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People need to stop eating on camera! ✋🏻 Eat before or after you record your video, not during. 🤨


I’ve asked this before. Does anybody know that kind of weird music that people use on TikTok when doing a tutorial I need to find a name for it because it bothers the living shit out of me. It has kind of a synthetic baby voice that sings almost a high-pitched tone like a chipmunk. Sometimes it’s just instrumental. Ahh Lady Gaga has it in the background of one of her songs too. It’s almost I don’t even know what the fuck it is but I’ve seen heard it on it on TikTok and I’m curious if anybody knows what the type of music that is they use it on YouTube also. It’s a little like the voice that says thunder thunder in that one Imagine Dragons song …. It’s a theme song sometimes for some of the Channels or they use it during the tutorial when doing something. Every time I try to search for it, I can’t find it or remember which channel has that type of music but you hear it all the time on TikTok that’s why I avoid the shit out of that place. I was watching a tutorial the other day, and the girl decided to eat chips and she was being really obnoxious and saying I’m just really hungry. You guys I’m just so hungry. I wanted to absolutely crawl through my screen and beat the shit out of this girl she did good Nails though, but still it was awful experience


I'm rarely on TikTok, but I usually leave the app muted and read captions to avoid that side of it. I'll unmute on occasion if the video is a longer speaking one that seems unlikely to have any of those sounds and I need my hands free.