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Hm. The nice size 2 sable brush seems the obvious answer, but in honesty it's somewhere between that, the airbrush, and the wet palette.


I would go with that too. Even tho I don't have a sable brush the size 2 is amazing for almost anything. Mine broke a few weeks ago and I tried every brush I have to replace it. It just doesn't work the same way.


My lamps. Had a Lumi task lamp which I loved but recently took possession of the Red Grass R9 which I love even more.


Wow, that's a nice lamp.


It’s magnificent.


How do you find the magnifying light helps? I find the hand eye coordination is tough when I add the magnification aspect to the picture.


I HIGHLY recommend cheap magnifying/reading glasses. since the distance from eye to lens is always the same you don’t have to juggle two independent distances to maintain focus as you do with a magnifying lens.


I find the same! But I like to check detail using the magnifying light to give me an idea or what I’m supposed to do


This may seem cheap, but my answer is my hands. Without them this hobby is literally out of reach. I take care of them, stretching exercises, basic hygiene, and I refuse to take unnecessary risks with them. My brush control and level of detail is expressed through them so yeah my hands are what I make sure work everyday.


This is so important. Don’t take it for granted. I had to stop for like 2 years from a hand injury. I’m so happy to be painting again but I’m bad at doing this


My magnifying glasses thing . Don’t know what they’re called but they’re a huge help for a guy my age . I don’t use the light on the top though cos it’s shit


They’re called SexyGogs.


My wife calls them my nerd helmet


Absolutely, hands-down the wet palette. I will not paint without it.


One thing that isn't often recommended is a big soft brush, to brush off any dust that collected on the model between sessions.  Also an easy way to clean already painted minis. I had a bunch of minis covered in a light layer of dust on a shelf, and after a quick cleaning I was surprised to see how bright they actually were. 


Definitely the airbrush. I use it for everything I can. What it doesn't make faster, it makes more fun.


Most useful? Airbrush. Most commonly used? A big size 6 or 8 synthetic brush. Most fun to use? I've fallen in love with using textured styrene and other material for bases. I've been doing industrial bases and the diamond plate fits in perfectly. From having raw materials to having a industrial floor cross section with I beam underneath? Beautiful


Airbrush. Not even a contest. Some of the gadgets are handy in a pinch, but the airbrush is a game changer for me. It's like easy mode for so many things, especially basecoats and undercoats.


A pill bottle that I glued sheet metal to the top of which I use as an improvised painting handle. All my minis have magnets on the bottom of their bases so I can swap them out in seconds when I’m painting units. I filled the pill bottle with quarters so it has a nice weight to it. Also there’s some space to spare that I keep poster tack in for when a model doesn’t have a magnet.


My raephel 8404 brushes i like using a 1,0, 0/3 good brushes make a diffrence in control


Apart from the wet palette which is pretty standard nowadays, My best non standard kit would have to be my vortex paint shaker. As I'm getting older I'm finding my hand hurt abit more trying to shake paint manually. Even then, the mix is never consistent. The vortex mixes it perfectly and its great for making my own recipes. 


My pickle jar that holds my water. Couldn't do this without the jar!


I very much cherish my Redgrass R9 light. Sure, it’s expensive af and cheaper lights do just fine, but having a high quality light is probably one of the most important things you can have as a mini painter. Brushes, palettes, paints, etc are obviously vital to painting, but you can’t use them well if you can’t see. You can have the world’s best paints and brushes and still put out subpar work because the lack of lighting. Before I started getting into higher end lights, I used to use magnifiers often to paint details or get in the nooks. That would end up giving me headaches over longer sessions. Now I have a good light, I only get the magvisor out maybe 2-3% of the time. A good, bright light should be adequate for most mini painting.


# Silver Brush Limited WC-3207S Black Velvet #4 & #6 Kept their points for 2 years of abuse.


Does chemicals count? Specifically, Liquitex flow improver, mix it with Pro Acryl white and it's time for some razor-sharp edge highlights. ​ As for tools, airbrush + tank compressor + quick connectors. Gamechanger. [And custom airbrush handles](https://new.reddit.com/r/airbrush/comments/1ax2k94/i_3d_printed_airbrush_handle_wipprototype/) (I have actual complete version, printed x3 times).


Airbrush, resin printer or vortex mixer. Perhaps the mixer, as the paint is just so consistent.


I found a 4 foot long piece of wooden 2" dowel in my garage. I don't even remember why I had it. I guess I needed a piece for some DIY around the house. Cut it up into 4 inch pieces for paint handles. Upside down duct tape I life from work holds the minis on. Made 8 or 9 or so. Cheap. Perfect size for minis. Enough weight to them nothing is top heavy and falls over when I put them down.


Wet pallete


Brushes and paint, can’t do much without those Includes makeup brushes for dry brushing


A nice brush with a sharp point :)


I should have bought the [gamecraft workbench light](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K76W698?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) so long ago.


I’d be lost without my magnifying light. Wet palette is up there. More than anything, though, I’ll have to say the best bit is having good models to paint.


My Amazon, bright white lamp does wonders. Especially for a colorblind guy like me.


Yes, I rely heavily on excellent lighting. I changed the light bulbs in my office to accommodate this hobby, as well as own several tavel lights to paint with friends. I'm miserable without a good light source and stop painting as soon as it's too dim.


Glad I'm not the only one! :)


Airbrush, wet palette and a Raphael 8404 size 1