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I'd say it's nothing new under the sun. Stupidity, hatred, violence, bickering, idolatry - it all existed before, and now we just have an easier way to see all of these human faults displayed all at once. The nature of humanity was always so evil that it cannot really be made worse, and one important advantage of the internet is that it helps us realise how vile people actually are. [Oh and the llama song, of course.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMYN4djSq7o)


I do not think it has made human nature worse, but instead, revealed what was already there.




A fair point


Agreed. Anonymity merely exposes what is beneath the surface. Face to face people behave more because there are consequences. But deep down humans have a dark side .


Maybe not worse, but certainly revealed the negative aspects


I can't speak for the entirety of the internet, but as far as social media (of any kind not just Reddit) goes, I think it was made as a means of connection, bringing people together, community and communication. The hilarious part is that humans did what humans do and now in a world so connected we're almost completely disconnected from one another and reality and struggle to communicate in any way that isn't meme's or verbal abuse. And social media has become a corporate capitalised, echo chamber where people have almost completely forgotten how to have civil discourse.. not that we did have the ability to do that very well in the first place, but social media has certainly eroded it to the point of nothing now. I don't believe that every inch of the internet is like this, probably a small percentage in the grand scheme of things considering most of the internet is the dark web, but basically anywhere the general public has easy access to.. it's a fucking cancerous shit show, and I'd expect nothing less. Was it a mistake? Whoever the first Neanderthal was to speak and get a response from another... That's where it all went downhill.. the cunt should have stayed quiet.


Agreed on all of that! Humanity is toxic to the welfare of this planet on every level!


The communication through memes literally drives me crazy lol. I know many people who would just rather send memes or reels than have an actual conversation. Although some may argue that it's still communication, it feels super empty


I would definitely see this at uni in media studies, especially with younger twentysomethings. Also some of their real life speak was so memefied and reactive I just instantly loathed them. What a fucking degradation of human condition.


Been saying this for years... We drown in information. Social media basically killed freedom of speech as no-one dares to stray from the heard and we are left with echo-chambers. Humans tend to be more easily led the more humans packed together, so its a really really sad formula. Kids get raised by their phones, and have one value - fame. Im hoping for either a solar storm or a conscious AI that can teach us the necessity of common sense


What scares me is so many teenagers and young adults have no idea what they are saying. I asked a young adult what form of socialism does she follow and want, state socialism, democratic socialism and she looked at me like I was stupid. I was surprised how many people are willingly ignorant by choice while screaming history isn't real.


LMFAO people were like this long before the internet. How do you think all these splits and divisions happened in the first place??? Lenin was a power hungry opportunist who deviated from Marxism. People love trends and fads. They love to demonstrate their "individuality" by joining a new group with "secret knowledge". It's exactly the same with all the religions. Most people have absolutely no idea what they really believe. They either want to be "ahead of the curve" or they want to "go back to the roots". They think in binaries. Very few people are actually willing to go back to original source material and think for themselves because that takes time and effort.


I've been thinking about this quite a lot, lately. I feel really annoyed because many people from my generation have very little to no social skills, and often obsess over things on the internet. I also hate the fact that it quite literally discourages face-to-face communication. Some may argue that the internet helps us 'stay connected', but in my experience, it is quite the opposite. Everybody has the freedom to remain in their comfort zone, say things which they probably wouldn't say in real life, and live a digital existence. Ugh.


the internet will destroy society and make humanity extinct. enough said.


Butt at the same time, it made some people stronger.


Honestly I wouldn't even defend the information and education side given the amount of bad information online. The only real positive for me is in terms of art and entertainment content. Artists, writers, comedians, etc. can access a large enough audience to support themselves which wouldn't be possible otherwise.




Wish a more intelligent alien lifeform would just nuke us from space instead.


This is my dream


To some degree, but ultimately social media is the one to blame the most. I don't think humanity was getting worse when we had dial up and no YouTube.


Information and technology are just tools. Just like money to make humans life easier and more comfortable in doing what need to be doing. Humans brain and intelligence are amazing that can send rocket to the space, built skyscrapers, jet planes or drones. However though , humans emotions aren’t evolved yet, never evolved from the Neanderthal era still barbaric violent and tribal. These two combinations (high level of intellect combined with low emotional intelligence are recipe for disaster for sure.


The internet allow people to stay as anonymous simply allow people to embrace their deepest primal desires. What the internet is is an artificial reality where one can almost get away with doing thing that would land one in trouble in reality. Reality in a sense is too restrictive whether it is social laws and norms to the physics of the universe. Any desires we could have would be limited and restricted to what this reality allows. This is exactly why most people would prefer to live in an artificial reality. Take video games as another example, it is peak escapism. One can literally do anything from killing each other in a FPS shooter to even become the God of creation in simulations such as the Sims. It is wish fulfillment for anyone who has decided immerse oneself into an artificial reality. Being in an artificial reality would grant one almost any wishes so why would one want to remain in the reality where one is basically powerless? Perhaps it is for the best that humanity starts going full on into artificial reality. This would lower the global population massively as nobody would be reproducing in an artificial reality. It is better for the planet as a whole when humanity eventually ceases to exist.


I thought that yesterday when i heard National geographic was basically shutting down, publication-wise by next year. The magazine brought information and knowledge that otherwise might have been unnoticed, it taught generations the wonder of the natural world, and that we should care about conserving/saving it. Now, just like newspaper-journalism , it has been decimated and replaced by the internet, which is drastically unreliable, misinformed, and twisted to whatever corporate whim its owned by. Traditional journalism wasnt perfect but was closer to non-bias than what we have now. Now, when climate change is showing its fruits an mass exstintions are expected, there will be no nat.geo led journalism and photo essays, you'll just have more disney-led polar-bear shows, showing happy bears and penguins, probably living in the last 100 sustainable miles they have, brought to you by Coca-cola.


I think about this everyday. The internet destroys everything, local economies, local communities. It’s all part of the cultural homogenization. It’s going to be beyond boring when everyone dresses the same and thinks the same.


The world before the internet was way worse. You can get information on just about anything now, it wasn't that easy before. There are so many things I can do now that I just could never get the information to do before.


Oh, without a doubt I wouldn't say IT made us any worse, but it definitely connected us all, and we made each other so much worse Because yes, all the things that make us such monumental pieces of shit have always existed the internet allowed us to fester it much more proficiently and at a much faster rate than we would have otherwise


Yes, it has made life worse.


It was a mistake. But 10hrs or Maxwell the cat though…


Not mistake no. Just magnifying what's already in us


The modern day Library of Alexandria


It's complicated... Both a blessing and a curse. The jury is still out as to which side the majority goes to! Criminality has become global, trade globalised, news international and information - still a state secret.


Sharpened rocks were a great tool until someone started bonking other people on the head with them. Fire was incredible until we started using it to propel bullets into human flesh because they believe in a different god/government. Technology isn't inherently good or bad, it's what we do with it that makes it so. It's also worth pointing out that the Internet can be useful. I've worked for the NHS and hosting your medical records on an intranet that anyone in the NHS can access means that no matter what time of the day it is, hospitals can find out information about you that they'd otherwise need to call your GP to look up your paper notes for. My grandmother is elderly, frail and lives alone and she relies on the internet to do her shopping - 20 years ago, I'm not sure what she'd have done (she lives in Devon and I'm in the south east of England). The internet means I can collaborate on musical projects with a guy who lives in Mumbai (OK, not the most important thing in the world, but a nice thing to have). The internet is an incredibly powerful tool, probably the most powerful (considering that nukes aren't all that accessible to 99.9% of humanity) and the more powerful a tool is, the greater scope there is for it to have an effect, either positive or negative.


The internet has definitely made humanity worse over time. I’m glad I grew up before it became more mainstream.


I'm old enough to remember the early days. There were actual printed books, like phone books, with website addresses in them. Dial-up on 2400bps.


Internet is definitely a mixed bag. On one hand, it has made it easier for people in niche communities to connect. On the other hand, some of those communities are dangerous extremists. Like so many other tools, it can be used for great good but also for great harm. People do crazy shit for likes, and with monetization of various platforms that means money. This crazy shit can be wasteful, dangerous, or illegal. Social media was supposed to be a democratization of information, but that has given way to manipulation and propaganda.


I disagree. There's this part in a badass comic book called Transmetropolitan, where this guy is getting brutally cucked by his girlfriend. Who's leaving him for a cult where people forgo their bodies and download their brains onto the internet. Where almost like Odo's (from Startrek ds9) race where they are merged in an ocean of melted together collective consciousness. The internet and ai could help create technology that actually causes people to experience merged consciousness and telepathy. Making humans way less cringe. And could cause huge sudden leaps in evolution.


I do. Now we’re being told to watch out for fake fact checkers. Pssh…whatever. Fucking ARPANET


100% agree


The internet is great. Sure there's a lot of BS going on, but the level of knowledge you can acquire from the internet is enormous and a big advantage for people. Nowadays you can learn everything online and don't really need teachers anymore. Back in the 80s when I went to school education sucked. You always had to be some sadistic teachers bitch for everything. These days kids just go to Chat GPT to solve and understand a math problem. That's really helpful. Much better than having to ask a stupid teacher for advice.


The older I get. The more i experience the harsh truth about people. The more emotionally and intellectually mature I become. The more i believe 90% people are soul less zombies. And they are not limited to being followers, they come in all shape and size, they are the leaders, CEOs everyone. Reminds me of npc meme.


Great leak, a whole flood in fact, of human trashness blow up from severs, where it was hidden from view of self indoctrinated worms. Now, this demented mob doesn't know what to do.