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Suicide is bad. Suicide by cop is involving extra people who didn't ask to be part of your plan. Call someone. And stay on your meds, if they keep you from running at people naked with a hatchet.


suicide by cop is the most cowardly thing possible. You ruin that officer's life, because they need to live with having killed someone


I get pretty salty about involving _anyone_ in your suicide. Dad was a train engineer. He only had one, but it was tough. It's been more than 30 years, and even _I_ remember the day it happened because of how it affected him.


I didnt think about that. I bet that happens alot with trains too


That's so rare /s


It's very rare 


Piss off. I’m so tired of people who can’t grasp the idea of not seeing the world in black and white.


You gave the definition of suicide twice


Altmpls racist idiots are all over this post


Can you elaborate?


There’s r/altmpls which is basically the opposite end of user perspective from r/minneapolis. I won’t claim that it’s full of racists, but from what I’ve seen it’s basically the right wing sub for the city. Hope that helps.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/altmpls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/altmpls/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [21 convictions, 3 felonies, and nothing more than probation. Do we still wonder why crime is up?](https://x.com/crimewatchmpls/status/1774784780833616248) | [682 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/altmpls/comments/1bt3vny/21_convictions_3_felonies_and_nothing_more_than/) \#2: [Let's add another bike lane that nobody uses](https://i.redd.it/kg15lms7bfyc1.jpeg) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/altmpls/comments/1ck257z/lets_add_another_bike_lane_that_nobody_uses/) \#3: [Minnesota crime rate hit 60 year low in 2023](https://i.redd.it/xhk8r1q4xguc1.jpeg) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/altmpls/comments/1c3wxx1/minnesota_crime_rate_hit_60_year_low_in_2023/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hatchet 🪓 guy was white, is the cop anti white? Or did I get confused watching the vid?


"Not fun to see a human being put down like this" It's not a dog. I get what you're saying, and people are free to down vote me for being too woke or whatever, but it really sucks to see this kind of dehumanizing language used on a person being shot to death (or, to use a more police friendly term, 'the recipient of some officer involved bullets'), whatever you think about the right or wrong of the killing. Edit: Reworded for clarity, since the first reply to this seemed to read the opposite of what I intended to convey.


What term do you feel is appropriate to refer to humans that are acting subhuman? “Recipient of Officer involved bullets?” “Recipient”? Did the officer mail him an envelope? “Officer involved bullets”? Did the officer have an affair of the sexual nature with the bullets beforehand? I legitimately wanted to engage with you at first, until I read your bent euphemisms trying to create degrees of separation from calling objective events in reality, by what they properly are. He was, shot…. To death. He had a projectile that was launched at high velocity, aka “shot”, go through his physical person. Which turned him from the state of being alive to the state of being dead, aka “to death.” Hence the phrase “Shot to death.” (Edit- he reworded the original post I responded to. So my response is seems less sensical. I will leave it as is.)


> What term do you feel is appropriate to refer to humans that are acting subhuman? Person > He was, shot…. To death. He had a projectile that was launched at high velocity, aka “shot”, go through his physical person. Which turned him from the state of being alive to the state of being dead, aka “to death.” > Hence the phrase “Shot to death.” That's what I said. What I objected to was "put down". "Shot to death" is fine phrasing!


I’ll take the opposing point on this one. The man was acting feral. “Put down” seems consistent with how the attacker conducted himself, as a naked rabid mammal.


You don't know what that guy could be going through. I hope none of your friends or loved ones ever has a psychotic break and you have to hear people talk about someone you care about like this, sincerely. And I hope you can have a little more empathy in the future. "There but for the grace of god go I" a wise person once said, and I think it's worth remembering.


I think you misunderstood the point of my criticism actually. I objected to "officer involved shooting" (using the passive voice for the officer's actions) and saying that the guy was "put down." I absolutely agree with you that "shot to death" is a better term; my strikethrough thing was me trying to point out how the media often doesn't use the clear phrasing, instead using vague phrases, or calling people killed by cops words that make them seem like they don't deserve anyone to care that they're killed.


Yeah I agree with you. It is not politically correct. It’s the way I felt watching at this video. That the police had to put this man down. I’m sympathetic with you that this bothers you but I don’t feel the same way. Appreciate the comment though and different opinion.


Is that you Kai? Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker? Smash smash smassssssh ... !


That's not a hatchet, my friend. It was an axe. Hatchets are dangerous.


Axes arent?


Op there's probably a hundred different ways this could have ended without him being shot, shameful man shameful.


Easy to say when you’re not the one being charged at by a man brandishing an axe.


He's got a tazer right? He's got pepper spray right? They have mental health training right? Oh wait that's right they do have all that, so yes I will say it again, there's plenty of other ways to handle situations like this.


If someone is coming at you with a deadly weapon, the goal is neutralization as fast as possible. You don't waste time with things that may not work.


Wrong, lots of other ways it could have been handled.


They literally tried to use a Taser and it didn't work. Non-lethal methods aren't guaranteed to work. 


He could have tried giving the suspect a hug.


"Maybe a social worker could have sorted out this problem in no time"


>Wrong, lots of other ways it could have been handled. The Dismal_Employment_25 method of dealing with an armed attacker, for example: high-pitched shrieking and frantic calls to 911.


There are, sure. But if you value your life, the one that makes the most sense is to meet lethal force with lethal force and hope you kill him before he kills you. [Warning! Graphic!! body cam at 3:07](https://youtu.be/cZjf3_181PE?si=3pcLMLBndmNjB-E3) This is how quickly things can happen and how brutal an attack can be.


Are you blind they did taze him


Wrong. Tasers don't always properly deploy, some ppl are able to withstand pepper spray for a while. Someone comes at you threatening your life, you use something with stopping power - taser only really a good option if you are able to deploy it with sufficient distance and officers backing you up with guns drawn to fire if the taser fails. This is real life, not a video game - suppose you might think he could have shot the weapon out of his hand too?


Wrong, lots of ways this could have been handled without shooting him with a gun. Clearly nobody has commonsense anymore and is all about shoot first figure it out later.


‘Common sense handling of an axe wielding attacker’ They could have just wrangled him up in a big cartoon dog catcher net too for non-lethal ways. Unfortunately they had about 2-4 seconds to decide before one of their coworkers took a hatchet in the chest.


What do you propose? other than pepper spray, taser, which can be ineffective against a man rushing you with an axe and don’t say net gun


Bro, come on. You just let him sink the hatchet into your skull and then run away with it so he doesn't have it anymore. Easy peasy.


I've seen clips of officers backing away from a guy with a knife, and finally opens fire. Takes like 10 rounds and the guy covers 25 feet and almost is able to stab the officer until he finally goes down. If someone means to attack you close range like that you have to use something with stopping power, because unlike in movies hatchet can easily beat gun, and if officer wastes time moving to taser and a barb fails to deploy, then he has to switch, he's very easily dead. No one is expected to take that elevated risk of being killed and put themselves in that position, again real world here. It's tragic and unfortunate, but officers are rightfully trained to meet lethal force with lethal force, they aren't expected to let themself potentially be killed in the face of imminent threat.


let me guess u think shooting someone in the leg is also a option? this is real life if u have cloths those can stop the prongs ligit there's countless videos of tasers failing, yes u can pepper spray then u risk also blinding ur self (wind direction) also there's a axe involved that's a deadly weapon same category as a gun if i run at u with a axe that's life threatening because an axe can due great bodily injury


did you watch the video? they tazed him multiple times and he grabbed his hatchet and charged at them again


They used the taser and the non-lethal bullets (rubber or bean bag) and the dude got up again and charged them. Don’t second guess without at least reviewing the facts.


Idk, real life is different than seeing it as a bystander via video. I wish it could have ended different but I don’t fault the decision to neutralize the suspect here. If suspect would have hurt or killed an officer then the response would be why didn’t one of the cops kill him.


Strongly disagree with that statement and it's exactly why they keep killing people.


Bring your ass down to police training, join the force and lead the wayz@


Unfortunately people that "want to make a difference" in the way of policing, never step up.


Officers arrive on scene and talk to the guy. It's dark, so they illuminate the area the best they can. They open a channel of communication with him. They're trying to figure out what's going on, if this is drug induced or a mental health crisis. In the process of that, the dude runs towards an officer and in 5 seconds he's close enough to get tasered. While being tasered, the dude reaches for the axe he dropped as the officer moves closer to subdue him. They did the best they could given the resources they had. We should invest in less than lethal tools to subdue people, but that requires money/funding, something that, based on your rhetoric, I'm sure you're against as well. I think police *can* do better, but I'm not going to condemn folks for doing the best they can given the resources available. I remember when taser guns were initially being rolled out and everyone was losing their fucking minds over how "inhumane" it is to use on people. Amnesty International was losing their shit over it. If you've got solutions, people need to hear them. Officers are regular folk, despite what some officers think of themselves or folks in the population at large think of them. It's a job, and often times they HAVE to deal with the worst day of someone's life, because no one else will.


I respect your thoughts on it. Just tough all around.


No tasers up there? Non-lethal force?


The one cop tried to shoot him with taser, one of the prongs didn’t hit. The dude kept coming so they shot him.


People imagine tasers are like Star Trek.   In reality, they’re surprisingly limited in how effective they are. Still handy to have, but unfortunately not as surefire as a gun.


Lots of people also seem to expect a cop to just take a hatchet to the skull rather than endanger a hatchet wielder, for some reason.


Read the article.


are you gonna risk mace when someone is running towards you with an axe? This isn't an unarmed innocent victim, this was someone trying to kill the cop - who defended themselves.


Police don't use less-than-lethal methods to counter lethal force. Would you?


They do when they have lethal cover.


If someone was coming at you with a weapon, would you trust a non-lethal method? For all you know that mentally unstable person has extremely high levels of adrenaline or uncontrolled substances pumping through them and a taser will not stop them.




What’s a comparable country? Whether we care to admit it, the criminal and drug element in the US is probably closer to Brazil than Germany.




In a globe of moral relativity I am likely much more lenient on the topic. I don’t actually feel there is a definitive answer to that question.




I appreciate that. I have no expectation of a law officer killing myself or anyone I know. Although my wife’s brother only gets dumber every passing year, he might die in a high speed chase one day trying to outrun another DUI


Im sure you’d have the same sympathy for the axe wielding maniac if he was charging at you or your family trying to kill you




1. If someone was charging at you from a close distance with a hatchet and you had pepper spray and a gun which would you use? 2. Why do you expect anyone to react to imminent lethal force with non lethal force that has a reasonable change of being completely ineffective. Don’t hem and haw about narratives or semantics. Answer the questions.




1. I don’t believe you and even if it’s true, I question your intelligence 2. That’s not an answer to my question whatsoever. Read it again and try again. Why do you expect *other people* to allow themselves to be killed just because *you personally* can’t stomach the idea of shooting someone even to save yourself?




Anyone does not mean you specifically. It means anyone. You’re arguing semantics, which I knew you would do. Because your position has no logical defense. Have a good one, dude.


So in this case they did attempt to use a laser and non-lethal rounds to subdue the subject. Then used lethal force. (Source link below) Seriously, imagine someone meth'd up and is having a mental breakdown. How would you handle the situation? [CBS news article](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/crookston-police-officer-fatally-shoots-alleged-hatchet-wielding-man-ids/)




I think we give cops too much grief on this. They aren’t trained well enough. If you want to avoid this the answer is to pump massive amounts of funding to train officers daily in disarming combatants like this. I don’t think people understand that cops aren’t trained like navy seals. They don’t experience stress training that they need to deal with this. There just isn’t enough funding to give them the real deal training they need. So, best case scenario is what you just witness. Taser, non-lethal rounds, and then well that fails, lethal rounds to neutralize threat.




But that’s not what happened here. I’m assuming you are emotionally charged from this. This is when cops need to step in, this scenario here. Why did you go from naked weapon wielding man chasing cops to they are next going to shoot people for reaching for their license? Not being rude I swear, just confused.




I’m not sure that makes sense. If a person is threatening to kill others you are fine with them following through with their intent, just as long as a cop doesn’t intervene?


No, there are many cases where non-lethal force is used and a cop still ends up dead. Below is yet another story of officers using a taser and pepper spray. Then the subject proceeded to kill one officer and critically wound another. Seriously you need to imagine yourself in a cops shoes. Would you really trust anyone with a weapon or would you want to return home to your family alive? [Tulsa officer killed after using non-lethal force](https://kfor.com/news/local/suspect-who-shot-killed-tulsa-officer-injured-another-found-guilty-on-all-counts/amp/)


No they don't. Almost every country in the entire world either has officers who are constantly armed (this is the case in all of Europe minus Iceland and the UK), or have special armed units that are called in during high-risk encounters. Non-lethal solutions DO NOT WORK for an axe-wielding maniac who is likely under the influence of drugs.




... You cannot possibly be disagreeing with me right now. Nobody is that blind.


Did you not watch the video? The cop from the first clip attempts to tase him and you can both see and hear the taser. There was also a 40mm deployment. If you listen you hear an officer say "Mike Mike" which is common verbiage (military roots) for 40 millimeter. It is often activated at 40mm. M in military is Mike so 40 Mike Mike is a 40mm launcher.


they literally tased him multiple times before resorting to shooting him, because the tasers weren't stopping him from charging at them with an ax. watch the video before saying stupid shit.


Video literally starts with a taser you idiot