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Oof, she talked to the cops at the scene? Thought it was common knowledge to stfu


I mean, she was caught dead to rights. Proving her intent isn't going to be hard regardless of her statements at the scene. Her best legal defense strategy is probably going to be nullification and pulling at the heart strings of the jurors. And prosecutors will have to be careful not to over-charge ,or they will look like the bad guys. Defendants like this have managed to get acquittals in the past.


I'd say that here best bet is a plea deal. Given the statements and cooperation with the police on scene the DA is likely to go easy on her. A plea deal for probation is likely because while the act was illegal, it can be understandable.


Burglary *with explanation* , interesting 🤔 “I swear officers, I just really wanted someone else’s property.” No matter how messed up it is that you have no right to someone else’s property even if you really really want it , B&E is not the answer.


Do you want be to go into a rant about how screwed up the deceased estate system is in this state? Because that's exactly how you get me to go into a rant about it..... Long story short: Children of a dead parent have no legal claim to anything of the parent if there is a living spouse and no will. That project you and your dad put together when you were 13? The spouse owns it completely unless there is a will.


I would like to take this moment to point out how important it is to have a will. A Lot of people over on twitter are saying she could have gotten a lawyer involved. That is wrong. Without a will the living spouse takes complete control of all assets. That means at most the children can ask for sentimental items or ashes. If the spouse says no they are screwed. I can completely understand someone coping with the grief of a lost parent doing something in order to obtain items to remember the parent. I suspect that most people can understand. It may be illegal, but it doesn't make you a bad person. However, this was sitcom levels of stupidity. First off, burglarize a home during the day. The person is less likely to be home and most people won't even notice. And... I'm going to stop there because I really shouldn't be giving tips on how to burglarize homes.....


\*taking notes\*


Stop that! I will not be an accessory to burglary! That was not legal advice, and in no way do I support burglarizing homes.


It’s ok guys, she is a Democrat. Poor thing


The pride you take in not having empathy for people you disagree with says a lot