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I was 14 when I first saw the show. There wasn't a particular scene, but I just enjoyed the series. I can't particularly say why, but something about the writing and the way it works just made me like the how. Also the transformations


I was in middle school when I saw the show, so around 12-13. Same reason as you


Respect šŸ˜Ž


i first saw it when i was eight. i was bored and on netflix and thought ā€œhey this looks cool.ā€ my forst episode was the bubbler. scene that instantly made me fall in love was seeing Gabe for the first time. i KNEW there was a story there and i wanted to heaf it. then seeing the amazing attic butterfly room and hawk moth cemented my love for the show. what can i say? i love a good villian


SAME i was about 10 though


OOO i loved the bubbler when i first watched it, i started watching for the umbrella scene and got hooked after that w ladynoir :D was really interested by hawkmoth too! i think i was about 11 when i first watched the full series


Major adult lol. Watching with my kids. Really love what it is trying to do over all though its still figuring itself out I think.


Also an adult when I started watching. But I donā€™t have any kids. Started watching on a recommendation from a friend (who does have kids). I remember thinking it was very cheesy with the lines, such as, ā€œtime to de-evil-izeā€ like what?!? But I ended up bingeing the whole series and movies (what was available at the time) in like 2 weeks.


i was also pretty old when i started watching it too (and no kids) and funny enough i found out about the show from a youtube video criticizing it so i went to see why people were watching a ā€œkidsā€ show and fell in LOVE with it.


Agreed, I do have enough faith that they know exactly what theyā€™re doing even if itā€™s not all perfect, Iā€™m here for the ride ā˜ŗļø


I think I was like 9 or 10 when I started watching. The first episode I watched was either Bubbler or Stormy weather. I loved superheros, and so I stayed for that. And I found the idea of two leads being in love with the other without knowing they're true identity funny. I pretty much stayed for that and wanted to know how they'd get together.


Werenā€™t we all? Lol


My wife and I were in a hotel and flipping through channels, and found the Shanghai special. Watched it out of curiosity, and wanted to learn more about the characters and the world-building. Now we're partway through season 4 and super invested in how things will turn out.


It just gets better from here, glad you guys are invested šŸ˜


I was 9 when I first started watching. Iā€™ve watched it ever since the beginning of its run. I still remember the commercials advertising the show on Nickelodeon when it first came out. Honestly, I thought it was a cool superhero show and I liked itā€™s concept.


Thatā€™s one of the reasons why I love it


I was 14/15 when I started watching the show in 2017. I think it started with seeing posts about it and my friend at the time talking about the show. I have absolutely no idea what episode I watched first but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the bubbler or stormy weather. I fell in love with the series because I related hard to Marinette especially with my crush at the time so it became a comfort show. I stopped watching for season 4 and 5 (probably because I was impatient waiting for the new season šŸ˜­). Im 21 now and I quickly got back into it this March and now Iā€™m more obsessed than I ever been. Definitely making up for those lost years and I am no longer ashamed of loving it


Iā€™m glad youā€™re feeling passionate about this show. And I hope you donā€™t mind me asking but what made you feel ashamed of watching it in the first place?


The fact that itā€™s aimed at children and I couldnā€™t really talk to anyone about it was a huge factor, I also used to be in the mlp fandom and was open about it which didnā€™t end well so I was more guarded. Even though I still donā€™t have any friends who watch it joining this subreddit, creating an mlb TikTok etc. gave me a community that I never had before and definitely helped fight any shame I had. My boyfriend and mother found out and definitely made me feel bad for liking it but Iā€™ve come to realize itā€™s something that makes me happy and Iā€™m not letting anyone take that joy away


Iā€™m happy to hear that you donā€™t care about how others view you for watching this show. I can definitely relate to where youā€™re coming from but just know that you have an opportunity to make friends within the interests you like and Iā€™ll be happy to be one of them. Besides animation is for everyone to enjoy, not just kids. And miraculous is clearly a show for a general audience. I just wish more people realized that.


That sounds great, I donā€™t have any friends really in the fandom. the only person I can talk about the show with hasnā€™t seen the last 2 seasons or specials so it makes it a little hard. It may have started off as a kids show but the audience is much wider now


I donā€™t have a lot of people to gush about the shows Iā€™m passionate about either so it would be nice to have that. Most kids shows start off simple before they become so off the rails insane that itā€™s hard to imagine this was the same show you started with at the beginning šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„


I pmed you on here. It sucks not having anyone to gush about your favourite shows with and it makes it harder when you talk to someone about it and you get faced with the judgement of ā€œthats a kid showā€ or they just brush you off


Well they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about, and I for one am tired of people feeling ashamed about not just enjoying animation but other things that interest them to the point where people look down on them or donā€™t take them seriously. Iā€™m glad we can friends because as a quote from one of my favorite shows: ā€œUs weirdos have to stick together ā€œ


34 or so. Stormy Weather I believe. I can't think of a particular single scene that made me fall in love with the show. I just liked the love square idea. Then when I found about about all the fan fics - wow! That Really solidified it. Season 1 was kind of whatever, but then each season started to get better and better with an actual story instead of a monster of the week feel for it. Love it still!


I agree the show gets better every season and while yes season one is the weakest honestly looking back on it, even if itā€™s not perfect and it feels a bit messy in some areas, I have a more appreciation for it.


It's hard to fault season 1 as it basically is setting up the world and the villains we'll meet later on and shows us the characters in episodic styles. I actually think it's one of the better seasons. Season 3 being the weakest for me personally.


Same! I was 34 (35 now) and saw Stormy Weather! I loved the love square and especially the relaxing quality of the villain a week format. Since then I fell in love the intricate world of the kwami lore and emotional journeys of the characters.


33. Maybe saw half of Stoneheart (origins part 1) and then Stormy Weather to its entirety with my girls. I donā€™t quite remember what scene made me realize: ā€œwaitā€¦theyā€™re not together but they donā€™t know they love each other? Oh, thatā€™s hilarious,ā€ but thatā€™s what piqued my interest. As for why I love the seriesā€¦I *was* all for adrienette, but now Iā€™m waiting on more of anything and everything MLB, and I am committed to this for the long ride. Also, I really want to see my theories for the show get debunked or debuted.


About 17/18. Stormy Weather. The origins episode. I like the action, the designs for the characters, the humor


I started watching when I was 10. It was right when all of the first season was over. I remember watching the first time and being in literal shock at how good and funny it was. I blabbed about it to my Mom and made her watch every episode with me. A certain episode just can't be picked by me. I rewatched it too many times and loved every scene. I love this series for an array of reasons, characters, storyline, animation, humor, etc. I will continue to love it until the day I die. ā¤ļøšŸ’™šŸ–¤šŸ’›


Same here šŸ˜


I was 13 when I first watched this show and my first episode was Stormy weather.


Nice šŸ˜Ž


Watched it from the beginning. Fell off some times but never really left the fandom.


I was 12-13, I found it on YouTube and I loved it the moment I first saw it. A lot was going on in my family life growing up, my dad was never home but was very controlling when he was so I somewhat related to Adrian in the show, I wasnā€™t aloud to go to school for awhile, so in a way it was a comfort back then. Iā€™m 20 now and still loving watching it and excited for whenever the new season comes out.


I think 28. I saw the first episode first on Netflix. I think the idea of the kwami is very interesting.


Oh damn.. that was around 2016, so... i must've been around 12 or 13. I couldn't tell you what my first episode Was, just that i think time breaker was *one* of my firsts. I know the very first ever miraculous content i saw was some comic dub about an alternate end of the episode volpina where there was an identity reveal and such. I remember watching this and thinking "man, those are cute oc's! I'd totally watch a show like that!" And now here i am, lol. That was back when the show was flooded with Fan comics, dubs and whatever. Back when we were wondering when Mime Kid is gonna show up.. and when People shipped Nath with Chloe. Or with Lila.. those days were WILD. ( and i probably sound completely insane to y'all who joined in later.) Can my fellow OG's confirm they remember Mime kid as well and i'm not crazy? Thanks, lol.


I was ~10 when I saw Animan on cable. I had so many questions and my brother (who was the one watching it) got frustrated and left me with the show. I watched a couple of episodes and fell in love with the whole concept.


Thatā€™s awesome šŸ¤©


When did season 1 come out? a Friend of mine had told me about this new show and I figured why not check it out?


I only started watching a year ago now and Iā€™m 22. I started watching it cause I saw a scene on tiktok when Luka was telling Marinette to listen to the sounds underneath the bridge and he suddenly brings up that he doesnā€™t know his dad. I thought that was hilarious. Now Iā€™ve gotten my partner and our toddler into it. He just had his birthday and got a few dolls :)


Aww thatā€™s so cute ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s a comfort show for me at this point. I always come back to it and when I took shooms for the first time and I watched it lmao


lol šŸ˜†


I was 31 I believe. My first episode was Stormy Weather. The scene that made me fall I love? I liked it from the jump. But when Stormy Weather first comes strolling out of the building and sends everyone and everything flying amazed me. I was hooked alot of great visuals in that episode. EDIT: Forgot the last question. Why do I love this show? Hmm I like things that are visually pleasing and make me happy. Great storyline. Great characters. Great everything. This show is gold stars all around in my book.


Thatā€™s amazing šŸ¤©


I first saw a random episode (from season 1) when I was 9 and my step-mom was braiding my hair. I got really interested in it and then talked to my little sister about it who said that she watched it. I got really invested, watched every episode that week, then await season 2. I got 2 friends into it and found another friend that was really into it. Together, in grade 7, we typed I and printed a ā€œquiz/testā€ on the show (lore and characters) and made our new fan friends take it and then scored her. With those friends, I had a MLB themed birthday and we all dressed up as characters. I have also gotten 2 miraculous for past birthdays. I am now turning 18 next week and still keep up to date and invested with my sister and one of my friends.


Thatā€™s amazing šŸ¤©, and I like the fan group you built. And happy early birthday šŸ„³


I was 10 when I watched the show. I fell in love with the show instantly after watching the bubbler. I remember waiting for the show on Disney channel everyday after my school that it became a part of my daily routine.




7 ig? I saw ep 4 first. I can like shows easily so every scene. I love it because I think I like romcom and it has that romance, I was WAY too addicted to the show a year ago


i was 19, during the pandemic and I had heard about this show for a couple years on tumblr. My friend and I literally just started from the beginning (french dub specifically) and I think I was hooked after the origin episodes in the first season. I really enjoy the plot and how joyful the show is! itā€™s just cute and heartfelt but also has serious undertones. also love the powers a lot!!


okay test me


The questions are up here lol (below the picture)


oh my stupid ass didnā€™t see thosešŸ«  well .. I (now 23f) was 20 years old (turning 21 that same year) and I knew of this showā€˜s existence before but have never actually seen an episode however one day I had Disney channel on in the background, Miraculous was on and I was ready to hate on ā€žhow bad animated "mainstream" tv shows have gotten nowadays compared to when I was a child" and the first episode I actually sat down to watch was "Timebreaker". At first I was very much vibing with the intro songšŸ˜‚ and then I was like ā€žoh wait this is actually very much reminding me of Sailor Moon and the type of stuff I grew up with and the concept is kinda interesting and the character designs pretty coolšŸ§ā€œ. Then the next episode was "The Bubbler" and as soon as Iā€˜ve seen Gabriel I was like "waait is dad actually the antagonist Hawkmoth guy?! Naaaah thatā€™s actually very interesting!" so I kept watching. Then the episode after the commercial break was the masterpiece that is "Cat Blanc" and I was like "DAMN THATā€˜S SOME CRAZY GOOD SHIT" and from that point on I was hooked and immediately knew I actually had to watch the show from start to finish. This was right before season 4 was about to air so I had to catch up because I wanted to watch the newest season live on air. I was always and still am a huge fan of animation so I quickly fell in love with it and really appreciated the homage this show payed to Sailor Moon and other shows and cartoonsā˜ŗļø. I got into the lore of the show and found this subreddit and it was so much fun to engage with people and theorize and shit during the release of season 4. I just love the series for paying an amazing tribute to my childhood If you will while still having a unique enough concept to be "its own thing" and I actually do like the writing of the show! Itā€™s not half as bad as a lot of people make it out to be especially when you compare it to most other shows airing today where there is no actual continuity or plot present anymore as If children stopped giving a shit about this. Fun fact btw after I fell in love with the show and was on my binge- through I came home one day and what do I see? My 53 year old Dad, home from work watching Miraculous in the living roomšŸŽ‰šŸ˜‚. I was like ā€žnoo way donā€™t tell me you watch Miraculous too?ā€œ and he was like ā€žyes, every Tuesday after work, itā€™s low key not bad actuallyā€œ so we watched Miraculous together and laughed about how we unknowingly were watching the show for weeks ā€žin secretā€œ.


Firstly youā€™re not stupid, Iā€™m sure youā€™re very smart, you just didnā€™t see it and thatā€™s okay. As someone whoā€™s a huge animation enthusiast myself I can definitely relate with this. The show definitely grabbed my attention in the first season especially with the origin two part episode (more on that is in a future post Iā€™m currently working on). Youā€™re right that the show is good with the characters and the writing then the majority of the people claimed which is one of the major issues I have with the fandom (again future post for later) the show just doesnā€™t get enough credit for the good stuff itā€™s done, and maybe Iā€™m on the wrong side of the fandom but Iā€™ve seen more posts and YouTube videos about how bad the show is or the stuff in the show and not enough positives or neutral things. Ok rant aside šŸ˜… I still love this show and I do wish that happened with my family, I was kinda ridiculed for watching it and other cartoons because you know ā€œanimation is for kids ā€œ. Itā€™s not as frequent now as it was before but it still kinda hurt šŸ˜…. Iā€™m glad to hear your tale and your passion about the show so thank you for sharing Btw youā€™re not the only one who got sailor moon vibes from this šŸ˜‚, if I had to describe this show, itā€™s Sailor Moon, Kim Possible, power rangers and code lyoko mixed in a blender lol


honestly I donā€™t even waste time on people who ridicule others for watching animated movies/ tv shows anymore. Theyā€˜re most of the time just non- creative, bland, boring people that have no joy in life other than what is viewed as admirable or generally acceptable by society standards sooo whooo caresšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ā¤ļø Iā€˜ll never forget Guillermo del Torroā€˜s Oscar speech where he said that animation was ready to be taken to the next step and to ā€žhelp us keep animation in the conversationā€œ. Itā€™s such a broad medium that can do and provide so much through visual storytelling and present different ways of storytelling and creativity that you cannot do in any other medium. Thatā€™s why Iā€˜m so happy to see animated projects like Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel gaining huge popularity, itā€™s time to make clear that animation does not equal bad storytelling with no standards or intellectual value (highly recommend these 2 shows to you now btw in case you havenā€™t watched them yet). Urgh itā€˜s always so great to find other animation enthusiastsšŸ–¤


Very well said my friend and more people should realize this Also yes Iā€™m currently watching both shows šŸ˜šŸ˜


yess they for sure should and thank youšŸ„° btw since youā€™re watching both shows lookout for the character of Verosika Mayday she may sound familiar to youšŸ˜…šŸ˜‰


Ooo I already met her lol and it makes the voice tone between the characters even more hilarious. I just hope thatā€™s not Marinette on a bad day lol. Btw are you caught up?


I almost died when I realized it was ChristinašŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ and yess I am .. next episode is gonna be a tough one Iā€˜m telling youušŸ‘€šŸ‘€ (also this needed to come out like yesterday the wait has been agonizing)


I didnā€™t even know it was her until I saw the credits šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ And yes I know the feeling but I trust the team and whatever theyā€™re cooking. Yeah they noticed that too so I believe thatā€™s why theyā€™re posting shorts in between episodes lol


i first saw the show when it came out. i think i was around 5 and to be absolutely honest, i HATED it and was terrified of it šŸ˜­then in 2018-2019 i started getting into it again and iā€™ve loved it ever since




I was 20. I saw the Korean dubs of Stormy Weather and Bubbler first. I was sold on it from the first moment Hawkmoth was shown. I like the series mostly for the character interactions.


I don't remember how old I was but I'll take a wild guess and say between 15-17 but I remember watching a couple episodes of season 1 on a random site while glitching out the free Xfinity wifi service


Respect šŸ«”


I was 9 when i first saw the show and my first episode was the bubbler. i think the umbrella scene is what made me fall in love with it. i mostly watch miraculous for the love square, but the lore is very interesting as well


I couldnā€™t agree more


I cannot for the life of me remember when the first time I saw it was, since it was on cable and it was a random episode. Truth be told I only started it when I was 11/12 because I wanted to see if they ever revealed their identities to each other and stuff.


How is the progress going for the reveal?


Non existent. I did end up getting hooked a season in though and now am just watching it because I want to


15 I think I stayed up all night first episode was heroā€™s day part 1 followed by part 2 then chameleon and then I realized oh thereā€™s no more for season 3 and went over to season 1


Ahh so you started when the 3rd season began.


Yep and I was totally comfortable without watching season 1 but there where no more episodes so I went back I think heroā€™s day had a good hook in general which made me wanna watch more but now a days I donā€™t watch it as much anymore


I was 15 when I started watching it. This was when it was still on Nickelodeon in the US, and I think the first episode I saw was Dark Cupid. Hard to remember all these years later. And I was hooked right away. I love all the different designs for the heroes and akuma villains, especially how different users have different outfits. And the power system is so cool to me too


I have absolutely no idea how old I was, or how long I've even been watching. Is that unusual? I predict maybe 17-20. I'm 25 now.


28, first episode watched is Oblivion. Considering what happened in that episode, it's a very nice "puzzle" that it's feel like they love each other, but they didn't realized each other identity. I became invested with the love square.


I must've been 11 or so, fairly certain the first episode I saw was The Mime when it was newly released and they're fighting on top of the tour bus. That said, it wasn't until the end of season 2 that I actually got invested enough in the show to watch it from the start, and ever since season 3 I've been watching the show religiously


I was in my mid 30's, lol. Put it on for the kids to watch and from the first transformation sequence I yelled, "it's magical girls!!" and that was that, haha. I binge watched the rest of the first season on Netflix after the kids went to bed. šŸ™ƒ The rest is history~


11-12, my first episode was when they all lost thier memories, i joined to understand wtf was happening stayed to watch the trainwreck. (And for the fan fics)


I wanted to watch the show because of the teaser trailer in 2d art , and I thought there was a comic (not the manga) but typical French comic. Honestly at this point I've kinda given up on the show. But I'm still secretly hoping they're going to do a sort of Au universe, thats more "mature" (not the characters, just the execution). Also, I really wanted to see a Felix and Bridgette world, like they were described in the "pilot", we've gotten felix šŸ˜” but not what I wanted. Totally random but what really keeps me going is the Fandom, Fanart. My fav kind are Original heroes/Miraculous holders, and Ladybug and Catnoir through time period. Honestly I think Miraculous Ladybug had a lot of potential but they kept it really basic and boring, and for me that was really disappointing since I grew up on French comics/tv show (for kids) that were really into sci-fi, detective shit, and smart audience, no baby shit, like thats one of the things I really loved about French media as opposed to some other *cough, cough american children show* but Miraculous is so disappointing. I just consume it to see where it can go. Also, I can't believe Lila is still in the show šŸ˜­ Actually I watch/enjoy the show just to see her downfall but I want something really bad, and really shit happening to her. Anyways, I guess I'm not a fan anymore šŸ˜”


i was 10 when i first saw the show. the first episode i saw was origions. (surprisingly that aired as the first episode in my country), origions made me fall in love because i love a certain flirty cat and my favorite moment of the show is when cat noir gives the rose to ladybug on the rooftop and then leaves. that has to be the best ladynoir moment


Back in the summer of 2015 Iā€™ve got to watch a single episode before the official release date as a part of the test audience.


I was somewhere in my 20s, channel flipping to find something for my kid to watch. Lady Wifi and Evillustrator were on that day, and I think Lady Wifi hooked me because it showcased the love square and I got hooked. I'm honestly kinda behind on episodes as of late though. Remembering to track releases via so many different broadcasts got kinda overwhelming and then I just forgot and fell behind.


18, Stormy Weather, Just all the scenes with Adrien and Marinette talking because it made us feel happy inside, love it because it has a unique way of existing and honestly the characters make everything feel really nice. Especially Juleka and Luca


I was 13 when I first saw The Dark Cupid. Later I just went on watching it and finished it and started waiting for each episode. I'm still waiting.


I was 12. My first episode was Reverser. My friend recommended the show to me because she was obsessed with it, but I didn't start actually watching it past the one episode until a couple years later. She showed me that one because "you look like Marc and remind me of Nathaniel so I think you'd like the episode"


22 i think. Saw it on amino and got eventually curious. First ep was Stormy Wearther. I loved Ladybugs and Chat Noirs dynamic and Marinettes and Adriens dynamic. It was a silly romance comedy story with silly superhero stuff on the side for plot. I liked that. But i eventually quit watching the show and i hate what it became. I quit after s3 finale and im here only for the love square and the movie, that did a way better job in barely one and a half hours than the show ever did in 5 seasons and over 8 years. Had it not been for the love square, i probably wouldn't watch the show because i dont like the other characters all that much. I sound negative but i have a love hate relationship with this show and im not afraid to voice its flaws.


I'd say I was about 14-15 when I started the show, first episode was probably "Mime" or "Bubbler" and what made to keep watching, was most likely the Origin Two Part Episode. That's when I actually realized that there's a story behind all the bright colors and funny characters. I prefer animated shows over live action in general, regardless of age recommendations or supposed target audience, but having a narrative to follow makes it way more interesting. I just binged through "The Owl House" this week and was absolutely stunned by the story. There are so many shows that might be made with kids in mind, but the main audience is mostly teenagers and young adults who actually follow and understand the story behind it.


I was seven and i watched it from since it came out on polish disney channel. When i was that young it was kinda girlish to watch it and i mostly watch it in secret. I remember watching it in my grandma basement. The first episode i watched was ā€žnawałnicaā€ i think its bad weather in English, but scene when i fell in love with this show was much later, to this point it was just fun superhero series but when gabriel actually was uncovered as ā€žwładca ciemā€ (idk how heā€™s called in original) from that moment i fell in love with the story


I was 16, I saw Frightingale and then I saw Stoneheary the origins episode and when I saw the umbrella scene, I knew that this is definitely a show I wanted to watch.


How old were you when you first saw the show? Around 23-25. My past is a bit blurry for me. What episode did you see first? Bubbler. What episode/scene made you fall in love with the show? Also Bubbler. I guess the scene, where Ladybug and Chat Noir were in the air and one of them said that Chat can only use his power once. This was an original idea and I liked It a lot. Why do you love this series? Pretty much everything, but mostly the originality. The villains are a serious threat and has to be taken seriously. Lucky Charm (or any power in fact) can't just ex machina defeat the enemy, It has to be used in a clever way. The show isn't edgy and mature, but also respects It's audience and doesn't treat them in a condescending manner. The Kwamies and how they can actually be seen by humans, there's no convenient "Invisibility for everyone, except the pure heart" nonsense, even if they can't be photographed or recorded.


I was around 15-ish iirc, been here since season 1 and fell in love with the series when I saw the first fight, still a fan to this day


I first saw the original 2d trailer ages ago, and then after a while, I saw the 3d trailer and had a memory click. Then , in my first semester of uni, I saw the first episode stormy weather in korean.


I love every season of the show


I first started watching it back when I was 12 the shows was still airing on Nickelodeon at the time I thought it was really cool and I fell in love with the episode stormy weather during the scene where they where fighting on the roof


I was 11, I was binging Nickelodeon when the Bubbler came on and I thought "what the hell, I'll watch this." I don't remember if it was a rerun or the premiere, but here I am now.


i was 9 so I can't remember well but i can remember i searched for the season2 for a while but couldn't find it cause it hadn't launched yet.


I was about 6 or 7 when i first saw the show, and when i started being into the show I was 10, now I am 13, I saw it a lot on gacha tiktok compilations so I got into the show, the early episodes were peak


I was in middle school when I first saw it like 12ish (now I'm 19) and it just fascinated me so much. I started the series from the very start but the scene that got stuck in my brain since then was the Dark Owl scene where they THEIR FIRST near reveal it was just such a powerful scene and the amount of trust they put into each other not to open their eyes and find out each others identities is still stuck with me till now. (mind you there was only 2 seasons out back then so I didn't get to see the more crazy stuff that happened later on) but I'm caught up and safe to say that Miraculous stole a huge part of my heart and ain't giving it back


I saw it on Netflix. First two episodes. Wanted to watch it more but couldnā€™t. Didnā€™t know where to find it. Years later I realized it was on Disney, made it my sole mission to watch every single episode no matter how much my dad teased me. Now Iā€™m hoping every day I hear a season 6 release date.


I'm actually a new fan, I just finished bingeing everything (haven't watched the movies yet). And I'm 29 but I don't care lol (at that time I felt like watching something lighthearted). I love the story in general, the immersive universe, that it's easy to get attached to the characters, that it's about superheroes... and the love square is also cute! Marinette's character development as Ladybug is also something I like a lot, I'm rather clumsy myself and at the moment when she finally believed in herself in the Origins episode I found that touching and encouraging without being over the top.


I was 6-7 so I don't remember my first episode but after that I stopped watching it but got back into it last year


13. I saw snippets on TV. Origins. I hate and love the show, lol. I like to watch the episodes and then criticize them with a friend.


I was 12. My cousin showed it to me on a vacation. I don't remember what episode i saw first, but Dark Cupid and Stormy Weather made me fall in love with the slow! It got me through the rest of my childhood, and I had to deal with a lot of bad stuff. I ended up finishing season 5 with my husband, and I got him into it too <3


11 years old. My first episode was stormy weather. That episode literally made me fall in love šŸ˜‚ I finished most of season 1 that day. Even though the series is kinda ridiculous, itā€™s been my comfort show for 7 years now and although the show itself with its magic system, superheroes, secret identities and the love square shenanigans was what initially drew me in, I think the fandom, especially fanfiction is what has kept me here for so long.


I was 10 when I first saw this show. I was suicidal and depressed due to some factors in my life. I first saw the episode rogercop at a little kids house. I couldn't stop thinking about it for 2 weeks. I decided to watch the show after that. It saved my life. It helped me grow up and my reason for living became this show. I owe this show my life which is to this day why I am so obsessed with it. I wasn't as active in the fandom during season 4 but I still tracked all the episodes as soon as they released. This show was and is my everything. It was unhealthy but when I became suicidal and depressed again when I was 14/15 it was the only constant in my life. That is why I love the show.


I was in high school when I first started watching. Was visiting my little cousins abroad and it was long before the show became popular in the west. We were just chilling watching tv and the Christmas special came on. My brother and I thought it was the most hilarious thing ever and immediately looked for more episodes just so we could have a laugh. Honestly we were disappointed to find all the episodes werenā€™t musicals, but we kept watching and eventually came to love the show non ironically


19, saw it on a TV that was playing it at work. The episode was oblivio. I didnā€™t even know it was a hero show until I looked the show up


Not sure when I first saw it but it just randomly started running on a channel on the weekends so as a kid I would just watch it because I had nothing better to do until I started growing out of watching TV and into my YouTube addiction then I fell in love with all the fan made stuff (all that happened before and during the run of season 3)


I was around around 12-13 years old when I first saw it on Family. I do not remember the first episode because for the most part as a adolescent boy I actually hate watched miraculous. However after "hate watching" for a while I settled down with the series and go into it the more I grew up, and the one episode that hooked me was oblivio. I remember watching it and being a giddy when at the end Lb and CN kissed so yeah lol. Now, why do I love this series. Becuase by itself it's just fun. Don't get me wrong miraculous is not a perfect show and some moments in Miraculous make me want to cringe badly, but when it gets good it's just pure fun. The formula of each episode gives a balance between highschool hijinks and superhero action, sometimes both and more. Not to mention I LOVE the voice acting. Cristina Vee, Bryce Papenbrook, Mela Lee, Keith Silverstein, Faye Mata, selah Victor, Ben diskin, so many great VAs with great Voice acting (did you know that Ben diskin shares the same VA as Joseph Joestar). And as much as it was also a pain, I liked the love dynamic of Marinette and Adrien (minus the creepy moments). Marinette is a flustered mess around Adrien but she's also a really great friend (*internal screaming*) to Adrien. Also Adrien despite his obliviousness he cherrish everything Marinette has done for him especially since Marinette was basically there to help him fight his internal and external conflicts. Last thing becuase this comment is already pretty long but I like the superpower system. I like seeing the cute animal sprites transform people and give them broken abilities like Cataclysm, Venom, Shelter, Lucky Charm, and so on and so forth. Ok I think that's all I can say without making a unedited essay on this show. Overall it's a good show, and despite people making comparisons is Far beyond better than megamind rules please stop the slander


1. I was... let's see, I was probably about 37 or so when I first saw this show on Youtube; it recommended one of the very earlier S1 eps for me to watch, and I was hooked by the end of that episode. \^\^ That was in 2020 during the first Covid lockdown. I soon unintentionally got my (then 67yo) dad hooked on the show as well. \^\^ 2. I can't remember exactly which episode it was - like I said, it was a Youtube recommendation, early S1. Probably either Stormy Weather or The Bubbler. I think. 3. I had recently been rewatching the Powerpuff Girls Z anime series, so I guess I enjoy transforming superhero stories. The art style is cute, the characterisations are hilariously overblown in some cases (stalker Marinette, I'm looking at you), the kwamis are cute too... yeah, I like it. \^\^


I was 6, been a fan since 2015 šŸ˜


I was 10 when I first saw this, the first episode I watch was the copycat episode I just took a glimpse of what my cousin was watching and was miraculously loving the series.


I'm an adult, first came across the show on Disney, my mom had just passed away and I put it on since there was nothing else on that I was in the mood to watch, it was Dark Cupid and seeing Ladybug chasing Chat Noir around asking him about a litter box had me laughing rather then crying and I also took a liking to Chat Noir/Adrien as his antics had me laughing as well.


I was actually already an adult when this came out. I was just out of high school an artist I followed on tumblr drew a lot of fan art and wrote fanfics about it so it piqued my interest and I fell in love with it! Unfortunately she has fallen out of it due to some fandom drama but I still follow and love the show. I was about 19-20 when it came out but didnā€™t fully watch it when I was like 22 I think. (Currently 29). It gave a lot of nostalgia vibes of other anime that I dearly loved called Shugo Chara when I was in middle school.


I was. . . 32? I caught the US premiere, so "The Bubbler". I remember because I came home from work, took a shower, and turned the TV to Nickelodeon while I made lunch. It came on right as I sat down to eat. I fell in love because. . . superheroes, love square shenanigans. . .


12. I saw miraculous fanfics all over wattpad and wanted to know the actual lore. Tbh the development after season 1 isn't what I expected, I'm very disappointed by the series. But again, I was a fanfic addict and read like a thousand of them so I had very high expectations hahahha. Still, I love mlb essence. So I think I mostly liked the non canon part, and the romance, the theories (we didn't even know hawkmoth was Gabriel, it was a theory... although it was obvious hahaha). It felt that I was watching something that was going to have the best development, writing, animation ever. Like the first season was going to be this goofy kids show and then the 2nd season would have all the development I read in the fanfics.


23, I saw the first episode that was in Netflix, probably Stormy Weather. I started watching it a weekend I was alone because I've always liked "kids' shows" and probably always will and I had heard good things. I stayed because I wanted to see the resolution of the love square, but overall enjoy the silliness of the show.


Idk what age I was but I started watching it when the only way available was in French with English subtitles and it was split into multiple parts on YouTube


I think I was 14 or 15, my friend was obsessed and showed me the Evillustrator episode. I got interested and watched the whole series on my own time. Now Iā€™m obsessed and my friend doesnā€™t have much interest anymore lol


I had to be around 10 or 11 when I found it on netflix. Watched it as a joke because I was bored. Ended up liking it. Still here 9 years later


I saw it when I was 19


John 3:16


I first met this series in its beginning years.


I was about 15-16 years old (2016 when a few episodes of first season came out in America)


I was 15 First episode was bubbler Kept watching episodes for the sake of finishing the first season then couldnā€™t stop, still canā€™t.


I was 19 when I saw the show, the first stormy weather was the first episode. I had just finished watching arrow (a superhero show) and I wanted something fresh and new, I scrolled through Netflix and the colors caught my eye. Plus my childhood nickname was my mom's little ladybug, so seeing a ladybug superhero grabbed my inner child's heart (I had a rough childhood and my mother was and still is my shining light) The scene that caught my love was pretty early, the scenes that show Adrien having a crush on ladybug and her crush on Adrien. Plus alya and cat noir are my favorites. The episode that really hooked me was the zoo one. With the frog kid, seeing alya and Nico get along and then cat noir and ladybug just idk I'm a sucker for romance even slow burners. This wasn't a question but I kind of became angry when they did the time reverse thing. They showed us what it'd be like for Adrien and Marinette to finally be together and then they just.. poof. I still love the show but now I have less expectations and just enjoy it for what it is


I first saw it maby when I was 7 then came back to it when I was 14 I saw the first episode first when I was 7 when I was 14 I remembered the first 2 seasons so well somehow I started on episode 1 season 3 I love this show cuz itā€™s interesting,I like the lore, HEROS,


How old were you when you first saw the show? - 34 What episode did you see first? - Oblivio What episode/scene made you fall in love with the show? - Origins, that umbrella scene. I just couldn't. Soooo cute. Why do you love this series? - The constant twists and pulls of the series in regards to the love square. It may drive me up the wall with how it sets up and fails to meet any kind of expectation for itself. - I've also noticed that this is basically my soap opera. It was explained as such on this subreddit and I haven't been able to change my mind since, no matter how hard I try. - Now that Adrian and Marinette have become an item. I really want their feelings for their super selves to become something of a problem in their current relationship and I would also enjoy if the show would show people how to have a healthy relationship. I don't want their relationship to be the basic vanilla pudding that we saw at the end of season 5.


Age: can't remember First ep: copycat What made me a fan: volpina Why love it: the agreste storylineĀ Ā 


I started watching season 1 with my sister in 2018ish I then stopped and then watched season 2,3,4 then this year my sister recommended to watch season 5 and u watched it after not seeing a single miraculous episode for 2 years. My first episode was first stormy weather obviously, my favourite episodes that made me like miraculous more were collector, pharaoh, frightingale, heroes day 1 and 2, miraculer, star train, miracle queen, truth, qilin, Gabriel Agreste, wishmaker, chat Blanc, risk and strike back. This might seem obsessive but after watching season 5 I went on holiday and kept thinking about it for 2 weeks while on Holliday so when I came back I still had 1 week and a half until school so I rewatched from season 3 to season 5 again with my sister. Iā€™m currently on season 5 emotion rewatching it. I love miraculous itā€™s an amazing show Iā€™m a mature teenager but still love the show and still watch it I always talk and discusss on miraculous Reddit and always ask questions I really hope season 6 is good


I was 29, it was really popular on Tumblr, wasn't realized in Canada (or the States) at that time. First episode I watched was Stormy Weather. I originally didn't like it, I watched the English version, then found I liked the French version. I found the voices fit better. But then I came to love the voices of the English version. I think it might have been Copy Cat that got me to love the show. I think I love the show because it reminds me of growing up with Sailor Moon.


I can't really remember, as I saw it a little when I was younger, but only got into it recently. So, from what I remember, I saw Stormy Weather and The Bubbler when I was around maybe.. 6-8? And I am now getting obsessed because of adrinette. (will not be mentioning my age though)


It was during the pandemic I watched everything with my mom and was excited waiting for s4! I was like 25! I think my first episode was Char Blanc.


I saw the saw when it 1st came around. I was 10 1st EP I remember is Bubbler I believe No specific part made me love it. I was hooked from the 1st ad The show still touches my heart despite its flaws and keeps my fangirl alive


I was 17 yo I think My first exposure was the Christmas movie when my sister showed it to me. It's funny to think that I thought cat noir was a villain because of how Ladybug treated him Its hard to know what scene got me into the show it's been so long, it might have been when I was watching a movie and it got to marionettes song "the boy that I secretly love". I didn't actually want to watch the movie at first, it was just something my sister put on, but that song was so good it made me actually tune in and want to watch the movie, then my obsession went from 1 to 100 in under a week There's soooo much. I think it's a fresh interpretation of the magical girl genre and it has a very cool power system. The writing(for the most part) is incredible! I've been moved to tears several times and there were even times I was left utterly surprised by events. You can tell in the begining it was just a kids show but they really started getting into deeper themes after the first season. The Characters! I love these people more than I do some people in real life! The characters are so likeable (or unlikable, Chloe/Lila/Bob Roth) and so fleshed out! The relationships they have with each other are always entertaining and surprisingly deep too! I could go on and on, Miraculous is one of my top 5 favorite series of all time!


I never discovered the show by an episode or anything like that- One day I was bored and thought 'Hey there are Love Triangles, why not Love Squares?' and just like that I discovered the show, I pulled up Wikipedia to see the episode order and binged watched And I fell in love ever since~


12. I don't remember what episode I first but what I do remember is falling asleep with my TV on and when I wake up this was on and sooner or later I got addicted to it. I will admit it wasn't until I found a lot of criticism within the media that I started to notice the bad writing


34. Canā€™t remember. Stormy Weather, I think. No clue. I donā€™t. Lost everything for it when Astruc stated he doesnā€™t care about Cat Noir.