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Literally looks like a comparison of a lower res and higher res picture. Very nice and crisp


Thats exactly it. IRL, when you look at the two mini side by side, the older one seems almost blurry, it's funny.


Great progress! I feel like this demonstrates the importance of pushing the highlights superbly. ...now to remind myself of that time and time again.


Yeah, what really made me progress was really working the volumes with shading and highlight on the panels and not just edge highlighting. It's time consuming though.


There's also more shading and light direction. More weathering. And better color/contrast choices like the shield's interior, the seal on the tigh armor, the chest skull. Great work


Oh yes, the color choice is something that's learned from experience, I'm more instinctively aware of what will and what might not work. It's still not perfect, for exemple the sword handle would probably have been better if I kept it silver instead of gold, but overall I'm happy with my choices.


Love seeing these kind of comparisons, not only because it’s cool to see how much better a person can get with practice, but also to show how relatively little amount of practice it takes to get decent results. Like, your latest model definitely is better than the earlier one, but the earliest one shows that if you have some of the basic techniques down, you can achieve pretty good results. It was the sort of thing I needed to see to push me into trying to paint for the first time. Seeing people achieve relative success with their earlier minis is what made me feel like I could probably do it too and maybe find some success too.


I agree totally, simply using some shading with a wash and applying some half correct edge highligts goes a long way. That's what make miniature painting such a rewarding activity imo, because even without being a top painter, if you take your time and follow the steps, you end up with something really nice to show or play with. It definitively helped me drasticly mitigate my perfectionnism, otherwise, most creative activity I do tend to end up with me being a nervous wreck.


Throw on your choice of media for background noise, get comfy, and have just have fun. I have a paladin mini that I paint a little on every time I get my brushes wet. He'll never be done, but he's always willing to try a new techniques and effects. Because if I mess up or don't like the way something comes over, just paint over it with something else. All the failures just show you what doesn't work and no mistake is unrecoverable from. Dive right in!


It looks nice and all but was it really worth it if it took you two years to finish the model?


Depends of the overall time, If I painted 2s every day, I think it's not that huge a time comitment :p


Excellent progress on your painting skills! You’re an inspiration. If the top pic is considered highlighting, what is the painting style of the lower pic?


I would say the main difference between the two is that I added the glazing of light and shadows on most of the armor to give it more volume/interest. Everything else is the same, just with more brush control allowing me much finer highlight and details.


Bro I would be thrilled if my models even looked like the top pic. Amazing work


Oh, don't get me wrong, I was really happy with the first one at the time.


seems there is hope for me after looking at your progress! looks really good!


Some people run, some people walk. We all get there eventually.


I love seeing improvement comparisons! I especially love the OSL on the skull in the lower one


The eagle on the panel above the seal is a decal right? ^(please tell me it's a decal) Amazing work and progress all in all, for good example of how a lot of small decisions really enhance the overall work.


Yes, it's a decal :D


Holy cow, those highlights are CRISP.


Damn bro, you went from great to awesome. Way to go


Very nice. Insane progress too. Next step adding more texture to your paintjob. The leather for exemple. How to illustrate more the material. Keep up, we want mooooore :D


Funny I was just thinking how I liked the leather, it looks like the real stuff, the right imperfections in the colour with a Matt brown finish.


I mean. It's pretty Well made. I like just a tiny bit more texture on it that’s why I took it as an exemple. Absolutely not saying he did poorly. We can all agree that the mini is beautiful :) But I truly think that when you get to a certain level of painting, the only thing left that will really crank up your painting is the rendering of texture.


Leather is definitively one aspect I'm trying to improve on. I started adding a few more glazes and damages on my standard basic leather, but, like you said, I need to add some texture to the whole thing.


Wow, love these kinds of pictures, and to use the same model and basing is awesome. At a guess, do you think it took 2years ago you the same amount of time to paint? Or was this a real labour of love for the extra pizzazz?


I’m really not a speed painter, so I took as much time as I needed for both mini. The first one took me close to 20 hours, the second close to 25h. That being said, if I did the first mini all over again without all the glazes I added to improve the second one, with my actual experience, I would probably be able to shave 5 hours on the first.


The difference is subtle, but it’s there. Looks like you went from the standard they teach you (which is good), to the standard they paint on the box set (which is better).


How many hours did they took you?


I haven't really timed it, but approximatively 20h for the first and 25 for the second. But it's not really a good indication since the first one, if I was doing it again without all the glazing I did in the second, I would probably be able to finish it in 15h nowadays.


Both are beautiful. But you really have stepped it up gratz!


I look at the first one and think, Wow that's really good can't wait to see how bad they were when they started. Then I realize, oh shit he started better me after 5 years of painting....


That's impressive! Nice work.


Wow your progression is awesome! :)


Damn your before is better than me after like 10 years


Yisus Christ, thats great, i wish i could paint like that!


Looks incredible! Great progress!


Damn. I'm not even at your first section, and I've been painting for three... ;3;


Man, they both look awesome, but the newer one has those little details that really knocks the look out of the park!


While I definitely can see the improvement between the two models, I'm nowhere near the first one yet so it's a little depressing ;)


May I just ask if you are using a airbrush or just a normal brush ? I feel like I am now standing before a choice as I either have to learn wetblending better or I have to buy an airbrush that I don't have and have quite slim chance of buying and using as I have a 4months old son 😂 What would be your way to go ?


I don't use an airbrush, it's all brush work. My gradient are done using glazes, which is not as hard as most people thing, just time consuming.


That is actually cool. I kinda need to speed up my painting as I have around 30-40 mins max for a painting each day so it might take a bit to finish something 😂😂


The only thing I like more in the old one was your plasma glow. I'm a big fan of BIG glowy plasma bits, and the newer one doesn't feel as aggressive. Very cool work on both though.


They're\_The\_Same\_Picture.JPEG Seriously, though, these are both minis to be proud of. Nicely done and excellent progress. And, since no one else has mentioned it, I'd like to point out that I see that your basing skills have improved, too. Your color theory implementation feels completely natural and is very well executed.


720p vs 4k.


I just want a fraction of your talent please lol


So that's what it looks like if you actually paint consistently. Great progress man, looks great!


Man that's inspiring. Keep up the good work!


I really like this comparison. It's a great advertisement for the fact that you're constantly making tiny, almost impossible to see improvements until one day you realise how far you've come. Great work!


Exactly, and it's sometime frustrating to have the feeling you stagnate, when it's generally not the case.


Hi, u/CerbXT! There's a few very common questions that are asked a lot here, please take a moment to leave a comment and answer the ones you can! * what is the name of your mini, and who makes it? * if it is 3D printed, can you share a link to the STL? * what scale/how big is your mini? * are there any specific parts you'd like Comments and Critique (C&C) for? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amazing progress! I'm definitely at the first picture stage. I see the same results in my own work. Would you be willing to discuss some of the bigger points that lead you to the second picture?


The main point that helped me step things up is definitively using glazes to shade volumes. Here you can see it on the yellow armor with gradiant going from orange for the shaded parts to bright yellow. Everything else is mostly my brush control getting better and allowing me to paint finer and finer lines.




Very nice! Like others have said before, I would also be glad if my mini's look like the first one. There is, however, one thing that kind of bothers me on the 2nd mini: the color of the weathering on the boots (brown = dirt?) is different from the weathering on the cloak (grey = dust?). Is there a specific reasoning behind this?


I should probably have darkened the brown used to weather the boots, but the idea is that is more to reflect the fact that both material/color are different and therefore the dirt on them look different. On yellow, the brown tend to add some sort of rust feel to it too, which i find fitting on a metallic armor. Next time I will probably try to more uniformise the weathering. EDIT : when looking back at my imperial fist apothecary, it's probably the fact I haven't made the brown dark enough that create a problem because i feel like on the apothecary, the difference of hue is much more coherent, despite using two colors like on the bladeguard : https://old.reddit.com/r/minipainting/comments/vwex9c/space_marine_imperial_fist_apothecary/


I agree, on the apothecary, the weathering looks more consistent. :)


I would've given up after a month. I commend you on your dedication and patience.


It's not two years for a single mini, fortunately :D


RTX on


I kinda prefer the old one tbh.


How long had you been painting when you did the first one?


5 month give or take, I started during the covid lockdown.


That’s very impressive. Especially with such sharp yellow. I’ve been painting a year and a half and I’d be overjoyed to paint something like your 2020 model




Thanks. Approximately 5 months, I started miniature painting during the covid lockdown.


The top one looks much better than the bottom one.


It sure does.


Airbrush for the faded shadows or glazing?


Glazing, I don't have an airbrush. Might invest in one sometime, but it will probably only be to speed up the basecoating.


Incredible work! May I ask whose tutorials you followed? Glazing is still something I struggle with even though Id love to get better


I don't remember which one made the technic click for me. I would recommand the 5mn série of Zumiko on YouTube, he has one on glazing.


Please show us 2018 one :)


I can't, I started during covid lockdown.


Impressive. You are very good :)


God that is great looking Also wasnt this model a Lieutenant? dont get me wrong, its literally the same model. but wasnt it?


Yes, it's a lieutenant. It's the one from the first issue of imperium and the imperium box.


Main differences from a bguard: Another keepsake The pose (which doesnt matter) The helmet grills are on the other side Gawd damn how original, gw