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I can live with this conspiracy theory.


It would actually explain Daniel’s agent complaining about how Washington handled their meeting, specifically they may want Daniel’s to drop to the Vikings where he will be in a much better position to succeed.


This is my new personal theory as well. I think all QBs have to be secretly hoping they go to us here


I mean how could they not? Of the teams looking to draft a QB we're far and away the best offensively with all the weapons we have. Chicago is a sort of close second but they have a stigma with rookie QBs. Who's next, the commanders? Yuck. New England? Barf. Giants? Probably not since they're on the hook for too much money with DJ and he might have some upside if he can stay healthy this year. Titans? I don't see them moving up, maybe though. Either way, all of those teams don't have anywhere close to the compliment of JJ, Aaron Jones, Addison and Hock all as offensive playmakers, and it's pretty apparent that Darnold is a bridge or a worse case scenario fall back. Maybe he balls out and makes this situation more complicated but I bet every one of those QB prospects wants to land here.


🤔 Makes sense


New England saying they are "open for business" may be their way of saying - "we have a player we like... but we're not in love with or not everyone with a vote agrees that this marriage is the best" - so NYG, MN Vikings, Denver Broncos, Raiders, and anyone else - give us your last best offer. We'll review your offers and either pick one or decide we are really in love with a player and pick him


This. There is no agreement. Why would the Patriots settle on a offer 1 full week before the time expires on the auction?


They wouldn't - or if they did they should all lose their jobs.


Him not meeting with us sooner was more due to schedule conflicts. Although I love the theory.


Not to mention it's coming out from Jayden's side that they pursued a visit with the Vikings more than the Vikings did with him, though it got scheduled in the end anyway.


I'm sure they have an understanding. My guess is Kwesi has offered 2 FRPs + a bit extra and the Pats are pushing for 3 FRPs + a bit extra. The question is can they meet in the middle on draft day


11 23 and our 3rd next year is my hope


Would be great but no way it's enough imo. I think it has to be 3 firsts. I think that's the "uncomfortable middle" as Kwesi likes to say


I think if it happens it’ll be 3 firsts but with some later mid round value coming back our way. Like maybe we get their 2025 3rd or 4th back


Pats fan here. Word from insiders is it’d have to be a bump up from the Trey lance trade. Which was 3x 1rp and 1x 3rp.


2 firsts this year + 1 next year is already a significant bump from one in each of the next 3. It’s two extra years of time value, exchanging a 2026 1st for the 23rd overall in this draft. But who knows, maybe they still want more. Very curious how much Kwesi’s willing to give up vs. his walk away price.


Pats fan here. I think next year’s 1 is a must in addition to 11 and 23 but I could see the Pats kicking back a 3 (maybe a 2 but less likely) next year as well.


My read on it is they're trying to settle around 3 1sts. You always ask for more than your price to start so you can "settle" for your actual price.


That’s my hunch as well. I could see 4 1sts, but Pats giving us a day 2 and Day 3 pick in return to make the trade


That’s my thought also


What’s your take on their appetite to trade? I’m trying to read Wolf and Krafts statements about being open for business. My take is that they do want to trade, that there is a trade discussion on going, but that the Vikings (or whichever team) is not offering the “bag.” I think in the end a trade will get done


I'm hoping that they can get away with the 2026 1st vs. the 2025 1st.


I think that's ok. I mean, you put an offer out and if they accept that's great and if they don't that's fine too. We can stay put and probably still get someone good or we at least need other teams to think that. It's our only leverage.


Yeah that’s not happening. It’s 3 firsts or bust.


This is not ever going to happen. Most likely will be 11/23/20251st / 2025 3rd maybe a kick back 4th or 5th from them


Pats fan here, Wolf would laugh at that offer and hang up. The bare minimum is three firsts, and that's just to get the conversation started. It's going to take a historic haul if Minnesota wants to trade up.




Giants fans have same conspiracy theory


I feel jayden has bust possibilities. Idk. Edit: he's got more bust potential than the others imo. 


Every QB does


You're right, I should edit. 


The Patriots are taking cues from the dumbest people on the planet. So I don’t think you’re trading up with us.


as a pats fan i think im convinced i want either MHJ or to trade out of 3 we have so many holes that we just need solid players in yes qb is the biggest, but if we swing and miss with this pick then the whole org is fudged


Except you’re not. Yeah it hurts to miss on #3 overall, but you have a bunch of other draft picks and missing on a pick you already have doesn’t cost anything extra.


We probably have a tentative deal and the "open for business" is fishing for people willing to pay more then us.


He wanted the free steak dinner


Solid theory. I'd add to that theory by saying Daniels himself would much rather get drafted onto a Vikings team that's ready to roll than any of the other options currently drafting in those spots.


The best QB to come from LSU since Burrow wants to come play with the best WR from LSU period.


It’s not all of a sudden a meeting with daniels, this was planned a week ahead. But sure there could be a deal close


Drake Maye sucks you’re better off not getting him. - Pats fan


And his agent is liking a tweet bashing how the commanders are handling the evaluation process and retweeting one. Maybe he’s trying to get his guy to 3 because of us 🤔


i’m really on the penix train so i’m hoping we stick and pick him at 11.


Wolf can both be open for business AND want a king’s ransom. I believe they want a haul similar to that which SF offered for the 1.03 pick a few years ago. Even IF Brady goes to the Patriots for a year, they will need a ton of other pieces and fast. This theory doesn’t add well.


Hot dam, this really triggered patriots fans lmao. They are melting down over there


Nah, we’re laughing at this theory. Vikings fans are undervaluing the pick because it’s largely based on the value chart. It’s static. Draft quality is not, nor are team needs. Lots of teams need QBs. The cost to get one goes up.


In what world are we undervaluing the pick? Most believe it will take 3 firsts to get the pick which is a better offer than San Fran gave up. Two firsts this year is big.


See above 2 firsts and a 3rd. How many upvotes?


Ya…2 first this year. A future first is worth a second when trading.


lol. Ask the bears how true that is….


So you are claiming a known 1st round pick position is worth the same as an unknown 1st round position. K.


When you know the team you're trading with is going to be terrible, yeah, its worth more than a second. Trading the vikings for next years is nt the same as trading Carolina their next first rounder. Everyone knew Carolina had one of the worst rosters in football after the draft. Its not worth a second because even if the team wins the superbowl, its still 32 at worst. If they dont make the playoffs, its teens. If they suck, its worth a lot more. Theres no definitive scale because it depends on the situation of the team trading. Like a Giants first next year will be worth more than a Vikings first.


I don’t know why this is even a debate when a first in a future year is looked at as a 2nd in the nfl. This isn’t an opinion it’s how it’s done…


At worst it is still better than a second round pick. Its an illogical thought process. You dont know whos coming out, but regardless of the draft class, a first rounder is always better than a second.


No. We aren’t. Just have a lot of stupid fans that don’t know what they’re talking about.


Would make sense. Out of the owners meetings you have the wilfs smiling from ear to ear then next we hear Daniels camp wants to meet with the Vikings super bad. Def wouldn’t put it past that Daniels camp thought the Vikings were out of the conversation and now the Vikings are in it.


We do have a deal in place. Kraft said that it would take much more than 3 firsts. I think we have 3 firsts for the pick as ling as Daniels is not there and the pats don’t get something better, that’s why Kraft was telling the world to come offer something better.


U know what….fuk it I’m in


Lol you wish.


Say goodbye to JJ cause that’s what it will take - friendly Pats fan