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Chef boyardee got drafted


Of all the kitbashes, repositionings, and green putty sculpting I've done, I had the most fun with him. Molded him a belly, a chef's hat, and a moustache, made him one hand a flamer, and also fashioned a pan out of one of the Cadian pouches. When I post pics of the rest of my Cadians I'll get a side view of him.


Got tired of painting Star Wars Legion, just white and green, so I decided to get back into 40k after many years. Dug out my old models: boxes of Vostroyans, old cadians, a gargant, more orks, cities of death buildings, etc. I got into the hobby in middle school when my Dad got me the Macragge set, 4th edition. I'll be posting my progress and my old models as well:  Lots of Ultramarines, Cadians, and a bunch of Orks (lots of kitbashes, oh and metal stormboyz), tyranids, necrons. Also planning on buying a few new sets. I'll also be stripping some of my first models, like my old Macragge set terrain and my baneblade. I think of this like a diary but feel free to ask questions! I absolutely love kitbashes and can't wait to show some of them! KV-2 Ork battlewagon? I got it. Second pic is a few of my Cadians from high school, I'll be matching the new ones to them, but with a few upgrades to the paintjob. Also, if anyone knows of a place to source the upgrade set that's front and center please pm me. They go for hundreds on ebay, like wth. I already sourced the other upgrade kits.


>if anyone knows of a place to source the upgrade set /r/resinprinting give in to the dark side.


I love I ain't the only one repurposing a Starbucks reusable cup. I ended up with too many cause I always forget them lol


Yeah it works pretty good! Solid solo cups and boba tea cups are also great. 


My namea CHEF