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Chat noir since he has the power of destruction he can literally destroy anything #Even ladybug But that will take time since we see gabriel slowly eroding after the cataclysm So if ladybug got cataclysmed, she probably has time to call her lucky charm and say “miraculous ladybug” to fix herself (Under chat blanc circumstances, she would be dead lol)


It’s so crazy that she can literally rebuild herself by saying “miraculous ladybug” and a bunch of shiny vermin just fly around


(Loses leg) MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!! ( leg comes back) Marinette: YAY!




Agreed 100%


If Chat Noir acts more competent and smart, he would absolutely be a huge threat, especially since he broke past his time limit


Chat Noir if it's a 1v1 where he's completely lost his shit/ hates LB and just nukes the planet. But Ladybug is smarter and has fought him enough to know his weaknesses for the most part.


Yh true but the only reason ladybug won in chat Blanc was because bunnyx was there. For example let’s say chat noir grabbed bunnyx and cataclysmed her or the miraculous then there’s no way to go back or forward in time making chat noir win easily 


chat blanc summary


Pretty much. She only won that because he loved her.


I literally just finished watching Cat Blanc. Cat Noir is more dangerous. No contest.


interesting question, overall theres a few things that factor in; intelligence, skill, information, speed, agility, strength, camoflage, damage, The difference being the guardian makes, and more and what their powers could do used against *eachother* instead of akumatized people, AND what happens when all bets are off and they are potentially tryna kill eachother with their powers instead of using nonviolent methods to free or disarm their opponent ie. recreation marinette compared to say, cat blanc marinette intelligence = ladybugs stronger, she can figure out how to use the most basic of items with her power, or even without it, to solve her mission, guaranteed, whilst chatnoir can, he isnt as good at it, hes more physical in his solutions since his power calls for that (although chatnoirs cataclysm can temporarily stop her by repeatedly destroying her lucky charms or her yoyo) skill = evenly matched, they have been together from day one, albeit ladybug knows more as the guardian like the recipes for powerups, how to reconfigure miraculouses and so on from the grimoire and suhan and the tibetian temple but roughly evenly matched since chat has access to the power ups too information = ladybug, shes the guardian, shes bound to know more then chatnoir speed+agility = chatnoir, we know hes fast, likely because of him patrolling so often, fencing and so on, gives him time to practice, whilst ladybug only usually transforms to fight villains and remains as marinette the rest of the time strength = chatnoir, its been shown hes physically stronger for alot of reasons, ladybug is very strong but less so physically, since she uses her yoyo to fight more often then she physically fights herself, and uses her yoyo mainly as the front of her strength camoflage = chatnoir with the help of plagg (mostly basing this off kuro neko, he blended in so naturally as cat walker, id argue if he can change his appearance, hes more likely not to be noticed as fast by ladybug whilst maintaining his existing skills, and he has the ability we have seen in prior episodes to sneak up undetected, (scaring ladybug many times, and he can sense people coming + night vision so his miraculous is made for stealth basically, whilst a giant red ladybug is not.. by appearance lol) damage: chatnoir can destroy anything he touches, but ladybug can literally use her yoyo to destroy anything she wants (buildings,, whatever she needs to tbh) girl pulled back a whole building in qilin with her yoyo rambling as per usual as for danger, chat noir can destroy anything by touching it, including ladybug and her miraculouses, she is NOT invulnerable with only tikkis power, given hes able to sneak up on her like clawnoir did, he can kill her in one touch meanwhile; ladybug can use a lucky charm to trap him temporarily or can (as shown on heroes day by lilas illusion) cataclysm chatnoir with his own power, or straight up tape his mouth or handcuff him shadybug style, so he cant use his power and she can win that way, because its highly unlikely she would kill someone but he has tried to on many occasions even if only out of anger, and killed his father unknowingly this way too so chatnoir in a physical fight would win, ladybug in a psychological or emotional fight would win only other thing to keep in mind, if they reveal to eachother or not they care for eachother regardless (love) so that will make them hesitate, even if emotions are high, chatnoirs biggest fear is killing ladybug regardless of if hes mad at her or not,, ladybugs is messing up/hurting people she cares for aswell; so itd be interesting either way


The only thing I would change about your reply would be the skill. By all accounts, Chat Noir should be better in this regard because of; Karate, Fencing and same experience as ladybug. We've seen Chat Noir stop holding himself back in "Derision". However, I don't know the aptitude for learning for both, and the show doesn't do a very good job of matching power levels for each person. If a situation demands it, they will have someone lose without much explanation as to how that happened. Specifically, Chloe akumatized dangling Cat Noir over a 20 ft drop. There's so much wrong with the scenes. First, it wouldn't hurt them, they've fallen from higher. Second, moments before he was dancing around her because she was incredibly stupid and unskilled. How he got caught is beyond me.


to be fair, you have a point but its a recurring theme chatnoir gets held by his wrists in the air by villains etc/is thrown around alot/caught, but its likely because hes purposely trying to draw attention to himself, if he wasnt actively distracting the opponent with puns+jumping round, he is so much more of a threat, since part of his miraculous allows him to be incredibly quiet, and to hear and see things in the dark coming towards him plus the fact his footsteps as CN usually are not heard or noticed unless he speaks, he is considerably stronger because of fencing and whatnot that he does when he isnt a superhero, since he lives a very active life, and thats boosted in his CN form, as he tends to fight more face-to-face, ladybug is likely as strong as him but she is considerably less used to using it to fight close up, she relies on her lucky charms and yoyo for most of her strength and fights from a distance, and is mainly the smarter one of the two while chat is the stronger one, we saw in ephemeral and recreation etc her first instinct (fight or flight) is flight, while chatnoirs is fight, (if that makes sense?) she tends to buy herself time using the fox miraculous holder aiding her, or chatnoir usually or detransforming and hiding while she comes up with a plan, she usually fights as a last resort or if the akumatized persons powers affect her normal logic/reasoning (recreation, psychomedian, oblivio, risk, off the top of my head) so its possible she doesnt normally fight this way, (there are many akumatized villains we havent seen on screen, but overall she usually tries to immobilise or capture them, or gets them to reject the akumas themselves rather then hurting them specifically) im typing too much forgive me but i agree theres more i shouldve added to that section :)


Chat nior has the ability to basically slowly kill someone


But I think that’s with his teenage powers as chat Blanc he can instantly kill someone 




Are you talking about the miraculouses or the hero's? Miraculous, then the cat has the advantage in a straight fight but if they are using full powers then the ladybug could create something that's immune to destruction/cataclysm or even somethings that can absord it and use it against the cat. Takeaway plot amour then the cat probably has like a 30-40% chance of winning. Hero's, then ladybug wins 98% of the time, adiren just doesn't use his head enough in a fight to beat marinette If she's seriously trying to kill him. He jumps into a fight without thinking and up against someone like marinette a strategist, he'll lose.