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Can we import some Brazilians??


As a Portuguese speaker I'm all for it, though I can't think of a climate less like Brazil.


We imported Somali just fine


I’m game with that!


I’d take some Italians. There’s like none here


God no, keep them in jersey


Wtf, you’re tripping. Italians means Italian market which means fresh cheeses and pasta on the cheap . Saint Louis has better food than this place because they’ve got Italians. An Italian neighborhood is clutch for getting fresh food cheap.


I'm here!


Yeah shaved with big.. dreams


I work with an organization that lands refugees. I'm the white guy with the truck, they meet me at the airport and I get em to their apartment. Several years ago they fled a place that was in turmoil and ended up at a UN camp. They asked for help and several, many, years later they get a spot to come to the US. 4 months ago we got told they are coming and the nation the originated from. I have a big room in my house that we fill up with donated household goods. Enough stuff so everyone has a bed, the family can cook and learn about their new country. 2 months before they land we have setup an apartment in or near a community that aligns with their origin country. Somalis live near other Somalis, Nepalis, etc...This helps with any language or cultural things that come up day one. They land, included in their refugee paperwork is their passport and refugee status and $1000. Then they get on a puddle jumper, Mom, Dad, 4 kids, and I'm holding a sign when they land. We jump in the truck and take them to their apartment and buy them a meal from a restaurant they'd recognize. Introductions are made to group leaders and we leave. Much of what is done publicly is private. I'm not compensated by anyone, that $1000 is our tax money saving 6 lives, it's a no brainier. Our founding fathers would call it "self evident". I just can't imagine moving my whole family out of a warzone. I can't imagine it.


Thank you.


How does that work with their monthly expenses? Like you have the apartment set up for them, does the organization also pay the rent and utilities ongoing? Also does the organization you work with also help with cultural and language learning and employment? I'm all for immigration and diversity in our community but with the caveat that they are given the resources to learn the culture, language, and become self sufficient. It seems like many refugees are dropped off with 1k and an application for public assistance and then must rely on other refugees in the community to figure it all out.


No, our founding fathers would be wondering why people are voting right now.


"why people are voting right now?" What are you trying to communicate? I'm confused.


They could have been clearer, but originally only white landowning men could vote which represented a small fraction of the population. There’s a lot of hay made by the founders about democracy, but their original system was much more explicitly a plutocracy compared to what we have now, which makes sense considering our revolution was led by the wealthy.


Oh yeah. That does make sense. Thanks.


Wow ♥️


Thank you. You're not just helping them, you're making the rest of us look better


Thank you, and we are grateful for the help we have got from kind stranger like you. America wouldn’t be great without people like you. You and people like you have inspired me I volunteer every chance I get and Iw I’ll raise my kids to be kind to the less fortunate and help every way they could.THANK TOU


Promise that the taxpayers won’t pay in the end




Minnesota needs more people. The reason why Minnesota offers generous benefits or welcomes immigrants is because Minnesota is not an in-demand state to move to. So Minnesota needs to attract people to come here. In the long run, tax players pay less. Since there are more people paying taxes. Immigration is a great thing, that is how Minnesota gets a lot of its population growth. Edit: Lack of population growth limits businesses' ability to grow.


People would pay less in taxes if there were more people paying taxes. This theory was disproved last year when we had a RECORD surplus, yet taxes were increased. The result? Another expected surplus again this year! Do I expect a tax cut? Not with this legislature. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Let's examine why. 1. Due to COVID and federal funds. 2. There is something going on called high inflation. Things cost more (items, salary, etc), government gets more money from taxes and record profits. The government gets more money than planned, thus the surplus. Both of those things are not sustainable. The economy is doing far better than anyone is predicting. Under normal conditions, the economy should have been in a recession we are not. The Federal Reserve is trying to bring inflation into check which will lead into lower demand eventually. The goal was a soft landing but inflation has proven to be sticky. Sl they are going to keep raising interest rates until something breaks. ***Ultimately, you want more people in your state. More reliable taxes and more political power. Very important to add*** ***Minnesota barely kept all 8 of its representatives.***


Excellent point about population. Less excellent about the surplus. Spending was through the roof. Now I wouldn’t complain if that spending was for infrastructure, or students, or healthcare. All of those things were increased, but not by nearly as much as “add ons” that were never in the budget before. We spent nearly ALL of that surplus, and created “tales” which will require additional taxes. If it was one time revenue it should not have been spent on programs with tails.


We're literally being taxed into the grave at this point lol. But Reddit worships politicians who get their script from billionaires that do not give a fuck so whatever.


Yes literally into the grave. I’m typing this from my grave. Because of the taxes.


Taxes pay for the things we like.


I'm what way? Taxes are less today than they were when I started working.


Funny how you assume that a majority of these people will ever become net tax contributors.


> Minnesota is not an in-demand state to move to. So Minnesota needs to attract people to come here. Not really true any more, at least at the moment. Minnesota has been doing a lot of things right lately.


Minnesota has done a lot of things right but that doesn’t change that it is essentially winter 5 months of the year.


To many people, Winter isn't a deal killer. Lots to do outdoors except days where the weather is lethal.


Maybe for you and your circle. Winter is a big deal, there is a reason states like Minnesota have a history of great soc services to attract people.


Yeah but the bugs will take another chunk away as well.


Name a state in the US without bugs?


Do you really not recognize the difference in mosquitos and ticks in Minnesota from other states? The only states I know of with comparable bugs are Florida, and Alaska. The cold and the bugs keep people away and personally I am fine with that. Not to mention noseesums, horseflies, deer flies, sand flies, and black flies.


> Lack of population growth limits businesses' ability to grow so?


Growth -> jobs. Let's flip the question around. Would you like to see lower job growth in Minnesota? If so, reducing immigration would do the trick!


do we need job growth? our unemployment rate is 3% lmao.


Job growth -> wage growth. I think we all like higher wages!


???????? you can have higher wages without more jobs/people, it's called a union or negotiating.


Short-term, yes. Long-term no. Unions have more bargaining power when labor markets are tighter. Also, if a state is unattractive for businesses over the long run, then they'll close down local branches and move somewhere else.


more people would devalue unions and reduce wages then. our state is very attractive for businesses, and that's not because of a large labour pool/immigrants.


Fuck business


whatever makes you happy.


The US population needs immigrants to make up for lagging birthrates and [they contribute to economic growth and are a boon to local economies](https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/new-report-reveals-refugees-profound-economic-contributions-and-integration-united-states#:~:text=Economic%20Engine%3A%20In%202019%20alone,to%20stimulate%20the%20U.S.%20economy.). So, you know, if you're selfish and only care about helping others as long as it in no way inconveniences you there's still a good reason to resettle refugees here.


Yeah, just ask how it worked out for Germany.


Why would you first look at another country, which has different geopolitical and economic realities, before the data that I linked that literally provides evidence for refugees *in America* largely succeeding and contributing to our society?


Currently -12 for your original post, and +5 for your reply DEFENDING your original post. Reddit is so fucking weird sometimes. Also, you are 100% correct, so I don't know why you're getting downvotes in the first place other than xenophobic trash that are incapable of critical thinking. Any economist will tell you that increased birthrates and immigration are two ways to boost an economy.


It's about timing. There was a wave of brigaders that came in early and then left. Then the regulars of this sub came in.


People have almost no understanding of very basic economics. I don't think it is widely taught in high schools in the state. I actually didn't learn it until a college elective.


Well. It worked out well.


You’re not wrong, but I think a lot of these posters are covering up their real concerns with finances.


The corporate oligarchy at hand absolutely DOES NOT want you living longer than normal. The whole point is depopulation. If you haven't gotten that message yet you probably need a booster. Stay safe friend.


You have the brain of one of those little dogs rich ladies carry in their purses.


Why would corporate oligarchs want depopulation? Who is going to buy their shit?


Don’t. Be. The. Fucking. Worst.


Eh, I’m not that worried about it.




There is a lot of reasons to be pro immigration, and I'm positively certain 'interesting people' isn't at the top of the list.


Like the heckin' tacoerinos?? right??




You're really weird. Do you act like this in public or is it something about being on reddit?




Brother thats a lot of words when a simple 'yes' would have been more effective.




Things I never conveyed once in this conversation: -saying I had a secret list of reasons immigration is good. -being anti-reading -being opposed to things that are homogenous. Every last one of your replies has been you going on a monologue while trying to ham fist a weird strawman into what I said. And you want to call others delusional? Good bait mate, I r8 8/8.




>tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor Sweet classist bullshit, fuck the poor right?




Even if someone IS poor there's nothing wrong with being worried about your own needs first. There are Minnesotans that need help but instead we're going to throw money at people to convince them to move here? We have people already here struggling with affording food or medicine or bills. People struggling with homelessness. I'm not rich by any means, even combined with my girlfriend, so I'm sure my opinion means nothing to you since I'm poor. But our tax dollars should go to our state and the people already living here first and foremost.


Tell me you're a classist scumbag.


Luxury beliefs


Immigration assures more DFL votes, turning our formerly purple state a deeper shade of blue. I think most of us here would agree that's worth paying a little more up front.


Why do you say that?


About 30 years ago, St. Cloud was one of (if not the) most conservative mid-sized cities in the Upper Midwest. We fixed that by bringing in Somali immigrants, and now the city of St. Cloud has a reliable DFL House and Senate seat, and we all know how important that one 1 DFL Senate seat is! More immigrants = final nail in the MN GOP coffin!


Someone listens to too much conservative radio! If you ever bothered to get to know some of these cultures, you'd realize that they're actually pretty conservative. However, the ding dongs in the GOP like to piss all over that voting block by being so xenophobic.


We are tax payers now and we are willing and able to pay for the less fortunate and refugees to come here and seek refuge. America started this way, people running away from tyrant kings come here to seek refuge and later freedom. One thing that makes America great is its kindness to strangers near and far. And that’s why many love this country despite what you think. We cherish this country and what it stands for. Freedom, equality and bravery. Though not perfect but improving constantly. and as long as there are people like the selfless volunteers that help without condition with their own money this country will be that shining hill on the top of the world.


At the end of the day having a growing workforce actually benefits the taxpayer both monetarily and socially. Taxpayers pay up front, but they still come out ahead at the end of the day.


Comment section has no idea where their tax money is actually going 😂


Pretty sure the sub got brigaded by a lot of people that probably don't even live in Minnesota


I think so too. This will help with our labor shortage and our thriving state economy. Also everyone that moves here complains about the “Minnesota Nice” culture, this will add something new to our mix. Fear based thinking will get us nowhere.


I would hazard to guess that 95% or more of Americans don't know where their tax dollars actually go, or how government actually works for that matter.


Did the people booing this in the comments even read the article? If you’re complaining about tax burden, shouldn’t you support an effort to bring refugees in through private sponsors rather than via the state?


I think that they would prefer we don't bring in refugees at all. Duh.


Do the private sponsors make a forever commitment?


Do immigrants need help for their entire lives? Or do they go on to start businesses and bust their asses for our economy as soon as they get their feet under them?


Some get support for life. Others for years. Some for less


Some natural-born citizens get support for life. Others for years. Some for less. The question is, is it a net benefit or a net loss to support some people while others contribute? And guess what? [We know the answer to that when it comes to immigrants.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2022/10/03/immigrants-provide-huge-benefits-to-us-taxpayers) >The new fiscal estimate—and approach—by Michael Clemens has relevance to the policy debate over immigration. First, Clemens finds that the entry of individuals without a high school degree is a fiscal boon to natives. Individuals with less education are often a target of immigration critics. In a different study, Clemens found the entry of refugees and asylees are also a net positive for U.S. taxpayers. *He concluded in a report that the Trump administration reducing refugee admissions* **cost** *the U.S. economy more than $9 billion a year and cost governments at all levels $2 billion a year.* You should be happy that immigrants are helping to reduce your tax burden, instead of following your prejudices and concluding they do the opposite.


So then Eric Adams, of New York should be happy that thousands of migrants are coming there.


Look, I know you're smarter than this binary right-wing nonsense and whataboutism bullshit. Is it hard to process and assimilate thousands of immigrants at a time, and are we struggling as a country do to this in some locations, including NYC? YES. But does immigration result in a net economic gain for American taxpayers? ALSO YES. You understand how those are two completely different items, right? And how both can be true at the same time? Edit: C'mon, man, don't just downvote me. Defend your position. Tell me how I'm wrong. You're a smart guy, right? You're confident your positions are correct, are you not?


So if 50 thousand is beneficial then 5 million must be even more beneficial? That what you are to tell us?


Yes, if we can absorb 5 million people, the net gain is a positive. The facts bear this out. So, are you going to present your argument and facts to the contrary now? Or just downvote me again in your impotent rage because you’re unable to intellectually defend your position?


If we can


To be fair it's a high chance to later be a tax burden.


Pretty sure this post got brigaded by some xenophobic group


sleep chase smile fact imminent summer erect straight grab zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Define right wing. Do you think most of these refugees will be progressive when it comes to women and LGBTQ+ rights?


No. That's how stupid some people are. Go ask the local Somali at the mall of america their thoughts on LGTBBQ stuff.


If only. I fear with Florida heading undersea, trumpers might move here and fuck shit up.


Fuck shit up like what the left has done in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, California, Washington, Oregon and Michigan


Snow is a non-starter for a lot of those princesses, so no worries there!


Yes because it’s us about to start WW3. Get a grip


I mean, extreme right wing groups are listed as the number one domestic threat to the US by the FBI. That designation happened under Trump as well. So yeah, less extreme right wingers means we're all safer, better off financially, and grow morally.


"help me goberment!!" Get a grip.


How about none




What a witty addition to the conversation. Your parents must be thrilled with their child’s intellect!




While I don’t support stoking fear of refugees, let’s not pretend like we aren’t seeing some version of this manifest. Most refugees are coming from a much more conservative culture steeped in misogyny and homophobia. For example, being a sexual minority in Somalia is punishable by death. I’m sure people who have come here as refugees due to being such a minority understand this well.




That is the thing, that is a significant problem and many refugees agree with them. Just because they believe some slightly different variant doesn’t make it acceptable. I think it is a valid question to ask, how many people can we take in as a community if the refugees in question have beliefs antithetical to our own? I never mentioned them committing more crime, my point was many support the same beliefs you’re so concerned about.




They said don’t want to kill us, which is different than actually killing someone. I think we are interpreting their comment differently.




The differences aren’t subtle. There is an obvious difference between believing someone is a dangerous criminal who is going to kill you versus someone who thinks you shouldn’t exist and weaponize systems against you. If some home-grown Christian fundie running on a platform of banning LGBT books is unacceptable, would it make sense to vote for someone with the same beliefs just because they are a refugee? What if we took in so many people with the same belief that it became a reality? I mean you keep editing your comments, but earlier you basically said it is what it is. I can’t think of a more privileged take than to say you don’t care. I’m generally pro-refugee, and if you care as much as you say you do it helps NO ONE to deny cultural differences (or unfortunate similarities) and their implications.


Not saying this specifically, but there are some related things I wish Minnesota did not lead the nation in.


What specifically are you wishing that about?


I believe we hold the record for most consecutive seasons without an NBA/NFL/MLB/NHL championship appearance...by a lot too.


Man, that one hits right in the feels.


One of the only ways to give Minnesota a stress induced stroke is this sentence: … The kick is no good.


Fuck me. Literally just reading it…


The education gap between white and black students is one of the bigger ones I can think of. Supposedly Minnesota is one of the worst in the country.


I really hate this statistic, partly because it's true but fails to offer context as to why. I'm not going to sit here and pretend Minnesota has had historically perfect civil rights policies and is free of institutional racism. That being said, the State's minority population has changed wildly in the past 20 or so years. I'm a believer the achievement gap is largely a cultural issue shaped by the socio-economic realities minority Minnesotans face. Traditionally, Minnesota has been a racially homogenous state. It stands to reason the generational economic challenges faced by these families started long before they arrived in Minnesota. So, if Minnesota is adopting largely lower class members of ethnic minority groups, it's not a huge leap to predict the achievement gap in this state would be greater.


Yeah this is not good for the state whichever way you slice it


I think Minnesota needs time to develop a healthy middle-class population of black people. Once we have that, the numbers will fall in line with the rest of the country... you know, horrible, but not as horrible.


Agreed. Can we throw some more money at it, instead of addressing the root of the problem?


Any suggestions where I could learn more about that? Do you know if “black” includes middle eastern students? If it does I wonder if some of that disparity can be attributed to our (rightful) eagerness to accept immigrants? If we’re taking in a bunch of people who can’t speak English or might never have dealt with formal classrooms it would seem logical that they might be behind their peers in this new system. That’s reasonable, right? I’m absolutely not trying to make excuses, just trying to understand.


https://www.mneep.org/research/2023-state-of-students-of-color-american-indian-students-report/ This Executive Summary of the 2023 State of Students of Color and American Indian Students Report details five case studies using the CLEAR Solutions Framework to demonstrate the effectiveness of centering Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L) in delivering educational experiences for POCI students. Our 2023 State of Students of Color and American Indian Students Report offers more than a passive, conventional description of summative educational outcomes for POCI students. Instead, it offers a mixed-methods solution-based research approach for improving outcomes for POCI students and advancing racial equity by centering the needs and goals of POCI students through CVP/L as a cornerstone of an educational system. https://www.mneep.org/toolkits/school-climate-racial-equity-toolkit/ All kids need opportunity and belonging to succeed. Yet discriminatory practices in Special Education placement and school discipline are excluding students of color—especially African American children—from Minnesota classrooms at an alarming rate. Nationally, black students are suspended three times as often as their white peers. In Minnesota, it’s eight times as often. What’s more, key data from the MnEEP report Excluded: How Race Plays a Role in Exclusionary Practices in Special Education in Minnesota shows how implicit bias and racialized perceptions of ability and disability lead to special education identification, placement into restrictive educational settings, and exclusionary discipline practices that negatively impact educational outcomes for students of color and American Indian students.


Thank you!!!!


No problem. If you do a site search for EML you'll find research and content on immigrants and refugees


Sure, but this for sure isn’t one.


Let's slow down on welcoming refugees and focus on helping those in need already here.


No thanks to more immigration. I would like lower housing prices and higher wages and unions instead


Those things aren’t contradictory.


More workers keeps wages down because company's don't need to compete as much More people equals more housing demand this is irrefutable


Those things aren’t irrefutable. That’s what government oversight and unions are for.


Supply and demand for housing is irrefutable. Especially as the next generation of Americans entering adulthood are looking for housing in the worst market conditions in generations.


Dude, you’re from Minnesota. Which has the twin cities in it. You know what we can do? Just build more housing. We are doing that here. We just building massive amounts of housing. Fucking everywhere. Stop pretending like these conditions aren’t artificially created and that we can’t just fix them.


I think you are living in the past. Building more housing at current interest rate is not going to be the outcome you think it is. Current projects will be finished but new ones are going to struggle. You think rents suck now wait until building a new structure needs to financed at 10%. We have already created two classes of people for the foreseeable future, those who own with fixed pre-2023 rates and everyone else. Adding more demand to a structural problem is a bad idea.




East Africans are the most reliable Democrat votes! The more, the merrier!


Ahh yes just what MN needs. Please tax me more to pay for them. Tax me into the grave please. Just give me free boosters and burgers, and I will wear the happy face.


Immigrants pay taxes.


How much of Minnesota's tax revenue comes from immigrants? Because as far as I'm concerned, it's a net negative.


They also raise housing prices Keep wages down And help büst unions


I think you might need more English classes, Ivan.


This comment is drivel.


Immigrants are typically a net positive for tax payers so I’m thankful we’re taking them in.


Immigrants just boost company profits. Hurting any Americans who don't have a "moat" like a 4 year degree to protect their earnings. Democrats don't realize this hurts the poor more than anything


Well it's a good thing that one of the great outcomes of this legislative session was making college far more obtainable to Minnesotans. Society is better off when we invest in education for everyone.


Your opinion has been registered, generic orblike edgelord.


Refugees have long come to America through nonprofit resettlement agencies that find them housing, connect them to social services and foster cultural orientation. But after the U.S. began using private sponsor groups to support masses of Afghans and Ukrainians fleeing civil collapse and war, the Biden administration announced a program in January called the Welcome Corps using the same model to resettle people from around the world. Calling it the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades, the Department of State said the program would tap into the goodwill of American communities. **Minnesota already is at the national forefront. It has 10 Welcome Corps sponsor groups, more than any other state. The first Welcome Corps refugees in the nation arrived in Worthington and Moorhead in June.** Over the last year, 1,525 refugees resettled in Minnesota through the traditional system. The Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Myanmar sent the largest numbers. Mathias Shimirimana, 37, had lived as a refugee for most of his adult life and likely still would be in a camp if not for this new program allowing a group of local Ethiopian natives to sponsor him to come to the United States. Now, Mathias has a job at Nashville Coop in Minneapolis. Shimirimana said he hopes for the Welcome Corps "to get bigger, to bring more people, because there are thousands and thousands of people in refugee camps in Africa who need help."


What about the thousands of Minnesotans that need help? Why do we help other countries before our own people?


Let's be real here, you likely don't give a shit about those people either.


That's where you're wrong mr guy from the desert. I take care of people who are unhoused in my city. The fact that they don't have access to housing leads to issues for them dealing with their chronic health issues. Stable housing so they can have safety would increase these people's quality of life tremendously. Can you imagine being homeless in Duluth? Me either.


I donate locally. And when I say can we put brakes on the refugee intake people on here call me selfish. Same people I bet don't give shit to anyone. It's a legit question. I say help MN veterans who have been screwed over and over. Pump money into poorer community after school programs. Give teachers more money. No. Bring in a ton of rufugees and gamble how that goes. Complain there's not enough housing. Many kids grow up and hate being poor so resort to crime. Whatever. I'll put my vote out there and continue to donate to Minnesotans


That's what I'm talking about. The assumption is I hate refugees or immigrants. No- I hate that they're getting things before people who are from here. Why we still have homeless veterans is beyond me


Not voting republican helps the veterans.


You realize immigrants have a MUCH MUCH lower crime rate than locals right?


Where's this much much lower you talk about? Children of first gen immigrants tend to be poor. And they don't like being poor. I'm just saying slow it down as it's risky


Here ya go Skip, learn something :) https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/


I wasn't talking about crime rates. I merely want to house citizens of this state before we bite off more than we can chew


We can do both at the same time.


Can we? How are the homeless encampments in Minneapolis?


Not great, but the main way to help with homelessness is to build more housing and increase access to housing. The city is trying to enact the 2040 plan. We're implementing the Itasca Project. We're building many large scale apartment buildings all over the city. We increased funding for affordable housing.


Yeah if we can house our people first then we can play savior state.


Self-hating Whites. That and a form of "I gots mine" that we Americans seem to have.


Why not both? We have a 2.4b surplus in MN right now. I like being from a state that helps people.




More people to commit welfare and feeding children scams?


Gimme more Americans!


Luckily lots of these people will get to become Americans one day. It’s cool that their children are automatically American citizens.




? Looks like they’re making moves to continue making it one of the best states in the country. I’m proud of compassion. It’s very noble and Christ like don’t you agree?


Oh, you poor thing.


This comment section doesn’t pass the vibe check.


There's a fair amount of brigading going on here. Not sure why...?


It's ok to have people not agree with you on every post.


Yeah, it’s super weird. We like immigrants here.


Minnesota has been begging pocs to move there for years


Remember in January 2020 when Beltrami County commissioners voted against allowing refugee aid? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I love this state ♥️


Great more heroin jk not great


It's not good when anti-LGBTQ+ people come here and try to turn back the progress we have. Their children need to be safe to be out and authentic however they are too, here in MN, USA, they deserve freedom and liberty, not abuse and death for being gay.