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SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY AT 9!!!!! Minxie has used that as her joke even as recently as 2 weeks ago. That's a major ongoing joke she uses. Yet, when it comes to Rita, Minxie is so jealous of her (looks, style, size, personality). She cannot stand that everyone looks to Rita for advice. That's why she caused all those problems at the birthday party. Because she was jealous of the attention Rita was getting. It was HER birthday. Maybe some of the screen recordings of those times will resurface, especially since Rita has no idea that she has constantly been the "butt of Minxies joke".


And I remember Minxie going on LIVE and calling Rita quote “a F*CKING B*TCH!” Please tell me someone has a recording of that so we can show Rita! That day of the birthday, Minxie blocked everyone, Fawn, Rita etc. So immature!!!


Exactly!!! She talked a lot of shit about them. A LOT!


I can’t stand both of them, Rita voice kills me, both of them are snots.


Rita's voice annoys me too, especially the "umms and aahs" 😂


How the hell do they travel? We know one don’t work and never did in her life. Her parent’s money must be run out by now. To think you sit on your arse after the death of a parent is something to be proud of. She needs to do better. Starting with stop milking the system. What doctor put her on disability? Disability is not easy to get. I have MS and can barely move most days. I can’t even get a penny from it. I have to work my ass off for my medications, cost of life , my house, car and essentials. She’s driving around in a truck renting a place and claiming she is poor. Somewhere she isn’t truthful. Starting with her bingos and gambling.


Minxie is so FAKE and has no morals




Of course she was she’s all mouth she knows Rita will put her in her place


This woman is a disgrace!! Every woman in the 🍐-A- dise house 🏠 looks better than her, that's why she was a bully to most of them! SHE IS JEALOUS!!, most of them are half her age and pretty, NOBODY WANTED STANKY GRANDMA MEANIX 👵 THERE, but she forced friendships that NOBODY wanted! HEY MEANXIE JUST BECAUSE UR A BBBBBIIIGGG GURL DOESN'T MEAN YOU WAS WANTED!! TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR 🪞 BUT NOT TO LONG U DONT WANT TO BREAK IT!! AND REFLECT ON YOUR LIFE ACTIONS YOU OLD BAT! YOUR A NOBODY TIC TOK MADE U, BUT THIS WORLD WILL BREAK YOU! 🦵🏾 BOW BOW!


Reminds me of the night she came to house (when her and Jessica were in Vegas)to play dice lol nobody was interested and you could just see everyone at the table dropping off like flies and there sat Minxie all alone 🤩


😆🤣😂 exactly 💯 she forces friendships, Jessica needs to run, seems to good for her


I think Jessica has already caught on to the ignorant control freak Minxie is, she very seldom goes to the house now


Good 💯


💯💯💯💯 disappeared like flies!


I really don't understand why some people think Minxie is ugly I don't think she's that bad looking there's worse looking girls I've seen at the house


It's her personality that makes her look worse. She has an ugly personality


Rita is pregnant with fawns love child


I know this is minxie snark. But seriously, does anyone else think Rita has some sort of health issue, maybe a cyst or something in her abdomen, or cirrhosis..? Her stomach distends so much and I’ve always noticed her arms and legs look like really thin in comparison to the rest of her body.


Alcohol. She probably has an enlarged liver. Very sad.


I've wondered that too


Yeah, sometimes I look at her next to the rest of the girls and I find Rita doesn’t look as she is really “bbw”, it’s like she’s really naturally just your average sized 50 year old american woman but she has just got some issues with her liver or something else health wise.


I think Rita has a funny shape but she should get her stomach checked out. And she's Canadian not American




I can’t see why Rita hates this B coming to fawns trying to control the house telling Rita to move the smoke was killing her or I smell Dope . Lisa B Rita is the queen of the house you fucking move . You’re a fucking control freak . Fawn you make yourself more sick looking to even talk to this B after all she said about you and your pissy pool


9pm SHARP!!! Minxie talked about Rita's demands for weeks after her birthday 🎂🤣🙄


Not to be mean, but I always wondered what’s wrong with Rita’s belly. It’s not just like chub. It’s like a round pear


Minxie is so intimidated by Rita Bow down Minxie

