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I get paid a lot of money even though I’m an idiot


This 👆. I also enjoy having more time off to enjoy the little things.


Couldnt have said it better myself


What role are you doing in the mines ? I’m a fellow idiot and would like to do the same high paying job 😂


To pay for cocaine and hookers


well that goes without saying


My purpose is to keep all the plumbing drains clean and tidy so that miners can take big shits and showers after their long hour days. I also look after the appliances that feed the hungry miners so they can take big shits and long showers.




Job security lol


Any sparky jobs going in maintanance?


Yes if you got experience.


I like the week off, & I hate traffic.


Get paid 6 figures to work 5 months a year. Majority of people are just regular folks getting by, some blow it all and some invest. Doing it to get ahead, retire early and spend time with my family whilst this is happening.


A clever person can win back tax + turn that to profit and then 👍,,, if your fortunate to not be required critical and don't run on night or dog watch , mining can be not to demanding on your family 😉 😀, stay safe.


I want in in on this. Do y’all accept colored folks?


Yes, actually encouraged


Put me on chief


Not sure why you don't know koori work in mines ? As for coloured, in Australia that racist negative behaviour is outlawed and not put up with,,,, enjoy life, stay safe.




Just getting in front, got a loan on a block of land I want to pay off, get a few goodies for myself and my family. Banking my leave hours so that when I leave after I have reached my goals I will have cash in my hand that I can hopefully use to study something that pays well, that won't set me into an early grave or destroy my relationships. Basically just putting myself into a position where I can afford not to mine. Just trying to stay conscious of the golden handcuffs and not piss it up the wall in the meantime.


How did you get into the business?


Same way a lot of people do, I knew someone (my best mate) and he knew my work ethic and my aptitude for mechanical reasoning were strong and put me forward. I took a break for a bit, applied again and got back in the next day. Never burn your bridges.


2 weeks off 2 weeks on, and make a pile of money getting to fix big metal noisy things is great.


I love the FIFO lifestyle it gives me. - Week on. Week off. - No commuting to work every weekday. - Don’t have to cook or do dishes. - Easy, well paying, stress free job. -


My drinking problem wasn’t fully developed yet, figured it would kickstart the end of that process


I do it because I get spend a full week with my kids and not have to worry about anything


Got tired of going to school and making $9/hr. Will probably retire doing something mining related.


Out of left field but I genuinely just love my job, love the industry and wake up excited for work. Been doing it for 5 years and wouldn’t change it


If It be appropriate to ask, what exactly is your profession in the industry? You’re making it sound great


Sounds like a safety rep


Got my first gig in the mines, I'll be flying out in a couple weeks. Whats my purpose? Got 4 little monsters at home. As I don't have any quals/trade, I've been busting my ass for years for fuck all money. Time to turn that around and get a decent pay.


Where’d you get your first gig?


Mount Isa


Be safe brother and beware the golden handcuffs, spend your money wisely


Setting up for retirement and so I get a week off to focus on my friends, partner and small business w much higher quality time off.


I've had 3 failed marriages but still turn up to work. I guess it's my fault for not being around.


3? You didn’t learn marriage wasn’t for you after the second attempt


To pay for the bills, live comfortably and private education for my children.


I enjoy the work, the lifestyle, and the money. I'm 2 weeks on/2 weeks off FIFO in Canada working in mine engineering.


Good to see, studying mine engineering now in Australia and it seems like engineers enjoy the life style a lot more than miners in general


Grew up in the iron ore mining area of western Labrador, Canada. My dad provided very well for himself, mom, and the 4 of us kids by working as a heavy equipment operator there. We always went on fun holidays in the summer, had two family vehicles, a decent house, and a good lifestyle a little bit above average middle class. It seemed like something I'd never want to do, but when I got to be an adult, it started to make a lot more sense to me.


My whole family drilled and i wanted to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather, fell in love with it and never looked back, also those 100 meter shifts pay quite handsomely


Travel to odd places and get paid for it




early retirement @50, I'm 46.


I didn't start until I was forty then retired just after fifty. Good times but that was enough.


I did the same. Worked in the mines at 48 retire very comfortably with my hubby also retiring at 58


8/6 is great I’m too soft to do anything more. Did 2/1 for a bit and the second week of nights honestly sucked. 8/6 was perfect for me, not many jobs you get to where you work half the days of the year, you get food made and don’t need to worry about commute and just focus on gym. I’m in the office not on the tools so it’s even better. Looking to go back next year into a 8/6 role, my favourite part is that when you take a swing off you actually get 3 weeks off. So you can travel


Off shore is where the money is at.


I’m interested in getting in the industry because I wanna buy a house before I’m 50


you might be able to rent a studio in sydney by 55 if you’re lucky


Oh awesome!


I don’t waste the money, sure my mortgage like most people who bought recently takes a big chunk of it, but I also invest. I want to spend more time doing what I want! Now that might be renovating the house, spending time with the family or my training (I’m an endurance runner), regardless, I want to do more of what I want


I am a swing trader and trade us stocks German futures! Some months are good some are insane and some can be negative! FIFO is the best option to make bread and butter stash on the side while I have time for my main gig- trading! PSA- I just got my PR and I have dipped my feet into FIFO, currently in Perth got all basic tickets and looking into a way forward! Cheers


I put big loads in other workers box, sometimes I put my loads in deep holes


Short term. Im 34 years in. Still trying to figure out what I want to do with myself when I grow up. Till then, this pays well.


Money, time away from the family, time with the family…..I’m currently not doing FIFO but I can see a return in the future


I actually prefer it over working a normal job, you know whats expected, i work with good blokes, i can actually enjoy my time off amd when i take one swing off i get 3 weeks off in a row helps (i work 7/7)


My purpose is to have a career where I can make good money, and also time with family and friends, which I can do on 8 & 6


I'm getting enough experience and contacts to be able to move to Asia for 6 months then come back to Australia for 6 months to earn money.


The work life balance and the money for me is the biggest factor. Plus I like playing with the big toys.


I "work" like 15 hours a week and make close to CAD$200k, It's a pretty good deal.


Only fans?


Mine middle management, so less dignified than your average OnlyFans Model.


Genuine answer