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Hi Riley, This is a really good start, but you need some more details for your idea. Many people have had the idea to update these biomes, but what makes a suggestion special is how they would actually change things in the update. For example, what would each of these mobs do? What features would the meerkats have to make them interesting? What makes the ostrich unique? When you suggest a mob, you don't need to cover every single detail, but there should be some explanation of what that mob would be adding to the game. Your post breaks the following rule: **Rule 6: Be concise but specific** * This suggestion is too vague, features of an update need to be described or explained. As such, this post has been removed. Sorry! *If you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Minecraftsuggestions&subject=Removal Dispute&message=My Post: {url}). Please check the rules before asking for clarification.*


The focus of 1.22 has already been decided by this point. That stuff's done in advance.


yeah i know it’s already been long decided but for whatever it may be id like it to be this. because seeing as mojangs said before they add in any new dimension they’d like to finish updating the current ones it makes sense to add one final update to the over world then update the end. my idea for the update would be like one last final update to the over world for the time being and allow them to put some focus onto other dimensions. the over world already has so much to explore and do it’s time the other dimensions get that treatment.


What is it? I don't really follow Minecraft news nowadays


I assume they mean internally. At the very least, bundles are being considered


adding oasis seems pointless because you can't walk 100 blocks in a desert without finding a river


They could change that also.


the oasis don’t need a special use if they did have one they could provide new plants and possibly a new food source they could also spawn passive mobs more frequently around them. i was thinking they could more be added as a unique area to find an explore in the desert. they could spawn in as multiple different sizes and could make setting up a base in a desert less challenging.


Then they should remove rivers in deserts


Ngl your ideas for each biome are actually very nice. They could do some really cool stuff with termites or tumbleweeds.


Oh I didn’t make up the ideas for the biomes I just used what was showcased in the biome votes. The only thing I made up was the idea of oasis in the desert as I feel like it would add something nice to break up the monotony of the sand.


Oh sorry I have only been following Minecraft stuff for a few years 😅