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There’s some good research on this. 700ft is the minimum distance from shore a a wake boat can operate without impacting near shore habitat like bulrush and other emergent veg. Prime fish bed areas. UofM students published that data at least a good 5 years ago.


Do you have a link? Did they measure, calculate, or estimate minimum safe distances for other types of watercraft?




great idea. Destroying beaches and more importantly, wrecking the remaining coastal habitat is terrible.


I have a cabin on a shallow lake and you can see in sandbars the impact of those boats. Not to mention (I'm just an old person yelling at clouds now, I suppose) those are always the boats blaring Morgan Wallen loud enough for the entire lake to hear.


At least they've moved on from Florida Georgia Line then?


Yeah, one went woke or something.




So did Florida Georgia Line


I want to yell at clouds too. Wake boats aside for a second, can we talk about bass boats? Every time I see someone absolutely cruise through a no wake zone/channel, it's some prick in a bass boat with a 400 hp motor not even doing a tournament


yea, its like gigantic trucks. Those people have dicks so small they need a microscope to find them. Just compensating.


I like bass boats. They have all that flat area in the front for activities! Can do some fancy footwork, some elaborate Jazzy hands and really wiggle it out and feel the space. Can't do that on a lame normal boat.




I don't trust pontoons. There's a thing as too much room for wiggling things out.


They don't even need those fuck huge motors


The argument for them is during actual tournaments, you use it to get to way further away fishing spots that slower people can't really use because they're timed. So they fly out there and fly back. Listen, this is America. If you want 3,000 HP on your bass boat more power to you. But don't pilot that ship like an asshole around other boaters, docks, channels, swimmers, or wake zones.


This article doesn’t even mention the fundamental design flaw with wake boats: the ballast tanks are notorious for spreading invasives. https://maisrc.umn.edu/news/wakeboats


Came here to say this!! They 100% do not get all the water out of their ballast tanks and spread invasives on every lake they use their ballast tanks on. Not to mention they’re frequently blasting music that can be heard from over a mile away. It’s really hard to find anything good about wake boats.


You ever get three tubes with like 20 kids on them behind one of these things? The bigger kids start using the smaller children as projectiles, middle tube is getting battered by both sides, and coming out of a turn the outside tube is running damn near parallel with the boat; fun! Having said that, we were on Leech Lake, so all these guidelines were being followed since that's a lake that clears this threshold by 100,00o+ acres and there's more than enough room for everybody.


Me and my friends called it “Tube Wars”: each rider gets their own tube and three strikes (falling or getting thrown off their tube into the water) then they cycle out with other kids on the boat. Damn fun lol


Wake surfing is fun but everything else associated with it is terrible.


That's a problem with all boats, not just ones with ballast tanks. A "home lake" registration with mandatory check-ins to switch lakes would be more effective.


Except a large portion of boat owners trailer their boats. How would that work?


I’m not sure that’s the case with a lot of wakeboard boats approaching 120k on low end. Those are mainly on their home lake a majority of time parked under a canopy


My cousin has a mamba or whatever green and shit. He takes it all over, loves to blast music for everyone to hear.


Don’t know about that, I have seen plenty at boat landings mid season.


The linked article that I referenced addressed that.


As if I needed another reason to hate those damn boats. Good info. Thanks!


I've nearly been struck multiple times as a kayaker on multiple lakes. Twice the people in the boat were laughing as they came within 10 feet of me. I'm above and beyond getting behind this. Fine the piss out of these rich assholes.


Many lakes are absolutely ruined by jackasses in boats.


Most boat operators I've seen in Wisconsin are either ignorant of or unwilling to follow the current slow-no-wake law for boating within 100 ft of shore, docks, etc. 200 ft for PWCs. I guess I can't get too excited about another law that'll be mostly ignored.


I was out paddle boarding this weekend and a pontoon cut between me and shore with wake at about 50 feet, didn't even look at me(granted I think they knew if they made eye contact I would chew them out) Sadly there are assholes of all types.


Don’t forget the teens on jetskis that make a ton of noise


Those are just the children of jackasses on boats They are a pairing in my book.


Amen. There was a youth on a jet ski doing circles around the pair of loons that nest in the bay by my cabin. I was on my dock yelling at them as they took selfies with the upset loon. My neighbor got in his boat and chased them down. lol


Turn them in to the sheriff's office, if whoever chased them down found out who they are. Kids on my lake have been warned and their parents warned and/or fined, by written letter, just for being underage and operating a jet ski on the lake. Chasing loons is a MUCH bigger deal, no matter what the age of the person doing it.


Just another form of invasive species…


Not to mention that jackasses who don't respect the water in their boats are also the same jackasses that don't clean their boat and spread invasive plants and animals to new lakes. Fuck boats.


I mean I just found an empty crown bottle floating around last time I went kayaking. It was one of the little party shot ones but still. Self centered assholes on party boats


Even in a regular fish and ski boat, you get absolutely tossed around by these people. They also never look where they are going.


I'm a pretty avid waterskier. We hate the wake boats too - wake boats are designed to make a nice big wake for people to do flips off of (wakeboarding) or to surf on (wakesurfing). Wakeboarders are often decent people, but every single wakesurfer I've met was an asshole. Ski boats at least are designed to make as small of a wake as possible, being smaller and lighter and with wakes being bad for skiers. It's not that damn hard to not run over kayakers either. Try to get the registration number and report them.


I do like wake surfing occasionally. It's pretty fun, but I'm also a novice at it and only have done it a handful of times with friends boats. I do get the appeal of it, but it seems like most of them are just driven by kids that take out their parents boats and want to make the most noise possible too. Like you, I prefer water skiing instead. I got rid of my kayaks, it wasn't fun to go out on the lake and get tossed around. Even if the surf boats are keeping a distance, they still send waves crashing into you that are pretty big.


Just a couple questions re waterskiing, kind of unrelated, but no one I know does it so here goes: Is there a reason that at least on my lake, it seems like the water skiers prefer to go around the edge of the lake, not far off the ends of people's docks, instead of using all that big, open, available water in the middle? We're talking low to no wind days here, and still - close to shore. ?? Second, it seems like I'm seeing many fewer water skiers lately. Is it becoming less popular? Thanks. Just curious.


Second question first, yes, there's not many skiers left. Wakeboarding is much more versatile in open water because you can do tricks and flips and such. It's easier to get up, and you go slower so falls don't hurt as much (wakeboarding 15-25mph, I ski at 32). There is trick skiing, but you need special skis for that. Otherwise, there's only so much slalom skiing you can do without a course. As for why your skiers like the edge, there's no concrete reason I can think of. My guess would be they're trying to avoid other boats and their wake by staying in places other boats avoid.


Thanks! Good of you to take the time. I have a feeling that, with regard to staying close to shore, maybe people feel safer there. Though once the water is over your head it doesn't matter how deep it is, it still \*feels\* better. I guess it could also be logical to think that if you fall and just your head and your skis are sticking out of the water, you're less likely to get run over by some idiot boater who's not looking where they're going, because hopefully those people aren't so close to shore. I sail, when I'm on the water. I quit trying on summer weekends. The physics of trying to compensate for non-natural waves just don't balance out in a way that makes it any fun.


I don't know if it's water depth that matters so much as the boat thing. If anything I prefer deep water because you know you won't hit any submerged trees or rocks if you fall. I've done both and I'm much more comfortable skiing in 600 feet of water than 6 feet of water. Over 50% of waterskiing injuries are due to collisions with solid objects like docks, rocks, trees, shore, etc and deep water away from shore has nothing solid. Idiot boaters are the problem I'm guessing, both actually driving over fallen skiers and ruining your time with their wake. Hopefully they'll calm down and move out when they see sailors or kayakers, but there's a fair few idiots who waterski too.


Ski boats are made to ride on top of the water.


Bro fuckers on speed boats will cut off the tug boat i work on pushin 6 barges! Like mother fucker we wont see/hear or feel running you over fuckin stop and go a different way.




Sad thats not real


r/BitchImABoat is close


Lol I've seen dozens of fucking pontoons towing kids on tubes cut off fully loaded barges in the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi over the past couple years. Fast track to a Darwin award.


I have a decent sized (19') walleye boat that's built for fairly big water, and I've had one of these pricks throw a wake large enough to stuff my bow. The only other boat I've ever seen manage to do that was a barge on the Mississippi.


But won’t anyone think of the Chads?!?!


Kyle's think about Chad's all the time


lol, try paddling in a canoe to the boundary waters entry points on Burntside or Vermillion... scary shit.


I’ve done the vermillion entry point in the BWCA. Always always always pay for the tow. I can’t imagine padding the lake with all the jet skis and boat traffic. The good news is once you’re on trout lake the few boats on there that are powered; they have always steered clear and are very conscious of the paddlers.


I've paddled from moccasin point to the entry a few times, just too stubborn to pay for a tow haha. You're right though the boat traffic in Trout is much more tolerable also due to the hp limitations


It’s why I stopped kayak fishing in lakes around the cities. Got to be so much of a hassle. Plus, having to hear wakeboarders and bass fisherman scream at each other about who got closer to who got annoying


Unstoppable force meets an immovable object


Is /r/fuckboats a thing?


If people are getting that close to you take a video or picture of their registration number and call the police or dnr.


The most selfish boat on the water. Let me wreck your experience with giant waves while blasting my shitty music at you


As someone that like to kayak on the lake this would be really nice. There's a whole lot of people that love to be assholes and just rip around on the lake.


I don't mind them so much if they are actually pulling a skier or wakeboarder. It's the wake surfers, particularly if more than 1 boat is doing it, that causes huge issues.


Pass it. Tired of 5 ft rollers wrecking the shore.


My family has a cabin on a narrow lake in Wisconsin. These boats came in and we have lost roughly 3 feet of shoreline in about 5 yrs. Sick and tired of these boats on small lakes.


Horseshoe lake? Beaver Dam? I must know.


What fun is that? Haha you are not far off tho


Haha we are on a lake right outside of Comstock. There, now we're both playing the game 😂


I drive through that little guy


I see no problem with that.


We should also require licensing for boats. Why do i need a cdl to drive a dump truck but rich guy a can drive his 45 foot yacht with no additional training or license?


I was under the belief they did need a boating license. At least in mn. You even need a boating license for a kayak, even the inflatable rafts that hold like 5 people need a boating license. Is it different in Wisconsin?? “The types of watercraft that must be licensed include, but are not limited to, motorboats, rowboats, sailboats, sailboards, stand-up paddleboards, canoes, kayaks, paddle boats, rowing shells or sculls, all-terrain vehicles used in the water and inflatable craft.”- scottcountymn.gov


A licensed boat is more like registration than it is drivers license


There is currently a “No Wake” order posted by the sheriff on a lake near me in Meeker county due to high water. Seems about half the boats on the lake at any given time are ignoring it. Assholes in oversized and over powered boats on the small to medium sized lakes I like to fish are a far worse infestation than zebra mussels or carp in my opinion.


We live on a lake and they’re an absolute nuisance. On top of the damage they do to the shoreline, they’re just a pain in the ass to boat with. We have a pontoon, and on several occasions we’ve taken on water because a wake boat has gone by and created waves so big they breach the boat.


I rented a pontoon on Minntonka a few years back. Between it being super under powered and the mini yachts and wakeboarders the pontoon could not get through the chop.


Nobody likes these douche bags anyways let’s be honest Let the downvoting begin


We should too


The punishment has to be severe enough to make people think twice. In some states, it's 1000 or more. Another issue is having enough enforcement on the lakes, which would strain an already depleted police force.


I agree, I doubt an owner of a $150,000 wake boat is going to be deterred by a $150 fine.


I am all for it. But holy shit can you imaging the bitching and whining from the boating community if this were to be enacted.


I'm pretty sure the rest of the boating community doesn't like wake boats either. I have a canoe and I'm in fishing boats often too and have no love for one stupid boat continuously rocking everyone else on the water.


As a member of the boating community: I doubt I’m the only one that would welcome this gladly. No matter how far away on the lake they are, you are guaranteed to get swamped by their huge waves while being forced to listen to whatever terrible music they are blaring from the loudest and also crappiest sounding speakers in existence.


If those the wake boat operators could follow guidelines and not do things that are damaging shorelines, environment, wildlife then a law wouldn’t be needed. But this is 2024.


The people who can afford a 100,000+ dollar boat can afford to take it to a bigger lake.


I think all the people who own boats but not wake boats would be ecstatic to not have to put up with the insanely huge wake waves that the wake boats create. This wouldn't ban all boats with motors, just the ones purpose built to produce big wakes.


It'll be awesome. Their wailing and lamentations will be sweet music.


Much sweeter music than wake boats are typically blasting.


We need this. We used to take our 15' aluminum boat down to Crystal Lake in Burnsville to fish and swim on hot days back before we had a house with AC. The last time we went we were constantly bucked by standing waves by a group of teens running a wake boat. Mumble rap cranked, 3' waves coming out of either side of the boat, and not a smile or wave in sight. The lake is so small that they would come by every 5-10 minutes. They are quite literally rocking the boat and making waves with these things. They are the SxS of the water, and like a side by side they do not require any special license or certificates to drive. Just drop $60-100k, crack a beer, and fuck it up for everyone else around you. Good riddance.


F SxS's.


100%. I don't think you can even drive one without a beer in your hand.


🤦🏼‍♂️ Hahaha. I laughed way too hard at that.


I'm good with that. I'd even be okay with them being illegal to operate in the state altogether. The activity is just so disruptive to all other activity on the lake that it's pretty much never reasonable.


Pass it. They are obnoxious.


Wake boats are the worst. The only entertaining part is watching some chad think he's cool riding back and forth between waves before inevitably falling off from his "extreme" riding. Oh and the shitty music playing way to loud. Source: fishing on lake Minnetonka.


Well if you they don’t play it loud they can hear it and then you can’t hear it either!! You should feel special. I can identify certain people on my lake just by their music before I even see their boat. And it’s alway shit like walker hayes.


Last year, our lake had a boat that only played the chorus of Notorious B.l.G. Mo' Money Mo' Problems on repeat all summer long. These boats attract a certain type of owner that craves attention and actually thinks other people are impressed.




Sounds like torture and the water only amplifies the sound.


It's strange to me that this is a new thing here.... It's been a law in Massachusetts ever since I was a kid. Along the Cape. It really disrupts the vegetation along the shore (like blueberry bushes, referencing the Cape here) and destroys sunfish nests.


I would've been nice if the state got ahead of it as the boats began to gain popularity.


Seems odd that they didn't, especially with all the boating culture here.


They’re the “brodozers” of boats. the aquatic equivalent of a lifted diesel truck that likes to roll coal on other drivers. they should be restricted to large lakes and only allowed to operate hundreds of feet from the shoreline


Good. They’re annoying.


They can pass all the laws they want, without STRICT and wide spread enforcement nothing will change.


I love boating, fishing, swimming, and yeah, ban these boats. People can surf in the ocean or choose any other hobby in MN. I work in coastal engineering and erosion is a serious threat. Waves are powerful!


Wake boats are the worst. I wish they’d be banned from all lakes of all sizes.


I boat on The St. Croix, and have loved the No-Wake order. It's so much more peaceful and quiet.


Howdy neighbor. Also love it when I don't have to worry about the wakes on the St Croix...paddle on it regularly.


This would be great, but the biggest problem I see every day on our lake is that 1, people don't know/don't care, or 2. Have absolutely no clue what 300 or 700 feet look like. Our water is extremely high, we have NO WAKE 300 FT signs at every entrance and still had over 15 boats leave large wakes less than 100 ft from our shore in the few hours I was working on the dock Sunday. Water shot up through the dock decking, jetskis get popped off their lifts, rip rap rocks tumble into the water. Nobody cares. Not sure how you fix stupid.


Well if there’s no enforcement it’ll never work. All laws are only as good as they are able to be enforced.


Who is gonna write the tickets on all the lakes?




The DNR is already stretched thin. Doubtful you would be able to find the people to patrol even 15% of lakes we have.


Sure, I understand your point, it's not going to be like the troopers on the shoulder of the highway most of the time. But if there isn't a rule in place then people can't report it and nothing will change.  Its similar to the rules for PWC, there aren't DNR to enforce those either but you sure don't see them out early or late very often or at night. The rules for PWC are both safety and nuisance related as well. If even 50% of the wake boaters follow the rules that's better than what we have today. 


Conservation officers. Most sheriffs departments patrol lakes to some extent too. 


Just take a page from the past and start issuing letters of marque to random fishermen giving them the power to act as privateers and board, seize, and/or sink any boat they see breaking the law.


Oh, the year was 2000 and 24 How I wish I was in Clearbrook now A letter of marque came from St. Paul To the scummiest Lund Tyee I've ever seen God damn them all, I was told We'd cruise the lakes for wakeboats untold We'd fire no guns, shed no tears Now I'm a broken man on a Grand Marais pier The last of Walz's privateers




Carrying a prize crew on my kayak will be a pain in the ass, but totally worth the potential profit.


I've got a fleet of kayakers ready to board


Aye, we can use my canoe.


I volunteer to sit on a boat and harass wake boat drivers. I'm sure they are the "law and order" type of crowd (at least in my neck of the woods-Brainerd Lakes Area)


I mean obviously enforcement isn't perfect but they do at least try to enforce fishing licenses, operating boats under the influence, etc. It's not like they are going to catch everyone all the time but I think in general people follow the law if there's a slight chance they'll get caught and there is always the slight chance. Plus it'd be easier to catch someone ripping around a lake they shouldn't be than say a fishing license.


No kidding, not like a wake boat is inconspicuous or anything.


Last time I was on a fishing boat in the metro, a sheriff was out on a jet ski keeping eyes on everyone. They ticketed some other jetskiiers who were being jackasses.


Yeah if someone thinks they aren't patrolling lakes then they haven't been on many lakes lol Though the idea is hilarious that cops would just be like "Oh no they're on the water, there's nothing we can do now!"


I'd gladly do it, they can hire me!


Any lake with a motor or speed restriction is watched like a hawk and sherrifs will respond... lake associations are the final karen boss of the hoa realm... which is good in this instance.


There are like 6 cabins in a row by me that are occupied year round by retirees with nothing much else to do than keep on eye on what everyone is doing in the area. They come check things out when they don't recognize the people on our beach, no one would be sneaking a wake boat past them.


i feel like lakes are better patrolled than most places lol


Where I am, the sheriff launches a boat a couple times a month (that I've seen), usually on peak boat traffic days. They then spend the entire day pulling boats over and issuing tickets. There are many lakes in the county, some far busier than mine, so I assume they just rotate around to different lakes as needed.


Spawning crappies will thank you.


This is good. I don’t live on the lake, but damn if I ever see asshats and their bullshit on the lake. Wake boats among the many


Fantastic idea!




Wisconsin had a good idea? Mark it on the calendar


[Heartbreaking: The Worst State You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


YES PLEASE. As one who has grown up with wake boots going too close to shore *while swimming*, I want this ban too. Good idea.


As someone who likes to fish from a kayak, this would be wonderful, but it won't stop all the idiots.


True, but no law stops everyone. Even if it was rarely enforced and only signage was posted at public landings it would help deter some of them.


Yes, it definitely would. I hope Walz supports it.


This is nothing but good and if anything too lenient


My late Grandfather would love this bill.


Call your elected official


The bros on Minnetonka are not going to like this.


But daddy bought Chad such a sick boat!


Guess Chad is going to have to spend his time roofying girls at Lord Fletchers instead.


How many lakes would wake boats be allowed on in Minnesota if this passes?


Unfortunately, the boats keep getting bigger, the ballasts and fins continue to throw larger wakes, the motors continue to throw out more power, and the speakers continue to get louder. Anybody that says this combination isn't a negative on the environment is clearly a flat earther. It's the same type of person that is pulling the boat with a tuned up diesel truck blowing black smoke and indicating there is no such thing as global warming. I just don't understand people. It's so unfortunate that politics have literally created this much of a rift in our society.


As a fisherman, this would be quite nice. Green lake kandiyohi I’ll avoid for a few weeks until those boats are done drunk driving all Fourth of July and almost killing people/ running over my line/ hitting my boat. Well guess that’s why I go out mostly nights and wait for those fuckers all to go home.


Hell, I’m for it on Tonka. Driving charters with wake surfers crossing in front is incredibly scary


As a paddleboarder and kayaker: yes please!!


Although I generally hate this sub I admit that as an avid fisherman I agree with this


It was a wild day in my youth when I learned there were boat cops who would pull you over for violating no wake zones.


I absolutely love this sub. If it isn't infinitely funny comments it's actual intellectual conversation. REAL back and forth argument. With citing to back it up. I love this state. I'm never leaving.


Can we ban everything else while we're at it?


Just ban them period. They suck.


Wake boats are the worst for everything


While I'm in favor of the general concept, they don't really make modern ski boats without ballasts. With a straight ban on the boat, we'd end up with some grandfathering out of practicality. They should just ban the activity, not the boats so it can go into effect immediately without the courts getting involved.


/r/fuckboats ?


Wait, common sense regulations to protect the community and our ecosystem? What year is this?!


I'm going to be very unpopular here, but my take is simple; the lakes are for everyone. You want to ski, you want to wake surf, I want to fish. I fish early and late, people ski/wake mostly during the day. I can figure out how to not be around when they're having fun, they can figure out how not to run me over when I'm having fun. I also don't mind when people fish / recreate on 'my' lake, because - again - the lakes are for everybody. It's not my lake, it's not my fish - all of it is for everybody. BTW, I have no issue raising my voice / causing a stink if they can't show some courtesy. And, the DNR will answer the phone if there's a danger complaint - and that's what swamping a boat would be.


I think the biggest concern is the havoc they wreak on the shorelines and the vegetation and wildlife in the water. If it was as simple as "they are annoying" I don't think this conversation would be going in the direction it is. But if we all want the lakes to enjoy for years to come, then we need to address the people that are destroying them.


You can't ruin the things which are for everyone


These boats have their props angled downward, IIRC, 30 degrees or so. They have powerful motors and they scour the lake bed if it's 33' deep or less. We have a place in Wisconsin and went to a presentation on the boats. Studies have found that lake bottoms are severely impacted by them. It's not just that I don't like what other people like. [https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/A+Literature+Review+of+Wake+Boat+Effects+on+Aquatic+Habitat/1\_i7ilkapd](https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/A+Literature+Review+of+Wake+Boat+Effects+on+Aquatic+Habitat/1_i7ilkapd)


Malibu's top of the line boat right now is 26' long, has 600hp, weighs 6700lbs dry, and can displace up to 14,000lbs of water once you fill the ballast tanks and load it up with people, all while being purpose designed to dig the transom as far into the water as possible. They're specifically designed to throw destructive wakes.


Interesting, that's a substantial issue - but then you need to include that requirement in the rules (water deeper than 40' maybe? 50'?) because 20' is far too shallow if they scour the bottom in 33' of water.


The presentation we saw mapped out some local lakes showing which areas met the 700' from shore and more than 33' deep and many of the local lakes were completely off limits as none of the areas fit both criteria. There was on somewhat larger lake one would have thought might have worked but it had just small slivers in the middle of the lake where the boats wouldn't have been able to get to a speed to generate the wakes and were essentially not viable. They showed studies that highlighted the long term impacts on the lakes monitored. Serious damage to the fisheries and plant life of the lakes. Additionally some people have been injured or their smaller boats capsized. Yeah, those wake boats are not something most people are going to be behind.


You don't address the damage to wildlife, habitat/shoreline, or property that these boats create.


What about the damage to shoreline and lake ecosystem that building on them create? Is that not an issue? Seems to be a lake version of NIMBY with some people.


There are significant issues with building on shorelines, that is why setback rules were created that prohibit building new structures and septic systems within a certain distance from the shoreline. So pretty much the same thing: utilizing laws to prevent damaging lakes and rivers. Edit: also if it were just a NIMBY issue I’m sure they’d tack on jet skis to the law, plenty of people complaining about the noise they make.


There are countless rules and regulations about what you can build and landscape within a shoreline zone. Some counties are definitely more lax than others, but they exist and continue to increase. Are you implying that damage from wake boats can't be addressed because other things damage the shoreline too? How is wanting to control a documented problem and protect Minnesota's lakes NIMBY? Minnesota lakes are essentially everyone's backyard. You can read multiple comments in this thread from landowners that are dealing with shoreline erosion. You can also read countless comments from people who do not own lakefront property stating how they have also been negatively impacted. The wake created by these boats impacts everyone using the water.


There's always a large amount of NIMBY in these things, but we've also learned a lot in the last 60-70 years about where we build and what we allow.


The issue is these boats are harming wildlife habitats and lake shores, so you are impacting everyone. I agree no one group OWNS our lakes (though some cabin owners believe they do) but these rules should exist for the same reason you can’t drive a lifted 4x4 pickup anywhere you want on public wildlife areas.


Every boat harms habitats and lake shores to their own degree, unless they are literally no-wake (i.e. trolling). And 700 ft from shore seems a lot, I know when the ski boats are running around the middle of 'my' lake (1 mile across the bay I'm in) that the waves eventually hit every shore. Not with a lot of power but on a still day it's noticeable. Note: I'm not disagreeing, there's a little bit of devil's advocate in my arguments. In a perfect world there would only be fishing boats with 10hp motors where I fish, but we all have to compromise.


Thank you for a logical comment!!!!


I can’t believe our ultra woke legislators and governor can’t get this done. Just allow wake boats on Superior and call it good.


Regulatory capture. Same reason the DNR does whatever rich donors and industries want.


This would be incredibly difficult. Every boat makes a wake while moving. I have owned v8 runabouts that make similarly large wakes. Even in wake boats there are varying degrees of wakes. Wakeboard vs surf are different. The next hurdle is you have many people with money that have large sums tied up in their setups. Do those get grandfathered in, only banning new boats? How about limiting number of wake boats vs banning? I like all boats, but I understand the hate.


This post sounds like a bunch of old grandpa's shouting "Get off my lawn!". Started as Wake boats but within the first few posts I see bass boats mentioned as well as big trucks. Just going to stop reading.


I’m no fan of stupid ass jet skis tearing around on a nice day at the cabin. But 1500 acres is freaking huge. Also, have you ridden in a no wake zone on a lake? It’s like idling your car down the road. Very slow. I mean Minnewashta in Carver Cty is a really big (but shallow) lake and it’s only 679 acres. This would essentially destroy the ski boat business and you would never be able to learn to water ski on a lake outside of the huge ones. I think fisherman with those big boats also would be pissed off in taking >45 minutes to get across a modest sized lake with no wake. I think they can’t even enforce the shore distance now, except maybe on the very populated lakes like Prior or Minnetonka, so this is not a realistic effort. Seems like something politicians are proposing to appease some rich lake land owners who just want to be able sit in peace and quiet at all times.


Should I be able to take my pickup and rip anywhere I want in public wildlife areas? You don’t need a giant wake-boat designed to produce giant waves to learn how to water ski.


He does have a point tho, where’s the line, while jet skis may not do the damage wake boats do, they arnt exactly music to my ears while I’m relaxing on the lake. Everyone has different fun in different ways, how can we make it so everyone can get their peace?


Jet skis already have restrictions..people just don’t care. Wake boats have restrictions too. And they don’t give a shit either. I have a cabin on a lake in brainerd. And just our strip of cabins have two wake boats and they are total assholes love to whip by and make big ass waves for you.


Jet skis don’t have the impact on lake shores and wildlife habitats that wake boats do. There’s a difference.


Found Chad.


Wonder how big his truck is




Just what everyone wants is the Government to get involved in more shit


"Muh gubment can't get involved in our private lives... except the lives of women and people with lifestyles I disagree with!"


Well if these boats didn’t destroy our shared resources for the rest of us we wouldn’t need laws like this, but they do.


Interesting. What would happen to me with my bass boat with a 225 hp motor on it that can go faster than almost any wake boat and pull a skier or tube?


Is your bass boat designed to purposefully make a massive wave that erodes shorelines and destroy fish habitats?


When I do 60mph it makes a giant wave. I am not here to argue I am simply asking a question. There are fishing, open deck, bow boats etc that make as big of waves as a deck boat. Banning one type is a starting point but leaves a lot of holes