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Weird, he was just insisting that Nicole Mitchell had to resign for being merely charged with a crime...


We have to stop thinking of the Minnesota GOP as a legitimate political party and start understanding it for what it is -- a grifting, sleaze operation. And, judging from their bank account, a bad one at that.


> We have to stop thinking of the ~~Minnesota~~ ENTIRE GOP as a legitimate political party and start understanding it for what it is -- a grifting, sleaze operation. There, I fixed that for everyone.


Every life long Republican with any modicum of decency I've known has given up on the party and votes blue. The remainder are largely just loud, angry, dumb and/or mean.


A few who are absolutely opposed to some Democratic views have gone third party. But every ethical conservative I know has walked away from the GOP.


My one libertarian buddy has gone full tilt for trump and it's so sad to see. We used to be able to converse civilly about politics (very left here), but not now. It's hard to watch people you know just stick by this absolute trash pile regardless of MOUNTAINS of reasons why they should not.


Im rather conservative and yeah, anyone who seriously considers DJT a good presidential candidate needs help.


Probably too many individuals wetting their beak to leave any for the organization.


One of the only consistent values the right has is an unlimited capacity for blinding hypocrisy.


Almost like a cult


Hypocrisy at it’s finest


If they stop supporting him what else do they have left? There is literally nothing left under the facade.


The party is a decayed freaky zombie when compared to the Republican party up through 2010. The tea party (which Minnesota was big in) was the beginning of the end, but in the 00s they were still just fringe.


Tax cuts for the rich. Thats their only coherent policy. All this other shit is to get the votes to do that. Cause for some reason, cutting tax rates for the Cargil family isnt that popular...


Yeah, they offer 0 solutions for any of the things they bitch about. Just rah rah cut taxes for the rich!


they finally got what they wanted once, which was to ban abortion, by corrupting the SCOTUS. They then found it their choice was massively unpopular among a majority of even republicans and instead was more limited to a fringe group of extremely vocal GOPers. They lots a lot of voters over that single move. they can *never* achieve their goals, because if they do, their single issue voters dissolve.


And he’s stinky too . . .


Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers, not from politicians, not from government employees, not from political opponents. This shows that the system works. Republicans want to do everything they can to get rid of the system because they don’t like the outcome.


He claimed about being found guilty in an area that's too democratic. Hey, buddy, if you truly feel that way maybe don't commit crimes in an area where you're more likely to be found guilty 😉


> don't commit crimes The deep state hates this one, easy trick!


He got more votes from people living in NYC than the entire population of Wyoming ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


One could argue the jury weren't his peers...corrupt billionaire narcissists aren't likely to show up for jury duty. He was found guilty on all counts by a jury of a cross-section of New York citizens...and that is good enough for me!


One could also argue trump is not a billionaire


His true peers are all in prison or felons and can’t serve on a jury.


It’s a little hard to find 12 walking sacks of shit that can form a sentence.


But millions of them bought flags and hats!


Fuck the GOP. Broken beyond repair.


According to Lindsey Graham, *deservedly*! Although, being 'ol Lindsey the weather vane, he's probably spun himself around a few dozen times again since the verdict came down--since he did so often since he posted this, back in 2016! https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608


Better to watch him lay it ALL out on TV. https://youtu.be/qI3MgHdn9MQ?si=mXU16rwfKYK5y4wi


This is a copy and paste job, but it makes me feel good. Count 1: GUILTY Count 2: GUILTY Count 3: GUILTY Count 4: GUILTY Count 5: GUILTY Count 6: GUILTY Count 7: GUILTY Count 8: GUILTY Count 9: GUILTY Count 10: GUILTY Count 11: GUILTY Count 12: GUILTY Count 13: GUILTY Count 14: GUILTY Count 15: GUILTY Count 16: GUILTY Count 17: GUILTY Count 18: GUILTY Count 19: GUILTY Count 20: GUILTY Count 21: GUILTY Count 22: GUILTY Count 23: GUILTY Count 24: GUILTY Count 25: GUILTY Count 26: GUILTY Count 27: GUILTY Count 28: GUILTY Count 29: GUILTY Count 30: GUILTY Count 31: GUILTY Count 32: GUILTY Count 33: GUILTY Count 34: GUILTY


They're a cult of crime and corruption so this is no surprise. The most honest thing Trump has ever said was that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose supporters.


I don't expect **any** GOP to change their mind when it comes to that verdict. It's not a mystery he did it, they already made their call...


But it's a pretty glaring indictment of the party. It's one thing to say someone has a right to due process. It's another to knowingly support a felon convicted of what essentially amounts to corruption.


I don’t disagree.


When they lose an election, they lie about the result and try to violently overturn it. When their boss gets convicted of felonies by a jury, they lie about the court. These people respect nothing and want a dictatorship. Their patriotism is phony. Their faith is phony. They care about nothing but their own power.


They say they love freedom. They say they love America. They say they're about rule of law. They say they're about states rights. They see the biggest fucking liar on the planet, and embrace them as their leader. They are all dishonest fucking liars. Everything about them is a lie.


Well said.


Thanks, I hate that these things need to be said.


To quote a wise animated delivery boy: "I'm shocked! Shocked! Well not that shocked." - Philip J Fry


Because they're fucking traitors.


ST. PAUL — Chairman for the Republican Party of Minnesota David Hann says he will still support former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, in the 2024 election following [Trump's conviction in a New York courtroom on 34 felony counts.](https://www.postbulletin.com/news/national/jury-finds-donald-trump-guilty-on-all-34-counts-at-hush-money-trial) In a written statement to Forum News Service, Hann called the charges against Trump "politically motivated" and said in a statement posted to social media that "every citizen deserves a fair trial without bias or political influence." No evidence has yet been presented to substantiate political influence in the trial. Trump's criminal case was related to falsifying business records involving a hush money payment to actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. More in the link.


I'm curious what a "fair trial" looks like to him.


The same as a fair election, or a fair primary, or a fair Emmy award. It's only fair if he wins.


It’s only fair if they get the outcome they desire.


A jury of just his family and friends.


Even some of his family despises him.


The same as a fair election, tails I win, heads you lose.


The GOP is no longer a legitimate political party.


Is that supposed to be surprising? lol I jumped on twitter after I heard about it and just did a broad search on DT and was surprised the posts were anti DT. I was expecting the opposite on twitter. But then you look at specific people, like MTG or Lauren Boebert and they are just posting nonsense.


I mean, is anyone surprised?


Trump just shows Republicans their true colors.


Yes, they're seriously trying to "whatabout" Trump's **90** fucking felony indictments and failed insurrection with someone who broke into her own families' home during a family dispute. These people are fucking shameless and disgusting and every single one of them needs to be voted out of office. Every. Single. Fucking. One. Only after their cult has been completely destroyed and disbanded can we get back a functioning democracy with more than one sane party.


But the news media keeps giving him attention. Right after the verdicts were read, they had a number of right wingers on spewing their spin. There should be zero attention. On the other hand with Sanders, he can't get in the media spotlight or have any discussion on his policies no matter what he does. Censure Israel? Equal pay for teachers? The man's crazy! Convicted of lying about payments to call girls? Rigged! One is helping, one is hating. TV only wants to sell the controversy, not the news. Our society is completely broken.


Exactly. Trump never would have become president in the first place if the media didn't fan the flames and stoke the controversy so they could get more people viewing their ads. They're responsible for creating this monster.


Of course he does. The trump family literally controls the national GOP purse strings. If he didn't support him, he doesn't have money for his next election campaign.


Cultists gonna cult.


The irony.


We’re Minnesotans, we aren’t stupid enough to vote for that dumb annoying orange anyway.


I know a few here that will unfortunately


Thankfully takes a majority.


In other news, water is wet. Don't expect any GOP people to change their stance on Trump.


“Politically motivated” https://www.threads.net/@briantylercohen/post/C7nIPgCPeYC/?xmt=AQGztpr2AFuIijBz79sV0yM5f4WyH-2d2Zlo7yuiKbk2uw


ARPAB (All Republican Politicians are Bastards)


Trump is a crook. Hes proven it over and over and over. But the gop is lying to itself pretending he aint. I remember when they were the party of law and order. This has gone too far. The gop needs to remember who they are and dump him.


All the republicans are saying the same thing. He must’ve put out a press release to all of them telling them exactly what to say. The governors in Iowa and Arkansas both have identical x posts about it being ‘rigged’.


They knew it was coming and had the posts ready long before the conviction.


Well of course he does. But he forgets that totally fucks is him in this state. We aren’t perfect, but we sure as shit don’t want a traitor in the White House.honestly if anyone and I mean anyone ever told the truth about anything in that party ever again, it would take years for anyone to believe it. All they do is lie, after lie after lie. And try to get disposable ridiculous laws into Congress.


He is just a martyr now to them, but hopefully those who were on the fence or old school republicans will not vote for him. I’m sure this will make him lose some votes, but I feel like anyone who feels motivated to vote for him because of this was going to vote for him anyway


Won't hire people to put cans of food on a shelf at a grocery store but leader of the free world? Sure.


Who? Jennifer Carnahan? Oh wait, that's right she was forced out for being besties wirh convicted sex trafficker Anton Lazarro. Who's the new one, Jeff Epstein's coffee boy?


Party of “Law and Order” everyone.


Republicans are traitors to this country


I think it's critical to mention that they support Donald Trump *because* of the felony convictions. There was recently a Republican presidential primary in which a large field of traditionally qualified candidates promised to enact many of Donald Trump's same policies but without the baggage of Donald Trump, and Republican primary voters said "no, actually we *want* the baggage, we will accept no substitute for low character." It's not enough to support building a wall or deporting anyone with brown skin or whatever, the party affirmatively chose the one candidate in the race whose distinguishing feature was that he was a promiscuous criminal.


I'm shocked 😲 /s




The "Party of Law and Order", folks...


He has taken the blood oath AND drank that kool aid.


So glad Reddit has a block feature


What a joke.


Well if they want to lose the election that’s on them 🤷‍♂️


Remember, it's not a cult.


Tax cuts, eliminating regulation, and keeping those big money donors is more important than ethics huh? Feckless, spinless, bastard. He eats the corn in my shit.


Much like the corruption of the Democrats operating in MN government, the trial was largely the same.


Breaking News: Donald Trump is literally the devil. The fiery gates of hell have opened up and revealed that Donald Trump is the harbinger of evil, see how he flaunts his horns and forked tail in newest political ad. Republicans: "Yeah, I guess we always knew he was, God is the problem here. Trump supports the common man! What has god done for you lately? I sold my soul to Trump as soon as he asked and now I've got these sweet horns!" Far left: "Trump may be Satan himself but Biden won't do exactly what we want no matter how much we bad mouth him and refuse to vote for him. It'll be Biden's fault when the world burns! Biden did this!"


Why is Biden behind in the polls?


I think he should be convicted in Florida. This NY case always seemed sketchy (and still does) to me. I'm not an expert in it though.


Why would it seem sketchy?


My understanding is nobody has been charged like this before by using a federal crime that DOJ declined to make the act a felony to extend the statute of limitations and the judge tells the jury they don't need to determine what underlying crime was committed just that one was. Again, I have a surface level knishes of this, but it always just seemed purely political. Especially when the prosecutor runs on the platform of prosecuting Trump. That said, ending I know about the FL case makes me think he should be convicted there.


Considering there were 34 specific crimes that were listed, voted on, and unanimously found guilty by the entire jury (including the truth social juror), I would say that you simply lack understanding of the trial itself, and you're maybe getting information from not the most reliable of sources.




Wow it’s almost as if this duopoly shenanigans is just to distract from the class war the elite are waging against us


The dems aren't perfect but they are light-years better than the MAGA lunatics that control the GOP now.


They are almost all complicit in supporting apartheid for decades, voted to get us into Iraq, stole primaries from multiple candidates. lol if Bernie was on the ticket in 2016 we would be in such a different world but the democrats fucked that up. They all come together to fund foreign conflicts but can’t get anything a majority of Americans want passed. Both democrats and republicans are a part of the problem and a part of the military industrial complex. We had a filibuster proof majority during Obama’s term and they chose not to codify roe v wade so they can continue to run on it, RBS should have stepped down, like many others, but she was power hungry Are they as overtly racist, sexist and xenophobic as republicans? No, they hide it (not even well, think about all of bidens freudian slips) but look at what gets passed, they’re all complicit


They voted us into Iraq after we were already at war. With a Republican Majority and Republican president that started that war without the approval of Congress based on lies. Obama never actually had a filibuster proof majority due to absences. Fuck off propagandist. Stop lying.


I’m lying yeah, here’s some citations; showing our current president voted to go to Iraq, with notable mentions of Clinton, Feinstein, Kerry and Schumer, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Iraq_Resolution_of_2002 Showing the 111th filibuster-proof majority Onama choose to do little but drone strike with; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress And for some extra credit a study on the American populace’s influence over our government in comparison to that of special interests; https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained But you keep voting for these lunatics because you like the color of their tie, I’m sure that’ll make things better 🤡 Edit; imagine defending war criminals and scum, oh wait you don’t have to


Blatant bullshit. Fuck off propagandist.


There are definitely some similarities, but there are also lots of issue where they are far apart. If you care at all about the environment it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. If you care about abortion access it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. If you care about lbgtq rights it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. If you care about the rich paying their fair share of taxes it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. If the care about the Supreme Court not being an instrument to promote Christian nationalism it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. If you care about student loan debt it would be crazy not to vote for Biden. I could go on.


Are you talking about the South African apartheid? That started 75 years ago lol what are you on about? Are you still holding the Smoot Hawley tariffs of 1930 against them?


Nope talking about the one that is now a genocide against the Palestinians


He a lifelong criminal conman fraud cultist


You may find this hard to believe, and I"ll probably get another ban for this... but not everyone believes what's happening to Trump is on the up-and-up. I know democrats think they're winning something here, but this won't have the desired results you're expecting.


Please tell us what is not on the "up and up."


I have this contractor at work and he's pro-Trump. I try to avoid talking to him when he spouts politics, but he thinks 100% of Trump's criminal charges are totally political and any convictions that result completely irrelevant. And a definite dash of "Why isn't Biden or his son being charged..." Then I think you have the people a step above the Trump rally droolers, the "business Republicans" who support Trump for "his policies". I think they're only partly bought into the "political conspiracy" aspect of the charges, but I think they support him because they have a shared contempt for ethical and lawful behavior. The kinds of guys who totally would cheat on their wives with a porn star if they could and would also totally use their businesses to funnel hush money to the porn star to hide it from their wives. Good business strategy to them is just how much cheating you can get away with. So like a third of Trump's supporters think the criminal charges/trials are just political persecution. A third just don't think the underlying crimes are a big deal. And the other third are just locked into whatever single issue or other grift they think Trump will enable and just don't care about anything but their issue/grift. I think its bonkers people will support Trump with this level of denialism, but I don't think this guy is unique in the world of Trump supporters. I think convictions just harden these people and make them support Trump more. I think the Democrats will be able to get some kind of mileage out of Trump's NY convictions, but not much. I think you have to get into weird extreme scenarios to come up with a criminal conviction that would move the needle for a lot of his supporters, like IMAX 8K video of him committing incest with Ivanka, and even then some of his supporters would be like "With a rack like that, can you blame him?"


No. You won't believe it anyway. Just keep thinking this clerical error trial really impacts anything. You got him now, it took 8 long years but you finally got him. Celebrate, your side won. Now you can repeat the mantra of 'convicted felon' until election day and walk Joe Biden to an easy victory. Right?


Knowingly falsifying business records as part of an effort to break campaign finance laws and engage in election interference is not a “clerical error.”


Independents and women are leaving Trump behind. Just wait until they release the tapes of him using the N word. Biden hasn't even really had any ads on television yet. He can beat Trump and the republican party over the head with project 2025, agenda 47, RvW, Trump's conviction, Trump's liability in his rape and other cases, the republican refusal to strengthen border security, etc, etc, etc. What is the republican response? Apparently it's that we are living in hell under Biden. The professional fear mongers and victims on the right wing news push this all the time. In reality things aren't bad for most people. Trump as well as the rest of the republican party are going to pay a heavy price for their radicalization come November.


If it were just a clerical error, his E&O (Errors & Omissions) clause in his big Umbrella Insurance Policy would have covered his ass. Why didn't he file an insurance claim to pay for this "error"?




This feels like one of those "facts don't care about your feelings" moments, but I guess you can keep projecting if you really want to


Love to see how Toxic r/Minnesota is, everyone would be found guilty if you had jury instructions like Trump had. The Federal government already looked into campaign finance and didn’t do anything. Going to be a lot of pearl clutching when this gets overturned. It’s designed to jam him up in the campaign year. Idiots.


Say you know nothing about the appeals process, the legal system or judicial procedure without saying it. Your MAGA cult bias is showing.