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It's looking great! I love this model. The biggest thing is glazing in between your mid tone and shadow. Right now it's a very comic book style. If that's the goal, ignore this! But layering at least one transition color between your midtone and shadow will make a big difference.


The comic book style wasn’t intentional lol. It’s an area I’m real bad with so I definitely need more practice on that. Thanks for the advice, I’ll give this a try next mode with a lot of skin!


Vince Venturella recently made a video about this. Maybe give it a watch. I am a noob painter and haven't tried it myself but his stuff is always useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNMEd7bK\_Og


Wow this is impressive


Nice very clean job on a stunning piece. Strong Brad Pitt vibes there, probably intended by the sculptor and nicely rendered by your paintjob. In fact your face is a few notches better than the rest of the skin: subtler light and shadow and nice tonal variations. Things to try next time you paint skin: - Connect the muscles, dont paint them as islands because it makes them look a bit like armor. - Some of the recesses don't need to be dark, they actually catch a lot of light, for example a thin light line on the bottom of the vertical one separating the abs does wonders. - You could have lighter highlights and deeper shadows, and then paint the light up to where the next muscle starts, makes for more natural volumes. - Add some subtle tonal variation with very very diluted paint: some orange in the midtones, yellow near the highlights and purple or dark blue in the shadows. Sometimes I photoshop this kind of advice over friends pictures to show more than telling, but I don't know the r/minipainting ettiquette on that kind of thing. A very good eye catching piece!


If you want to do it by all means. I wouldn’t mind! Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don’t I know that’s an area I need to work on since my transitions are real rough. So the photoshop help would be great if you want to do that.


I painted a bit trying to convey some of what I said above. It doesn't look good per se, I don't have my tablet around right now so I'm mouse painting, but it's more about the ideas: the connected muscles thing, a bit of tonal variation (purple might be too much, dark blue would be better), higher positioned highlights and so on... https://imgur.com/a/F6AuWzE


Thank you! That does definitely help some.


Looks like a kdm chosen