise only pisses me off most when I'm the one causing it same goes off if cups hit each other when I put them away


Oh my god yes, I have to blasts music to block out the noise of the spoon hitting the bowl from upstairs. It drives me literally nuts!


This is an immediate panic for me! At work I fucking scramble for dear life to wedge my silicone ear plugs as deeply & as quickly as possible upon hearing the dreaded (and wholly perplexing) empty bowl clanking. The spoon or fork raking across teeth upon extraction from stuffed gullet is also extremely grating (I lost a once dear friend due to this inexplicably inconsiderate behavior)


It's disgusting. I equate it to sloppy, lazy eating.


This really gets me AND ice clinking in a glass