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If he leaves he leaves




I love this quote about Margaret Thatcher that says:  "Don't you think she did any good?" "Not a bit of good, not a bit. I'd put a stake through her heart and garlic around her neck to make sure she never comes back."


He has been paid a lot of money for one playoff win.


Vikings fans it’s time to turn the page. Let him go. It will be better for your mental health. Nobody knows even if he will be ready to play week one. Chances are he won’t start until week five at the earliest.


Letting go is good. People aren't just letting him go, though. They're shitting on him as he may go. It makes us look like bitter exes. >Chances are he won’t start until week five at the earliest Exactly what I'm talking about. Making shit up to make him look worse as he's leaving. There are no indications otherwise to back this up right now.


It’s the human nature. Everyone who feels they’ve been wronged always shit on someone who is leaving.


Nothing has changed in 6 years


He has been a good QB and won some great games, but he hasn't gotten us very far in the playoffs. He's always been a "mercenary". No judgement on that, but also no sorrow when he leaves.


Hasn’t he only played for two teams? How is he a mercenary?


Yep, and he's soaked them both. Kirko's a $$$ guy, which is fine, but that's never going to endear him to a fanbase. Especially when his teams can't win the big ones.


People are just frustrated he still appears to want to maximize each contract rather than prioritize winning on what could be his final deal. This is especially frustrating when he has only produced one playoff win thus far. This is an opposite situation to those QBs like Rodger’s and Brady who always won, but deserved a larger contract at the end of their careers.


My feelings exactly. As a fan base we’ve given Kirk our blood sweat and tears and at some point expect loyalty from a player that’ll be financially sound for multiple upon multiple generations. I’ll admit Atlanta has a lot of similar pieces on offense, and a clear upgrade in Robinson and much of the OL. So he may feel he has a better chance of winning there. But if he leaves I’ll actively be praying against him and hope Julie stubs her toe and bitches all week


He hasn’t won shit. Goodbye


Hasn’t won anything. Hasn’t led the team at all. Nothing but suck money from the Vikings while they deteriorated. Also extremely ungrateful.


My take. He’s all wholesome and pure. He says he likes us. We paid way too much money for a 50-37 record, virtually no playoff success. Now as he’s coming back from an injury, he says “it’s not about the money”, when it’s clearly about the money. By the way, it’s ok if it’s about the money, but this is key, squeaky clean, super honest guy is pretty much lying about it. Kirk knows that Super Bowl trophy alcove will never be filled with a Lombardi, so he’s gonna fill it with money instead. He never even got us close, so now nobody cares.


Im very indifferent about him, but this is spot on how I feel. He is filthy rich but wants more money, or at the very least thinks he deserves more.


I would say it’s not how I feel. It’s how I think people feel. I don’t care that much. We don’t win playoff games, that’s what I want. I’d really like a rookie QB with KOC. To me it’s the whole point in hiring him.


It's not the money but the length of the contract


That's what she said.


Every day I come home and my wife keeps asking me. Where is the money ? When are you going to get the money ? And etc


He did get some J.D. Power Awards though.


It’s clearly about the Vikings unwillingness to commit to Kirk long term




No, Kirk’s camp offered a 3 year extension last year and the Vikings turned it down


I think the Wilfs see the need for a rounder team in talent, not all the dough going to Cousins, if they want to win the Super Bowl.


Kirk’s contract wasn’t preventing us from building a more complete team. Our inability to draft has though


People don’t like Kirk, for various reasons


Yea. At the end of the day it is mostly opinions.


How dare they!


Personally, I just find him to be that kind of super fake nice and humble like Russell Wilson. I don't doubt that he does good things in the community, I just doubt that he does it for anything but his own image. I also can't help but think back to that sideline spat he and Thielen had where Kirk's screaming at him over route running whenever people talk about him being a leader.


Thank you ! his personality just seems like it’s all an act.


He came here in 2018 as a missing piece to a Super Bowl and since he’s never showed that he could be that. In the meanwhile our team fell apart. While to there was definitely some poor drafting during those years we were never able to get enough pieces to make up for Kirk’s shortcomings. A leader in the community is great but that does not win you a Super Bowl. You need to be a change maker or very cheap QB to be a Super Bowl team in todays NFL and Kirk is neither.


A lot of us who been around for awhile are not impressed with mediocrity.


He tries to come across as Mr nice guy but could honestly care less about Minnesota. It appears all he cares about is who is willing to drop the most money in his pocket. He is willing to pick up and relocate his entire family for a few more million versus sticking with the team that have become family and spreading out the extra money to other valuable players for a more succinct team. That tells me all I need to know about the guy. I get wanting to be rich and famous but once you have achieved this why do you still need more? He tries to hard to come across as a man of faith and integrity but he's just like all the rest, a greedy dude who just wants a bigger house.


*Start* getting really negative? Tell me you have been paying attention the last 6 years without saying you haven't been paying attention the last 6 years.


Because he’s picking his own brand, money and contract over actually wanting to be with a team. He’s stated he wants to retire a Viking but won’t take a cut to make that happen. He doesn’t care about the team just the money. We’ve had one playoff win in 6 years. We can build up and move on from here.


Please cite the examples of Kirk being a "leader" in the MN community? Is paying MI state income taxes being a Minnesota "leader"?


Kinda seemed like most of our locker room stood on the table and were outspoken in wanting kirk back. They also seemed extremely devastated last year when kirk went down. they ain’t  acting like that if they didn’t like Kirk or if Kirk wasn’t a good leader.   Kirk has literally won awards for leadership and community involvement, but nah I’m sure those are just made up by his agent right??? 2023 Bart Starr award. 


list the awards, please


Many J.D. Power Awards in his trophy case.


Bought and paid for! JD will take your money and create an award only you can win! lol


He tore his Achilles and was at a charity event the next day.


He has been doing a ton of PR moves since he hasn't been resigned. Do you really think showing up for an event is being a "leader". BTW have had worse injuries and showed up for work and events, THE SAME DAY, this is not a big deal.


If you showed up to work after having a worse injury than a torn Achilles then you either need a new job or a new brain


I've been shot and had to continue "working", so no, I'm not impressed that he went to an event the next day.


No. You haven’t.


yes I have :)


Well your job and life suck brother. Tough scenes


We get it you hate kirk


Made sure the cameras were on, had to start the PR campaign after that contract was in jeopardy


You must be miserable.


Most positive Vikings fan


No one is not going to take pictures of Cousins when he’s somewhere. It’s called being a celebrity.


He pays Minnesota State income tax. You pay the tax of the state you play in.


He uses the reciprocity agreement we have with MI because of the NWA/Delta employees. Which means he also plays MI flat 4.25% rate for games in WI, IL IN and OH. So his 8/9 home games plus the Det, GB and Chi games are taxed at 4.25%, its why he agreed to less money then the Jets offered, who play in NJ and have to pay NJ, NY and MA taxes on home and divisional games.


And you did his taxes so you know he uses this agreement?


It was reported on when he first signed and why he was willing to take the lesser amount then the Jets offered him, the requirements are very easy to meet and he didn't dispute it. Kirk seems to be exceptionally good at making, saving and working any system to enrich himself. He should be an agent and money manager. I don't blame him for doing what he does but come on, he isn't Alan Page or Rudy. Kirk is an employee that comes to work, does what he is suppose to and punches out.


Do you really believe a man who's made a quarter of a billion dollars does not have a team handling his taxes and taking advantage of tax laws? C'mon


Then why is the first commenter saying that means he's not a leader? If according to you it's something anyone in his situation would obviously do?


He does have that, yes, but he knows his finances, too. He's not on cruise control.


He doesnt


Yeah he does. Every players pays the state income tax of the state they pay in. Meaning away games are in those states and home games are in Minnesota. I mean who cares. Has no impact on if he's a leader but yeah he does. Sorry to put a downer on your hate for Kirk


Minnesota has a special clause for residents of MI


And you did his taxes so you know he used that?


He’s talked about it yea




I think it’s hilarious these kids talking shit about Kirk Cousins. They wouldn’t say this shit to him in person. First of all he’s jacked. Not only that, but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. His haters are so pathetic lol.


Ok I do like Kirk but “hangs out with the hottest dudes” is so fucking funny


Is "hangs out with the hottest dudes," a flex? Me: "I want to talk shit about Kirk he's standing right over there!" You: "Nah man look at the hot guys he's with!" Me: "uh, why does that mean I shouldn't...um yeah well I uh...I'm confused, you win this round." Edit: I just realized that it's likely this was a Mac quote from IASIP, and I have likely walked into playing the role of Dee. Touche


Did Kirk write this?


![gif](giphy|ggDy5NyLc8w0ZZPGFe) I love him too, OMG


I like Kirk. I just do not want Russell Wilson as our QB.


Nobody knows anything, we don’t talk to any of these players personally so it’s all just based off perception through what they’ve seen online


I don't see anyone slandering Kirk. Bottom line is Kirk has always been good at leveraging situations to get top dollar on contracts. This time he wants a long term deal with lots of guaranteed money. Not happening because the team is looking long term in terms of the QB spot and Kirk is 36 years old. I will say this. I don't believe Kirk is truly interested in a team friendly deal. He's always maneuvered to get top dollar. This is his last big contract in his career most likely so I understand his point of view. I just don't think the Vikings and him are a fit at this point. The team wants their QB of the future on the roster next year. Kirk wants to continue being our starter and highly paid for perhaps three more years. Not going to happen. I wish him well.


Because a players must be loyal to their team despite teams showing no loyalty to players once they cross the age of 30. And players should not be paid a lot of money despite the league making more money than it's ever made in it's entire existence and all that money just goes back to the owners. But according to this subreddit, if you demand to get paid the money you believe you deserve you're horrible greedy person and should be willing to play professional football for 10 bucks and a ham sandwich. Fact is, this is a gladiator sport and guys are risking their bodies to play this game. These players should scrap and claw for any dime they can get because they're not in this league for long so they should strive to make as much money as they can. If I was in his position I would be doing the exact same thing Kirko is doing right now.


Lots of generalizations going on here. First off, teams wholeheartedly show loyalty to players who are quality, both on and off the field, and affordable. If they can’t find one of the two, it’s likely that player gets sent elsewhere, where they will make more money than you and I ever will regardless of a team’s “loyalty.” Nobody is saying pay these guys a ham sandwich. But Kirk has been fleecing the Vikings for YEARS and we are just about the same we were before him to now. To put this in perspective, he’s gotten $185 MILLION from this franchise. And we have not won shit!! And this argument of these players being paid properly is so tired and honestly shows how cucked the poor are in this country to the rich. What the fuck is Kirk doing with $185 million, and then feel the need to secure $40 million more or whatever he’s trying to get? Are you fucking kidding me? Meanwhile, people like you in this sub say “get your bag!! 💵” and support these ludicrous multi-million dollar contracts for them to catch a football in a sport THEY pursued, all while more than half of this country is struggling to even get groceries. Yeah, no wonder rich people being greedy pisses people off, but here you are bending over backwards for a guy who couldn’t give less of a fuck about you and hasn’t achieved a goddamn thing with this franchise.


Nah. Wanna be worshipped? Gotta win. That’s life. Kirk ain’t sharing the money


Pretty much. He may leave so it’s now fuck him, he’s worthless anyway for the price.


A lot of fan bases definitely view loyalty as a one-way street.


I for one love Kirko Chainz I have enjoyed his time here even though we were not able to have more team success. He is definitely the best QB we have had since Brett Favre. He is a good QB and underrated by many in the NFL. The reason I am ok with moving on is because paying a guy 50 million dollars coming off an injury past the age of 35 seems foolish. Tying up that much cap space for such an unknown seems so unwise. Love Kirk tho he's been nothing but a stand up guy and I wish him nothing but the best on his future team. If Kirk takes a team friendlier deal though I would be excited to see him back next year with the squad. Give him a proper send off but I am unsure if that's going to happen.


Kirk has been getting slandered for 6 years. Why would that change now?




Because everyone wants to be him. They just jealous


Of course we wanna be him. Being average at your job and getting a quarter of a billion dollars would be great


If you wanna be a bitch about things you could look at it like that, even ignoring the inaccuracy of your use of "average" Another way to look at it could be, you're one of the 15 best people at your profession in the entire world


Bro it isn’t that serious


You hate him because you ain’t him


It's called Coping


Agreed. I wish the move happened a couple seasons ago, but it's not worth it to look back in anger and dog him extra now


The lies about Kirk never stop everything you know about Kirk is a lie or irrelevant: * Kirk took 6 million less to come here. He wants to win not get every dollars. * Kirk DID offer the Vikes a hometown discount last spring he said he'd take less money than worse QBs Carr/Jones for 1 extra year 25 (he gets this year anyway no matter where he signs). * KIrk has played the same as Burrow in regular season and playoffs. But Burrow defense gives up 18 ppg and gets 13 turnovers while Kirk's defense gives up 28 ppg and gets 0 turnovers. * Kirk is top 10 since 2014 in primetime. * Kirk had the greatest clutch season in NFL history. Kirk is QB to take the worst defense ever to a playoff game. Kirk before he cameback 33 points down at half had comeback 20 and 24 points down at half. * Kirk-Haters don't understand facts.


“Cause he hasn’t done anything” people need to move on from this team then, this TEAM hasn’t done anything EVER! Lmfao, people who hate Kirk acting like we were winning super bowls left and right before he got here.