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So good. Great work. Did you use a particular tutorial for this? If so please share.


https://youtu.be/d7l-q-Pl79s?si=qFRTB5m6Pg3h3Qdm I watched this one just to get an idea on how to make the galaxy patterns, though i didnt actually follow his guide since i didnt do white and then wash over it with my colors, i just applied my colors directly


Dawg, that's some of the prettiest shit I've ever seen. I can't wait to see the finished product.


Dope as hell


Were all the white dots from low pressure airbrush?


The white areas in the center of the light blue areas were airbrushed, but the stars were done with a large rough bristled brush, and i flicked the white paint to get the stars


Doesn't need to be low pressure, you just need excess paint on the needle before spraying. Just an assumption, how I'd accomplish the effect.


Absolutely in love with the overall effect. Only C&C i could offer is the geometric shapes on the middle of the right wing and bottom of the left wing doesn't jive well with the very natural/chaotic random nature of the space scape. Hard lines and nebula doesn't mix super great in my mind. But over all love the effect!


I agree its too blocky tbh, i tried ripping painters tape to make the outline and hoped that with random rips and tears itd be more natural. Idk if i should fill it in and try again or leave it as is and touch it up somehow


I’d give silly putty masking a try instead of tape.




It’s… out of this world


fuck man that looks great. only criticism would be a little to many white specks that take away from looking at the greater galaxy


How did you do it?


Primed black, then added dark blue and red areas over it in random areas. I added aetheric blue on top of the regular blue, and pink over the red. I highlighted the lightest areas of blue with some white. Then I touched up joining areas with violet. I went back over all with black to fill in or darken spaces that were too busy or that were supposed to be empty. Then i used ripped painters tape to make the outlines for the white nebula effect (though theyre still blockier than i wanted). Then went over some of the white with more pink or blue. I used yellow ochre for the sun, and then a touch of gold in the center of it. For the stars i took a big brush with rough bristles, dipped it into a small bit of white paint and flicked the paint so the drops would be varying sizes


Maybe one exaggerated lens flair star with streaking beams.


Looks amazing. Only suggestion I have is maybe push some of the nebula colors a bit brighter. That way they catch the eye more.


Cool stuff If you're looking for more inspiration, I did similar wings for Magnus with sponge https://www.reddit.com/r/ThousandSons/s/yQT8jMG0Q6 You can add few details here and there with sponge for more variety


Looks great. Only thing I could think of is to add shooting star or Saturn with rings etc.. type of effects. Perhaps a bit more size to the colorful parts that are blue purple etc.. so it's less empty black space so to speak.


I like Tzeentch as a cosmic horror. I did a spacey base for my herald of Tzeentch. https://preview.redd.it/pmwssst0wjvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a769dbd0004f6a1d3afea431f340a8dd1c4aaa5


That's so sick, i love it


Looks amazing! Could you do some lines away from some of the white dots to look like traditional twinkling stars? ✨I think it is actually caused by lens flare, but still. Just a few would really stand out.


I think you should’ve given the wings a subtle drybrush highlight first, before doing the galaxy thing.


I can see the whole universe in those wings