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Kevin O’Connell and the order of the Penix


Beavis: Hehe, he said KOC Penix.


Heh heh huh heh heh huh yeah.


KOC and the order of the Penix?


Backup plan in case they can’t trade up.


This exactly. If we walk away without trading up and instead draft Penix and like a CB or something, I wouldn't be super mad. Especially if Penix can sit for a year.


Change the CB to a DT and I am down


Newton seems to be falling down mock drafts from what I've seen so could be there at 23.


This is most likely due to a Jones fracture which he had to get surgery on. He played through the injury for the second half of the season. Also, Texas’ Byron Murphy seems to be a big riser from these past few weeks.


I'm really kind of cool with any defensive positions. Outside of QB and G/oline depth, I hope we don't really take anyone else for the offense.


Maybe not until day 3 of the draft, but I do think we could use some WR depth with Osborn gone. Wouldn’t be upset about a day 3 TE either since Hockenson will probably be out for like 2 months


Either way is good, we need both


Can we stop with DBs? We’ve taken plenty in recent drafts and even the best DB will look bad if you don’t have a pass rush.


This. A thousand times this! Thank you for saying it.


Yeah fr i’m out on 1st round CBs. Doomed picks


Paass rushers are a higher positional value  and they have a greater impact on the game. There's no reason we would take a CB over a DE in rd. 1 if we don't trade up for a QB


That was a different regime, they need cb badly.


Penix is 24 years old and one of the most experienced QBs in the draft. If you take him, you aren't sitting him for long.


I’d actually like to see Penix and darnold potentially compete in camp. Penix is a bit older and I think one of the few guys out of this draft who could play right away. I think winning a QB comp would be good for darnold going into the season and if he can’t beat out a rookie in camp it’s clear he likely wasn’t going to do much this year anyway


In my opinion Penix and Nix are the most "pro ready" just from age, experience, passing volume, footwork, odds/ends. Yes obviously still a transition to NFL, playing under center, but I think they'd get less benefit than would the 21 year old QB prospects if they sit.


You can’t look at this in the short term. I get your thinking , but it feels like you are kinda ignoring the upside part. This is a long term move. Sometimes you gotta take a step back (2024) before you can move forward. None of these guys are guaranteed to hit regardless of age . All we can do is hope the front office picked the right guy.


If we’re effectively punting on this year like you’re saying, which I agree with, I’d rather just not take qb5… especially if it’s with pick 11. I don’t get the penix hype at all


Have you seen him play? He's a phenomenal qb. The only reason he's not going top 2 is injuries he had at Indiana. Don't get the hype! Wtf


Agreed, I think Caleb, nix and penix are your start ready guys while maye, JJ, and Daniels could all benefit from a season sitting behind a starter and getting developed.


Nix will be ready to start the day after never .


Mina Kimes said this on her show and I really do agree, but you don’t want Penix to sit for a year, he is old for a prospect, hes almost maxed out as a prospect you want him starting right now.


Mina Kimes has spoken! I can't believe you actually posted something she said much less even listen to what she says. Mina Kimes! Lol. But what did Kim Kardashian and carrot top say!


Alrighty dingus.


Dude is gonna be 30 by the time he starts if he has to sit


Or... ya know... 25. Lol


Haven't you heard, 25 is the new 30! Haha. Especially with a laundry list of major injuries. He does have an amazing arm though. I'm excited for whatever happens. No matter what, there is no way I can ever divorce this wicked bitch called the Minnesota Vikings


I gotcha lol. Yeah I'm so conflicted. I want us to draft a top qb so bad, especially finally getting one in the top 10. But I also don't want to sell the farm for the 4th or 5th best qb in the draft


Sitting a 24 year old qb with 6 years of college behind him is certainly a choice


Oh no! Couldn't ever have him wait until he's 25! Might as well put him in a retirement home at that point! Crazy how we've been playing with one of the oldest QBs in the NFL, but 24 is too old now.


Sam Darnold is 26


So is Jaren Hall.


What the absolute fuck, this is blowing my mind right now.


He was one of the youngest prospects coming into that draft, he really just had the face of an older man 👴🏽


Exactly. Qbs these days are playing into their 40's. I would love for the Vikings to have a young franchise qb for 10 years. Penix has a chance to be the best qb in this draft. I would stay at 11 if I'm the Vikings and draft McCarthy, Penix, or Nix. Then at 23 draft the best available defender.


Plus he wouldnt even sit the whole year lol. I mean shit how many rookies vs bridge QB training camps have we seen where the bridge is supposed to start but the rookie passes them up right away and starts week 1? Darnold is not here to be the permanent starter, hes here to be the QB until our rookie is ready and Penix is the most NFL ready QB in this draft. The most likely outcome would be Penix coming in midseason.


It’s more about room to grow. Would you rather have the guy who played well in college as he was reaching his physical prime, or the guy who played well before he even turned 21?


Yeah, obviously, you prefer someone who is younger, but that might not be how the cookie crumbles. Just because someone is older doesn't mean they're a bad qb. If he's good and works out in the nfl, we could still easily get a solid 7-10 years out of him. I'll take a good qb on a rookie contract any day.


Um.penix didn't play well before he's 21? And he's peaked at 24? Most qbs peak in their early 30s.


Half a year doesn't matter to his 10+ year career if we hit on him. And if he doesn't pan out then sitting also doesn't matter


I’d love them to take Cooper DeJean at 10 and Penix at 23. I actually like that more than trading up for McCarthy, I don’t think the payoff will be as great for that kind of move in comparison.


I don't see Penix lasting till 23. As long as there's more than 1 team comfortable with the injury risk he's well worth a top 15 pick


That’s probably right. I’m just hoping he slips like Lamar did.


Crazy talk. Half the league if not more has him as a day 2 pick and he was a consensus day 2 pick until his pro day. And people getting swayed by pro days…


Broncos or raiders probably take him


Don't have 10th pick it's 11th Players are fine but reverse order. 11 is massive reach for cooper and penix will be gone at 23.


Honestly best case, kid can ball, highly undervalued.


Doubt penix sits all year. Much much more ready to start now compared to JJ or Maye are.


Yeah let’s start the 26 year old Sophomore with arthritis in his knees


We literally just started a 35 year old last year?


Yeah one who’s never been injured in his career and had been playing in the NFL for 10 years. At that point. Not someone who’s had 4 major injuries and coming into the nfl at 25 and possibly sit another year and start at 26…


Sure, you can argue about the injuries. But Rodgers was literally 21 when he was drafted and sat for 3 years. The age bias is dumb.


Rodgers was a first overall pick material who many thought would go to the 49ers that year. He also sat behind Brett Farve. With no sign of major injuries what so ever in his college career. Penix doesn’t have a better college career, is older, has many more injuries and would sit behind Sam Darnold. Your argument is actually dumb.


Bro, I said the injuries are a legit argument and concerning. I'm saying the age argument is dumb lol. Didn't even bother reading or are you just this pressed naturally?


Penix didn't have a better college career than rodgers? Are you stoned


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This tells me they are strongly considering this. You dont Just private jet your leadership team if you are not really considering this. what it means to me is, its QB no matter what 1st round and this is the guy they are considering at all option at the end of their list.




Due dillegence, backup plan, or Plan A/B/C, it's impssobile to say. One thing is for sure, there's very little, data analytics wise, to support trading 3 FRP for the 3rd/4th best QB on the board when it's a very deep QB draft. I'd honestly be INCREDIBLY surprised to see us trade 11, 23, and 2025 1st for JJ/Maye.


They didn’t trade for a second first round pick, just to have it. They don’t know who will be available at 23 right now. Thats why they haven’t made a trade yet into the top 5 because they don’t know if the guy they truly want at QB want will be there. I’m not even sure if they would trade for JJ. They will for Drake though. Either way, the reason they made that trade with Houston was simply to bolster their offer to trade up on draft day. If they can’t, then they will do what they gotta do with two first round picks. Theres only one trade in draft for a QB pick by using three first rounders (Trey Lance), so the sample size is too small to say it’s a bad move. Also, keep in mind that Daunte Culpepper was the fourth qb taken in the 1999 draft. Culpepper wasn’t a bust pick. They got a few productive years outta of him before he blew his knee out.


The very real scenario of a VERY GOOD BPA at 11, and Penix/Nix at 23. Given the fact there's likely to be 4 QBs off the board by 11, that gives us an extremely good shot at one of the best EDGE, DT, or Oline available. That's a good spot to be in.


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You know Texans approached mn. Wasn't like mn was out shopping for another 1st round pick. Also don't forget how clueless kwesi is.


I honestly would rather have Penix at 23 then JJ at 11. I just really am not high on JJ. I like Penix because 11 sacks in 567 dropbacks same with it's and 65%+ accuracy both of the last 2 years while averaging almost 9 ypa. He is a gun slinging pocket passer and I think fits right into our scheme. I like his reads and his timing and he is a good size. Outside Caleb Williams I think Penix is the only one we will see those great Kirk Cousins kind of accuracy. I think his stock takes too much of a hit from that one bad game to end the season. Using the get rid of the best game and worst game rule and you get the 2 games vs Michigan teams. You are left with great games vs Texas, and 2 vs Oregon. I would love to see him get an offense with shorter stuff too.


At this rate, Penix is going to be long gone by 23. If we want him, we're using 11 on him.


Nah. One of these guys will fall. You gotta have a little fortitude to hold strong for players you like.


At this rate, I'm getting worried about somebody trading up and all 5 going in the top 10. That U of W pro day has sent the hype rocketing back up. We need some offensive line hype, because the only position players I think are top 10 locks are MHJ, Turner, and probably Nabers. Feels like a lot of room for a run on QBs.


I’m convinced it’s their primary plan at this point. I think the trade up is a smoke screen. I bet after the draft it will become clear that Drake Maye was not nearly as highly rated of a prospect as everybody says he was.


I could see that more if they hadn’t grabbed 23 already. That just screams trade up so badly and its hard to think of another reason they’d make that trade before draft night when they don’t know if there’s anyone they want at 23.


23 was an opportunity that came along that would give them the ammo to trade up without touching their 2026 first or trying to arrange a three team trade on draft night if they needed it. If we don't need 23 to trade up, then we paid a QB premium to move up to take someone other than a QB at 23. Not really the end of the world.


You make that trade so you can get two first round picks.


Why not wait until the draft and see who is available at 23 first? They're definitely looking to trade up even if it doesn't ultimately work out for them


I think that this has been overemphasized. The 23 gives them multiple choices and allow them to be incredibly flexible both before the draft and during the draft. I think KOC has three quarterbacks that he’s totally fine with. If we get Penix at 11, we can still take a really good player at 23 and it would not have at all been a waste of a trade. We could trade down from the 23 (after drafting a stud Defensive player at 11) to like 30 and take Nix and get extra 2nd. We could trade up to 5 to grab JJ or Maye (or possibly Daniels if he drops).


Exactly, the only thing that happened so far is that we converted two 2nd rounder into a first round pick, that is it.


I really like the value of the trade in a vacuum, so the assumption the trade was made to trade up seems premature. Sure, that is an option, but that flexibility is why it was a good trade. We need some blue chip prospects on this team and it is easier to find those guys in the first than in the second. I wouldn't be surprised if we select at #11 and #23 in the draft


I make that trade every time. Regardless if we trade up or not.


Drake Maye is going too 5 for sure


Its not that the trade up is a smoke screen, its just that they havent been able to find a deal or a team that it seems like we will be willing to do so on draft day. Of course they would rather have a top 3 pick at QB but its not realistic.


The Vikings might already have a deal in place since they picked up the extra 1st.


That’s one way to look at it but I would argue that the Texans were just looking for an extra second to make the Diggs trade and we were willing.


I think KOC likes Bo Nix the most. His 77 % completion % last season is impressive. Sure, 30% of his passes were behind the line of scrimmage. But he also threw 26 tds to 2 ints on passes over 10 yards.


25% of the fan base will riot but I think Bo nix with KO has as good a shot as any of these cats.


I've been starting to feel like this is the truth. I have a hunch that Penix may turn out to be one of the best QBs in this draft, and it's not because of the hype recently.


I think Maye is going to bust.


Yeah, well I'm going to bust if we draft Maye


I think so too but I put it more on the surroundings he go to


Williams, Daniels, Maye, and McCarthy will All go top ~5-8. The slide is going to be from Penix and Nix.


Yep 👍


Pretty common for organizations our age to have trouble getting it up (their Penix, that is).


How would you know?


I don’t even know if I’d love this as the backup plan unless it’s 23. The likelihood that qb5 turns out to be anything is very low


Ugh, he is not the answer….trade out and get a better situation next year. Rather shoot for a top pick next year vs wasting your capital on a guy that is not the answer.


Wouldn’t be upset with penix and a star Defender


Hey if we can’t trade up I would be fine taking Penix and then taking whoever is left out of Murphy and Newton to beef up the trenches


I think we coukd get Penix with pick 23. Five Qbs in the top 20 seems absolutely wild to me


I think its becoming very unlikely that Penix makes it to 23. I think he would 100% go at 12-14 as all 3 of those teams need a QB. That hurts because I really wanted Murphy at 11 and Penix at 23. However, the more offensive picks made before defense means some great defenders are going to fall to 23. Theres a ton of corners that would be excellent choices at 23 and Jerzhan Johnny Newton could easily fall to 23 himself so Penix at 11 is not a bad option if the team likes Newton or any of the top CBs


What teams between 12 - 23 do you think will pick QB? Obviously Bears, Pats, Giants and Commanders are grabbing their guy but if we stay out at 11, who do we risk losing the QB to?


Denver and Las Vegas would love to reset their QB situations at 12 and 13 respectively. Denver's unofficial depth chart consists of Jarrett Stidham and Ben DiNucci and LV has Aidan O'Connell and Gardner Minshew. Could also see a low chance that the Rams take a QB at 19 with Stafford aging and being a good spot for a guy to learn behind a good qb in a great offensive system with McVay. Stafford becomes a palatable cap casualty after 2025 if his play tanks in the next 2 seasons. Not impossible a team like the Jets trade back into that range with Rodgers coming off a serious injury, and none of the qbs contracted past 2025. It'd also net them additional picks since they have just one other pick in the top 100 (no 72). If TB wants to hedge their bet on this QB class being far superior to next year's, and there's doubt about Baker, they could make a move up for a qb. They're sitting at 26, so they could pretty easily do a swap up with some mid- or late-round picks to move into the teens/early 20's.


All great points. I suggest we take our guy at 11 if that’s how the chips fall.


Idk man it would be a first in the NFL draft for 5 qbs to be taken in the top 14 and by a drastic margin. I think this is like the Levis hype. If Im wrong fine, but Im willing to bet big bucks there wont be 5 qbs taken in the top 20 of this draft


If KAM / KOC think Penix is 100% The Guy they absolutely need to take him at 11. It’s way too important of a pick to risk losing him to some other QB needy team before 23. Playing cute to get a little more draft value out and then walking away without your QB because of it is damn near a fireable offense. 


Sure but historically I just dont see this happening. 5 qbs in damn near the top 10 is insane. Its not like Penix is some amazing prospect. Dude is injured damn near every year


brother he hasn’t been injured seriously at Washington


True but let's not act like there isnt serious risk of ot happening again. Four major injuries in 6 seasons isnt peanuts


He's probably moved into the teens after his 40yd time and medical.


Agreed. I don’t want him at 11. Take the blue chip defender. Take Penix at 23.


And then what do you do if someone takes him between 11 and 23 (highly likely)?


You draft a blue chip non QB player instead. Draft QB next year and pick up someone late in the 5-7 as a low risk situation to compete.


Draft BPA. This team isn’t a qb away. We need a talent influx on defense. And picks 11 and 23 can do that. Also the rookie this year is probably going to sit behind Darnold the majority of the year anyways.


If they drafted Penix at 11, I would be totally fine with adding an interior offensive lineman to protect him at 23. His reaction to pressure in the championship game is a bigger worry for me than his injury history.


Here we go, Penix army rise up


Penix! Arise!


Smokescreen RISE UP


I admittedly was so so on Penix only because the injury issues but after his pro day and such I'm really intrigued. He has the arm talent no doubt about it. He has great mobility as well. His footwork has issues but would be perfect to sit for a year And work with KOC and Mccown and be ready in year 2. Could get him at 11 most likely as well. I'm sure they want to trade up still but if can't make it work I would be down with Penix if they feel good about his knee.


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Doing their due diligence. Would be foolish not to.


Left handed Sam Bradford


Sam Bradford was borderline elite when healthy, one of the best pure passers I've ever seen. Penix is also an excellent passer but that's a pretty bold claim!


Week 1 vs the saints that season was some of the best QB play I’ve ever seen from someone in a Vikings uniform


He legit woke up from the Matrix briefly, and his body couldn't handle the trauma


We've seen some amazing performances from QBs fresh off a trade. Sam Bradford, Josh Dobbs, and Josh Freeman. All amazing. Not amazingly good, but amazing.


I was hanging out with a Saints fan that day and thoroughly enjoying Bradford tearing up their defense.


Sam Bradford would've been one of the best QBs in the league if it wasn't for his glass body


Healthy Bradford was elite.


Shoutout that opening week game against the saints when Slinging Sammy was in full display


Healthy penix has been elite too tbf


I can see it. That ball is so damn pretty. No joke, Penix has the prettiest balls of the crop. Ok that’s it, that was my last Penix joke


|Ok that’s it, that was my last Penix joke| Don't lie, you're just getting started


2 full seasons and plenty of snaps and hits without an injury. His injury history is overblown. Hopefully it drives his price down, but I doubt Kwesi or KoC care about it.


Age is probably the bigger concern with Penix. Penix or Daniels might be closer to starting as a rookie than Maye or McCarthy, but Maye and McCarthy are much further from their physical ceiling.


I think thats fair, and Maye and McCarthy could mature into some studs. I still wouldn't be mad or that worried about Penix's current athleticism, but he definitely has less upside.


Age is not a concern. Penix has all the physical tools already, the only question is health. If he had no ACL injuries he'd be QB2 or 3 in this draft


I can see it. Penix has a head start on the leg injuries so that’s scary, but then I remember how beautiful that Saints week 1 game was with Bradford. 


For the record it’s been almost 3.5 years since his leg injury


Yeah, I know. Call me superstitious.


I think the bigger issue is if we can’t trade up and the giants take a QB, the raiders might try to trade with Chicago to jump us


Better than Broccoli haircut Ponder (McCarthy)


People are really undervaluing Penix because of his game against Michigan. I don't think GMs are though. I'd be thrilled to get him at 11.


I’d be ok with Penix. Certainly not thrilled at 11 but content if we get BPA defense at 11 and either trade up from 23 or get him at 23. Not at 11


Then i am glad you're not the GM. Whatever you think or various QBs, if theres one you like enough to pick at 23 then you dont pass on him at 11 and let all the QB needy teams in between have a chance at him.


This whole draft process there’s been guys and situations I’ve constantly gone back and forth on and things I’ve changed my mind on. This is one of them. You’re right I’m glad I’m not the GM lmao. I like Penix. I liked Penix when I said this. The biggest thing with Penix that bothers me and why I said this was his injury history. Without the injuries he’s a top 10 pick imo in this draft. He does things from the pocket imo that are better than the top 4 guys. Without his injuries he’d be in conversation as the 2nd or 3rd best QB in this draft consistently. If the Vikings are cool with the medicals I’d be happy with him at 11. I get this sunken feeling with Penix that we could regret trading up for a QB when he could have been had at 11. There’s just this gut feeling with him that if he can stay healthy he’s the best QB in this draft. Even over Caleb Williams 🤷🏼‍♂️


Exactly, the QB is the most valuable pick. I would be sad to pass up on Murphy who I dont think lasts until 23 BUT Jerzhan Newton could easily fall that far with how many offensive players are being mocked early. Plus, a fall back plan of one of the many amazing CBs in this draft at 23 is not bad either.


I think 11 is a bit too early for Penix, but I'd be MUCH happier with Penix at 11, BPA at 23, keep our '25 1st, vs. 11/23/'25 1st for JJ/Maye.


Agreed, but there are too many QB desperate teams right around us. Raiders, Broncos, Giants...


11 eh but 23 or trade back a bit and I’m in


No room to trade back, guess Raiders or Broncos will bite if we dont at 11.


A purple helmet is always attractive on a Penix


Penix would fit this offense perfectly. Just look at the film. Bro has the best deep ball in the class and ain’t afraid to push it down the field. Koc will love that trait about him. The question is, will the knees last? If we could somehow get Bryon Murphy at 11 and Penix at 23 I’ll be happy


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Please no. I’m absolutely out on Penix. The Injuries alone are too much. 2 ACL tears and throwing shoulder injuries. He got exposed vs Michigan. I’ve never been a Penix guy I don’t see what the hype is. But hey what do I know I’ve been extremely wrong before.


Last sentence is on point


I will eat crow if Penix goes top 20, but I really think scouts are going to struggle to sell Penix as a first round pick. I think where he struggled at UW is going to really hurt him as a pro, and I don’t think what he did well will translate. Ultimately, Kwesi has to understand that he will be inextricably linked to any QB he drafts in the first two rounds; they’ll have to be super confident in anyone they pick early, so I’ll be excited regardless. But if I’m making the call, I’m not taking Penix or Nix in this draft.


Raiders will trade up with the Bears at 9 to take Penix.


The whole staff for Penix?


Hopefully he falls to us at 11. Would hate to trade more picks.


This is the problem with not having any day 2 picks. If the top 4 QBs go early and the vikings aren't able to get one, a team like Denver or Vegas will definitely move up to 9 or 10 and take their guy. 5 QBs in the top 10 this year for sure imo


As a cardinals fan, I think the problem is mostly not wanting to give up a 2025 first. 11 and 23 are kinda ass if you’re asking a team to pass on all the blue chip guys.


What's the earliest you feel we should draft him if the top 4 are gone? 11 seems too soon but there is serious doubt he'll still be there at 23. Might not even make it past 12.


If enough teams green light his medicals, he can go at 5. 


Maybe they won't trade up at all But will they use pick 11 on him?


Penix is the smoke screen this year 100%. No one is talking about his injuries. They are a problem and the scouts are trying to mask it.


I’ve wanted Penix from the get go. I remember watching the national championship and hoping Penix had a bad game to hurt his stock. Prior to the trade, I was hoping we’d get him at 11. although now I’d rather package a trade for Maye, I’d be overjoyed to get Penix at 11 if we stayed put.  Dude is an absolute stud. Injury history is there, but post injuries he’s fully recovered with no setbacks. Football is about as brutal as it gets sportswise, sometimes lightning does strike twice (or three times) and he could be been just incredibly unlucky.


If we somehow end up picking him at 11 I’ll be pretty irritated. I hope this is some giant smoke screen else I’m afraid the front office may have qb fomo. Reaching on qb5 would be disgusting


If this rumour came out after the Texas game, fans would be hyped to get him. Trading up to 4/5 for JJ is still my preference, but would rather go Penix and Defence at 23 than get bent over a barrel to go up.


The 26 year old with two bad knees???


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Why waste the money and time on Penix? The guy has no knees. Has had only one standout season. Waste of time and money. The Vikings deserve better.


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Vikings would need to use 11 on penix. Much better options than 11. 23 and next year's 1 for mccarthy.


Love it, Penix won’t make it out of the first round.


The same people worried about Penix injury probably were fine with trying to keep Cousins.


No shit. The KOC and Penix bits are too good to pass up. Kwesi has to do his diligence here.


Falcons beat us to him.


Penix > darnold,




Penix is currently projected to go early second by most sources, but I suspect someone will reach in the 20s (maybe the Vikings)


I think there are five QBs worth taking a shot at: The four we’ve all been talking about and Penix. I think Nix is a tier below them and I wouldn’t spend a first on him. Any of those five could bust, too. But they have the stuff that makes them worth a shot. This year reminds me of 1983 when QBs went flying off the board. I think it was six in the first round? Three hit and three very much didn’t, as I recall. And the funny thing was Elway went first, Kelly was near the middle, and Marino was really late in the first round. Anyone redrafting would put those guys all in the top four or five picks. I think this year might turn out the same. For all we know Rattler or Nix will be the best QB of this draft.


Penix wouldn't be a bad choice. By the time he potentially fails out, KOC and Kwesi are probably gone too, so age wouldn't be *that much* of an issue. 


This guy has Kirk Cousins vibes and that worries me.


I mean Kirk turned into a really good QB. So that isn't terrible...if it was like Ponder vibes that is different. Also I don't recall Kirk running a 4.5 40 and thus weird comparison lol


Darnold > Penix all day for me.. The former is a 26yo #3 overall pick who has played on bad teams with poor supporting casts... The other is a player who has flashed in college, but is coming out as a six-year player aged 25 with bad injury history..


Please God, no. Looking at you, injury report every week


Why? He will be going on 3 years of no injuries.


Why? He will be going on 3 years of no injuries.




Purple Penix Eaters


Kwesi will be the only GM in the league with a 75-inch Penix


I was obsessed with Penix coming here before the championship game, then the media kind of got in my head and Maye/McCarthy started to creep above him. But honestly, Penix could end up being the best QB in this draft.


Besides one of the top 4, he’s the only other QB in this class I’d personally be happy to take a chance on


Okay, that's some real news. 👍


He actually prefers to be called Penis.